
Friday 14 October 2016

Frugal Friday Tips

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Today's card was made using a new die set that I bought recently, its a 'Stampin Up' die set called Flourish Thilits, (see pic below)
As you can see it has some pretty dies in the collection, my favourite being the large flourish.  
This weeks Frugal tip is about getting the most from your card stock, for instance with this card I only wanted to use one piece of my prescious Ann Marie Card, so first of all I decided how big my card was going to be and how wide my die cut piece was for the top layer, I then cut my piece of Green card and used my trimmer or you could use a cutting blade and mat to 'gut out) a piece big enough for my die cut area, 
Gutting out card to make it last.
I then trimmed my top piece to fit my die, I then die cut it out of the green card, adhered my green die cut mat to my piece of white card, I then took the die cut piece applied glue to the reverse and positioned it back into the die cut card, so it looks like its half cut out and half cut in! I then matted this onto my gutted green card and mounted onto my base card, leaving a 1/4 inch border between each layer.  I die cut the flowers in the set and layered them together, adding a pearl  to the centre and some tiny ones onto the flourish. That's about it.
If you don't need to create a larger matt with your card its still using the larger piece, as you can die cut your flowers and embellishments from the centre, you can't tell onced its matted and layered and you have saved card !
I also use a fine tip for my cosmic shimmer glue, it lasts me twice as long as it did before, so it really does save you money!

Michele has bagged herself a bargain at The Range..........
The Creativity magazine (latest issue) is on sale for £2.99 instead of £4.99, she also said they had older issues for £1, as Michele quite rightly points out, its worth it just for the freebies!  Well spotted Michele, thank you for sharing xxxx

Anyone think of anything else just leave it comments below.

I am off to prepare for the arrival of Mother & Father in law, pop my pinny on, see if I can cram the craft room door closed, slip into perfect housewife moide for 48hrs!! Afternoon tea anyone??? 

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Hello Everyone, another lovely morning here, VERY cold, heating on full this morning.

    Sandra love your card, did you use your new trimmer to gut your card? I always forget to do this.

    Managed to get out in the garden yesterday, planted some daffs and some wallflower plants, had to water, as the ground is very dry. Hope to do some more today, also do my pots for spring.

    Did make one card yesterday, and then took my cricut out, but computer decided to do a long update, after that it was too late to start so shall have a go today, it's ages since I've used it.

    I hope you all have a lovely day, especially Sandra with the in laws, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hope you had a nice day in the garden and then hopefully the computer is behaving so you can use your Cricut this afternoon. hugs xx

  2. Great frugal stuff I try and do this (if I remember to do it that is) BUT sometimes I manage to somehow miscalculate the border and end up adding a mat to then realise there's a thumping great big gap at the bottom At your suggestion I bought a fine tip for CS glue and it certainly dies save you money as well as being able to glue intricate pieces
    Your card is so pretty and that die set looks like I might/need to get it
    Can't think of any other frugal tips at mo

    1. Hi Karen
      I knew about this tip but very rarely do it.

    2. Hope you have a good day and your hands not give you too many problems. Take care,hugs xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, a really great tip. I've often used a piece of paper only to find I needed more and it was the last piece!

    Another late start today-getting up early on Monday is going to be a struggle.

    No plans for today so I think I might shut myself away in my craft room & start on some Christmas card + calendars for the sale table as it's only 3 weeks away. Tonight we're off out for a meal with our old neighbours-they're such good company so it should be a great evening.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you have a lovely time out with your former neighbours.

    2. Hope your morning were just as you wanted it and have a great time out tonight, hugs xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all.
    Great tip about gutting card. I must admit I do try to remember but normally I've stuck it down before I do. I think it's just getting into the habit. Lovely idea for using a finer nozzle on glue. Will defo use that idea. By the way does anyone else have problems with Cosmic Shimmer Glue clogging? I put the top back on as soon as I've used it but always have to stick my pokey tool down a few times when I use it again. Love the card you've made today Sandra. The leaf die is beautiful. Hope all goes well with your in laws.
    I've had such a busy week don't know if I'm comingor going. I haven't made one Christmas card this week so my schedule is completely and out I'm away for five days next week so it's going be a busy time after that til the end of the
    month. I'm sorry Sandra I can't see me getting a cc done this week.
    Maria. Hope you've woken up feeling somewhat better this morning. Hope you get sorted out at the docs. Good luck.
    Love to all nt feeling to good today especially Janet and Maria.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Slow down Val or you might have an injury enough of us seeing the doc already :-( My appoint. is first ten to five. I did have a better night, bed at three and up at eight.The dog next door only whinged once at 1.30am-ish. Managed a walk and shopping, will pay for it later. Hope you can make some Christmas cards, need to start as well but must get my son's card together first and that have taken days ! :-) as you see I'm not a quick card maker. Hugs xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love the die and the tip for using the middle of the card if you don't need it to show. I wonder how many of us know that, but never actually do it. Love the card you've made as well.
    Hugs to Janet and all those who need a hug a hug today.
    Don't run yourself ragged this weekend with Paul's parents coming.

    1. Hi Pat, how are you feeling ? Missing Madeira ? I miss the warmer weather and the waiter, only joking about the weather hihi. Take care, hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry I haven't commented lately, been busy with various things! Managed to pop in to see the beautiful creations, and they have been lovely :-)
    Love your card today and the great tip.
    Fantastic bargain there Michele - definitely worth it for the freebies!
    Sorry not to have caught up with everyone's news - I hope you are all keeping well. Have a nice time with the in-laws Sandra :-)
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Some days seem to just run away :-) because I got back on Monday I had Saturday in my head this morning, sooo pleased to see it is Friday. Hope you are ok and the boys, do they soon have a week off ? Hugs xx

    2. Hi Maria. I don't know where this week has gone, time just flies by! Hoping for a quiet weekend before it all starts again next week! Thankfully boys have half term week after next, so won't need to be dashing around taking Luke. Hope you got on ok at doctors and your thumb isn't too sore. Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card & tip are both brilliant, I have cut the square out before but do not always think about it.
    I am sorry I am late but Sue & I have been shopping, I am now the proud owner of the Gemini machine so we have been having a lovely play. It is great to be able to cut or emboss without any trouble, as you can imagine I am one happy bunny!!! Good job Alan & Chris have gone to an exhibition so we have house to ourselves.
    Janet hope you beginning to improve good luck with Dr next week hugs on the
    Maria hope they managed to get blood this morning & you start to feel
    I am having trouble writing this I am watching Sue play at the same time so will finish of.
    There is a date cake in cabinet please help yourselves.
    Sending hugs to all in need love

    1. Congratulations to the Gemini, have some fantastic plays and make some amazing cards :-) hugs xx

    2. Margaret I'm sure you are going to enjoy your Gemini. If I were going to buy a new machine that would be my choice. There will definitely be no stopping you now.....Enjoy LOL xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all who are visiting in the cafe' or if you are just looking through the window, do come in and say Hi. You don't want to miss Margarets date cake ,it is sooo good !
    Well this is a card I love Sandra and the die packet is a me so I think I will have a look out for it but purse a bit empty at the moment because I have just bought 2 work shops with Julia (Oct and Nov once).
    My little Frugal Tip for today is the Straps that comes with many tops you buy are perfect as a ribbon on a card so I cut them off and keep them in a little box. The one on the card today might be one ?
    Great shop Michele, like the Santa toppers. Son have left the store so no info. when new stock in any more :-)
    Had a better night, except the dog next door had it's moment around 1.30 this morning, bless her/him. Did a walk and ended up doing some shopping at Waitrose, the weather was lovely but now gone darker so it might be rain coming. When putting back the trolley I got my thumb under the handle bar so when taking it out I somehow managed to rip the nail, jeez how something like that can hurt. That under plaster for now and I see the doc in about an hour so going now for a cup of tea and a piece of date cake, it's calorie free here :-)
    Hope you all have a good day and many hugs to you all incl. our missing friends. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra great tip of being frugal with a card, it's one that I often forget to use.
    Your card today is really beautiful and the Stamping up dies look great, such a selection, do they come as a set?

    Hope everyone is having a good day, I have been sitting at my computer working. But the concentration is not very good today, I keep getting distracted.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx
