
Sunday 25 September 2016

Sketch Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Anne's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge card

Michele's Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Margaret's Macmillan Cake Sale

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Our Sunday Challenge card sharing is upon us once again, not so many this week as we have some of our ladies on Holiday and some under the weather, Margaret has been too busy baking as you can see above!
But the cards that we have to share are stunning, so without further a do..........

Anne, I see you have made the start on the Christmas cards, I just adore this cute Santa image, skiing down the hill with all of that snowfall behind him, clever use of background papers there Anne.
Thank you for taking part xxxx

Lilian, Such a pretty card, I love that flourish that you have used for your focal point, the three blossoms look so pretty, like they have just burst into bloom right there on the branch, love the pretty papers you have used at the bottom too, thank you so much for taking part xxxx

Lynda, ooh a lovely lacey card from you for this challenge, love those pretty papers too, did you make the flower? which die did you use?  I am experimenting with different flower dies at the moment, trying to find the perfect die and paper, thank you so much for taking part xxxx

Michele, a lovely Christmas card from you this week, I really like the image on those papers, they look striking lined up like that, very contemporary! (long word for Sunday morning) lol ! Thank you for taking part xxxx

Sonia, I love, love, love that Merry Christmas die you have used, who's is it? the papers you have used are gorgeous too, I love the peach/gold coloured one the best, but like the blue one too, thank you so much for taking part xxxx

Now onto Margaret's Cake sale, oh my goodness those cakes look so yummy, I bet there weren't many left, If there were put my name on one and I will make a donation!  
Margaret had a very busy morning, Sue and Gemma helped out too, they raised an absolutely amazing £261.45 so far, they still have some money to come, that is just incredible Margaret, you must be over the moon, all of the money raised will be going to the Macmillan Cancer Care and Support Charity, such a worthy cause.  Thank you so much for sharing your great news with us.

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, sending hugs to you all,



  1. Good morning Ladies,
    All super gorgeous cards this morning ! But Margarets cakes look scrumptious ! I meant to say yesterday I loved your cross stitch memento for Sandra it was beautiful , a lovely gift to treasure.
    I never went to golf yesterday it was too wild for me, it's still very windy this morning but it is to calm down later, but I did get most of the holiday packing done so I'm well ahead of myself.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne thank you for your comments on my cakes & cross stitch. I love making cakes but do not do much these days so it is always good to have an excuse to make them. When do you go away & where, well done for getting your packing

    2. Great that your ahead with your packing. I hope you have a lovely time.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely cards, mine nearly went in the bin! I have today, I really struggled with this sketch.

    Margaret-fantastic selection of cakes and a brilliant amount of money raised for Macmillan. We've always done "cake day" at work, often making a full week of cake sales but this year I haven't heard that anyone is organising it. I finish work next Friday for 2 weeks and I'm still trying to organise things at work ready for the refurbishment.

    I had a lovely lazy day yesterday. Popped into Southport then watched 2 of Sue Wilsons shows(recorded the rest) then after lunch I made my Sister in Laws 50th birthday card. I'd seen a card on Pinterest using scrabble tiles so I used that as my starting point. Might try and make some more cards today.


    1. Thank you Michele for your kind words, you more than the rest of us must see how McMillan Nurses help, I feel it is such a worth while cause. I bet Friday cannot come soon enough for

  3. They are all lovely cards and I want to say thank you for the inspiration because they are all so different I'm sorry SANDRA I just ran out of time and couldn't think of what do do for this challenge
    Those cakes look really yummy MARGARET and congratulations on raising so much money Like MICHELE we have done cake bakes and coffe mornings We've even done Bake-offs but nobody seems to have organised anything recently
    I hope SONIA pops in and tells us which die she used I thought it was SW but it isn't I'd it...
    I am playing catch up with Sue's shows The one I watched was very good I haven't bought any of any of her 2016 release apart from the Swirling Stars I'm (of course!) changing my mind (again) NO no no You must use what you have Karen
    Baby sat little Oscar last night and I know I'm his Nan but he is totally gorgeous I promise to send SANDRA a picture when I've learned how to download photos from my iPod - tried yesterday and it didn't want to "play"
    Ironing out, tele on and a cuppa with a piece of MARGARET's cake My kind of Sunday morning if housework has to be involved
    Take care all x

    1. Hi Karen thank you for your kind comments, hope the cake goes down well, it is a shame that more people do not have coffee mornings or cake sales, but then people seem to be so busy these days. Enjoy your day of, look forward to seeing more photos of Oscar, being a granny is great isn't it?xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      Haven't been able to watch Sue as Hochanda isn't on Freeview at the moment. Can't be bothered to watch it on the computer. I like to record them, then I can fast forward through the waffle.

  4. £216 is a amazing feat MARGARET, our WI with 80 members only managed
    around £124. Not that they all participated you get the stalwarts of around
    thirty who still bake. Will give you amention at our next meeting might galvanise them for next time. . Ŵell done you and your team.

    1. Hi Angela,
      Thank you for your kind words, I know exactly what you mean, in any group I have belonged to there has always been a few that do all the work, I have never worked out why. Thank you

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a lovely selection of CC's this week. Anne, your Santa is great, love the papers too. Lilian, what pretty papers and flowers. Lynda, some beautiful lace. Michele, I love the moonlight images, and I wouldn't have thought to use these colours for a Christmas card but they look fabulous, really inspiring. Sonia, two beautiful cards, love the papers and that wonderful Christmas die. Please tell us where you got it from. It is just what both Sandra and I have been looking
    for. Thank you all for sharing with us.
    Janet, thinking of you. I do hope you are starting to improve x
    I hope everyone has a good day. Chris is cooking a roast lamb dinner today (yum) and one of his sisters is staying with us until tomorrow so won't be doing much once she arrives. Had better get on, need to have a quick tidy and hoover round.
    Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi love,
      Hope you get chance to relax with Sue,I assume that's who is coming, say hello from me. Thanks for yesterday. Love

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for your kind comments & yes I can find a cake for you, will give it to Sue when I see her. A lovely selection of cc again this week, I have several cards to catch up on so hope this week's challenge will suit one or
    Janet hope you are improving sending gentle
    Quiet day for me today, I have put some cakes in the cabinet for later.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Congratulations on your fantastic array of cakes and the money you've raised. I've never been a cake maker, they never seem to turn out right. Mind you you my Mum never made cakes either so I had no one to follow. Mind you the Grand daughters all make fantastic cakes especially Amy. I've shown a spew of them on here.

    2. Hi Pat,
      Thank you for your kind comment, I am just pleased to do my bit for such a good cause. Glad Pete liked his piece of

    3. Hi MARGARET Gorgeous aray of cakes they all look yummy.
      Well done on the Amazing amount money you raised.
      Hope you had a rest today
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Thanks Lynda. Your card is lovely I hope to do this weeks but girst I must have a play with my bauble

  7. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely selection of cards today. Love the Santa on Anne's card.
    What a stunning Lacey card Lynda has made.
    I to love Sonia's Merry Christmas.also love the look of Michele's trees.
    Plus the swirl on your card Lilian.
    Hope your improving day by day Janet. Gentle hugs for you.
    Margaret what a lovely array of cakes you made for your Macmillan cake sale, and what a fantastic amount you raised. Well done.

    1. Thank you Pat for liking my card I wasn't very happy with it though.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wonderful sketch cards on display, they're all lovely :-)
    The Merry Christmas die I used is from Crafter's Companion - it's from the Traditional Christmas signature collection by Sara Davies. I'm not sure if this collection is a new release this year as after I had tried unsuccessfully to get Sue Wilson's Merry Christmas die from last year, I recently came across this one. The other dies in this collection seem more readily available, but after some searching I managed to track it down at Samuel Taylor's so ordered from them and it was with me within a couple of days. They did also have it on Hochanda but was only available in a set.
    Margaret your cakes look delicious :-) Glad it went well and congratulations again on the amount raised.
    Hoping to do some crafting this afternoon :-) Hope everyone has a lovely day. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      Thank you I couldn't have managed without Sue & Gem though, it is such a good cause, never know when we might need

  9. Hello Sandra,

    What a lovely display of inspiring cards you have today.

    ANNE, Gorgeous card you have made this week, I love your Father Christmas he looks so jolly.

    LILLIAN, Lovely card, You have used such beautiful papers and the swirl is gorgeous.

    LYNDA, Great card very vintage looking with the beautiful lace.

    MICHELE, Love your card with beautiful silhouette images.

    SONIA, Two gorgeous cards, Same design but the look is so different. Love both of them.

    MARGARET - you deserve a medal for your efforts, your cakes look amazing, AND what a fantastic amount you manage to raise. You and your girls should be so proud of yourselves. xx

    Not a lot happening here today, the craft room could do with a tidy up, and I have some alterations I need to do to a couple of pairs of trousers. I have plenty to do to keep me out of trouble!!

    Hope you are having a good day, take care my lovely friend.

    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I love making cakes so it is a good excuse to make them, thank you for your kind comment, mind you Sue & Gem worked non stop all morning. Hope you got a chance to play today.

    2. Thank you BRENDA to be honest I wasn't happy with my card but didn't have time to make another one. So I'm gratful for your lovely comment.
      Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello all, very blowy here today., managed to dry a load of washing after unwinding it from the line.
    Lovely cards, going to see if I can get the die Sonia used, I know breaking my resolution, but I have nothing like it, that's my excuse.

    Margaret great effort with all those lovely cakes, and a fantastic amount of money raised.

    Well time to get dinner, southern fried chicken tonight ( from freezer ), plus runner beans from garden, .
    Have a good evening all, hope this works iPad not playing nice today,
    Hugs for all gentle ones for Janet, hope your on the mend. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Thank you for your kind comment, the amount raised made all the work worthwhile.
      Hope you feel better

  11. Just a quick message to say that Amazon has Sonia's Christmas dies, if any one wants it.
