
Saturday 3 September 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

A condition we all suffer with I believe!!
(Thanks karen)

Karen's Sonic The Hedgehog Badge

Actual Pic of Sonic

 Lynda's Pixie Powder backgrounds on Kitchen Paper

More Pixie Powder Backgrounds on Watercolour card

Margaret's Cross Stitch Sheep card

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are agian, don't these Saturdays just seem to keep getting closer together, do you know its appoxiamately 17 weeks to Christmas, wow where has this year gone?? 
We should arrive home later today and then we start rusing about getting the girls things ready for Sixth Form, we did organise most things before we left but there is those last minute things to sort, they state that they don't have a uniform in Sixth Form but the clothing restrictions are that tight they may just as well have a uniform and be done with it, it would be a lot cheaper and easier, they basically want the students to wear business suits, but don't say that, they cannot wear anything that has been made using T shirt material, which cuts out quite a lot of tops, some of which are very smart, so basically its blouses and jumpers for the girls, well we had a nightmare trying to find smart but trendy blouses that the girls would actually want to wear, nothing can have a logo on it, which cuts out most of the girls jumpers/hoodies, (I wouldn't let them go to school dressed in scruffy jeans and hoodie anyway, nor would they want to)!  Matt and Becca both attended this Sixth form too but the rules were completely different then and it worked!  Anyway Rant over, Soapbox stowed in its ususal place!!

Onto todays amazing crafts.........

Karen sent me the poster about ADCD, I believe I suffer terribly with this and I am sure a lot of you do too, not so much different crafts but certainly projects, I get an idea in my head, start to play with bits to create the idea but then get bored and start something else, ususally something that the first idea got me thinking about, this results in several boxes of PHD's (project half done), if I sat and finished off all of the things that I started I would have enough to blog for a year I think!!

Karen made this Amazingly Accurate Badge of Sonic the Hedgehog for her Son many years ago, 
Sonic was the main character of one of the first Game Console Games 'Sega', I think that there were also the Maria Brothers too, theses characters are still used in games today, I can't believe how accurate your badge is Karen, I have added a photo of Sonic so that you can see how fab the badge is!  Thank you so much for sharing Karen, I know that these little trinkets must be very precious to you, xxxxx

Lynda has been playing around with Cosmic Shimmer Pixie Powders, Sue and I bought some at Ally Pally earlier this year but even after attending a workshop that showed us different ways to use them we still don't pick them up and have a go, If I am totally honest i don't think I have used mine since the day of the workshop! For me it was a little bit too messy, I think maybe I like to use things that I know what the end result will be, these can turn out so differently to what you expect, having said that they do make beautiful backgrounds, my main problem is how they are dispensed, at the workshop they told us to keep them upside down and just use the powder that it is the lid, but the amount in the lid can vary, I tried putting some on a dry paintbrush and flicking it onto the wet paper which worker quite well, I think it just isn't accurate enough for me, it was hilarious at the workshop that Sue and I did as some of the ladies were over the moon with their results but Sue and I just sat and looked at each other trying not to laugh, I few found their way into the bin if I'm honest!  I think that they are great to watercolour with and use mixed with water to Spritz.
Lynda has made some fantastic backgrounds while experimenting the top photo using Kitchen Roll to spritz onto the bottom was watercolour card, some using masks to spritz through, the back two have been sprinkled on and I have to say Lynda you got a much better result than Sue and I, I would happily use yours as backgrounds, it is fun having messy craft time though!  Lynda I look forward to seeing the cards you make with these backgrounds, thank you for sharing xxxxx

Margaret, oh I absolutely adore the Cross Stitched Sheep card that you have designed, the pattern is just so beautiful, the colours are my absolute favourites, I would love to see this 'in the flesh', it must have taken you hours to complete, I guess the pattern could be used for many different things but the sheep is just genius, I think this is my new favourite of all of your Cross Stitched cards Margaret, she is just adorable !!! Thank you so much for sharing, this one put a huge smile on my face xxxxx

Well thats all for today ladies, we should be boarding our ferry at about 4pm today, all being well, I am hoping that we missed the busiest weekend which was last weekend (fingers crossed), as previous years it has been chaos as the port is so busy!! Hopefully it will be a smooth crossing.

have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-great sign & love the Sonic badge.

    Lynda-you look like you've been having great fun making those backgrounds. I look forward to seeing the cards you make using these.

    Margaret -brilliant cross stitch, really lovely.

    Yesterday was a much calmer day at work, caught up with some paperwork but was still glad to leave at 5pm!! Heard from my Sister in Law (in Florida) and they're fine. The hurricane missed them, they haven't even had any rain.

    Talking if rain-we have heavy rain forecast for mid morning so I'm going to clean the inside of my car while it's fine then pop into Southport. I want to spend done time in my craft room this afternoon to a) tidy up and b) make a couple of "cards in a box" . I'm meant to be having a table at the Attic Sale next Saturday but I still haven't had confirmation! I have a reasonable amount of cards made but thought I'd have some 3D ones out on show.

    Sandra-safe journey home.


    1. Hi Michele. So glad your family in Florida are safe. Good luck with the tidying and crating in your craft room today.

    2. Just saw the news about Florida so glad your family is alright. Have fun crafting xx

    3. I am so pleased that your family is safe. Enjoy your crafting this afternoon

    4. Hi MICHELE thank you for liking my Pixie powder background papers
      It was quite therapeutic. So pleased family are all ok in Florida. Hope you had a good day.xx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Love the quote ( so true) and the sonic badge is perfect!
    Lynda , looks like you have enjoyed playing with the pixie ponders ( I have the Brusho ones) I think the secret to not making too much mess is to just have a pinhole in the lid ( capped with a round headed pin) and use as though sprinkling pepper , they do make great backgrounds , I'm looking forward to seeing how you use them.
    Sandra I hope you and the family have a good journey and get home at a decent hour.
    We had a delicious lunch out yesterday , a crab salad starter with braised lamb for mains and then we went elsewhere for coffee and tablet so only needed a light tea in the evening .
    Hope to play golf this morning.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, your lunch sounds delicious. Enjoy your golf today.

    2. I have Pixie Powders on my Wish List - so thanks for the tip re lid Your lunch sounded lovely - got my mouth watering

    3. mmmmm lovely lunch you had. Hope the rain stays away and you enjoy the golf xx

    4. Golf went well and I'm through to the final of the Tally Trophy so hope I play well in it, fingers crossed !

    5. Thank you ANNE thank you for liking my pixie powder papers I also have some of the Brusho ones they are more or less the same.
      Congratulations on getting through to the Golf final. Xx

    6. Hi Lynda , do you find one easier than the other?

    7. Well done ! Everything crossed for the next part xx

  3. Sorry , I forgot to mention Margaret's stunning patterned sheep it is fantastic! I love the colours used it is so gorgeous, definitely a card to frame.

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra hope your ferry crossing is calm and without fuss. Have a safe drive home.

    Karen. Love the ACDC sign. So apt for so many of us. Your Sonic badge is a perfect replica. Very clever and obviously treasured.

    Lynda. I have't bought any Pixie Powders but I love the backgrounds you've created with them. The flowers and the one that looks like the inside of a beehive are fabulous. Sorry you haven't been feeling too good over the last few days. Do hope yoyu're feeling a lot better today. Hugs and kisses to you.

    Margaret your cross stitch sheep is amazing. I just LOVE sheep and this one looks soooo cute. You're so clever.

    This morning I have ironing to do and then I'm going to lay my holiday clothes on the bed and pair up tops with bottoms to see what I'm taking. As well as summer clothes for Croatia I'm having to take warmer clothes for the 6 days either side in the UK. I'm flying with Ryanair so it's only 15 kilos luggage. I have ciggies and whisky for my son and vodka for my friend all the Christmas cards and order cards, shoes, sandles, underwear and nightclothes. Fortunately all my toiletries are at my friends already so I'm hoping it all fits in. Coming back I have 20 kilos so I can fit a bit of craft stuff in of course.

    Its just dawned on me that I haven't done this weeks cc. Oops, thats first on my list so I'm off upstairs.

    Love to everyone and hugs to all those not feelng too good especially Lynda and Maria. Hope you're having a lovely holiday Pat. Janet hope everything is going well with you.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. After a good night sleep I feel better this morning, sending you a big hug back. Do take the bottles as hand luggage, never had more mess then when caring a bottle of liqueur in the suitcase :-) Have a good day xx

    2. Hi Val thank you for liking my Pixie Powder backgrounds I enjoyed doing them very therapeutic & not too messy. I'm feeling a lot better today thanks Val & had a lovely day with my Little man ( HARRY)
      Gosh with all the cigarettes whiskey vodka & cards have you got room for any cloths haha as MARIA says bottles are better in hand luggage.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra safe journey home today hope not too busy at Calais. Good luck to getting the girls sorted for sixth
    Karen love the verse, so true, & your badge is
    Lynda I bet you had fun with this, the end result is great look forward to seeing more. Pleased you feel
    I got a surprise seeing my sheep card this morning, it was fun to do & easy if I remember rightly it was in a magazine will have to look it out. Thank you for your kind comments. Quick visit today, it is U3A Freshers Fair this morning, they have it once a year to encourage new members to join the various groups so have a stand there with my embroidery group, not that I have room for more as we are full.
    Cafe up & running coffee & walnut sponge in cabinet for later. Sending hugs to all who need them especially Janet & Maria, love

    1. Hi MARGARET your cross stitch is Gorgeous wish I had the patience. Thank you yes I did have fun doing the backgrounds I have used some on my CC this week & looks good also on Terrys Birthday card I will send picture to SANDRA. Ooo coffee & walnut cake is my favourite.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Who said coffee and walnut cake Ooooh I could have a big piece of that right now hihi Stuff the weigh-in in the morning, the week has been so so anyway so that can go anyway tomorrow xx

  6. Morning ladies, I cannot say where the last few days have gone. Somebody obviously pinched them!
    Thank for your kind comments about my badge. My son was a huge fan of Sega - mainly Sonic. Super Mario was Nintendo which was a bit of a swear word in the Watts' household.
    I'd like to take credit for the verse but I don't remember sending this to SANDRA but it's great whoever sent it . I may have to copy this one and frame it beit stiched or printed on fabric with Terial Magic
    Your Pixie Powder items are lovely LYNDA I have these on my Wish List
    Margaret, Margaret, what can I say that sheep is beautiful I love the patterns of the flowers - genius!
    Still not happy wirth laptop - half my photos are missing and all of my Serif projects. So, he company that did the setting up will be getting it back!
    We have beautiful sunshine here, but I need to craft! Home Alone later, so I'll be beavering away in my craft room< can't think of anything better.
    Take care all and MARISA I know I owe you an email

    1. Thank you Karen I had fun doing the background papers.
      Your badge is brilliant my grandson would love one of them.

  7. Morning everyone.
    Have a good journey back over the channel Sandra and hopefully you want have any delays or nastiness.
    Love the saying Karen(so true hihi) and your sonic the hedgehog. Like my new name as well if it's me you talking about :-)
    Margaret, love your cross stitch sheep. So cute.
    Lynda, glad you starting to feel better. Love your backgrounds papers, really nice the ones you have used with stamps or stencils.
    Off out for a walk so wish you all a good day and I will try to pop in later to see what you all been up too.
    Hope to see Lynn and Lorraine back in and hope Tress have found us and pops in sometime. Love and many hugs to all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, Thank you, it was a fun thing to do. Have you got your list finished yet? only 2

    2. Hi MARIA yes feeling better thank you. Glad you liked the backgrounds I have used some on my CC this week & on Terrys card shush!! Hope your feeling better have you had your scan yet .
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Nope Margaret, the list changes for every day. Not an easy task, how you doing ?
      Lynda, got the x-ray on the 14th. In some way I hope they see something so I can get help or I'm just stuck on the pain killers, still not sure about injections. Glad you had a good day and with Harry too :-) take care ladies xx

  8. Hi Sandra and friends, raining here and quite chilly.

    Love the quote, it sums me up to a tee.

    Karen great badge, clever you.

    Lynda, love your backgrounds that you have made , do the pixie powders have any mica in them ? I have the Brushos, but haven't had much time to play yet.

    Margaret your sheep is lovely, you are so talented with your needle work.

    Just finished potting up sausage casserole for the freezer, I make a big batch in my slow cooker and then freeze it , so when my visitors come to stay it's all done in the freezer.

    Sandra hope the channel crossing goes well, and that you arrive home safely, good with getting things for the girls six form, first I've heard of clothing regs for six form studies.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian I don't know anout talent I enjoy doing them. Raining & cold here

    2. Hi LILIAN thank you the Pixie powders do have mica in them I have the Brusho ones as well I bought them ages ago & only just started using them they look better close up.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I hope you are having a good journey, you are nearly home (hopefully) I was listening to the traffic report a little while ago I'm not sure which direction you take when you come out of Dover but part of the M20 is closed until Monday, due to a lorry hitting a footbridge a few days ago. So that will affect traffic in both directions. Welcome back to the UK! One day maybe our road systems will
    be perfect - well we can dream can't we !!!

    KAREN, Love your Sonic badge. I'm sure it's something you keep in your special memory box. LOL Also love the ACDC poster and if it wasn't you who sent it, I still think it's very clever and very 'us'

    LYNDA, I haven't got any pixie pouders so I might need a tutorial on this one, love what you achieved and looking forward to see how you use them. LOL

    MARGARET, Love your sheep, and the pattern and colours you've used are gorgeous, it just made me smile. Love it. LOL

    Hope everyone is having a good day, love and hugs Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your kind comment, pleased it made you smile. Take

    2. Hi BRENDA thank you for liking my backgrounds they do look better close up. Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hello SANDRA hopefully by now your & not in too much pain after the long journey.
    Had a lovely day at my Sons & seeing my little Man HARRY he starts nursery on Monday from 8.30 till 11.30 am. Also had nice surprise as my other grandson Alfie was there too. SANDRA I forgot when sent my CC in that it was made useing one of my Pixie Powder papers.
    Just going to dish love Lynda xx

  11. Hello, I hope you all had a good day and that our missing friends are just busy and will come and see us soon.
    Sending hugs to all who need one. Janet ,hope everything is going in the right direction and you will be able to come in to the cafe' for a visit soon.
    Sandra, hope you all back home safe and sound and the problems around Calais were not too bad. Have a good rest tomorrow and hope you not in too much pain after sitting in the car so long, hugs.
    Had a nice long walk this morning and of course it was a cafe' at the end :-) Made a card back home, nearly finished. Got distracted by phone call, another card to make etc. it tired me out so had a snooze and woke just in time to make the dinner and a film.
    Hope our missing friends are just busy and will be back soon . Wish you all a good night xoxo
