
Tuesday 27 September 2016

Anniversary Cuteness from Sonia

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope yesterday's challenge doesn't have you too befuddled!!!
I have been desperate to share this gorgeous Anniversary card that Paul and I recvieved from our Sonia, you just can't beat a Lilli of Valley image for 'cuteness',
their stamps are just so adorable, my only wish is that they still did the Art pads as I am not too accomplished at colouring, I can manage the basics but despite watching many tutorials I can't get things like hair to look realistic, I watch with envy as people make dresses look like they are almost moving with the amazing shading skills.
Sonia teaming this image with the dark grey and using a silver grey for accents was genius, it works so well, drawing out the colour of the little lad's suit and shoes.
I love the little 'Happy Anniversary' embellishment too, it looks like its handmade, you are such a talented card maker Sonia!  We both loved your card, thank you for your kindness xxxx

I had another blog post idea yesterday, "Frugal Fridays" , I would like to feature things like card making ideas using scraps or leftover bits of card, money saving ideas, upcycling ideas for gifts etc, storage ideas. Basically any ideas for saving money, leaving more for stash, has to be a win, win, right?
I would like it to be interactive so we can all share ideas, whether its a money off code or sale on somewhere, down to your frugal crafting ideas.

We have a busy day today, Paul is sleeping off nights, Sue is coming over to play, we then have to collect Sophie from her 'life drawing' class (this is her second class, I am hoping she will have gotten over the embarrassment this week, she did make us chuckle when she said "but mum, he is just so confident", I can't wait to see her finished piece, she is doing some incredible portrait pieces at the moment).
We then have to be at Gatwick between 12 and 1am to collect Becca & Josh from their holiday.  Paul did say that I didn't have to go with him, but I would rather go along, just to keep him company and make sure he doesn't nod off, for my peace of mind really, plus if I didn't go I would sit here getting myself into a right anxious mess!
It just means it will be about 3am before we get home.  Paul is off on Wednesday though so we can have a lazy day.

Pat, I will be thinking of you and Pete today, its going to be a tough day for both of you, try and stay positive, sending you huge hugs xxxx

Janet, I hope all is well sweetheart, sending huge hugs to you too xxxx

Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card Sonia sent you, its lovely.

    I love the multiple choice sketch idea, it's probably going to be Saturday before I can play though. Tonight I'm dropping hubby off at the golf club for a presentation dinner(he's won something) then picking him up. While he's out I'm going to ring my Uncle (my Mums brother) as its been a while since we spoke. Tomorrow hubby is away so I plan to watch the craft programmes I've recorded. Tesco shopping on Thursday then we're going to watch the Musical Fireworks in Southport on Friday evening (probably go on Saturday & Sunday as well) - just hope the weather is fine for everyone.


    1. Hi Michele
      The musical fireworks sounds like fun. Enjoy.

  2. Me again-love the idea of Frugal Friday!! Will start thinking of top tips.


  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    What a lovely surprise to see the card I made for you and Paul. I'm so glad you both loved it :-)) I love using the LOTV images, and am gutted that they've discontinued the art pads. I too, am not good at colouring/shading stamped images and like you even after watching tutorials I still can't get it right! Fortunately I still have quite a few of their images in my stash to use and I think when they run out I shall be switching to the Hobby House images, as they do some lovely ones too.
    Love the idea for frugal Friday's - will get thinking!
    Have a lovely time with Sue today. I hope Sophie's art class goes well and you have a stress free journey later tonight to the airport.
    Janet, I hope you're keeping well x
    Pat, hope all goes well today x
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      Thanks for the good wishes. Must look at the Hobby House images.

  4. BEAUTIFUL SONIA I have never used LOTV and regret not having the time to vist them at AP I would like to do an LOTV cross stitch for Oscar
    Busy day SANDRA! I wud be the same if Alan was having to pick somebody up at silly o'clock Great idea for Fridays x

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone!
    Gorgeous card Sonia and I so love the cute topper, as we said before, it's such a shame they stopped making them when so many people love them.
    I'm back home after a week away and the internet was a joke in our hotel so I have not had much of a chance to see what you been up too so will do that later after shopping,washing etc,etc. well you know how it is. Liked seeing the cutters because I need a new one but don't want to spend too much. I have a big one that have both slide cut and guillotine action and is from Purple Cow bought many years ago from Costco when we were members but have not used it much as it is too big for me to work with in the kitchen so have only been using the Fiskars little guillotine which is fine but have now had it's time and I need a new one. Frugal Friday sound good and I will try to give some when I can.
    Understand from what you saying that Pat and Pete want have such a good day today so I will be thinking of you both too and sending a special hug.
    I hope all others are alright and will have a good day. I need to find my woollens ,a bit different coming from 26c to 16c over a few hours :) Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Drive carefully tonight and good luck to Sophie xx

    2. Shane about the Internet at the hotel Maria, but you can have a lovely catch up after the dreaded washing and perhaps ironing. Thanks for the hugs, were probably going to need them today.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    First Pat will have everything crossed for you today sending you both
    Sandra what a lovely card from Sonia love the image, no wonder you both loved it. Have a good day with Sue, hope Paul can sleep through all the talking!!! I can imagine how Sophie felt but I know after seeing her brilliant drawings of Paul's Mum & Dad I know it will be great. Good luck with the journey tonight, I know exactly how you feel. Frugal Friday sounds good to
    Maria pleased to see you home glad you had a lovely
    Janet thinking of you & sending healing
    Dull & quite windy out but Petanque this morning then this afternoon I am going with some book club friends to see Bridget Jones Baby, so as I cannot remember the last time I went to cinema it will make a nice change.
    Cafe all ready waiting for customers, sending hugs to all who nee d them love

  7. Hello Everyone, dull and wet here today.
    Sonia great card for Sandra and Paul, much better than mine.
    Pat hope all goes as best it can today.
    Maria welcome home, very chilly here as well, put the heating on as we are expecting visitors from Australia later and thought they might feel cold.
    Sandra hope you have a good journey tonight, I always worry about R driving late at night.
    Hope Sophie enjoys here art class better today, I remember from first life class , luckily it was a much older woman.
    Have a good day all, will try and pop in each day depending on what we are doing, hoping the weather clears up. Hugs Lilian
    PS love the idea of frugal Friday, not very good at frugal so need some ideas now not much work around.

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope you have a lovely time with your Australian visitors. I expect they will be cold when they get here. It's dull and dank here in Oxfordshire and not to warm.

  8. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely anniversary card Sonia made for you both. I like colouring in but I'm also not to hot on colouring in hair to make it look realistic. Have a lovely day with Sue today. Must have a look at my stamps and dies and see what Christmas ones I have before I start buying some more.
    Well I was signed off from the hospital yesterday. Apparently I have a couple of screws in my new hip and my bone density isn't to good.
    We're off to the hospital this afternoon. Pete knows that his PSA has jumped up, so we assume his medication is no longer working. Need to see what the next step is. Probably scans, which is what he had before.

  9. Meant to say Sandra I don't envy you the journey this evening and I hope Sophie's class goes ok. Mind you here drawing us amazing.

  10. Good morning SANDRA & everyone
    PAT & PETE hope all goes well at hospital I have everything crossed for you sending Big Hug's xx
    Sonia I love your card for Sandra & Paul a sweet & cute image xx
    Good luck for SOPHIE'S life art class, she is a amazing artist. Xx
    Have a lovely time with Sue today have fun. Sandra I can understand you wanting to go with Paul to pick up Becca & Josh from airport.
    MARIA glad you enjoyed your holiday & home safe now don't get rushing around doing washing & everything all at once xx
    JANET thinking of you hope your feeling better sending some healing Hug's.xx Frugal Friday sounds good Sandra xx
    Not a bad day weather wise Suns out but quite windy got sme washing to put out so hopefully get that dry. Then go for our walk hopfully. I made three birthday cards yesterday so pleased I have another one to make & the challenge card to do. So that will keep me busy. Washing machine just finished so going to hang out pop in later.
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra what a gorgeous card Sonia made for you and Paul for your silver wedding anniversary. Sonia it's just perfect, Love the LOV topper.

    I hope Sophie gets on well at her art class, poor love hope she will have gotten over her embarrassment. Tell her to see the person as a statue !!!!!
    Have a safe journey to Gatwick, it's good you can go and keep Paul company, AND then get to hear all about Becca and Josh's holiday first hand.
    Just two graces meeting up today, hope you have a good old catch up, but don't wake Paul.
    Pat hope Pete was alright when you went to the hospital, and the doctors could offer some further treatment to reduce his PSA. Tell him to think positive thoughts LOL xx
    Maria pleased you are home safe and sound, shame about the internet at your hotel, we did miss you.
    Time to think about dinner, veg all sorted this morning, just soaking in water ready to cook, making fish pie. Not exactly pie as it has a creamed potato topping, it usually goes down well - very tasty ..... Well thats if you like fish!
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  12. Oh ups! it's me again, forgot about frugal Friday. Sounds very interesting, I really will have to put my thinking cap on for this one. XXX

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my card :-)) xx
    Maria, welcome home. Hope you soon adjust to the colder weather!
    Lilian, have a lovely time with your Australian visitors :-)
    Pat, hope all went well today for Pete x
    Margaret, I hope you enjoyed Bridget Jones' Baby - hoping to get chance to see it myself as I love the other films :-)
    Safe journey to the airport tonight Sandra and Paul.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      The film is excellent, really enjoyed it lovely to see what I call a happy film & probably more true to life than you

  14. Hi all, just catching up with everything and it has taken most of the day and not just the washing and shopping but also reading blogs,doing e-mails, speak to my mum and dad and cooking dinner once again, oh that was a hard one :)
    Janet, I hope you are ok, sending you well wishes.
    Lynda- hope your head feels better and you not too bruised after blood taking.
    Lovely to see you Val having a great time, enjoy the next few days in the UK.
    Lilian- have a lovely time with your visitors, wonder what they say about the cooler weather over here but I guess they just had winter themselves.
    Wish you all a good night, xxx
