
Saturday 1 October 2016

Needlecraft Themed Saturday

Karen's Knitting themed card

Janet's Dress making themed card

Anne's Sewing themed card

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

It was lovely to see Mum yesterday, she is always so pleased to see us, we got to spend a few hours with my niece Charlotte to and later my baby sister Emily came home, so it was a really enjoyable day, long, we left at 9am and got home at 10.45pm! But worth it.

A bit of a 'needlecraft' theme for today's blog,.....

First up is Karen's incredible card that she made for a friend that loves knitting, Karen what an absolutely genius idea to use a knitting pattern as the background paper for the card, I love all of the die cut knitting themed elements, ball of wall, scissors, needles etc, another fabulous idea was to inclue a 'shaker' filled with poppers and tiny buttons.  You have put so much thought into this card Karen, your friend must have been over the moon with it, thank you for sharing it with us xxx

Janet has used a dress pattern paper for her backing paper, adding amazing sewing elements like the little bobbin with real thread wound onto it and pins poked in, the fashion picture, the button and the little bits of ribbon held with a peg, they look like fabric samples waiting to be picked for the project.
I love your card Janet, thank you so much for sharing. xxx

Anne created a sewing themed card, what a fantastic idea to make the patchwork background for your sewing card, I love the tape measure ribbon, a must have for any seamstress, I'm not sure if that amazing sewing machine is a die cut or a charm, its so detailed, I love it, the scissors and buttons finish the card so perfectly, Thank you so much for sharing Anne.

It was lovely to have a theme for a change, I hope we can do something similar soon.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Wow-three very lovely cards. My crazy friend (of the cluttered house fame) would love any of these cards and so would my M in L.

    I have the hairdressers at 9.30 for a cut and colour then I have 5 bags to drop off at the charity shop. Need to take them to make room for the suitcases to come out-I always worry I'm going to take the wrong clothes or forget something vital.
    I still need to make some birthday cards as I have a lot of birthdays in October, think it's 10 and two more early November.


    1. I know what you mean about packing I worry that I'll forget something AND congrats to you and hubby yesterday

    2. Happy Anniversary for yesterday Michele. Glad you enjoyed your fish and chips. Good luck with the packing. You'll be in the right place if you need to buy any more. Hope you get all those cards made.
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Michele, congratulations on your Aniversery yesterday, hope the fish and chips were good. When are you going away, have a good time when you do.

    4. Hi Michele, Belated congratulations on your Anniversary yesterday, Fish and Chips with 'Fizz' sounded good. Hope the packing goes well.

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Just a quick comment , yesterday's frugal Friday was brilliant , great ideas Michelle!
    Loved Oscars photos Karen he is a wee super cutie! Isn't it amazing how their smile just swells your heart and lifts your spirits ( nothing matches that feeling in my book) .
    Today's knitting and sewing theme is a good idea Sandra as they are such popular crafts, I love both Karen's and Janet's cards full of inspiration! I'm sorry the photo of my card is a bit blurry I think the photo lens needed cleaning.
    Happy 22nd anniversary Michelle , we also had fish and chips last night ( Archie's favourite! ) and then we played scrabble for a few hours ( I couldn't believe how competitive Archie and Marsaili are ha ha ! )
    Sandra, I'm so glad you had such a lovely day with your mum and family and weren't too late home.
    I took my iPad into the apple shop to find out why the photos on my iPhone weren't going through to my iPad and found out it's because my phone is old , well too bad I'll just have to live with it lol!
    Won't be in touch much over the next couple of weeks So extra big hugs to all not feeling very well xoxo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a fantastic trio of sewing/knitting themed cards (I love the themed idea Sandra)
    Karen, Janet and Anne, you have all used items that I would never of thought of using, thank you for sharing these gorgeous cards ladies. All will be pinned and I hope it's ok with you all if I use your great ideas : )
    Sandra, I'm glad that you had a lovely time with your Mum and some of your family yesterday. I do hope that you're not too sore after all of the travelling though, my lovely.
    Maria and Val, I'm glad to see that you are both safely home after your lovely holidays : )
    Michelle, have a wonderful holiday : )
    We have a proper Autumnal morning here today, a beautiful sunny blue sky, with quite a nip in the air. I hope you all have the same. Like Maria I love the cobwebs covered with dew, but really hate the shorter darker days that are to come : (
    I hope you all have a good weekend, whatever it brings for you. I'm having another lazy day today.
    Sending you all my love and hugs, with extras for our dear Janet and all in needs. Take care xx

  4. Morning It's very autumnal here Chilly and a little bit foggy
    I love your ideas on this theme ANNE and JANET Is that a "proper" dressmaking pattern JANET? If it is another great idea for Frugal Friday too I do hope you're beginning to feel better
    I love the patchwork idea Anne Is it printed or all pieced together A perfect card for my quilting friends at Craft Club
    "Pinch" away MRS B I'd be very flattered if you are ever inspired by my humble offerings
    Dancing tonight and tomorrow afternoon so I'd better crack on

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love the needlecraft theme for today's beautiful cards :-) They're fabulous, thanks for sharing.
    Sandra, glad you had a lovely day yesterday :-)
    Raining here this morning, so will be spending some time crafting! Hope you all have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra, glad you had a good time with your family yesterday. I bet your mum was so happy to see you. Have a good rest today if you can.
    Love today's themed cards ladies. Such clever ideas and lovely embellishments.
    I'm slowly catching up on what's been happening to you all over the last couple of weeks. The Ally Pally photos are great and so impressed with the one with Sue Wilson wow. It sounds as though t was a wonderful show and all your purchases are great.

    So sorry Janet that things aren't gong so well for you. Do hope and pray you're slowly improving.
    Maria. So glad you had a lovely holiday. All my washing is done but I think I'll be spending the rest of the day ironing so can't see me doing a cc this week. Sorry Sandra.
    Must get on.
    Love to everyone.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you had a lovely day at your Mum's, hope you are relaxing
    Karen love your knitting theme I can think of a few this will suit, thanks for
    Janet great way of using a pattern, I am afraid garment sewing & me have never got on. I really hope you are beginning to pick up a little, sending you healing
    Anne another lovely idea, please enjoy your
    Michele good luck with your packing I know just what you mean. Hope it is dry for Musical Fireworks
    Sue take it easy it's pouring here, had a lovely rainbow
    Sonia hope you enjoy your day
    Sending hugs to all who need them, cafe ready for visitors, date cake today, put heat on low as it feels chilly hope we get some new visitors. Love

  8. Hello Every
    I'm so sorry I haven't been with you all over the past couple of weeks but at the moment my body isn't co-operating at all.
    Between Drs, Samples and results and more samples I'm not quite sure which direction I'm going.
    However I have to say a HUGE THANK YOU for the beautiful cup of flowers which arrived yesterday. They are gorgeous and very very much appreciated.
    Hugs to all of you wonderful FRIENDS. xxxx

    1. Lovely to see you Janet, just take care & come in when you can. Healing hugs on

    2. Lovely to see you pop in As MARGARET has just said Take care and take things slowly Xxx

    3. Hello Janet, it's lovely to see you on the blog. Please take care and take life a day at a time. Sending gentle hugs. xx

  9. Hello All, raining here and sun at the same time.

    Well my visitors have gone this morning, I'm shattered, still think that's the lot for this year, love to see them , but lovely to get back to "normal".

    Lovely cards today, just up my street, love all the embellishments.

    Sorry didn't get in yesterday, were out all day until 10 pm.

    Janet lovely to see you in today, we are all sending huge healing hugs that you will feel better soon.

    Well the washer has finished so better go and put another load on, have a good day hugs Lilian.

  10. Hello Sandra and all.
    I Love the cards today. Fun with a theme Sandra, so many cute little stamps or dies for making sewing and dress making cards. Well down ladies !
    Lovely to see you in Janet, really hope you have turned the corner and will improve for every day, sending you some gentle hugs.
    Sue- hope you are feeling better and can have a nice ,relaxing weekend.
    Michele- I think we are all the same when coming to packing for our holiday. I always think I have forgotten something and usually I have clothes etc. for another week (if it was offered) Good luck with your packing.
    Arriving in Madeira I just realised I had forgotten the camera charger so got quite good digs from OH. All week We used the camera more sparely and the battery run out on our last day, phu ! Back home I serched for it everywhere but no luck so we thought we had to buy a new one. Just as a thought I went back in the garage and looked through the suitcase I had and can you believe it , I had it with me the whole time hahaha. It was snugged tucked inside a side pocket and I never saw it, just thought it would be back home grrrr! I'm loosing it, I can tell you.
    Hope you all having a good day. Cold,sun and rain in these parts. Went into town this morning and got more fruit and vegs. from the market. Also popped in to Poundland but they never heard of any paper packs here so no luck. Time to start dinner so I might pop in later to see how you been and see if any new faces give us a visit, you are all welcome to give a comment on Sandra 's blog. love and hugs Maria xxxx

  11. Hi SANDRA & everyone
    JANET so glad you were able to pop in today it was lovely seeing you. I really hope your on the mend now. Take care though baby steps big gental Hug's xx
    Wow loved all the cards today from Karen Janet & Anne well done ladies.
    SANDRA so glad you had a lovely day with your mum & Family yesterday & your journey wasn't too bad. Hope you have been taking it easy today.
    Did anyone see the X factor tonight I can't believe those too silly boys got through instead of the girl groups.
    It's been raining all day. Had to go Tesco & the Range I needed a new blad for my Friskas cutter I do love it the only thing that is annoying is you get one cutting blade & One scouring when I only use the cutting one-oh well.
    Sue hope your feeling better now nice to see you today.
    MARIA glad you found your Camara charger how funny you took it all that way to Madeira & back & then found it in your case what are you like. Glad you managed to get some photos though. I have always taken far to many clothes & don't even where them. But I always say I might. I cooked a lasagna for Dinner Mmm it was lush & a batch of spaghetti bolognese earlier for freezing,but when I stand for hour or so my back breaks & then I had to use my spray earler &
    sit down for a hour or so. Just hope my stent appointment comes soon.Rrr bless Terry has made me a cup of tea so going to drink it.
    Love Lynda xx.

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone,

    I only realised a little while ago that I hadn't left a comment today. Love the themed cards today. Karen, Janet and Anne your cards are pure genius, They are so inspiring.
    So pleased you had a good day with Mum yesterday. I m sure it she will treasure the time spent with you and Paul.

    Hope you have all had a good day.
    Love Brenda xxx

  13. Very still in here so I will just wish you all a good night and hope we all do. many hugs to you all xxx
