
Wednesday 28 September 2016

Another Challenge card to inspire you

Good Morning Ladies,
I thought today was Thursday, probably because I usually get to see Sue and Pat on Wednesday and not Tuesday, sadly Sue couldn't make it, hoping to have a catch up with Pat later today.  After our very late night/early morning we will be having a lazy morning I think.
Now onto today's card, I used the Brittania Small Rose/multi flower die, available from Pink Frog Crafts, to make the three roses, I love how cute they are!
I then die cut the Impression Obsession Leafy Branch die for foliage, using the lovely 'Shades of Green ' paper pad that Brenda gifted me, such a useful little pad when it comes to cutting foliage.
I decided to use the Spellbinders Detailed Scallops die cut to place my floral spray on, I added a matt of the same pink card that I used to make the flowers and the cut Spellbinders Romantic Rectangles as my card base. A tiny pink bow adds the finishing touch to my floral spray.
I hope you like my card and that it gives you a little inspiration for this weeks challenge.

Sending special hugs to our dear friend Janet, please get in touch if you can xxxx
Hugs to you too Sue xxxx

Love and hugs to all of you


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Gorgeous card Sandra, the little roses are so cute and delicate , also the lacy die cuts mats are the perfect setting!
    Sonia , I loved your card yesterday , you have such a wonderful eye for putting colours together , like you I loved LOTV art pads but still have quite a few in my stash, I also like Hobby House and Sugar Nellie images and stamps and their Funki kits digi stamps look cute too.
    I don't know where yesterday disappeared to between going to the golf club for coffee ( which took nearly 4 hours) and then I trimmed my friends hair and between phone calls and visitors my day was gone!
    Anyway , we set off on holiday this morning a few days in Edinburgh and then to Spain for 2 weeks ( probably won't be in touch then as I'm not taking my iPad with me ) so can't wait to get underway.
    Sandra I hope you meet up with Pat and Sue today after getting some rest, I always feel quite washed out after such a late night.
    Janet sending you extra hugs , hope you feel much better soon.xo 🤒
    Maria, glad you enjoyed your holiday , good luck with all the unpacking and washing etc . ( I hate that bit) 🙁
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Sorry Sandra , I just realised Sue won't make it today so have fun with Pat! xo

    2. Anne, Hope you have a super holiday, enjoy the sun.

    3. Have a lovely holiday Anne :-) Thank you for you lovely comment about my card :-) Hugs xxx

    4. I hope you have a lovely holiday, you deserved it after all your visitors. Tollie will miss you.xxxx

    5. Anne, have a wonderful,wonderful holiday !
      will miss you. Enjoy every minute, will you be playing golf ? Take care xxx

    6. Hi ANNE have a lovely holiday & wonderfull time.
      Tollie will mis you. Hug'sLynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, very pretty. Hope you're not too tired today after the trip to the airport.

    I have a meeting first thing this morning-hoping to get a few things sorted but more likely, it will be the usual waste of time!

    I drafted up an action plan for my two weeks off and the until time once the refurbishment starts although we still haven't had confirmation that anything is happening yet!!!

    Hubby had his photograph taken last night holding the trophy he had won-its a really nice picture. He won money on his account for being nearest the pin (I think) so he was very happy.


    1. Congratulations to hubby. I hope they appreciate you at work, roll on

    2. Congrats to your OH. Have a good day at work and let Friday come quickly xx

    3. Hi MICHELE Congratlations to your Hubby
      Have a good stress free day at work. Xx

  3. Me again

    Anne-hope you have a lovely holiday.

    Janet-hope you're OK & can call in again soon.


    1. Hi Michele. Hope your meeting goes well! Congratulations on your Husbands win :-) Hugs xxx

  4. Hello Everyone, looks as if it's going to be a nice day here, our Australian cousins arrived yesterday, and they want to go to the Lost Gardens of Heligan today ( gardens featured on a tv programme a few years ago ) so hoping it stays fine.

    Sandra love your card, also love the roses, I have one of those dies, bought a few years ago at a show and have never used it, now I have seen yours must get it out and give it a try.

    Janet do hope you will soon be feeling better and drop in to see us, you are missed.

    Must go I think my visitors are on the move,hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. Enjoy your day out at the Lost Gardens of Heligan :-) Hugs xxx

    2. Lilian enjoy your visitors & the gardens they sound

    3. Lilian, have a lovely day ! hugs xx

    4. LILIAN enjoy your day with your visitors the Gardens sound lovely.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    5. Hello Lillian, I hope your visitors enjoy the Lost gardens of Halligan, we went there a some years ago and they really are something special. LOL xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    I love your beautiful card. The little roses are gorgeous :-)
    I hope you have a relaxing morning after your trip last night and have a good catch up with Pat later today.
    Have a lovely day everyone and sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, have a nice day xx

    2. Thank you Maria :-) I hope the physio went well. Enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is lovely, very dainty. Hope you are not too tired after your late night & more to the point hope plane was on time. Sorry you didn't see Sue I expect her hard work on Sat. caught up with her. Hope you get to see Pat & their hospital visit was not too
    Janet please let us know how you are you are missed, sending healing
    Sue hope you feel better
    Maria hope you have sorted your shopping &
    Lynda have you heard anything from surgeon yet?xxx
    Brenda hope all well with
    Karen hope to see photos of Oscar
    Sonia hope work goes well xxx.
    Sorry if I have missed anybody sending hugs to all who need them, cafe all up & running all looking nice just waiting for visitors. Love Margaretxxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      I haven't heard anything from surgeon yet but hopefully I will soon
      Thank you for asking love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Margaret. Home from work earlier today as had to collect Luke at 12. Hoping to do a bit of gardening this afternoon whilst it's still dry! Glad you enjoyed the film last night :-) Enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Margaret, enjoy your time with your visitors, hope you've got some cake left for them! LOL xx

  7. Morning Sandra and all.
    Beautiful card Sandra and such a sweet little roses. Hope you not too tired this morning and will have a nice time with Pat. Hope Sue is ok.
    Physio this morning so must get a move on but I wish you all a good day. Janet and Lynda, hope you are alright...
    love and hugs to you all ,Maria xxxo

    1. Hi MARIA hope Physio went ok,do you feel better for it x
      I'm ok thank yo for asking. I still haven't heared anything from surgeon about the stent hopeing it isn't much longer.
      Take care love Lynda xx

    2. Hello Maria, hope the physio is gentle with you and you get some relief. Take care thinking of you LOL xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I hope you and Paul are not feeling to exhausted after you evening/night spent driving to Gatwick and back. I'm sure Becca and Josh had loads to talk about and the return journey went quite quickly.
    Have a nice cuppa and chat with Pat, hope she and Pete got lots of help and answers. Please give her a hug from me. xx

    I love your card today, those little roses are gorgeous. Ladies I saw the little pad of various shades of green in Hobbycraft. They do come in other colours and only cost a couple of pound. It was after Karen had said she had been to the DIY store and picked up colour sample strips from the paint department (that's one for Frugal Friday) Brilliant idea Karen. But as I was in Hobbycraft and know Sandra love Green well it fell into my basket!!!

    I must go back and see what you ladies are up to today.

    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. Those little pads sound a good addition to any craft stash. Will have to look out for them when I next go to Hobbycraft :-) Hope you're having a good day. Hugs xxx

  9. another stunning card Sandra the tiny pink roses ...excellent hugs x Amanda

  10. Hi all !
    Physio, she didn't even touch me today. She is calling me a mystery and have now written to my doctor for a transfer appointment at the hospital for a scan on my shoulder, they are both bad but the left arm is no good just a b---dy pain. Not easy when you need to hang washing or reach things up high. She could see though the result from the x-rays and I have medium Arthur in both hips and knees. Will just have to up the painkillers when it's really bad. So much fun for getting older. Soap box back under the cupboard. Have started on CC but not too happy so knowing me I will make a few before sending one :). Had a nice walk in the sunshine around some new built houses near us and then had coffee at Waitrose and read the daily papers. Bought some lovely prawns and had that with salad for my lunch (did put some lbs on during the week) Pat will agree about the puddings in Madeira :)
    Going back to my corner of the kitchen now for doing some cutting outs. Many hugs to you all, Xxxx

  11. Hello everyone
    Well started my comments at 12ish just got to the end of my post & it froze up
    So lost it all then Internet went off GRRR!!!
    Hopefully I will get this published. SANDRA hope you had a nice day with Pat & you feel ok after your silly o'clock trip to the airport hope flight was on time & Becca & Josh had a wonderful holiday.
    PAT hope PETE got some answers from his hospital appointment yesterday sending you both some Hug's.xx MARIA join the club I'm also a medical mystery HaHa.Sorry your still in a lot of pain with your arm. That blooming Arthur gets everywhere dose't it. We had a gorgeous day the sun was shining & really quit hot short sleeves had a lovely walk had lunch then made a couple of birthday cards & started on CC & not sure I like it.will try another one.
    Good night everyone I'm probably the only night owl in the cafe" so will drink my cuppa of builders tea,& lock up. Can't find the cat Maria help.
    See you tomorrow love Lynda xx

    1. I think the cat have left the building hihi just saw a mouse scurrying over the floor so might be a good idea to get a new cat or two. Watching catch up Corrie until mr sandman arrives, he is late again. Have a good night everyone xxx

  12. Such a pretty Card, so delicate.
