
Thursday 13 October 2016

A Collection of Janet's Vintage Cards

Janet's Gorgeous Vintage Card

Stunning Vintage Lady

Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

Well I am happy to report that we all managed to meet up and have a lovely lunch date yesterday, the only trouble is just like the first time we me met the time just disappeared and as Sue was on 'Nanny' duty we ended up being in a rush, once we get chatting, we just can't stop, we covered so many topics from the 'MISTI' tool to how thick we like our custard, (in our house you can stand your spoon in the custard as Paul and children like it thick), Sue and Pat like it thin!!!  
Hopefully we will be back to crafting next week!

Now, as we are all missing Our Janet and her gorgeous cards each week, so I thought I would share some of Janet's amazing cards, Janet's Vintage cards are some of my favourite cards ever, the first one today is a new one to the blog, Its like looking into a vintage dressmakers window, the beautiul papers that you have used are just perfect for the style of card as are the embellishments, that little sewing machine is just darling, as is the vintage style wooden cotton reel that Janet has actually wound lace onto, the mix of satin roses and paper flowers that make up the window box are just the genius finishing touch. 
The second is a card that I have previously shown but it is so worthy of a second airing,  first of all how stunning is the lady in the vintage image? they always look so good in their photographs back then! Janet has framed the image perfectly with CE Noble Adorned Rectangles, die cut in gold, the mix of white and gold appliques in the corners, topped with vintage colour ribbon and a applique flower is just incredibly beautiful.  
I hope you don't mind me sharing your cards today Janet xxxx

We have Paul's parents coming to stay tomorrow, so it will be all systems go in our house to prepare, the spare room is like a store room at the moment so Paul will have to get busy, unfortunately he is 2 nights into a 5 night shift!!

I hope that you are all getting on ok with your challenge cards, have any of you got any thoughts for 'Frugal Friday' ?

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs 


  1. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Beautiful antique/vintage cards from Janet this morning.
    I have the pleasure of owning the second card as I received this one as my birthday card last month. Than you so much Janet.

    Up early as off to the Bath & West Showground for the Craft4Crafters show today. Doors open at 10 am, am looking forward to all the crafts on offer. Tiegan and I went to their show in February at Exeter and thoroughly enjoyed it. Tiegan tried her hand at lace making & felting and was fascinated by all the beautiful quilts made by various Quilters Guilds around the country. Unfortunately we couldn't find a sewing group in our area that did children's workshops. She is now doing textiles at her school.

    See you all later with a report.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all.
    Two beautiful Janet cards today. Love the reel of lace on the top one - oh so cute. Hope you're feeling a lot better today Janet.
    woken up to reply heavy rain today. Very well needed but don't like it. Poor Gracie has her legs crossed as she just won't go out in the rain to have a wee. I put her out and shut the door and she just huddles on the door step poor little thing. I lost at crib yesterday. My lack has deserted me cat the moment. Just off to the clinic to see if my health card has arrived.
    Glad all 3 of you had a lovely meal and catch up yesterday Sandra.
    Take care everyone.
    ValxxXLove Valxx

  3. Hi Cheryl. Wishing you a lovely day at the show, and an easy journey too. I wonder if any goodies will end up going home with you : ) Also wishing you a good journey down to our dear Lilian's neck of the woods in Cornwall.
    We didn't realise that there is "another" Newquay, in Wales, until last year when Gem went there with her boyfriend and his family. As she can sometimes be a bit dizzy about where places are we assumed she was getting it wrong again when she talked about going over the bridge into Wales, then we discovered the "other" Newquay, which she loved!
    Sorry you haven't found your mobile phone, know what you mean about not missing it in some ways though.
    Have a good day. Take care x

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Janet, your cards are gorgeous, so beautifully made and the attention to all of those wonderful embellishments and details make them cards to treasure. Thank you so much for sharing them. Sending you healing hugs x
    I had a lovely to yesterday with Sandra and Pat for our Anniversary meal, just sorry that I had to rush us all as I had to get the girls from school and off to their swimming lessons. In retrospect it would have been more sensible to have had it on another day as we know how the time flashes by when us three get together. Won't make the same mistake at our Christmas meal though! It was so good to be able to spend some time with you though my lovely friends : ) x
    Maria, I hope you didn't get pushed too far yesterday! How is the shoulder feeling now? Better each day I hope x
    Michelle, how lovely for you to see your hedgehogs, we still miss the ones we had for several years. X
    Mum, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow x
    Lilian, enjoy your new car, there are so many different things that even the most basic cars have now, I still haven't worked out exactly everything on mine, enjoy finding it all out though x
    Val, I hope you enjoyed Columbus day yesterday. Did you manage to get any more Christmas cards made? And how did you get on at Crib? X
    Must go as I am on the school run this morning. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  5. I love your vintage cards JANET I haven't tried this style of card really What a shame you lost at crib VAL and CHERYL have a great time at the show
    Your meal sounded fun SANDRA and we don't 'arf cover some bizarre topics wen we chat don't we I'm a medium sort of person Not too thick Not too thin!
    It is pouring down here Winter is definitely here!

    1. Hi Karen
      It rained here thus morning as well, although it cleared up a hit this afternoon. I also like middle of the road custard as well, not thin custard. Much prefer proper custard as well but don't like it cold or the skin.

  6. Morning Ladies-my body clock is still on US time I think!!

    Lovely cards from Janet-they're the next best thing while she can't keep calling in.

    Sandra-glad you finally had your anniversary meal yesterday. Not long until your Christmas meal now?!

    Had a lovely day yesterday-we were ages in Liverpool mainly because the garage didn't do the job properly and hubby asked the to re-do it twice! As the weather was so nice we did some gardening in the afternoon. Today we have more sunshine so hubby is off to hit some golf balls and I'm popping into Southport for a few things then I think I'll have to start the ironing this afternoon.


  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Two wonderful Janet's vintage cards. Love all the little touches you have put on them. Hope you starting to feel better, many hugs for you.
    Glad the 3 graces had a nice meal together yesterday even if a bit rushed, remember to cancel all other appointment before the next one. Thick custard, looovely :-)
    Val- shame you lost at crib but hope you had a good evening seeing some fireworks.
    Lilian- good luck with the new car. Know what you mean with all buttons and lights. Expect them to be flying in the air next. Hope you have a good day.
    Michele- you ok after the trip to Washington ? How sweet to have some hedgehogs in your garden, hope they be fine over the winter.
    Cheryl- how lovely not to have a mobile phone for a bit but hope you found it now before you going away again. I have one but never use it unless going to town etc and need to get hold of OH to be picked up.
    Woke early by a dog crying next door and it went on for ages before someone let him in. The owner renting the house out while away so don't know the youngster staying there at the moment but will have to say something if it continues. Hope Anne has a lovely holiday. Have a nice day everyone and start wrapping up warmer if going out. Love and hugs, Maria xxxx

    1. Still can't find it Maria, shame as I am away for the weekend but will be taking my kindle as Messenger is on there to stay in touch with family. Hope your shoulder is recovering for you. x

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Just list a long post so will be brief, I need to get shopping.
    So pleased the three of you got out yesterday.xx
    Janet your cards are beautiful hope you are feeling better, hugs on
    Cafe up & running fire on today, hot buttered crumpets this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    As you can see iPad and are are not playing the same game today, SOooo I will start over again......

    Janet you vintage cards are absolutely stunning, I wouldn't know where to start. The first one, the haberdashery shop window is brilliant, I would love to have some of your vision. The second one, I love it the first time around, and still could sit and look at it all day. You have a real gift for doing vintage. I hope you're feeling a little stronger as each day goes by, sending caring and gentle hugs just for you LOL

    Today we are on school run duties, after school Ciara has swimming, so I get to go and watch. It's good to see how they progress each week.

    I will pop in later when we return home. Sending love and hugs to everyone and extra ones for those feeling under the weather. Love Brenda XXX

  10. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for showing Janet's creations on your blog. The first one I had to have two it threes looks at it to see everything. At first glance I hadn't seen the cotton reel nor the sewing machine. Two wonderful creations Janet.
    Petes had his date for his scans today which is on the 24th Oct. he'll have to drink some dye so that it shows his organs up. Then it will be just over a week until we get the results. So I think after that we'll pop up to see Bet will need to be home Sunday evening as we're off to the theatre with friends on the 31st. Surprise surprise the man from Nissan didn't ring me back re my missing handbook. How I hate that, he was off yesterday but the receptionist left him a message to ring me about it today.

  11. Hello Everyone, sorry to be late, thought I'd come in this morning!!!!!!

    Janet your cards are beautiful, love this style of cards, do them occasionally but not as good as these, hope you will soon feel better.

    Glad you managed your anniversary lunch yesterday, Sandra.
    Pat you have my sympathy re your missing hand book, I found that we are missing the special keys to use if the electrics go wrong, also the book for the sat nav, not there, so annoying.

    Going to do a bit of crafting now not sure what, will have a browse on Pinterest.
    Hope you all have a good evening, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Just lost a long post went to publish & it disappeared GRRRR
    So this will be a quick one Janet your cards are gorgeous hope your feeling better. I had a letter to have my Stent done next month.& another letter for a lung function test this month so I'm all set. Tomorrow we are going to Lisa's FIL funeral in London. Margaret is going to pop in & let Bambie out as be out for quit a while. Well going to say good night before this disappears
    Love Lynda xxx

  13. Evening all,
    good to see you in Lynda, wondered where you got too. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hopefully you will feel so much better after the stent is in. Lucky you phoned them after the letter mix-up. Val- hope you got your card at last, seem a long time since you asked for it. Know we got an easy CC this week but I have made some and they so far have gone to the scrap bin, it's getting rather large. It has been a bad day so I'm seeing the doctors tomorrow. They also want to take some blood, I'm saying good luck because I have no veins and if they find it it just trickle out so hope they only want one vial.:-)
    They just taken the dog next door so will try to get some sleep before they let him out again so I wish you all a good night and I see you sometime tomorrow. Many hugs xxx
