
Sunday 4 September 2016

Changed to advertised post...sorry!!

 Michele's Beautiful Blue 'pop up box card'

Michele's Pink 'Pop up box card'

Good Morning Ladies,

I start today with a huge apology.....sorry I didn't get your Sketch Cards up today, they will be published tomorrow (just for this week)!

This is because of the sheer incompetence of the staff at the Port Of Calais !!!, we arrived a good 3 hours before our Ferry was set to sail to find that the Police had blocked off the whole motorway into the Port, we watched as about 8 police rounded up about 6 immigrants in a field next to the motorway, several more police were watching from the road side too, after a good 45 mins they re-opoened the motorway for us to proceed the final 3 miles into port, (we were about 6 cars from the front of queue), if I told you that it then took a further 2 hours to get to first border control would you believe me?!, well its true, bearing in mind the road to port was closed for a good 45 minutes the backlog of traffic still waiting to get through passport control was crazy, there were two young ladies in high-vis vests directing cars here, there and everywhere, the chaos was unbelievable, so we ended up miussding the crossing we were 3 + hours early for and put on one a coupke of hours later, there wasn't a seat to be had on the ship and all restaurants were full to capacity within 10 mins of boarding!!  We then discover that they have closed the M20 to clear away the damage footbridge from last weekends accident, so we had to figure a diversion out too!  
We were supposed to be home by 7.30 - 8pm latest but it ended up being nearer to midnight !! 
I then tried to upload all of your photos but some wouldn't work, so I gave up at about I am and decided to reschedule for tomorrow, I am sorry, I don't like letting you all down xxx

On the upside this means you get to see Michele's fantastic pop up boxes in two colour ways, I love them both Michele, so bright and cheerful, would work for any age too! I love how you have layered the stars up on the blue one, looks very professional, thank you for sharing these with us Michele, you were a life saver, I was panicking about not having a post at all today!! Xxxx

I was so shocked at the huge pile if cards and packages that greeted me last night when I got in, I will be opening them today, so excited, like its my birthday all over again!

Apologies again ladies,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your journey sounds horrific. I'll bet you were all just glad to be home . I hope you have a lovely day opening all your birthday cards.

    My 2 pop-up cards were made "just in case"...!! I'm meant to be at the Attic Sale next Saturday selling my cards but as is till haven't heard anything I'm getting a bit worried. I have enough "ordinary " cards but I wanted something to stand out do I made these. Might do some more today as it looks horrible outside-rained all day yesterday, rained overnight & now it's really windy and not so warm. Crafting sounds perfect once I've done the housework.


    1. Sorry Michele I forgot to say how lovely your cards are, must have a try. Enjoy your day

    2. Great cards Michele, these are real show stoppers

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope you manage to get to the Attic sale, these pop up boxes are lovely.

    4. Hi MICHELE your cards in a box are lovely I have made a few in the past you have now inspired me to make some again. Hope you get conformation on Attic sale. Xx

    5. Wonderful cards in a box Michele. I sort of made one and sent it to Sandra but not happy how the flowers sitting inside the box so will have another go soon-ish :-) Hopefully you will get to do the attic sale xx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , what a horrendous time you had at Calais, you and the family must be truly exhausted, I hope you take things easy and give yourself time to recover and don't worry about the blog ( we will all still be here ) so no hurry just enjoy your cards and relax.xoxo
    Michelle your box cards are terrific and always a surprise for the recipient, I went through a spell of making them but haven't done one recently so you have inspired me to make one again.
    I don't have any plans for today so will just see what evolves ,I have a painful back tooth( actually I think it's the gum underneath) but I have a dentist app. for Thursday so hopefully can hold on till then.
    Glad to hear your joints are a little less painful Maria, I hope that goes for Lynda too, I wonder how Janet is doing now? Xo
    Sounds like you have got to grips with the garden Cheryl, good for you it's a hard job but you will love the results.
    Breakfast is calling , love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi ANNE I hope your not in to much pain with your tooth, could it be a abscess they are so painful & you will need antibiotics. Could you bring your appointment forward Anne. Gentle Hug's xxx

    2. Thanks Lynda, I'm doping myself with painkillers but will phone tomorrow and see if I can bring my app. sooner.

    3. Hi Anne, bless you. hope you can get another time for waiting until Thursday might be too long. Don't like the dentist but if need must......hugs xx

  3. Oooh SANDRA what a horrible experience Some definite R&R today young lady. I love your pop up cards MICHELE It must be very frustrating not knowing what's happening.
    Is there anyone you can contact or know that could help find out.
    I want to say a huge thank you again for your lovely comments about my Sonic the Hedgehog badge. It is now pinned to my board at work and it gives me a little "lift" when I'm feeling down in the dumps
    MARIA or is it MARISA now? I will email you soon but you know what I'm like - I take forever I know. Hope th aches and pains are easing and yours too LYNDA
    I must get on, I have some ironing and a couple of cards to finish - getting a tiny bit cross as a lot of my files are missing AND I can't get along with my new glasses - Argh!
    PS I've said it before SANDRA please don't worry about the blog, as ANNE said we're all here and your health/recovery is more important

    1. Hi Karen I'm feeling a lot better thank you.
      Sorry about your files that are are missing hope you can recover them.
      If you can't get on with your glasses go back to optitions Karen they may have to ajust them or check your prescription. Have a good day.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Karen, please don't be down in the dump. Marisa is here to the rescue and so is baby Oscar. He makes everything feel a lot better after a cuddle. ye ye, you can always give me a call hihi xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a terrible journey home, please relax & enjoy your 2nd birthday, do not worry about the blog or CC, as Karen & Anne said your health is far more important, listen to Mummy!!! Hope Paul has time to relax bwfore starting work as well. Good luck to Lucy & Sophie to starting 6th
    Hope you all survived the heavy rain if you had it & Sue hope you have not been swept away, thinking of
    Janet hope you are feeling stronger & will pop in
    Pat hope all is well with
    Cafe up & running coffee & tea on will put date cake in later. Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret,yes didn't we have the rain of all rains last night. The garden look a real mess after and so many leaves from the trees behind our house have blown in. Really hope Sue be alright and not being on her knees or back in the mud, what a sight Have a good day xx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Oh Sandra , what an awful time you've had getting home. A horrible end to such a lovely holiday. Have a lovely relaxing 2nd birthday today and don't worry. Jst get yourself fit and well again.

    Michele, just love your pop up boxes. They're so effective and will look lovely on your stall if you manage to have one.

    Hope everyone is feeling better today. Maria and Lynda hope the aches and pains are easing. Pat, hope you're having a lovely time. JANET, hope you're feeling stronger every day. Sue, hope the weather is staying ok for your camp.

    Bye for now.

    1. Hi Val thank you my tummy is lot better now. Hope your packing is going ok. Have a lovely day.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val. Did you get your dresses made to take on holiday ? Good idea to put sets together to wear but can be a bit tricky with UK at the moment because we are meant to get a real indian summer next week. Can tell you the weather here has been nuts this year, perhaps we should move the seasons :-) Have a nice Sunday xx

  6. Thank you ladies, for being so understanding xxxx
    We are all feeling a little 'flat' today!
    Poor Paul was up at 5 am for work so he must be feeling terrible today, he was coughing all night too, I think its because of the air con in the hotels, its so chilly too, our last couple of days were in the low 30's so feeling the chill a little today too!
    I am going to have to go and get some food shopping with the girls help this morning as Paul cannot leave his office at weekends and to say the cupboards are bare is an understatement!! So we will go get some essentials and something for dinner tonight and the girls packed lunch tomorrow.
    I will pop in later to catch up on comments, I did email our Janet as I was worried at not seeing a comment from her, she is doing OK, very tired though and taking things easy, sending you huge hugs lovely lady xxxx

    Well best go get organised !!!

    Oh Maria (Marisa) could you send me your challenge card photos again, you sent them as a 'zipped file' and I just can't seem to open them, so if you wouldn't mind sending them as you usually do I would be so grateful my lovely xxx

    Love and hugs

    1. Oh Sandra I feel so sorry for Paul having to go into work, he couldn't of had very much sleep at all. And I'm sure will be feeling quite a wreck today. Sending gentle hugs to you all xx
      It's great the girls to go shopping with you, I hope the shos are not too far away, and the rain holds off. LOL

    2. Hi SANDRA oh my goodness what a horrendous journey home you all had sorry Paul had to go into work today hope he manages to stay awake. Enjoy your 2nd birthday opening all your cards.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Sandra, bless you what a journey home and I would think a little bit nervy going through Calais this time. Hope you bought home a cake to celebrate your birthday x 2 and have a good rest after the shopping. hope Paul be alright ,he must have been shattered this morning. I sent you the CC again, not happy :-) just sent it as usual so hope it goes ,hugs xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in today,

    Sandra After having such a lovely relaxing holiday what dreadful experience yesterday was for you all. Please make sure you take things easy today and that includes you Paul! You must all be feeling quite exhausted. PLEASE don't go rushing back into your normal routine. The CC happen 'whenever ' your health is more important.......... are you listening? xx
    Michele, love your boxes, they will certainly stand out in your display, But I'm sure they will not be there for long. Thank you for sharing. xx

    Wishing Sophie and Lucy all the best for 6th form. I'm sure you will both do well.xx

    Sandra enjoy your second birthday (hope you have another birthday cake) LOL

    Wishing everyone has a good day, take care love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, hope you had a nice morning and the rest of the day is good for you. See you soon :-) hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Haven't been in for a couple of days due to one thing or another. Pete had to go to the Medical Center on Friday as he had the dreaded urine infection. The rep told us it would be €50 to go and see the Dr Thomsons use or €100 if he comes to the hotel. However, the public medical Center would be approx €25 to €30. We took a taxi but this turned out to be a private medical Center. State of the art no less. The public one was the hospital which was 10mins away funnily enough not far from our hotel. Anyway we stayed, to enter the door was €55.00 plus the consultation came to €91.40 plus €13.34 for the prescription. Hope we can claim it back on insurance and they won't put it down to his cancer. No insurance for anything relating to that, lots of companies won't insure Pete at all, some will charge us £2000 plus to cover him.
    So sorry to hear you had a dreadful journey home Sandra as well.
    Went out yesterday without using my stick so I was pleased about that. A bit achy around my bum but apart from that all was ok.
    Anyway I love your pop up boxes Michele, I must get around to making some. Love the pixie powder backgrounds and the stamped images on them as well. Love sonic the hedgehog as well.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh Pat, I hope you can claim these medical expenses back when you return to the UK. When our daughter went on holiday to Cyprus she hadn't in her haste packed enough of Ciara's medication, she spoke to the Thompsons Rep who said she go to the medical centre, having had experience previous years she knew this could be costly. She went to the local pharmacy and asked could you purchase the required medication. It was not a problem at all, I can't remember the cost I think it was about £5.
      I hope Pete will be feeling better soon and you can enjoy the rest of your holiday xx

    3. Hi Pat sorry you had extra exspance hope you can claim it back.
      Hope Pete is now feeling better. Glad you managed walking without your stick but please take care. Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Pat, sorry Pete is not well, sorry you have that worry when you are on holiday, hope you can get the cost refunded. Enjoy the rest of your hols

    5. oh Pat what a thing to happening on your holiday, hope you can claim it back when home. Hols on to all the paper works. Wish Pete feeling better and look at you walking without the stick, just take it slowly. Will you go down the sled ? I can't wait :-). many hugs xx

  9. Good Morning Sandra, and friends, very dull and chilly here.

    What a terrible trip home you had Sandra, plenty of R&R needed today, sorry Paul has to go to work. Please do not worry about us here on the blog, Michele's card were a lovely surprise. Best of luck for Sophie and Lucy when they start sixth form.

    Have had to make 3 bereavement cards, as two of our neighbors have died, also one Rs old colleagues from work, all lovely people . So am going to have a play with my Brushos to see if I can creat something other than "mud" , need something bright today.
    Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday, hugs to all Lilian
    PS Well done Andy and good try Dan.

    1. Hi Lilian, sad cards to make. Hope you manage to use the Brushos and made some lovely cards. Take care and hope your Sunday has been good, hugs xx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oh no Sandra, what an awful end to your holiday :-( Hope you manage to rest today and Pauls day at work isn't too stressful! Sending good luck wishes to Lucy and Sophie as they start 6th form.
    Michele, your pop up box cards are fabulous :-) I hope you hear about your stall for next weekend, your cards will be a sell out.
    Oh Pat, poor Pete. Hope he's better soon and you enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    I am hopeful now that I shall be able to get a challenge card sent in for tomorrow, going to do some crafting later - first time in over a week!!
    Thank you for your comments regarding my interview, it went well and am just waiting to hear either way. Am in two minds as to whether I want a new job though, as my job at present is so flexible and I have Monday's off. I would also feel sad and guilty about giving my clients up :-( Oh well, I will just have to wait and see what happens.
    Anyway, hoping you're all having a good day and keeping well. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Glad you felt the intervju went well and hope you can decide if you ready for a change. Hope all goes well. hugs xx

  11. Hello SANDRA hope your not too sore & not rushing round doing washing extra.
    Please take it easy my lovely. Wishing SOPHIE & LUCY good luck for tomorrow hope all goes well for them.Sandra don't stress about blog we all understand & we are not going anywhere xxxxxx
    Not up to much weather not very good hopeing to get Bambie out for a walk before it rains just waiting for OH.( he takes forever ) Then might be able to get in craft room i want to do more backgrounds. Also finish my last altered box. I have lots of Emails to sort out & delete I'm finding it a task & half as the other day deleated over 200 then this morning I got another hundred come through I have unscrbed loads but they still send me them Grrrr. It's a Headache. Right T is ready so will see you later love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I have the same problem with companies still sending me mail even after unsubscribed them but not nearly as many as you. Take care of your tummy, leg and anything else. Not long now :-) hugs xx

  12. Hello everyone, hope you all have a nice Sunday and some rest from everyday jobs.
    Sorry Sandra you had such a horrendous wait at Calais and bless him Paul having to get up so early this morning for work. Hope he manage to stay awake. Good luck for Lucy and Sophie starting six form, sending them some hugs and a big one for you to take it easy this afternoon. Don't overdo things, promise !
    Yay I stood still this morning after having a dreadful week with eating out and a huge slice of chocolate cake, not again :-p, afterwards my friend and I went for a 'good' breakfast and a long chat. She has so many problems going on, this year has been awful for her and the family, just hope being there for her and listen helps. The weather is very dull but so far no more rain, think we had a weeks worth yesterday and some during the night. Hope it's better tomorrow, the washing bag is full once again.
    Glad Janet is getting better, you have been very much missed. Sending many hugs to you x
    Lorraine- hope you are alright.
    Cheryl- well done doing all the work in the garden. Great feeling after just hope your back was holding and no pain.
    If you looking through the window and can see how nice and friendly we are and love meeting new people, do come in and say Hi. Also hope to see some of you at upcoming Ally Pally !
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hello MARIA yes I know blooming emails im not sure if I can just delete the lot ( do you know ) & start from scratch as seems impossible getting so frustrated with it.
      Good your there for your friend good for her to talk & you listen. Maria It doesn't hurt to eat somthing nice once in a while.
      Take care my friend so looking forward to seeing you again.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. I usually tick the little box infront and delete them that way. Don't want to miss something that might be important either but so many craft sites and blogs and pinterest every single day. Hope you get them sorted. Good night all xxx
