
Saturday 15 October 2016

A selection of Lynda's latest makes & Cheryl's holiday snaps!

A beautiful mixed media piece

Lynda's Inkyliscious Bauble

Lovely Snowy scene bauble

Good Saturday Morning ladies,

Our Lynda has had a busy week in her craft room, playing with all things 'Inkyliscious',  the first piece has Lynda has used many different elements, starting with using a mask to apply texture to the background, the Dandelion stamps around the background to add detail, the main element looks like a postcard, it is the "Memoirs of a lady" Stamp, it is a gorgeous stamp with so much detail. Lynda has made an amazing job of making the best of this stamp, I love how you have used both lace and metal flowers to embellish with, giving the real ''mixed media " feel.
The second photo shows Lynda's 'Winter Bauble' using the kit of the same name from Inkyliscious.  Lynda you have done an amazing job, that pretty cottage looks like its sitting upon a snowy hill, the snow falling around is a beautiful effect.
Lynda's last piece is an MDF bauble, upon which she has stamped the pretty cottage and given the really wintery scene feel to the bauble with some Iced Snow.
Lynda, thank you so much for allowing me to share your gorgeous works of art,
I wish you lived closer, I would love to craft along with you xxx

Next up we have a first glimpse of our Cheryl's great American Adventure...

This photos are of Cheryl's holiday, the first one being their first view of Philadelphia after leaving New York, this was the first day of The Great American Crossing, East to West Coast Ziggzagging across the USA, Cheryl left New York at 8am, going to Philadelphia, doing a Bus Tour of the City, it was a very hot day, sadly Cheryl didn't have the energy to run up the steps like Rocky did in the movie!
Thank you Cheryl for sharing a snapshot of your holiday, we look forward to seeing more. Xxx

Well ladies that's all for today, I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Special hugs for our lovely Janet xxxx

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-gorgeous cards, they look lovely.

    Cheryl-great photos. I'm so glad you enjoyed your holiday and it's great that you're thinking of going back.

    I'm off to see my Dad this morning-met need a drink after I've been round !!!
    We had a lovely evening last night-the food was great and our neighbours were good company. We got hone about 9.45 so I quickly put the hedgehog food out and by 10.10 was rewarded by seeing the young hedgehog eating. He stayed for over half a hour then wandered off up the garden.


    1. Your evening out sounds lovely Michele and seeing the young hedgehog mst be a real thrill. Hope the visit to your dad went well. Xx

    2. Thank you Michele for liking my cards.
      Glad you enjoyed your evening. & seeing the sweet hedgehogs must be lovely to watch them.xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you enjoyed your evening with friends. How lovely as well to see your baby hedgehog.

  2. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    WOW Lynda, love all 3 of your designs. The baubles are so beautiful. What a lovely stamp you've used. Oh so wintery.
    Cheryl, great to see some photos from your holiday. I've been humming the Rocky tune all morning. One of my favourite films. Just love Silvester Stalone.
    Had such a frustrating morning. I have a couple of pair if trousers to take in for taking with me next week and the blinking sewing machine won't work. It's not picking up the bottom stitch and I've fiddled and faffed and sworn all morning but it still won't work. I've just made a coffee and I'm about to sew them by hand. It's not as good but I really want to take them with me.
    Maria, hope the docs went ok last night.
    Sandra , hope the in laws visit went well.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you very much I was pleased with them.
      Sorry about your sewing machine how frustrating for you,hope you managed to do them ok by hand
      love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you managed to sew your trousers by hand. Not a job I'd relish I can tell you.

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lynda, I love your beautiful creations. The mixed media piece is fabulous - love the main stamp. Your Inkylicious baubles are wonderful too :-)
    Lovely to see some of your holiday photos Cheryl, it looks fantastic there. It's a trip I'd like to make over to the USA one day, shopping in New York at the top of my wish list :-)
    Car MOT this morning, thankfully only needed a new bulb, then passed. Housework all finished, so can relax for the rest of the weekend now :-) Hope you're all well and having a lovely Saturday. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you so much Sonia your very kind. Pleased your car passed MOT always a worry.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are enjoying your visitors at least the sun is shining & it is warmer
    Lynda your mixed media are beautiful, you have me thinking of other ways to use the inkylicious stamp, thank you for showing
    Cheryl your photos are a lovely reminder of your holiday, thank you for sharing with us. Hope you are enjoying your visit to
    I am late again today went out to friends for coffee & had a good catch up. Hope to make some cards our at least cut out some bits. Has anybody else got the Gemini? It cuts & embosses beautifully & is nice & quiet, but have a problem with the rubber embossing mat, it is very thin & unfortunately when following booklet instructions the die cut right through. Talked to Hobbycraft & have to take it back on Monday & the girl who does cards & understands will look at it & hopefully give me a new mat, at least it doesn't stop me from using it.
    Janet hope you are feeling stronger, hugs on
    Maria hope your Dr appointment gave you some answers. Enjoy the summer , hugs on
    Spiced banana loaf in cabinet for later, haven't seen the goat lately is he still about?
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Should read sun not summer!!

    2. Hi Margaret
      thank you for your kind words. I love the stamp I was thinking of getting the other cottage one. Just thought I would try it on the MDF bauble but think I should have stamped it in a darker color.
      hope you get the Gemini sorted .
      love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Margaret
      Hope you manage to get your mat sorted out. I did wonder Margaret if I'd missed the winter when you wrote enjoy the summer to Maria.

  5. Hello Sandra and coffee shop ladies,

    Lynda you have certainly been busy, your cards are lovely and the MDF bauble is really great. Thank you for inspiring and sharing with us.

    Cheryl some great pictures, you certainly covered some miles.

    Sandra hope your in laws arrived safely, after the long drive. They will enjoy spending the weekend with you, Paul and grandchildren.

    Today we are at daughters looking after the youngest two, chauffeuring them to their various Saturday activities. Daughter has takenTierney to view another university, SIL has gone to his mothers, he is fitting a new kitchen for her.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. Love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda thank you your very kind.
      hope you have good day chauffeuring your two grandchildren here there & everywhere your such a brilliant Nannie.
      love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra everyone
    Thank you Sandra for showing my three crafty pieces & thank you for your love descriptions. I hope your in-laws are enjoying there weekend with you your not tiring yourself out to much. Yesterday's funeral went well for SIL's father quit emotional lot's of tears. The hospital gave him two years max but he didn't make three weeks it was so quick in so much pain. It was at Eltham crematorium . a two & half hour drive for us. Margaret came round & let Bambie out as would be a long time for her crossing her paws so that was good of her.
    Haven't done much today just housework washing.
    Not sure if you see my late post the other day. I have got my appointment for the Stent operation next month & I have got to stay in over night or maybe two nights depending all ok.& 31st of this month I have a Lung function test & on Monday a blood test & two blood tests the following I'm having a good MOT HAHA. So much excitement I have to look forward to.
    Terry has just called me he has made me a cup of tea bless him. will pop in later. Janet hope your feeling better each day. Maria hope your doctors appointment went well & Hope your leg arm is not as painful take care xx
    love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Brilliant news that your having the operation to put a stent in for you. About time to I'd say.

  7. sorry Cheryl Your pictures are brilliant what a wonderful experience you Jamie had.
    love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    I hope your having a lovely time with Paul's parents.
    Lynda your cards are lovely. Especially love the bauble.
    Cheryl your pictures look lovely I bet you had a fantastic time. Pete would have been proud of you undertaking a trip like this.

    1. Hi Pat thanks I love that stamp I might get the other one
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all.
    Hope you all have had a nice day and it is good to see your in-laws again Sandra.
    Beautiful Baubles Lynda and your art work is so nice, love it ! I saw you having a lot doing to you soon and I sending you good wishes for all the treatments ahead.
    Lovely to see some photos from your holiday Cheryl, it looks great. I too like Sylvester Stallone and Rocky :)
    Michele- and chance you can get a photo of the little visitors ? Must be so cute to see them coming down for some food.
    Val- hope your sewing machine will not have to much fault so it can be fixed soon.
    Sonia- glad your car went through the MOT.
    Margaret- did you get a new rubber mat for the Gemini ? Shame it went bad so quickly. Hope you and pop are doing well.
    Brenda- hope you had a nice Saturday with the grandchildren.
    Janet- many hugs and hope you got some help so you starting to feel better.
    Pat- hope you are ok and having a good weekend.
    Sue- hope your weekend is fine and you are alright.
    Lilian- have a good Sunday. Is you OH working tomorrow ?
    Had a bad week so it can only get better, right ?
    Dr is going to give me an steroid injection in knee, calf is only a pulled muscle but it goes on so long. It's now getting darker and my mood is a bit low already so I thought that perhaps a Meet-Up end of November to look forward too could help some, What do you ladies think ??
    Coffee and movie night is on the agenda so might pop in later. love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Sandra, your card yesterday was beautiful, and in your favourite colour. The die set has a lovely selection, I can see you using it a lot. I hope you are having a nice time with Paul's Mum and Dad, but you will be exhausted when they leave no doubt so I hope you will be able to have a restful day on Monday my lovely xx
    Lynda, I love both of your cards and that lovely tag too. It's good to hear that you don't have too long to wait to get your stent put in x
    Maria, how is your thumb today, hopefully it's not as sore as it was when you did it yesterday. Sending you healing hugs. It would be good to have a meet up, it's just finding a time when most of us can make it. Like you I hate the shorter darker days, Spring can't come soon enough for me! X
    Mum, how many dies cuts have you done today? I was impressed with your Gemini, apart from me cutting through the embossing mat of course. At least it wasn't totally my fault, I do wonder why it cut through, even though I had followed the instructions in the booklet! At least you know you will get it sorted at Swindon Hobbycraft as they are so good with any problems aren't they. Love you xx
    Cheryl, what lovely photos of your holiday, it would be good to see some more, please. I hope you are having a good time in Newquay x
    I must get on and finish my CC so I can send it to you Sandra as today has flown by even faster than usual and I am determined to join in this week!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hello All, very late again, so quick post, had terrible thunder and lightening,with torrential rain this morning.

    Lynda love your art pieces, you have a wonderful talent, for mixed media looking forward to seeing more. Hope all of your appointments go well and you are able to have your stent fitted.

    Cheryl lovely to see your pics. of your holiday, USA is one destination I would love to have visited, too late now.

    Maria , I am on the same wave length as you when it comes to dark evenings, really hate it when the time alters, hope your aches and pains will soon improve.

    Well time for bed, hugs to all, Lilian
