
Thursday 29 September 2016

Well its Thursday, so here's another Beautiful Pleated Card

Karen's Beautiful Pleated Card

Good Thursday Morning Ladies,
 (It is actually Thursday isn't it)?!  I feels right as I saw Pat yesterday so we are all back to normal now!  It was lovely to just sit and chat for an hour or so, we had a lot of catching up to do. It's just a shame Sue wasn't with us, she was on Granny duties today, which means she was having great fun.

Now onto today's gorgeous card, Our Karen went to have a look at my Tutorial on YouTube and decided to have a go, Karen I love the beautiful paper you have used and how you have matched the gorgeous lace perfectly with your card, your sentiment works perfectly too.  Such an amazing card, every element is perfect.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us Karen,  Tricia will absolutely love it. Xxx

I will be looking for some ideas for 'Frugal Friday' today, I have a couple of ideas already.  I would love to hear your any ideas you have too.

How are your challenge cards coming along? I can't wait to see what you all come up with. 

Janet emailed yesterday, she is still feeling weak and exhausted, fingers crossed she can turn the corner soon and start feeling brighter, we all miss you immensely my lovely xxxx

Val, I hope you arrive home safe and well today, looking forward to hearing all about Croatia xxx

Anne, how a wonderful, relaxing time xxx

Have a lovely day ladies, wrap up warm though, I think its going to be chilly, I will admit that we had our heating on on Tuesday evening, I can't bare being cold while sitting around, I don't mind cool bedroom though.

Sending love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Good morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love the card Karen. Pretty paper and the strip covering the middle is very nice, also a very lovely colour used. She will love the card.
    Janet- so wish you feeling better soon, missing you. Sending you some healing hugs, hope you get them xx
    Went to bed at three and already up so this day will be fun. Luckily I only got some small jobs to do before I can get back to do the CC and perhaps think of something for tomorrow. Hoping for a walk but the weather is horrid so maybe later. Hope you all have a nice day whatever you are up too. Love and hugs to all, Maria xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria It's good to see you back I hoe you had a brilliant time

  2. Morning Ladies

    Karen-beautiful card, really lovely.

    Sandra-glad you had a nice time with Pat, hope you're well rested now. I sent you an email last night with a few Frugal Friday ideas.

    Yesterday was crazy busy, still got so much to finish before tomorrow so fingers crossed I catch up today.


  3. I hope you're able to catch up Michele and thank you for your lovely comment about my card

  4. Ooh! It's a card of mine! Thank you SANDRA for showing it I enjoyed making it It was the tutorial that prompted the question re paper cutters, to be able to cut the shape accurately etc My first attempt was in card - big mistake 120gsm is all you need and the patterned paper was a Serif image
    My Internet died immediately after emailing you last night SANDRA but I will be at work soon and can sort it then I was going to send you some photos of Oscar (I know MARGARET) asked Hopefully the Internet will be ok later
    Your card yesterday was adorable SANDRA I think I need to have a re-think on the three theme... Home alone tonight so it's play time, I mean some serious housework time ....nah!
    Take care ladies

    1. Karen your card is lovely, this is such an effective card to make & I found it easy to follow Sandra's

    2. Karen love your card, keep meaning to try this, Sandra's Utube makes it look easy.

    3. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you had a lovely time with Oscar. They're so cute at that age aren't they.

  5. I love KArens card, so pretty, xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for update on Janet, hope they find out what is causing the problem asap. Pleased to hear you had a catch-up with Pat. I am not happy with my cc will try & do
    I have 6 month check up with Dr. this morning then embroidery this afternoon. Cafe all set up ready for customers so pop in when you can.
    Maria hope you get some relief for your aches & pains
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello all, my visitors have gone to Porthleven ( small fishing village) so am taking a minute to catch up.
    Thank you Sandra for the update on how Janet is, sorry your not too good hugs to you Janet.

    Have done a very quick c card this week, not quite what is intended but it's a busy time here. When you live in Cornwall you get plenty of visitors.

    Have a good day all , hugs Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Karen your pleated card is gorgeous, i'm sure the recipient really love this, it is so different and looks very special. Hope you have sorted out the Internet and we can all see some updated photographs of Oscar. LOL

    Good new Sandra, I have found your YouTube video, and the instructions are very clear, so hopefully over the weekend I can have a little play with this one.

    I still wanted to play with the idea of this weeks challenge but as usual first attempt has gone in the bin. Won't be up to get into the craft room today, so hopefully tomorrow I can give it some more attention. XX

    Hope you're all having a good day, Will try and look it later, love Brenda XXX

  9. Hello ladies Thank you all for your lovely comments about my card My heart always skips a little beat when somebody else appreciates I make but I think we all appreciate each others crafting I will try logging on to Internet on laptop (on my good old faithful iPod at mo) and send the photos I'm going to have another go at this week's cc as I'm not sure my first attempt fulfilled the brief Need to re-charge my batteries - iPod and phone included x

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry for the late comment - did pop in this morning but didn't get chance to comment!
    Karen, I love your card. It's fabulous and a very pretty colour combo. The pleated technique is still on my to do list!
    Janet, thinking of you and hoping you'll be able to pop in soon xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Sending hugs xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Goodness where have the last few days gone? Sorry I haven't been in, time has run away with me so just a quick hi and hope you are all ok.
    Janet, sending healing hugs xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I've only just seen yesterday's post. Love the card you made and I saw it in the flesh so to speak on your coffee table yesterday.
    Karen I do love your pleated card. I might try and sort some papers out later if I get the change.
    Picked up my new car today. I did however forget to take the log book and the mot over so a second journey over to Kidlington was required. The salesman said leave all the paperwork and I'll send everything off. I realised I needed some of the information to get my road tax refunded. So a phone call is required tomorrow after Petes trip to the eye hospital.
    Good job my heads screwed on.

  13. Hugs to you Janet and I hope they are able to find out what's wrong with you.

  14. Hi SANDRA sorry late I did start reading some comments this morning then had phone call then forgot about the comments. After yesterday's beautifulI weather today we had rain & wind such a difference. I haven't done a lot today I made two cc cards & made a big mess in craft room I will clean It up tomorrow.why am I so messy.
    KAREN your card is lovely I have made a couple of them.
    JANET sorry your poorly sending healing Hug's my Friend.
    Hope you feel better soon .xx
    Well i keep nodding so I think I will say goodnight & go to bed.
    Love Lynda xx😘
