
Monday 5 September 2016

Your Sketch Challenge Cards

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

Anne's Challenge Card

Brenda's Challenge Card 

Karen's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge Card

Michele's 2nd Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge card

Val's Challenge Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Well here are your amazing Challenge cards at last, after a few hours sleep and allowing the laptop to adjust to being back in the UK, I finally managed to download all of your gorgeous cards into Picasa so that I could upload them all to the blog, for some strange reason last night the files kept downloading but they had no content!! I think the laptop was still in holiday mode!

Anne, I love the shape of the pretty die that you have used to frame your Sentiment, its so detailed, the card needs nothing more, the colour you have used is so gorgeous too, a fantastic Challenge card, thank you so much xxx

Brenda, wow what a beautiful card, I love the lilac and grey together, is it fabric you have used for the two scalloped base layers?  it is such a gorgeous combination, I love that die too, it looks like a Memory Box die, I love the floral detail, one of your beautiful handmade flower sprays gives the most perfect finishing touch to your card Brenda, stunning, thank you so much xxx

Karen, I love your stunning wreath of snowflakes, have you used gilding flakes or just metallic card?
I can pick up the sparkle through the camera lens, I can just imagine how beautiful it will be on somebody's mantel piece this Christmas, a gorgeous challenge card, thank you xxx

Lilian, such a pretty colour combination from you this week, I love the design of your card too, those pretty Spellbinder Circles upon that beautifully embossed background, I love the silver corner embellishments and that pretty one in the centre of your card too, such a beautiful card, thankyou xxx

Lynda, wow, I think you may have used one of your pretty 'Pixie Powder' backgrounds for your challenge card this week?  it gives such a textured look to the poinsettia's and works so well for the background circle you have die cut too, such a pretty Christmas card, thank you xxx

Margaret, Oh I love your Dotty Christmas Card, such a perfect Christmas colour combo, (sue's favourite too)!  I love the circle die you have used and that pretty Christmas wreath in the centre too, a stuniing challenge card. thankyou xxx

Maria, I just adore that deep red that you have used for the background/base colour of your Christmas card, it is the perfect background for your exquisite snowflakes, they are so pretty Maria, I love that little sentiment with the candy cane on too, such a pretty card, thankyou xxx

Michele, two perfect Christmas Challenge cards from you this week, both fantastic, I love the simplicity of the Silver and grey one, it looks very expensive, my favourite though is the second card, not sure if its that pretty die or the colour combination you have used, either way, I love it, thankyou so much xxx

Sonia, such a gorgeous Christmas card, I love the soft muted tones of your background paper, which is then bought to life by that gorgeous die cut wreath, cutting it in the two different papers gives a look of depth and dimension, fantastic, festive card Sonia, thankyou xxx

Val, Another gorgeous Christmas card from you, I love how you have used Sue Wilson's Noble dies as your background and the sentiment and focal point is just so pretty, with those different buttons surrounding that lovely sentiment, some of your design ideas are just so inspired Val, thank you so much xxx

Thank you for your patience ladies, I really hate messing up the routine of the blog, but hopefully we are all back to normal now.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely collection of challenge cards, Val -I love the use of buttons on your card.

    My mission today is to a) ring the dentist for yet another emergency appointment as I've chipped another tooth and b) try to contact someone about the Attuc Sale. I've left a message, sent a text & 2 emails so far....!!!
    I'm on a "management " day to do some online training so hopefully I'll be able to make a couple of phone calls on my breaks.


    1. Hi Michelle
      I do hope you get it all sorted. It's one of my pet hates, people who don't respond to emails, phone calls etc.

  2. Hello All, very wet here after all the rain last night.

    What a beautiful selection on cards today, love all of them much more inventive than mine, I seem to have lost my mojo at the moment.

    Work today, as have my cousin from York comming to stay next week, so need to catch up.

    Have a good day all, Hugs Lilian

  3. Lovely cards I always find it interesting to see what everyone has used and "that's such a good idea"
    As you've asked SANDRA mine is made up of punched gold card - mirri, holographic and textured - all C&C buys plus a couple of white ones
    Had a great afternoon yesterday - Dancing (Salsa) in the Park It was part of a festival taking place in a park in Enfield Bumped into (not litereally) some dancers that i haven't seen in 10 years! The rain held off which was lovely I also bought a lovely bag from one of the many stalls

  4. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies.
    Having to use the main computer this morning as my tablet doesn' seem to want to work today.

    Ladies, wonderful cards again this week. So may interpretations and all beautiful. it's lovely to see more and more Christmas ones each week.

    Sandra hope you managed to have a good rest yesterday and feeling less zombiefied today. Bet Paul was glad to get home from work for a relax. he must have been shattered, poor man. Are the girls starting 6th form today? How exciting for them. Do wish them well.

    Pat. Oh poor Pete. Do hope the meds are working and he's feeling back to normal today. I'm sure you must get the money back from the Insurance Company. Funily enough I took my own holiday insurance out yesterday. I got an annual policy as i have a few trips planned in the next year. It cost an arm and a leg but no one will cover you for a health problem you already have which i can appreciate but it' a bit worrying as well. Of course the magic 70 plays a big part in bumping up the price as well. Great to read Pat that you are getting around without your stick. Well done you.

    Skyped with my son last night. My DIL finally saw the pain man this week. He suggested yet another injection in her spine which she refused. He's increased the morphine and suggested physio which can't start for 2 months but has admitted that the problem is caused through the first spinal injection which was given in the wrong place. Poor Helen can lie flat or stand up. she can't sit down. She is actually a legal secretary (not that shes been able to go to work since all this happened) who is sorting out the possibility of sueing the hospital for her now.

    Well, must get on. Hope all those not feeling too good have a better day today.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I think the meds are starting to work. But he's still having a few accidents. Will see the hospital when we get back so I'll talk to them again about seeing the urologist.
      Poor Helen, but she's in the right job to know how to go about suing.
      Petes friends grandsons fiancée was suing the hospital as she works as a nurse and got attacked by a patient. I think her compensation has come through as she's just bought an automatic car as she can't drive a normal one.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, a fantastic selection of cards, love them all :-)
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
    Karen, the festival yesterday sounds like it was fun, glad you enjoyed it.
    Michele, hope you manage to make your calls and get things sorted. Sorry to hear about your tooth.
    Well, boys are back to school and academy today. The holidays have just flown by and before we know it, it will be Christmas! ;-) I'm on taxi duty with Luke for the time being to save on the bus fares and I can fit it around my work.
    Hope you're all keeping well and have a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Morning Everyone
    Oh how wonderful to be back in the CAFE!
    I'm still not back to a normal routine and haven't touched anything crafty since before my ops. It seems ages and ages though I'm only just over one week post op. I've still another two/three weeks before I can pick things up slowly again and even then cannot pick up large items. I just cannot wait to get back my energy and to be able to sit to my crafting.

    I have to say a HUGE THANK YOU for my beautiful get well cards. They have all in turn cheered me up on the days I feel down.

    As usual the CCs are all amazing and so different from each other.

    The Café is looking very smart and oh so welcoming. Hugs to you all. I'll try and pop in tomorrow. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      How lovely to see you in cafe, so pleased you feel up to coming in. I can understand how tired you feel it is surprising how much it takes it out of you, seemed so much easier when we were younger. Take care hope you feel up to crafting

    2. Welcome back, wonderful that you feel able to pop back in to see us, you have been truly missed.
      Take it easy , it can take a long time for the anesthectics to work out of your body, lots of healing hugs are winging their way to you. Lilian

    3. Hi Janet
      Lovely to see you back after your op. Don't do to much as you'll only suffer for it. We've truly missed you.

    4. Oh Janet it's lovely to see you, Pleased you are following doctors orders. Hope we will see you again soon. Love Brenda xxx

    5. Hello JANET lovely to see you hope your feeling better but please do as the doctor says. Baby steps. Hope you will pop in when you feel like it. Miss you Love Lynda xxxx

    6. Lovely to see you back Janet :-) Take it easy. Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are not rushing round doing all the washing your body must be telling you to take it easy. Hope the girls have a good first day & Paul has managed to catch up on some
    All the cards are lovely again this morning so many different ideas from the same sketch.
    Sue hope you are taking it easy today knowing you you will be sleeping most of the day. Take care lolxxx
    Lovely to see Janet in cafe we have missed you.
    Cafe ready clean tablecloths on & fresh flowers cakes in cabinet just waiting for you all to visit.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra
    Have you been rushing around doing to much?. Only you usually do when you come back off holiday. I walked about quite a bit today in Funchal. It was walking back up the hill that did me in. Won't be doing that again in a hurry, it will be a taxi next time.
    How lovely to see Janet in today as well. Take care Janet and don't try to do to much to soon. Hope you got my card as it went in the same postbox your birthday card did. As Lilian says it takes quite awhile for the anaesthetic to leave your body.
    Hugs to all who need one today.
    Just to show how rubbish our post is. It goes to Swindon first, it took 13 days for a card to get to Australia to my SIL. A friend of hers from Australia whose in Wales at the moment posted her a card and it took 4 days. No wonder posting cards is on the decline.

  9. My brain must be in limbo. Situation normal I hear Sandra saying.
    I completely forgot to mention all the wonderful challenge cards everyone's made for this weeks challenge. I might even make another one when I get home. Must try harder I hear you all say, but I know I'm very trying.

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a gorgeous selection of cards we have for this weeks challenge, and as I've said before just so inspiring, we all had to same sketch to work from yet the designs are so different. Sandra, sorry I didn't make these little roses on my card the thin ribbon would be too difficult for my arthritic fingers to cope with. Sorry I couldn't take the credit for that. LOL

    I hope you have all had a good day, I went mad doing house work (No I'm not expecting visitors !!!) then cleaned the main oven and grill, the small oven can wait for another day. Because I've had enough of that game. I've got about half an hour before dinner, think I will go and play in my craft room.

    Love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

    1. Sandra, No I didn't use fabric on my card. The paper was in a pad I got at AP - 'Mr & Mrs Découpage and Paper Pad' think I got it on one of the bargain stands. xx

  11. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Gorgoeous CCs again they are all beautiful. Yes SANDRA the poinsetias & focal point on my card was made with my Pixie powder backgrounds.
    Managed to go for a walk as the rain finally stopped at midday the we went up to Westwood Cross I needed the pound shop & popped in Hobbycraft for some spray glue. Also the 3 phone shop to sort out my phone.
    Tomorrow I'm in Hospital for the day to have my Angeograme. I have to be there at 8.30 am not sure what time it's being done. I have to have a responsible adult with me not sure if Terry is responsible but he will have to do HAHA
    I hope the girls had a good day at 6 form x & you have been resting today Sandra also I expect Paul was glad to get home.
    Pat hope Pete is feeling better today,& you take it easy with them hills don't over do it. Enjoy your day tomorrow.
    Well I'm going to have my last Cupper so will pop in when I get home tomorrow.
    Love Lynda xx
