
Thursday 6 October 2016

Another Fantastic First attempt at a new Technique

Margaret's Brilliant Baubles !!!

Another amazing bauble

Good Morning Ladies,

You lovely ladies just amaze me with your skills and talents everyday, yesterday we had Karen's fantastic pixie powder background, which looked like a perfect night sky!
Today we have Margaret's FIRST EVER! ' Inkyliscious Winter Bauble' technique and WOW have you aced that technique Margaret!  Every one of your three baubles are amazing, you have added so much detail too, I would never have thought of adding the green glitter to the tree Margaret, such a genius touch that works so well as it brings that extra touch of Christmas sparkle to the bauble. 
In case any one hasn't seen this technique the basics are .......
You use white ink to brush through a bauble shaped stencil to give the almost 'frosty' look, almost like vellum, before you remove the stencil trace around the bauble with either a white pencil or pen to highlight the shape.  You then stamp your chosen scene onto the inked bauble, Brown ink works well as out gives a softer look, you can then use a quickie glue pen or fine tip glue pen to add glitter or 'fluffy puffy stuff' to give the look of snow on the roof and branches of the Trees. 
That is the basic idea, you can then add whatever you please to give your personal touch like margaret has. 
Thank you so much Margaret for sharing your first 'amazing' attempts with us. XX

Sue's Card for Margaret

Margaret also sent me a photo of the lovely 'quilled' card that Sue made for her Birthday to share with you.  An amazing card Sue, you have been making those quilled petals for ages! The green background highlights the flowers brilliantly.
Another card for your mum to treasure, I wonder what your first card for mum was like??  I think we all cringe a little when we think back to our first cards. Well I do xx

Do any of you have any crafty shopping this week?? If so let me have a photo, I have a few bits to confess to!  Pat I know you do to, get your camera out!

Janet, it was so lovely to have you pop in yesterday, it made my day xxxxx

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I only sent these to you so you could see how I had got on, thank you for showing & your lovely comments. I must admit I do love this technique, I find it relaxing, could spend hours on it, working out what else I can do with the
    Quick visit this morning we have an all day tournament today so have to be out just after 9.00am, I know I will be tired when I get back so will send hugs to all who need them. Cafe all ready for first customer. Love

    1. They are stunning and I can see that it would be very relaxing and therapeutic to do Hope the tournament goes well

    2. Love the baubles Margaret. What a wonderful technique and a first attempt. Very clever.
      The quilting card is really pretty. I have phases of quilling but haven't done it for ages.
      Good luck at the tournament.

    3. Good luck with the tournament and have a good day xx

    4. Lovely technique Margaret. Enjoy your tournament.

    5. Lovely baubles, Margaret, must have a go at this with a die cut waste.

    6. Hi MARGARET
      Wow OMGoodnes your cards are amazing I will have to have a go with mine I doubt if they will look as good. Hope tournament went well. Hug's xx

  2. What a beautiful technique MARGARET Your bauble is gorgeous They look so delicate and intricate
    The card SUE made for you is gorgeous I tried quilling donkey's years ago Well before I started card making but I didn't get on with it very well I ended up with wonky circles that never spiralled nicely So that got dropped for another craft I cheat nowadays! I have a free digikit from Serif that has a lot of quilled images! I know they're not 3D and don't show the value of the time and effort that goes into quilling but that suits the kind if people I make cards for - you know what I mean girls ... We all have friends/rellies that don't understand our craft
    Nothing much on the cards today OH off work all week so I've taken a couple of days off too but if he's around I don't craft except for a bit of knitting in the evening But we are having a visit from Rug Doctor I wonder if we'll both survive the experience!

  3. Forgot to say I haven't bought any crafty goodies since AP but boy! my fingers are twitching

  4. Morning everyone.
    Margaret ,I love your baubles. You can feel the winter with the pretty cottage with the smoke coming out of the chimney and the snow falling, very nice. What stamp have you used ? Reminds me of my parents cottage the used to have before they bought the mobile home.
    Sorry but what is 'fluffy puffy stuff' ?
    Well done Sue for making the quilled flowers, they are lovely and a lovely card for mum.
    Lynda- sending Terry some healing hugs, hope he's not too bad. Shame though that you missed out of some Harry hugs :-) Cheryl- hope you feeling better. Looking forward to hear about your holiday. You must have seen so many fabulous places on your trip, hugs.
    Janet- it was so nice see you in yesterday. Hope you start feeling better, many hugs x
    The weather here have changed to very cold and grey suddenly, so need the sun to feel happier. Seeing my friend for a walk and coffee later but first hope to make some card preps so they can be finished tonight. Wish you all a good day. love and hugs ,Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Have a lovely walk and coffee with your friend. Even if you are a bit wiffy. Fluffy stuff is just something you can buy to put on a card to look like snow. You put if on heat it up and it fluffs up to look like snow. You done need to use very much though I made that mistake the first time I used it,

    2. Hi Maria hope you enjoyed your walk with your friend & enjoyed your coffee & cheating together. Terry said thank for your Hug's. He's having a nap now 💤💤 as he took me to Tesco he sat in the car & I did the shopping. I put it all away & did lunch.
      Hug's xxx

  5. Hi Everyone.
    Hope everyone is feeling a lot better today especially Janet, Maria, Cheryl and poor Terry with his man flu.
    Well I have all the shops Christmas cards spread out on the dining table.. I have 53 categories and try to do 5 or 6 of each so still got an awful long way to go. I had about 50 left from last year which weren't sold so it's a help. Lynn wants to put the Christmas display out on 1st November so I've a busy few weeks ahead. Lynn puts in the inserts and pops them into their cellophane bags which I hate doing so we have quite a little factory going. I have a bit of housework to do this morning and then coffee with a friend then it's Craft craft craft Yeh. What a wonderful hobby we have ladies.
    Sandra. I did send a photo of my small craft buys. Hope it got to you.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. OMG Val have I done my sums right that over 250 cards! Well done to you

    2. Hi Val
      Wow what an awful lot of cards you have to do for Lyn then you have your own as well you will be sick of the sight of Christmas cards x
      Terry still not feeling well he is having 40 💤💤💤
      Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    It was lovely to see you for a quick catch up yesterday my lovely, when I dropped off my pencils for you to try, I hope you have more luck than I do, shading and blending and me just don't get on!
    Going back to Tuesday(had a "doh!" moment as I thought I had commented then realised I hadn't even been in!
    Karen, your card yesterday is beautiful, and that Pixie Powder background is stunning, you have certainly got the knack with them : ) x
    Mum, I'm so pleased that everyone else is getting to see your wonderful first attempts. No one would guess that you have never blended inks before! I love the different looks you have made by changing colours and textures. Hopefully you will get some time to play some more while Pop and Mark put the world to rights : )
    Good luck at the tournament today, have fun. Love you xx
    Cheryl, I'm glad that had a lovely time but sorry that you have come back not feeling well. I hope you are starting to feel better x
    Janet, it was lovely to see you in yesterday, I hope you continue to improve. Please don't go pushing yourself to get that card done, I'm sure whoever it is for will understand if you have to buy one just this once x
    Brenda, thank you dear friend for sending me some snowmen so quickly, I will enjoy using them, they are so cute, when I manage to get time to craft x
    Maria, I do hope the Tiger balm is starting to work, it does smell but it usually really helps, so fingers crossed it does for your arm x
    I was with Tim and Roz when they had their 12 week scan. Seeing grandchild no 4 on the screen was fantastic. A few happy tears may have been shed : ) The scanner had a real job getting measurement's because he/she wouldn't keep still but managed to get them in the end and all is as it should be : )
    Well, must be on, paperwork that must be done : (
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Cheryl, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue your card for your mum was lovely I have never tried quilling.
      Haw lovely you were able to see your new grandchild on the scan it's great they let you go in as well. I bet your really looking forward to the little bundal of joy too arrive. Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Meant to say that it was lovely to see CHERYL in but sorry to hear you're feeling rough and JANET take care hun I hope TERRY's man flu is improving and MARIA that your pains are easing

  8. Hi Sandra
    Well once again I seem to have missed yesterday. I'm not to sure how these days pass me by. We're still waiting to hear when Petes scans will be done.
    Love your baubles Margaret. You did a great job for your first attempt. Loved your pixie background yesterday as well Karen.
    I see from the comments that Cheryl has come back from her holiday not feeling to good, bad chest etc.
    Janet I saw that you were in yesterday as well. Try not to wear yourself out and I hope your still feeling better today. Slow steps my friend.
    Lynda give Terry a hug from me, that's if your getting that close. I hope he's feeling better soon.
    Sandra I seem to be able to blend better with your pens, my Spectrum Noir pencils didn't blend very well did they. I should get the video out and have a look at how they work.
    I always found promarkers worked ok. Bought Mirafe pens from The house of Zandra but wasn't happy with them either. Although Zandras colouring was fine. I did ask her one year if she'd put a chart on her website showing what colours worked together, but that never happened.
    Hope your enjoying Washington Michele.

    1. Hi Pat I'm not very good at colouing either & my blending never looks right I think I push down to hard.i have promarkers.
      I will have a look on you tube on how to blend.
      Hope PETE gets his appointment soon.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Should have read Mirage pens ladies.

  10. Lovely Work, thanks for sharing.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    We had an early start today went to visit our hairdresser friend, she coloured and cut my hair and gave John a tidy up to, so we both looking quite respectable at the moment. We hadn't seen her husband for weeks as on the last two visits he was in hospital. It's great he is now home again, he is still very weak and not back to his old self, so much so she has become a full-time carer. Sometimes life seems so unfair. But they are not complaining, just pleased to have each other's company again.

    Margaret, I am so impressed with your first attempts using the bauble stencil.
    You really have created beautiful cards. I must get mine out to play with.

    Sandra I will send you a picture of my purchases since AP Think they are all there. Love Brenda. xxx

  12. Hello all, sorry missed yesterday, Internet would not conect for some unknown reason , seems to be ok now.
    Very cold here today, still it's dry so catching up with the washing.

    I bought the spectrum noir pencils, but found them next to useless, the ones I use most are the spectrum Aqua pens, these are very easy to use, as you can use wet into wet technique, which is an easy way to get shading. I also have alcohol pens, but think the card you use is more important than the colouring medium, water colour card, hot pressed, is best for stamping and water colouring.

    R is buying me a craftwell air brush for my birthday, on C&C, they have one that you can use with pens, massively reduced, so I thought worth a try.
    Will report back when it comes.
    Have a good day all , Lilian

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry, so late today!
    Margaret your baubles are fabulous. No one would think they were your first attempt! :-)
    Sue, your quilled card is lovely. Have always loved the look of quilling, and thought it's something I'd like to have a go at, but with so little time it's ones of those things I'll just have to stick with admiring ;-)
    Sounds like everyone has been busy today, I hope it's been a good day for you all. Sending hugs xxx

  14. Hi to all,
    Thank you very much for your lovely comments on my baubles. This a technique which I can see me using alot I am so glad I bought it. I am afraid our team did not do very well in tournament but it was good to see different people winning medals, in particular one of the men who when he started playing about 6 years ago, was recovering from a stroke, could hardly talk & was having to get used to using his left hand, he was thrilled to win a bronze medal,thats what it is all about. Thank you again. Live to all

    1. Beautiful baubles Margaret, I wonder if the technique would work with my Spellbinder bauble dies? And did you use Kraft card or plain brown coloured? xxx

    2. I used craft paper, I am sure it will work with any die. Hope you are feeling better.xx
