
Monday 26 September 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge, Happy Birthday Cheryl

Good Morning Ladies,
Happy Birthday Cheryl 

Firstly today I would like to wish our very dear friend Cheryl a very Happy Birthday, I hope you are having a wonderful day with your family and friends xxxxxx

This week I thought I would do things a little differently as far as the challenge goes.
I thought I would have a 'Theme' rather than an actual sketch, it gives you a bit freedom.  
The 'Theme' I have chosen for this week is 3's, it could be 3 flowers, 3 hearts, squares, 3 anything! 
I have added a few sample sketches below and I have also created a board on my pinterest with "Triple themed cards" 

My 1st  Sketch Card 

We will try this for this week, if you prefer the usual 'one particular sketch' we will return to that next week.  Just let me know which you prefer. Or I could do a mix of the two.
I am looking forward seeing what you come up with!

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Cheryl-hope you have a fabulous day today.

    Lovely card & I love the idea of a choice of styles. Helps when my brain won't work-ha ha!!

    I think I'll be moving more boxes & paperwork today into our temporary location and hopefully we'll hear from the planning officer with an update.

    I need to call at Home Bargains for bird seed etc then Tesco to see if they can find a way of me using my phone in the USA at a reasonable price-fingers crossed!


    1. Hi Michele. I hope you managed to get all of your jobs done today, both at work and for yourself. Only 4 sleeps until Friday for you ☺ Take care x

  2. Hello Everyone, wet and dark here today.

    Many Happy returns of the Day Cheryl, hope it's a lovely one, sorry your card will be late, put the wrong date in my birthday list, must do better, blame it on age.

    Sandra, love this challenge idea, we have cousins from Australia comming tomorrow so not sure if il get one done but I love the idea.

    Cleaner day today, so better get a move on, Hugs Lilian

    1. Oh oh LILIAN me too! Happy Happy Birthday Cheryl!

    2. And me too! I have the date as 29th. So sorry Cheryl, next year I will be asking Gem to check the calender at theach start of the year so that I get them right.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL I had the wrong date entirely in my diary I hope you have a fab day
    I like this idea of a theme BUT I like it when you do a specific design too SANDRA So a mix of both please Another exciting day in the Watts' household yesterday I suggested 4 places/things to do and what happened? Husband fell asleep again until 1pm and then plonked himself in from of the tele and didn't budge! If you don't want to do anything then don't ask and I can get on with something (like craft) and not dither expecting to go out/do something Is this what I've got to look forward to when he retires? Apart from that I love him to bits Nut men can be so frustrating at times! Right Monday morning moan over Best get on and get ready for work

    1. Hi Karen
      Yes, I'm afraid this is what retirement does. Pete quite often says I must do this today. Sits down to watch something on the tele and falls asleep.

    2. Retirement does this to men, it's a good job we woman carry on doing meals, washing and all the rest !!!!!!

    3. HaHa Karen if I ask Terry to do somthing he always always I will do it tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. So it's definitely a man thing.
      Have a good day at work.xx

    4. Hi Karen. I'm so lucky that my Chris happily jumps up straight away and does whatever job I ask him to do with a big smile on his face........and if any of you believe that then you will believe anything!!!! ☺ I think 99% of men are the same as ours....We still wouldn't be without them though, would we ☺I hope you manage to get out somewhere nice next weekend Karen. Take care x

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Happy Birthday Cheryl, have a lovely day :-) xx
    Love the sketch idea Sandra. I saw your new Pinterest board last night and did wonder if this would be a theme for us. Looking forward to taking part :-)
    Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and has a good day today. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I love Sandra theme style challenge this week too. I hope you had a good day today. Take care x

  5. Hi everyone, back in the UK from Croatia last night. Wonderful place, wonderful holiday and especially the day trip to Venice ad a ride on a Gondola.
    I have limited time on the Internet now I'm at my friends house but just thought I'd pop in to say hi to everyone. I will catch up properly when I'm back in Spain on Thursday.
    Hope everyone is ok.
    Happy Birthday Cheryl. Have a lovely day today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Great to hear you had such a wonderful holiday Val, I would love to visit Croatia but like you I absolutely love the magic of Venice!

    2. Hi VC all,
      Soo pleased you had a lovely holiday, safe journey

    3. Hi Val, pleased you enjoyed your holiday. Have only visited Venice once and did take a gondola trip, it's such a magical place, everything about it is absolutely fascinating. Take care LOL xx

    4. Hi Val I'm glad you had a lovely time in Croatia. It's not a place we've visited. Been to Venice twice and loved it.

    5. Hi Val pleased you had a good time in Croatia. We went to Venice for out Honeymoon menu moons ago
      Enjoy your last few days in UK will you be getting lot of crafty take home safe trip back on Thursday
      Love Lynda xx

    6. Hi Valley. It's so good to hear that you are having a lovely holiday. Wishing you a safe and easy journey home. Take care x

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Happy Birthday Cheryl! Hope you enjoy a special day.
    Sandra , I love the theme idea but also enjoy a set challenge ,so happy to go with the flow, I will try to get one done today as it will be my only chance.
    Karen I so understand where you are coming from , unless I make the arrangements and say what we will do ,we do nothing! In saying that he's always happy to go anywhere when the plans are made but if it was left to Iain it would never enter his head to suggest anything, men!
    Well , I better go and make a start on something!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      Same with Pete. I have to make arrangements then tell him where we're going, or we wouldn't go anywhere. I used to suggest places to go as well as on holidays. He always turned his Jose up at my suggestions. Hut didn't ever know where he wanted to go. Now he complains I never consult him on where we go. So I can't win whatever I do. Men.

    2. Their are all the same aren't they! Take care x

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Cheryl happy birthday to you hope you have a lovely day, your card is ready to post, sorry did not get round to it last
    Sandra the challenge is interesting but agree with the others a mixture is fine, thank you for all your hard
    Janet hope you are ok, we miss
    Going shopping this morning need some more boxes to keep my Momento inks in, I have found the boxes for storing embroidery silks in are perfect size, also need more magnetic sheets for my dies, as you will gather trying to find homes for all new goodies.
    Put some of Sue's cheese scones & other cakes in cabinet, doors open ready for visitors.
    Sending hugs for all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I hope you have managed to find a home for all of your new goodies. Have fun with email all. Love you xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What choices you have given us this week Sandra, with so many suggestions we are almost spoiled for choice! I have yet to find your Pinterest board, I've learned how to pin things to a board, but not locate other peoples boards. Maybe later I'll sit and play at that one.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL hope you have a great day. I have it in my head you would be on your epic travels with the family when your birthday came around, so what ever time zone you're in make the most of your day dear lady and have a great birthday LOL xx

    Janet, hope things are improving for you, sending special gentle hugs. xx

    Hope everyone has a good day, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. Like you I haven't found Sandra board, if I have no luck I will get her to show me tomorrow. I hope you have had a good day. Take care x

  10. Hi Sandra
    Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL. I hope you have a lovely day with your family. I think you might be on holiday but have a lovely day wherever you are.
    Like the look of this weeks challenge Sandra. I'm cleared with the hospital now. Just Petes tomorrow and Friday. Don't think it will be good news tomorrow. Fingers crossed anyway.

    1. Hello Pat, pleased you are cleared by the hospital, everything crossed for Pete tomorrow and Friday, I know from what you said at AP you have some concerns about him. Sending you special hugs and prayers. xx

    2. Hi Pat. It's great to hear you got on well at the hospital today. I will be thinking of both Pete and you tomorrow, my fingers are firmly crossed. Sending supportive hugs dear friend. Take care x

  11. Hi SANDRA & everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL have a lovely day hope you get very spoilt.
    Just got home from another blood test defently 💉feel like a pin 📌cushion.
    SANDRA I like the challenge this week I wonder if we all choose the same one that would be strange woulde't it.
    PAT glad you got the all clear from the hospital.Fingers crossed for Pete tomorrow & Friday sending him some Hug's & some Hug's for you too.xx
    We haven't got any sun today but it's dry so going to put washing on the line.
    Pop back later.
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. You and me both Lynda, I started my day with a blood test. Was it Tony Hancock who did the sketch about the blood donor? The nurse took so many files of blood - it must have an armful !!!!!!
      I hope you are beginning to feel better. Have you heard from the consultant about getting a stent? LOL xx

    2. Hi Brenda yes it was Tony Hancock doing the blood donors sketch.
      I haven't heard from the consultant yet.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Lynda. It will be really interesting to see what everyone does with this themed challenge☺ Sorry you had to have another blood test, necessary but not nice. I used to feel like I would spurt water out of all of the holes, like they do on cartoons😕 That Tony Hancock sketch is so funny isn't it, but that's what it feels like sometimes doesn't it! Take care x

  12. I hope all you ladies are well I may be the last caller today So Val enjoy the rest of your holiday I hope Pete gets on ok tomorrow and Friday Yo have all cheered me up so much about your stories of our respective husbands/partners I think because I can't drive I tend to leave things to him He always plans our holidays though and is brilliant at doing so

  13. Hi Karen. I'm glad we cheered you up, and at least you have wonderful holidays thanks to your hubby. Take care x

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. I love this week's themed challege, I love the sketches too though so a mix of both would be perfect for me, but as I so often don't manage to get it done I am in no position to comment about it really.
    I will try and find your border once I leave the Cafe, I will be a king for your help tomorrow if I don't find it, you know how rubbish I am with anything other than the basics of computers! See you in the morning my lovely X
    Janet, thinking of you, I hope you are getting the treatment that you need, missing you, healing hugs are on their way x
    I hope everyone has had a good day. Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL. I hope you have had, and continue to have a wonderful birthday. No doubt you are surrounded and being spoilt by your loving family, just as you deserve to be :-)) Take care x

  16. I have had a quick look on Pinterest and found your lovely boards really easily.
    BRENDA, if you haven't found it yet just go onto Pinterest, click on the looking glass icon, then type in Cotswold Crafter and all of Sandra's boards will appear : ) Happy pinning x
