
Wednesday 31 August 2016

Pat's Pretty Wedding Card

Good Morning Ladies!

As Pat is sunning herself in Madiera I thought I would share with you all the gorgeous Wedding card that she designed and created for her friend Doreen to give to relatives.
Pat used Creative Expressions 'Heart Lattice' A4 Embossing folder for the background of her card, Spellbinder Floral Oval to frame the Joanna Sheen Wedding Couple, the sentiment Pat used is from Creative Expressions Ornate Oval Special Day die set, which was framed with a Spellbinders Heart die, the pretty flourish is a Cheery Lynn die, a tiny bouquet of matching lilac and white flowers, tied with matching ribbon and a few pearls finish this gorgeous card perfectly.
Pat then printed a personalised insert for the card, printed on some pretty pearlused paper.
Thanks so much Pat for sharing your stunning card with us, xxxx

Well today is our last full day here, we start packing later today, leaving as little as possible to pack tomorrow, we will then start the long journey home, I am looking forward to getting back to my family, our gorgeous cats, my bed and my craft room, boy have I missed crafting!!

Have a fantastic day ladies,

Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    What a beautiful special card Pat, I love the shade of lilac and the pretty design I'm sure this card will be treasured by the lucky couple, Madiera is such a stunning island I hope you enjoy it all, we were only there once but absolutely loved all the lavada walks and little villages.
    Than you ladies for the lovely comments on my card yesterday xo.
    Thinking of you Janet, Maria and Lynda and hoping the pain is easing xoxo.
    I enjoyed golf yesterday( there was only 5 of us) it was very windy but not cold and no rain, we had an unexpected invite in the afternoon so I didn't get to my craft room, it's walking day today which means I'll be too tired when I get home so hopefully I'll get my cc done tomorrow ( heavy rain forecast) so perfect excuse !
    Sandra ,I hope all goes well with the packing up, it must be quite a job , but at least you don't have to think you just know it's all to be packed xoxo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, enjoy your walking today. I did my round this morning and it was 'fresh' and the leaves were falling off the trees, yelp what happened to the summer. Most been the shortest in history. Have a nice day xx

    2. Hi Anne
      Glad you liked the card. Not to sure if the happy couple did as Doreen hasn't heard from them. Enjoy your walks. Would have loved to do the Levadas but my hip won't let me I'm afraid.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a truly beautiful card, a real keepsake.

    Sandra-good luck with the packing.

    Yesterday was super busy, we were still making chemotherapy at 4.30!! Didn't do much in the evening, just read a book. Had a phone call from a friend who has donated lots of her craft stash to me a while ago. She emailed a couple of months ago today she had more for me but I never heard from fm her again so I thought something had happened to her husband (he's quite poorly). It seems she's having yet more problems with her emails (she's changed her email at least 3 times to my knowledge). Anyway, she's going to drop the box off either tonight or on Friday-can't wait to see what I it.


    1. Woo hoo! It's lovely when we get unexpected gifts isn't it I god a "surprise" box of card from a friend at the week end It felt like Christmas going through it all It had the perfect navy blue which I needed for a card for my future son in law - he's a Spurs fan - hope to blog it tomorrow

    2. Oh how exciting. Hope there's lots of lovely goodies in your surprise box. Xx

    3. We can't wait to hear what you got :-) so exciting. Have a good day xx

    4. How exciting Michele
      I wonder what goodies she's donating to you this time.

    5. Wow these sort of goodies are the best sort.

  3. Lovely card PAT I like the fact that us as crafters and not work for specific companies that we can choose whatever dies we like Saying that if I could get a job in the craft/ card making industry I'd snatch their hand off! But at the mo I'm enjoying not having to tow the company line

    1. How your Sherif doing ,is it up and running again ?
      Have a nice day and when you see Oscar give him a big hug from me ;-) xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.

    Lovely card Pat. Such a pretty image. I have the Cheery Lynn flourish die. It's such a stunning adornment. Hope the holiday is going well and yoyu're managing those steep hills.

    Sandra, good luck with the packing today. Enjoy your last full day.

    I enjoyed a messy couple of hours yesterday playing with stencils and glitter paste. I had more on me than the card but it was good fun. Also made some boxes for cards I've to take back to UK. I'm getting excited cos I fly 2 weeks tomorrow.
    I don't have to go back to the nurse any more as my leg is finally healing and doesn't have to be covered up now. I have to wait another week then I can go back in the pool. Can't believe this has been going on for a month. I hope the pool is still warm.

    Special wishes to Janet Lynda and Maria. Hope today is a good day for you all.
    care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Great your leg is healing fine. You made me laugh with the messy crafting, I'm the same you see so I usually take a big apron with me to workshops :-)
      The pain has eased a bit after taking more than normal of painkillers but I'm sure they playing havoc with the tummy so will see how it goes. Hope the pool still warm for you in a weeks time, hug xx

    2. Hi Val
      Glad you liked the card.
      It's good to hear that your leg has healed well. You'll be glad to get back in the water.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Pat, what a gorgeous card, hope the holiday is going well.
    Sandra, enjoy the last day, good luck with the packing, never a nice job. It will be good to see you though my lovely : ))
    Had a hard day yesterday as two ladies very close to us both ended up in hospital. Had to take DIL Roz in as she is expecting, (very happy news but it's early days and wasn't going to say anything for a while) but she suffers from the severe pregnancy sickness illness, can't remember the proper name, and was very dehydrated so needed to have a drip ( they had came home early from holiday in Yorkshire as she was feeling so ill) she will be fine, we all know the drill after her last pregnancy. The other lady, our very close friend Helen (we meet through Scouting 24 years ago) who is more like a sister to both me and Chris. She was taken ill yesterday morning but refused to see doc or go to hospital, after watching her during the day Chris called 111 and they sent an ambulance and whisked her off to hospital. After a very long night in A&E, a CT scan showed she had had a small stroke. She is the same age as me (50) so we are all reeling from that news.. Hopefully we will find out more today. Must go and try and get camp stuff done. H will be worrying about camp as we are joint leaders. I must sort out someone to do her job on camp to stop her worrying about it. It will all sort out fine in the end I'm sure.
    I hope you are all well. Have a good day. Sorry I haven't looked back at yesterdays comments, will try and get in later to catch up. Love and hugs to all and extras for Janet, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi love,
      Sorry to hear Ros is suffering again & had to cut holiday short. What a shock about Helen please give her my love. You take care!! Xxxx

    2. Hi Sue, I hope your DIL will soon feel better and the pregnancy goes well. So sorry to hear about your friend, sending you hugs and wishes for her to get better. Take care xx

    3. Hi Sue. Lovely news about you DIL being pregnant but poor girl suffering so much. I hope its the sort of thing that improves as the pregnancy goes along.
      Sorry to hear about your friend, and so young. Hope the news is good today.
      Take carexxx

    4. Hi a Sue
      Lovely news about Roz, but a bummer that she's feeling ill. Hope your friend Helen recovers quickly.

    5. Hi Sue, congratulations on the great news of another grandchild , I hope Roz feels better soon and able to enjoy her pregnancy.
      Sorry to hear about your friend I hope she recovers soon.
      What a day you had yesterday xo

    6. Hi Sue, congratulations on your lovely news, sorry about the terrible sickness, I ended up in hospital with my first due to sickness.
      Hope you're freind soon feels better.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra enjoy your last day & hope packing goes
    Janet pleased to hear all went well & you are home recuperating & doing as you were told, sending gentle hugs, look forward to seeing you in cafe you are
    Pat what a lovely card I am sure the couple lived it. Have a great holiday but take
    Michele enjoy your goodie bag lovely to have
    Anne enjoy your walk it sounds as if you have lovely walks around
    Val pleased to hear your leg has healed, no chance of you being around for Ally Pally that is on 17th, be great if we could have met
    Karen are you going too this time? I hope so would love to see you
    Cafe open coffee & tea on & chocolate sponge in cabinet for later. Sending hugs to all who need them in particular Janet, Lynda, Maria & Lorrains love

    1. Sadly not Margaret. We fly 7am Sunday so have to be at Airport 5am. Getting to AP and back the day before would be just to much and don't think I hadn't thought of it. I will make it one time soon though. Xxx

  7. Good morning,

    After yesterday's heat, today is a welcome relief, very cloudy and a lot cooler. Just the day to get my greenhouse done.
    Fiona, Jacob, Joseph and his little friend Alexis came for lunch and I was given the most delightful of news. Fiona flashed her hand at me to show off her engagement ring! Wow! wonderful news. So after a huge gap I will be having a new Son-In-Law.

    Gentle healing hugs for all our poorly friends, may your day become kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Lovely news Cheryl. Have they set a wedding date?xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Fabulous news for you Cheryl. I bet you were over the moon. Have a lovely day in your greenhouse.

    3. Wonderful news for you , Congratulations to the happy couple!

    4. How lovely to have good news, I bet you are thinking "Now what shall I wear?" , congratulations to them

    5. Lovely news, I love a wedding, although have to admit usually shed a tear of happiness.

    6. Lovely news Cheryl, congratulations to them both xx

  8. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Love your card Pat, so beautifully made. They will love it. Take care with the hills going up and down, have a wonderful holiday !
    Good luck packing up the trailer and car, have it really gone nearly three weeks already. have a lovely last day and hopefully you can have a dop in the sea a last time.
    Thanks Margaret for the hug, I need some today but not because of pain, that is dampen with painkillers, I'm going for the day to lovely Stamford, unfortunately seeing there the most boring person (step- MIL) we are having lunch at 'the George' and then usually sitting there for hours listening on her going on and on about nothing really. So wish I saw you instead today, you got the same name :-) I had a gorgeous walk this morning with the lake in mist but the sun trying to come up. The leaves were falling off some of the trees and didn't like that because what kind of summer did we have really.
    Yesterday pm. didn't turn out like I wanted it to be so no CC done, bummer, so tomorrow will have to be the day.
    Lorraine- hope to see you around and perhaps a chat in the cafe if you got a moment.
    Lynda- take care. No falling over now for two weeks and a bit because as you know it hurts if you do :-) Tell Terry, I'm looking forward to see him again soon tihi
    Good news Janet is back home. can't wait to see you,hugs.
    Have a good day all whatever you are doing and happy crafting when you get a moment free. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxoox

    1. Hi Maria. Glad the painkillers are working.
      Sounds like a boring afternoon. You'll have to switch off and imagine making you cc. instead.It will pass the time away ha ha. Take care xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm glad the painkillers are working for you. It's a bummer being in pain isn't it. Luckily I'm not in pain anymore but just a bit sore. Wish I could walk a bit faster than I am at the moment. It's tiring walking slowly.

    3. Maria sorry I could not oblige!! only just over 2 weeks to Ally Pally. Your walk sounds lovely. I have had several injections in my knee & they have helped, please give it a go.
      Take care xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a shock to see the wedding card I made for Marie and Simon for Doreen. Not to sure what they thought of the card as Doreen hasn't heard from them.
    Walked down to the Lido and back today. Hot work I must say. I needed a pull up coming up from the Lido to the main road as it was very steep. Sat on the balcony watching the yachts on the sea.
    Hope your packing goes ok Sandra and that you have a safe journey home, just in case I forget to say it tomorrow.

  10. Janet it was good to hear that your now home. Gentle hugs are coming your way to help you have a speedy recovery.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Really late today just don't know where the time has gone, on we did go shopping and sorted a few of the things out when we were out and about, but I just feel my day has been stolen. If anybody find it please return it!!

    PAT, what a gorgeous card you made for Doreen, I'm sure she loved it, it would have been thoughtful if the couple had acknowledged the time and effort that went into making it. I make (special) cards for my sister to give, she is always happy with them, that pleases me, but hardly ever get any feedback from the person It was made for.

    SANDRA, hope the packing has gone smoothly, it's a shame your holiday has come to a close, you will have some great memories to get you through the winter months.

    SUE what a day you had yesterday, hope DIL is going to be alright with the pregnancy sickness. It can be very debilitating. Hope Helen is improving and responding to the medication. Best of luck trying to get help for camp.

    VAL, Sorry you will not be able to make AP. Maybe next time.

    MARIA, Hope the afternoon went well and you didn't fall asleep in front of the Step MIL 😴💤

    JANET and LYNDA sending special gentle hugs.

    Will say good night to you all, sleep well, Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Did not fall a sleep but ooooh my bottom hihi so important to have a good seat if you sitting for 5 hours or more. Have a good night xx

  12. Hi everyone sorry for not being in commenting today tummy is still misbehaving feel quite week now & slept quite a bit. Pat your card is gorgeous hope your enjoying your holiday. SANDRA hope your last day was a good one & packing went ok. Safe journey tomorrow.xx JANET hope your feeling less painfull now & well on the mend. Thank you all for your well wishes & Hug's. Off to bed now .
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, I hope you are feeling better soon and manage to have a good night. just take it easy, many hugs xx
