
Thursday 1 September 2016

Geraldine's 2nd Pleated Card

Good Morning Ladies,

As you can see from Ger's 2nd pleated card, you can turn the pleats any way up, this way it looks almost 3D, like an optical Illusion.
I love the tag that you have Created Ger with that beautiful sentiment on, so much nicer than just saying happy birthday! I love the mixed fonts too.
The addition of the little bits of lace at the side is a pretty touch that works really well!
Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card Ger, if you ladies want to see more of Ger's cards you will find her on FB Geraldine Reardon.

I hope that all of you dear ladies are well, and looking after your selves, not getting up to too much mischeif in my abscence....Maria !!!!

Sending you all huge hugs
Lots of love too,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Get-what a really pretty card. I love the totally different look you have created by using the pleats at the bottom of the card.

    After another busy day yesterday I was glad to sit & watch some craft TV-John Lockwood stamping shows plus the remake of Are You Being Served which is one of my all time favourite shows. I then started sifting through the goody box off my crafty friend but I was getting tired so gave up. Had a bath then an early night.


  2. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Just a quick visit as it's nail and hair morning. Time goes so quickly. Can you believe its 1st September?
    Love your pleated card Ger. Very unusual with the pleats at the bottom. I don't do Facebook so sadly can't look at your other cards.
    Have a safe start to your journey Sandra. Hope the roads are quiet and its uneventful.
    Love Valxxx

  3. Hello Sandra and Friends, lovely start to the day here.
    Great pleated card Ger, love the decorative trim at the sides.
    Hoping to do challenge card today, as finished work yesterday.

    Have a good day all , hope those not well are feeling a little better, Janet glad to hear you are home and hope all is going well.

    Sandra have a good journey home,hope it all goes well, hugs Lilian

  4. GER'S use of the pleated card effect is inspirational. What a difference it makes to a design feature. Can't wait to try it out myself.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Geraldine, What a pretty card, I hadn't thought of turning the pleats up the other way, I see a Christmas tree....will be having a play with that. Thank you for sharing your lovely card.
    Sandra, I hope your packing and the journey home is safe and trouble free my lovely xx
    Janet, I am so glad that you are OK and being sensible and doing as you are told. Sending big hugs x
    Lynda, so sorry you have a bad tum, I hope you are starting to feel better, sending you big hugs x
    Maria, sorry you had a numb bum after a very boring 5 hours. I hope you don't have to see her very often! I hope the x-rays etc turn out to be useful, have you decided to try the injections? Sending you big hugs. Take care x
    Sorry if I have missed anyone, head is buzzing with lots of things
    Thank you for your kind words yesterday. Roz came home at teatime and has a "Go straight to maternity with no waiting" card : ) when she needs to, bypassing all of the waiting around. She is feeling better as she is no longer dehydrated. Unfortunately GH lasts the whole pregnancy so she will end up using her card again. Our friend Helen came home last night but has to go back over the next week or so for various tests and scans as they are not happy about the initial scan, it may not have been a stroke but a tumour so a stressful time. She has very little vision on the left but otherwise physically is OK, just very tired. She will come to camp on the understanding that she will not be doing much, just sitting and supervising. Gem is coming now to take over Helens role so that is sorted.
    I'm off to the cash and carry, final paperwork then packing bits and bobs. Sending love and hugs to you all, with extras for Janet. Lynda, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyon,

    Hope the final packing goes well and your return journey is a comfortable one, not to hot and stressful for Paul. Thinking of you all. xx

    What an inspiring card Ger. I would never have thought of turning the pleats the other way up. It looks lovely. As Sue it could be a Christmas tree! We can all learn from one another - that's why this blog is just a brilliant place to visit. Thank you for sharing Geraldine. xx

    Up and organised this morning. We are off to my friends to get our hair cut and mine coloured, We always have a good old chat and catchup. Her husband has been in hospital for almost 10 weeks now. First they were told he could have had a stroke, then were told it could be a virus as he was delirious and running a temperature. Anyway now he is up mobile again and has gone into a care home for two weeks respite, as she is going away for a few days with three other friends and hopefully the rest will get her back on track and she can have him home again.

    Will pop in later to see how you all are, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope packing all done & you have a safe trouble free journey
    Geraldine your card is lovely just shows how versatile it can be. Thank you for showing us.xx
    Sue glad you have sorted Helen's job out & with Gem you will have no worries,so sorry to hear it maybe a tumour. Give her a big hug from me. Pleased to hear Roz is home & feeling slot better at the moment. Give her a hug from me, sounds as if you are organised, hope you get chance to
    Lynda & Maria hope you feel better today, sending
    Janet hope you are slowly feeling stronger, sending gentle
    Cafe up & running waiting for people to call in. Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Good morning and Hi to you all,
    hmmmm not sure what you mean, you all know I'm the good one and never ever do anything I shouldn't and pigs might fly hihi Have a good journey back to the UK and tell Paul to drive carefully. Perhaps he can find a space in the boot for you to sit tihi
    Lovely card Geraldine, thank you for letting Sandra share it with us. Tried to make some but I really need a proper scoring board like the Hougie so that's top on my shopping list for AP, just hope the price is right.
    Sue- my SIL eldest daughter was in and out the whole of her pregnancy, not a fun thing but a must because she didn't eat or drink anything for months for the scare of being sick. Hope everything goes well for your friend, hugs.
    Lynda, hope your tummy have settled and you start to feel better soon.
    Have a good day Brenda and hope your friend will be ok.
    Out to see a friend for a coffee so I leave you know to get on with your day and hope it is a nice one. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  9. Hello ladies.
    Sorry I have been absent for so long. The end of last week got very busy, then our couple of days away and then I have been recovering from that. We had a wonderful time away, it was far too short. I was so glad we took my scooter as it enabled me to keep up with Hubby without the pain ramping up.
    I had a quick look through and loved the Anna Marie type card I think it was by Anne.
    Safe journey home to Sandra and family.
    Hoping you are all ok.

  10. Just seen a sneak peek of Sue Wilsons new dies-lots to tempt me!!


  11. Hiya, oh how scary quiet it is in here today. Hope your day have been good though and nice to see you back Lorraine. Glad you enjoyed your weekend but you will probably have to rest now for a few days and recharge your batteries. Had a nice day with my friend but got back late so tired this afternoon so have just had a lazy evening and now have a mug of coffee in front of the tv.
    If you looking in do pop in and say hi. I'm waiting to hear from you Tres reg. Ally Pally :-) be nice to meet you.
    Wish you all a good night, hugs xxx

  12. Good evening everyone, You have all been very quiet today, what are you up to? I know Sue is getting ready for camp and up to her eyes with problems although she sounds calm and organised.
    My friend was in good form, her husband seems settled in the care home, she will be away for a week, but will obviously return home should any problems arise.
    Sandra, hope you are having a good journey, Love to you all.xx

    Good night dear friends, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
