
Friday 2 September 2016

Two Beautiful Christmas cards from Val

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

As you are reading this we will be making our way through central France to our 2nd Hotel stop just outside Paris, this always seems the longest day, mainly as it isn't as exciting as when we are driving to our holiday, although I am looking forward to getting home.  I have to say that I am more than a little concerned about driving to the Ferry Port at Calais, we have read some horror stories in papers about the behaviour of some of the immagrants hoping to make it across the channel, they have been throwing rocks and stones at GB cars, heading for the ferry, using petrol bombs to throw in the road to get the lorries to stop so that they can jump on/in,  I will be glad when we are actually on the ferry.
Please keep your fingers crossed for us xxx

I am so excited to be sharing two of Val's Christmas Cards that she has designed and personalised as part of an order for somebody, I am not surprised you get asked to make so many Val, your cards are stunning, both very different, I love the embossing folder you have used for the background of the second card Val, can you tell me which one it is please, it works so well, being so beautifully detailed means that the pretty floral spray around the bottom of the oval is all that is needed to finish this card so beautifully, I love those different coloured Christmas flowers, (poinsettia and roses), they look so pretty used together, unusual too!
The top card is gorgeous too, the Gemini die that you have used to cut into the card, decorated with poinsettia's top and bottom looks fab, the pretty spray of CE Holly Sprigs with pretty gems attached for berries, finished with  a beautiful double bow feature gives the most beautiful finishing accent.

Thank you so much Val for sharing your Christmas card designs with us xxxxx

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café. I hope you are having a good journey and that you get onto the ferry quickly and most importantly, safely. What a worry, when will this awful situation with these immigration get sorted? It's so unfair to make innocent law abiding citizens like you suffer and stress when simply trying to return to your own country! Sending loving hugs to all four of you and will be thinking about you. We all will be so glad once we know you are safely on the road over here, and again once you are all home, and being fussed over (or maybe ignored) by Bella and Milo xx
    Val, your Christmas cards are gorgeous, I love them both, and I'm not surprised you were asked to do them.I love the embossing folder too, please can you tell us where you got it from? (If you remember that is, I don't have a clue about most of mine : ) I'm always amazed at how quickly Sandra can name dies, etc) Thank you for sharing these beautiful cards xx
    Everyone seems to be busy with one thing or another at the moment, I hope you are all well, especially our Janet and Lynda.
    I will pop in tomorrow and Sunday but if I don't comment you will know why as the reception on the campsite is very hit and miss!
    Have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thankyou for your lovely comment on my cards Sue. Have a great time at camp. Hope the weather is fine for you and your friend doesn't do too much and is ok.

    2. Hi Sue, hope you have a great time at camp, my children used to love going to camp

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-safe journey & finger crossed you make it to the ferry without any problems.

    Val-WOW!!! Love your Christmas cards, they're both stunning.

    Messaged a critic New Zealand last night to check he was OK (they've had an earthquake there)-he was. Now I just read there's a big hurricane hit Florida on the Gulf Coast which is where Brother in Law & family are. Looking at the path it's taking, we think it's missed them but will wait to hear from them.

    Thank goodness it's Friday....!!! Think I'm going to order some if Sue Wilsons new dies tonight-makes up for being so restrained last Saturday-ha ha!!!


    1. My comment is meant to say "messaged a friend in New Zealand " so goodness knows why critic appeared!!


    2. Hi Michele. Thankyou for your lovely comment. So glad your friend in New Zealand is safe. Do hope the hurricane has missed your family. In Florida. How worrying for you. Hope you hear from them soon.

  3. Gorgeous cards from Val.
    Safe journey home Sandra, xx

    1. Thanks Wendy. See you at Craft Club later. Xxx

  4. Hello All, raining here today.

    Sandra hope you have a safe journey home, will be keeping fingers crossed foe you, that you have no trouble from the traffickers, who I understand are doing these terrible things.

    Val your cards are truly beautiful, can't seem to get my Christmas head on yet.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Lilian. Sorry its raining where you are. The weather forecast doen't look good at the moment. A good day for crafting ha ha. Take carexxx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra, hope you have a safe journey home without any incidents before the ferry , very worrying for travellers now.
    Lovely card from Geraldine yesterday , it looked so different with the pleating the opposite way round, another great idea .
    Val, your cards today are glorious ! I love the folder you have used and would also like to know what make it is, your friend who ordered the cards will be over the moon with them, also love the little Christmas roses etc.
    Michelle , I hope your family in Florida are safe, it's always scary when we hear of these hurricanes and earthquakes , you don't know where they will strike next.on a brighter note I look forward to hearing which items you choose to buy from Sue's new collection, I always feel tempted but find I use stamps and basic dies the most, I have just sent for some Tim Holtz background dies ,fir trees die and flower garden stamp so will have fun with those.
    We were on tv in the Beechgrove garden programme
    last night ( probably only on in Scotland) and they showed Iain asking his question so it was quite exciting!
    Today we are going out for lunch with friends to Aultbea Hotel I have a £30 voucher to use ( I won it at golf) but as it seems very pricey it probably won't go very far and then to Inverewe House for coffee , so we are living posh today ha ha !
    Lots of extra hugs for Janet , Lynda and Maria xoxo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Thank you for your comment on myy cards. The embossing folder was Crafters Companion. I bought 3 of them in a set from C+c a couple of years ago. In fact I only possess those 3 Christmas embossing folders which is why I remember. Like you when I throw the packaging away my mind empties.
      Like you I was looking at Sues new dies last night but do I need any more dies -no. Do I have to have some-yes. I'm so weak willed ha ha.
      Lovely that you were on tv. Fame at last!!!
      Enjoy your lovely lunch out today. All the more special with your voucher.

    2. Hi Anne, great you were on Beechgrove, we sometimes get it on Sunday mornings, it's our favourite gardening program on tv, they seem so natural

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Val, your cards are beautiful. Love them both :-)
    Sandra, I hope you have a safe journey to the ferry. So worrying with all these problems going on.
    Sue, enjoy your weekend camping, I hope the weather is good for you.
    Michele, I hope your family are all ok.
    Anne, enjoy your lunch out today.
    Lots going on here lately so sorry not to have popped in! Have a job interview this afternoon at a local day centre. Feeling very nervous and worried about the whole process, but I guess what will be will be!
    Hope everyone has a good day. Thinking of you all and sending hugs xxx

    1. Sonia GOOD LUCK for the interview, everything crossed for

    2. Thank you for your comment Sonia.
      Hope this afternoon goes well. Good luck. Fingers and toes crossed for you. Xxx

    3. Hope it goes well, good luck.

  7. Morning,

    Safe travels home Sandra, and good luck at Calais.

    A quaint take on the pleated card Geraldine yesterday, very innovative.
    Val's beautiful cards are so talented. I love to make personal cards too for my nearest and dearest.

    I've now completely cleared (apart from 2 small tree stumps that Jamie will have to do) one border and finally found my garden path again and a small frog/toad that had taken up residence under the cut tree branches. I have moved him to underneath the decking planks for safety. One more border to do today then Jamie and I can go shopping to replant them. Still haven't managed the greenhouse clearance, it's still too hot inside so will have to wait until cooler weather arrives.
    Enjoy your camping Sue and gentle hugs for all our poorly friends.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl for your lovely comment. You sound as though you've done so well clearing up your garden. What a lot of hard work but well worth it. Glad Mr frog/toad has a new home.

    2. Hi Cheryl, gosh that sounds hard work, we have a lot of slow worms that we find we lift things, they also love the compost bins

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you have a trouble free journey & no problems at
    Val your cards are lovely, love the red &
    Michele hope the family are
    Sue hope it stays dry for you take
    Lilian not raining yet but looks as if it will before
    Cafe open waiting for visitors, will call in when I get back from hairdresser.
    Sending hugs to Janet, Lynda & Maria & any one else who needs them love

    1. Hi Margaret. Thank you for your comment. I prefer the red one too. Just love poinsettias. The two real ones I bought for last Christmas are still thriving on my outside window ledge. It would be wonderful if they flowered again this year.
      Enjoy yourself at the hairdressers.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Sandra have a safe journey. It's awful having to encounter all these problems. Stay safe.

    Thank you for showing my cards Sandra and fot your lovely comments ladies. These are 2 of 6 I do for a particular lady in the UK every year for the past 6 years. I think her family expect them now. Mind you the cards have altered over the years . I didn't do die cutting 6 years ago in fact I can't remember when die cutting was first introduced. Most of my cards were made up of decoupage I think. No embossing folders either of course. wow how did we manage?
    The embossing folder I used in the the 2nd card was from Crafters Companion. I've just looked at their web page but they don't do it any more.

    Well it's Friday again and that means Craft Club-yeh. This is the last one for a month as most of us are away for various weeks. Some lucky ones at AP. One on a cruise and me in Croatia so the remaining 3 decided to have a break as well.

    Have a lovely day everyone. Special hugs to Janet, Lynda and Maria. Hope you're managing those slopes better Pat.
    Love Valxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all.
    Oh I do hope you want have any problems on the way home going through Calais, have a safe journey.
    Two beautiful cards Val, red and green says Christmas for me but also blue and white is a lovely combination and the EF is very nice.
    Michele, hope your friend and family are alright. take care at work.
    Sue, hope your weekend will be fun but not sure dry so careful you don't slip and have a tumble.
    Sent the CC this morning, will make a few more for sending abroad in December but first I need a shower after the walk and some breakfast because the tummy is rumbling something terrible. Hope all who are not too good are feeling better today and you all can have a nice day whatever you are doing. Love and hugs ,Maria xxoo

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Oh Dear - Another Senior Moment.

    I thought I had left a message this morning, Think it could be floating around in cyberspace!
    VAL, your cards are beautiful and I'm sure that person who ordered them will be delighted. They really are very special. xx

    Sandra hope today has been easy on the body, and your special chauffeur has also had a good day. LOL xx

    Sue hope camp goes well.

    Love to everyone, Brenda xxx

  12. Hi SANDRA & Friends Snap BRENDA I left a message this morning but I think it's looking for your's.
    I'm feeling a lot better today thank goodness I'm really fed up of being unwell.
    Went for a walk this morning Then Tesco shopping. Made two birthday cards today & made Terry's card as well yesterday.
    We are going over My Son's tomorrow & wil see my little Man Sam has enrolled him in nursery school bless him. SANDRA hope your all coping with your long journey home especially Paul. Hope you don't have any trouble at the Calais ferry port.
    Val your cards are both Gorgeous I love both of them Stunning I'm sure They will be well received. Pat hope your holiday is going well & both enjoying yourselves xx JANET hope your feeling a lot easier now & in less pain sending you Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lynda thinking of you, hope tomorrow will be a better day for both of us! Ha Ha.
      Hope you have a great day with your little man and get lots of hugs. xx

  13. Hi Lynda, glad you are feeling better, have a good day tomorrow
