
Friday 30 September 2016

Frugal Friday and Baby Oscar

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
I hope that you are all well, sadly the weather being a little miserable, but on a positive note that means we can stay in the warm and dry and craft!

A change of plans for us today, Paul and I are off to Colchester to visit my Mum, we were going on Saturday but Paul's shifts have changed, so we thought that we had better go today, fingers crossed that the traffic ok on the M25.

Now onto today's 'Frugal Friday' feature...........

Michele's Fantastic 'tissue box' card

Michele sent this card in for me to share with all of you, believe it or not this card is made from the cardboard from a Tissue Box!!!!  What an absolutely genius idea Michele, some of the tissue boxes are really pretty so I can see this being a really useful tip.  I would never have guessed that you had 'upcycled' a tissue box to make this card, it would make a fab man card too.
Michele's other tip is to use the round 'cheese boxes' ..........

Decorated, they make perfect boxes for round cards, you can cover the box to match the card you have made. A brilliant idea as round boxes aren't easy to make.

Another of Michele's ideas is to use the plastic that comes with some stamp sets as acetate sheets.

I use Acetate sheets to make my own masks, I die cut a shape out of a piece of acetate and use this to ink through, its how I made all of my Bokeh backgrounds, simply die cut several different size circles out of a piece of acetate and ink away, you can make single use masks from scrap card too.

Another tip from Michele is to use the resealable bags that come with magazines etc to store your die cuts in. 

Thank you for you fantastic ideas Michele xxx

Lynda bought these absolutely gorgeous paper pads from the 'Pound Shop', they are so lovely and
200GSM too, so not cheap flimsy paper. such beautiful designs too, 8 designs in each pack, 4 sheets of each design.  An absolute bargain for sure Lynda, thank you so much for letting us know about them xxx

Now I have something to bring a smile to all of your faces.........

Karen us sent us some photos of her gorgeous little Grandson Oscar, the first photo was taken about a month ago, the last two were just a few days ago, can you believe that Oscar is now 5 months old, the last photo is of Oscar with his favourite toy Lion, you can tell from his face how much he loves it.  
Such a happy little boy, I bet you can't help but smile when he's around.  
Thank you so much Karen for sharing your adorable photos with us xxx

Thats all for this week ladies,

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-the papers from the £1 shop are a fantastic bargain.

    Karen-the photos of Oscar are lovely, he's a cute looking baby.

    Quick visit this morning as I'm calling at Dad to change a dressing on his foot (I hate feet but heh Ho).
    Last day at work-not much progress so who knows what I'll be returning to!!!


    1. Hi MICHELE I think you are in first place today with all your Frugal idears thank you for sharing. My bargain paper pads are all with pretty Designes
      Hope work was ok today. Xxx

  2. What fantastic ideas MICHELE I knew of the cheese box idea You'd sent something beautiful to SANDRA before The tiissue box idea is brilliant I'll be walking around my office eyeing up everyone's tissue boxes - they think I'm mad anyway!
    And to OSCAR he is a little dreamboat Words cannot explain how happy he makes us feel "Lion" (there's imaginative for you!) is a definite favourite of his He sings,coos,chats to it all of the time He definitely fills a huge gap in our lives Must dash I need to get ready for work
    LYNDA what a bargain from the Pound shop Thanks for letting us know
    No pictures but my offering for Frugal Friday is the company Valspar's paint sample strips They come in numbered shades and die cut brilliantly They're not huge but big enough to cut down and use as strips without advertising the fact of where they come from SUE knows what I mean - Watford...! lol

    1. Oscar is gorgeous Karen get as many cuddles you can as the time flies
      I can't belive our Harry is now 2 1/2 already & walking & now talking.
      Thanks for the sample paint card strips very Frugal.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love the frugal Friday tips! Michele your tissue box card is fabulous. A couple of Christmases ago I received some toiletries in a box which had glittered panels down the sides and cut those off to use in crafting :-)
    Sandra, I tried die cutting acetate once to use as stencils, but it kept splitting around the edges of the cut :-( Use heavyweight card for stencils now, and although doesn't last as long still gives a good effect :-)
    Lynda's paper pads look gorgeous - will have to look out for those.
    Little Oscar looks so cute. Lovely photos Karen :-)
    Hope you and Paul have a lovely day with your mum and the traffic isn't too bad.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi SONIA the pads have really pretty pages. They don't always get them in so when they have them I tend to buy a couple.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda. Thanks for letting me know :-) They look similar to some I purchased from the Range a while back, but they were about £2 each I think. Hugs xxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies.
    Well what a lovely day to return to see Oscars happy little face smiling at me. He's obviously a joy to you Sonia.
    Great idea Sandra to have a Frugal Friday. Will put my brain into gear for next week. Love your ideas Michele. I must admit anything shiny or glittery that comes through the post is cut up and used as well as the lovely boxes that toiletries come in.
    I haven't caught up on what's been happening to you all over the last couple of weeks but hope everyone is fit and well and Janet is recovering well from her op.
    I had such a lovely holiday and Croatia is definitely a place I'd return to. Howeverit was lovely to be in my own bed and use my own shower again. It's true that there's no place like home. I thought Gracie was going to have a heart attack when I walked in the door, she was so excited. The cats ignored me of course.
    Home with a bang as it's Craft Club day and must think of something to take to do. Didn't buy much craft stash as sadly didn't have room in my case but I'll send Sandra a photo of what I did buy. I hope you all had a lovely time at Ally Pally. Looking forward to hearing all about it from Wendy today.
    must go. Have a safe journey down to see your mum Sandra. Enjoy your time with her.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I'm glad you had a lovely holiday, but as you said it's nice to get home to your own bed.

    2. Hi Val welcome home glad you enjoyed your holiday also nice to get home. I know Gracie is very glad to have you home.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Val. Glad you had a lovely holiday :-) Hugs xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all this Frugal Friday :-)
    What a wonderful morning coming in and see baby Oscar, he is adorable and hope too meet him if and when I come to you next time Karen, many hugs to you all in the meantime.
    Great frugal ideas Michele, so many pretty tissue boxes around and you cheese boxes are so lovely, still haven't made one but have a tube from Twigglet's I'm using for my long pasta and have thought about decorate that one day(20 years and counting tihi) Not handmade Birthdays and Christmas cards always get cut up in my house for using as toppers, have a bag full. Even the embellishments are quite good to use as well. Since buying the little daubers for colouring in I'm using a egg carton to keep them in.
    Love the papers Lynda, what a wonderful find. I must go and see in MK if they got any here or you will be very busy lady to buy some in for us all hihi. Hope you feeling better and can have a nice day.
    Lilian- hope you have a nice day. How long are the visitors staying ?
    I had the same problem Sonia with acetate so maybe we used one that was too thick, it would be good otherwise to have some stencils sometimes for things.
    Welcome home Val, hope your travel was good and no delays. Please say Hi to Wendy from me, I went a bit dumb struck meeting a celebrity but she might remember a crazy redhead saying Hi when she spoke to Littlelamb :-) and if Littlelamb looking in ,good luck at the fair.
    Sandra I e-mailed you this morning, forget the first one :-) still trying to sort it out. OH will have to help me.
    Hope the journey to Colchester goes without too much interruptions. Have a lovely day with your mum. I will be down there myself in a few weeks. perhaps we can have coffee together there some day if you and Paul are there.
    The sun is shining here and it's look like a good day. Had a quick walk around the lake earlier and it was very pretty with the morning dew and cobwebs glittering in the sun. Do not like spiders but there webs are nice when the frost is coming.
    Many healing hugs to Janet and too anyone else who need some. Missing you Cheryl and Lorraine, hope you are ok ?
    Have a good day everyone! love and hugs to you all,Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      We to are off to Colchester in a couple of weeks. Well hopefully then Pete should gave a date for his scans. Plus he now needs an operation on his bottom eyelid. The doctor says the lump is benign but will have a biopsy done just in case. So we're now waiting on a date for that as well. Well Bet lives in Gt Oakley which is nearer Harwich. But her daughter lives in Colchester.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra some lovely hints this morning, Michele love the card, cheese boxes & use of bags etc. Lynda good buy with the paper. Sandra hope you have a safe trip to your Mum'
    Michele hope work goes smoothly & you can relax & enjoy your
    Karen what lovely photos of Oscar, no wonder you are so proud of him, thank you for
    Janet sending you healing hugs & hope you pick up
    Sue miss seeing you today hope you get some sleep, these achy joints are such a nuisance, Dr sent me for XRay on my knees yesterday, will see what they show.
    Cafe all open chocolate sponge in cabinet please help yourselves.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret.xxxx

    1. Chocolate cake was lovely Margaret and it's my favourite as well.

    2. Hi MARGARET chocolate cake was yummy but still love your lemon drizzle cake best. Wish I lived nearer I would buy one or two well maybe three or four HaHa. Hope your rested now after your busy bake off. Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely frugal Friday ideas. Michele your card is great, it would have been such a waste to put that tissue box in the recycling, you really are 'RECYCLING ' in every sense of the word. Hope Dad was OK this morning, I understand what you mean about feet. I used to cut MIL's toe nails, then my dad asked would I cut his. Not a job I enjoyed but someone has to do it.

    Karen gorgeous pictures of Oscar, he looks such a happy little man especially with Lyon. It's easy to see how he lights up your life...... A true blessing xx

    Lynda, those pads look a great buy. Must check next time I'm in Poundland.

    I have a box of 'bits' collected from packaging also some envelopes. The inside on some is a solid colour, had one a few days ago the inside was a gorgeous lime (acid) green, had to save that. I also save the plastic containers you get me some washing powders they are great for storage. I have a couple in a drawer in the bedroom also one for my pill boxes, they stand up nicely and I can see at a glance the ones I need. In my craft room I have a couple of Johnson's cotton bud containers which I have painted and store Pens/pencils and paint brushes and another.

    Val, pleased that you are home safe and sound, it's obvious that Gracie had missed you. And the cats were just being cat - ignoring you as a punishment for leaving them ha ha,

    Sandra and Paul hope the journey to Colchester was OK and Mum is feeling fine. The journey home will probably be busy, Friday traffic and all that. Take care.xx

    Sending Special ((((((HUGS)))))) for Janet. I hope and pray you will feel better soon xx

    I hope you are having a good day ladies, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    I hope the journey down to Colchester isn't to traumatic. But remember it is a Friday. Hope your Mum is ok.
    Michele I love your tissue box card, plus your tip for cheese boxes.
    My work how gorgeous is Oscar, love his favourite lion as well.
    Hugs to you Janet. I do hope your feeling better soon.

  9. I did post a comment about lunch time too but it looks like it has disappeared It was to say thank you for your lovely comments re Oscar As BRENDA said he is a true blessing
    Take care all JANET I hope you are feeling brighter with each passing day xx

  10. Afternoon Ladies

    Just home-Hurrah, two weeks off work!!!!! It's our wedding anniversary today-22years. We're having Fish & Chips with a bottle of fizz(cheapish stuff) as hubby wants to watch the Ryder Cup (golf). We'll go out tomorrow evening to watch the British Musical Fireworks as there's 3 companies competing-two on Friday & Sunday.


    1. Congratlationsto MICHELE & Hubby on you 22nd wedding anniversary enjoy your Fish & Chips.Hope your dad was ok this morning.
      Hug's xx

    2. Congratulations to you both, enjoy your fish & chips & bubbly. Now you can

    3. Happy Anniversary to you both, enjoy your evening. Hugs xxx

    4. Michele, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY hope you enjoyed your Fish and chips and the Fizz was good. Enjoy your meal tomorrow. NOW forget about work ..... You are on holiday. LOL xxx

    5. Happy anniversary Michele, hope you enjoyed the meal. Have a wonderful holiday ! xx

  11. Hello SANDRA hope your journey to Colchester was without delays & you had a good day with your journey home too.A good Frugal Friday Sandra.
    Been out most of today went to Ramsgate Market Terry had to buy a pair of shoes for the funeral he managed to find some. We went onto the park to give Bambie a walk by time we did that it was 5oclock I was worn out by then so we left Tesco untill tomorrow. I better think about getting dinner sorted.
    Will try & pop back love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    What fantastic Frugal Friday ideas and yes that little bundle of joy, our young Oscar, did bring a big smile to my face. It only seems like last week that Karen was on standby, waiting for "that" phone call : )
    I have had an ache day so lots of rest so will get off to bed. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xxxx

  13. Oops, Sandra, sorry but forgot to say that I hope you had a good day with your Mum, and had a good journey there and back. Love you xxxx

    1. Sad to see you have had a bad day Sue, hope you managed to get some rest and you will be able to sleep anything tonight. Take care of yourself xxx

      Wish everyone a good night xxx
