
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Anne's Stunning 'Anna Marie' style card

Good Morning Ladies,

I can't tell you how blown away I was when I opened the email that had this card attached, my jaw hit the floor!!!
I guess we all have our favourite styles and designs, but this card just ticked all the boxes for me!
Anne was inspired to make this card  by Anna Marie Designs, adding her own finishing touches and techniques.
I can't put my finger on an individual element that places the card up there with my favourites, firstly I think it's the gorgeous delicate blue papers that give the background to the card, giving the effect of the sky, secondly is that gorgeous bird in its adorable, ingeniously designed nest, created with the pretty blue twine and some natural fibres, the way you have arranged those beautiful flowers Anne works so well, it looks as though the bird has just come along and built his nest on the prettiest branch he could find, the whole balance of the floral arrangement is perfect!
The torn, distressed edges give softness to the edges of the card, almost blending the blues with the base card, the pretty little birdhouse finishes the card, Anne put her friends age in the hole of the bird house to personalise the card to its recipient, who I have no doubt will be as blown away as I was and will treasure this card forever!  I would have it in a box frame on my craft room wall !!
Thank you so much Anne for allowing me to share your card, you have my fingers itching to get back in my craft room to have a go and on if these cards, thanks again my lovely xxxxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day, however you are spending it,

Love and hugs

Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-what a truly beautiful card, it's a work of art. Hopefully the recipient will have kept it & done what Sandra suggested...frame it.

    Goodness-the long weekend went very quickly. I got a lot of chores done yesterday including defrosting the garage freezer and washing all the glasses in the cabinet. I've been meaning to do the glasses for ages so am quite pleased with myself. Got the ironing done & tidied the front hard. I've even started my challenge card...think I should have long weekends more often-ha ha

    Today is going to be a busy one at work so nothing planned for this evening, maybe continue with my challenge card.


  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, warm but cloudy here today, summer is slipping by so fast.

    Anne your card is amazing, love the little bird, is that a music stamp or is it paper you have used to cover the little bird, true work of art, you must have been thrilled with how it turned out.
    Talking of Anne Marie has anyone been on one of there residential courses?
    Would love to go , but don't know much about them.

    Well work today as Friday is delivery day, and I need to catch up, as I have been taking it easy for a couple of weeks.

    Have a good day all ,will pop in later for an update , hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, thanks for liking my card, I did enjoy doing it, I used a music note stamp on the bird, I would love the chance to go to an Anna Marie course I think it would be amazing as she does some beautiful crafts.
      Hope you manage to catch up on all your work xo

    2. Hi Lilian
      I've heard that her courses are mega expensive though.

  3. Morning,

    Ooooh Anne, such a stunning masterpiece you have created there. Loving it totally.

    The sun shone brightly and it was stonking hot so I spent a lot of yesterday working in the shadier parts of my garden. My greenhouse tidy up is next on the list. My son needs to bring his van back round!
    It's been a long time since I had the inclination and the energy to do more than just a spot of weeding. I came in with a relaxed feeling that a job was well done and slept like the proverbial log all night. Bit achey this morning and daughter arriving lunchtime with a friend so it's take it easy today and early bird tea with friends tonight. Lovely day all mapped out, might even finish the long list of cards. I managed to get 9 done on Sunday with not one Christmas card in sight. Maybe tomorrow or might leave them to when this storm from America arrives. Still don't get why they have to be given names. Huh? what is that all about? The storms are anything but friendly so why humanise them? Met Office you are going soft.

    Healing thoughts and gentle hugs for everybody not so good. Janet, are you home yet?

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Perhaps you need a trip up to Oxfordshire. Most of out garden is down to veg. Pete likes you grow veg like we were a family of twenty not two people.
      He's not had much inclination what with running around after Doreen and Ellis.
      Hope you have a lovely day.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your beautiful card Anne, it's stunning. Definitely one to treasure :-)
    Hope everyone enjoyed the bank holiday weekend. It did go quickly didn't it? Spent yesterday afternoon/evening celebrating my Nephews 21st Birthday and had a lovely time. Can't believe he's 21 already, they grow up so fast!
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    I got a surprise to see my card there this morning , I really enjoyed making it , originally for my friend who visited last week , but decided it would be difficult to post so made her another one, the berries on this card were shiny so I dipped them in glue and then into micro beads which gave them a lovely texture, the nest material was dried reindeer moss collected on one of our walks, it's great when you can use materials which are natural and free!
    I went to Pilates yesterday morning and got two orders for cards, I went up to the craft room to make my challenge card and ended up doing one of the orders,so hopefully get my cc done after golf today.
    Sending more ((( hugs))) Janet, hope we hear from you soon, also hope Maria and Lynda are feeling a bit better today xoxo
    Well Sandra , I hope you are making the most of your last few days and managing some rest before the long journey home xo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  6. A beautiful card ANNE I don't get the chance to do "high" cards very often as the ones I make for family and friends are usually posted and it's not so much the postage it's just whether they'd get damaged in the post
    My week end was same as same as OH working Sat and yesterday so I just pottered about doing my own thing which was great in some respects but also gave me time to reflect on sadder times which wasn't so great But that's life isn't it

    1. Hi Karen sorry you felt low yesterday sending you

    2. Sending you a big hug my friend,take care xx

    3. Karen, hope you are feeling better today, yes unfortunately that's life. Sending special (((((HUGS)))))

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Wow, Anne, your card is fantastic, from the bird sat on that cleverly made little nest(love how you have used the blue twine under the nest to help define it) to the perfectly placed flowers, leaves etc. and to the lovely blue distressed background. This card is just begging to be put in a box frame by the very lucky recipient: ) Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful card. Have a good day x
    Sandra, I hope you are making the most of the last couple of days xx
    Pat, I hope you have arrived safe and sound, have a lovely time x
    Brenda, my goodness, you did have a bad day didn't you! Thankfully the jam didn't go on you, but I can imagine the mess, and it's so sticky too isn't it, then to have to clear up all of that glass! When Pyrex breaks it really does go every where, bless you. I'm so happy that at least you managed to make lots of delicious bramble jam, it is one of my favourites, along with apple and blackberry, my Grandma's was the best ever. I hope you have a better day today x
    Maria, sorry that your joints are not good. I hope the steroid? injections help. Have an easier day today, you had a long day yesterday didn't you x
    Lynda, I hope you are OK. Has your toe completely cleared up now? Have a good day x
    Michele, goodness me you have been busy haven't you. I bet you feel very happy with all of the jobs that you got done. I hope work goes as well as possible. Take care x
    Val, how long did you keep the cats waiting until you changed their food? We are all as bad as each other when it comes to our pets : ) Have a good day x
    We didn't get to BIL until the evening in the end but had a lovely time looking at their wedding photos with SIL. Bless her, she told me that she loved looking at them as she had never seen them before! Dementia is so cruel isn't it, she has seen them countless times over the last 43 years of their marriage.
    Must get on so have a good day whatever you are doing, sending you all love and hugs with extras for dear Janet, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, your SIL reminded me of my MIL, she was in a care home for about 18 months before she died, I would visit her everyday after work, her memory was fading and she became very confused, I thought it might help her if I put together an album of photos, they were mostly of her and her husband. She loved looking at the pictures of herself when young, she always said "she was pretty then" as if she was talking about someone else. xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are making the most of your last
    Anne what a beautiful card you are very talented it is
    Lovely sunny day again I love these late summer sunny days, so clean & fresh, Petanque this morning then visit my friend to help her with phone call this afternoon, then hope to finish cc.
    Janet hope you are recovering slowly at home, sending gentle
    Maria hope your joints feel easier, where are they injecting you?xxx
    Lynda hope your toe feels
    Lorraine hope you had good weekend.xx
    Cafe up & running fresh flowers & table clothes on tables, please come in & see us.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Good Morning ladies,
    WOW Anne, what a stunning card. More like a picture than a card. It so deserves to be framed. Love the bird and the moss nest and the cleverly arranged flowers. Just beautiful.
    Sue, ha ha you know me so well. It took about 5 minutes after I'd commented. To give them the food they like. Such fussy animals. All my own doing of course. So sad yourSIL is a dementia suffereR. As you say, such a cruel illness. I had my lovely MIL living with me for quite a while and saw her go from the woman I knew and loved to a person I didn't know any more. Terrible, terrible illness.

    Janet, hope you're feeling a lot better and you're at home now.

    Maria, do hope you're feeling more comfortable.

    Lynda, hope your painful toe has healed and you're able to enjoy your lovely walks more.

    Well, nothing much to do today. Actually I can think of a lot of things I should do but had a bad night last night so the jobs will have to wait for another day.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Pat hope you're having a lovely holiday.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      It's very hot here at the moment, haven't had time to explore. However, the roads are quite undulating, so won't be able to walk to far.

  10. Good morning Ladies,
    I just wanted to update you, I had an email from Janet on Sunday saying that she got home on Friday and is doing as she has been told, all went well and she hopes to join us in the cafe very soon xxxxx
    A bit of a cloudy day today, so we will start putting things away ready for packing up on Thursday! So sad when it all comes to an end, I value this precious time with Paul and the girls so highly, I never want it to end!!!
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra. Oh how quickly your holiday has passed. I really thought you had another week. Sounds as though you've all had a lovely family time. So glad its been so good for you.
      Happy to hear that Janet is out of hospital and all went well. Also glad she's being a good girl and doing what she's been told.
      Take care.

  11. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful sunny autumny day here, could see my breath in the air walking around the lake this morning.
    Oh Anne, I love your card ! The little bird look so perfect sitting there in it's nest surrounded by some pretty flowers. Like how you used moss for his bedding and changed the berries look by dipping them in micro beads. Lovely card.
    Michele, Lilian and anyone else working today, hope your day goes quick and you will have time for some Me time.
    Val , take it easy today after your bad night, hugs
    Lynda, hope the weekend was nice for you and Lorraine, did you manage to go away with hubby ?
    Good to see you in Cheryl, you had a busy day.
    Have appointment for x-ray's ,knees and hips,on the 14th, the doc. said I could get an injection in my right knee and my frozen left shoulder if I want too but not sure as the ones before never lasted long and they are blooming painful to get. Also seeing physio on the 16th so by the time I'll get to Ally Pally I don't know how I will be like hihi. Off out with OH this morning and then hope to start on CC this afternoon. Have a nice day as possible all and take care. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Love all of yesterday's challenge cards ladies.
    Google wouldn't play nicely yesterday as it wouldn't let me in. I didn't know what it was telling me either as I don't understand Portuegse. However, this morning they emailed me to say my account had been blocked as someone was using my account from a different location. So I sorted that this morning.
    Anne this card is simply stunning. So much detail has gone into it. I had to have a second look to see the birdhouse though. Totally missed that the first time.
    Lovely Hotel our room has a sea view. Bit hilly so I have to go a bit careful though.

    1. Hi Pat . Your room sounds so lovely, overlooking the sea. You take it easy walking up up and down those hills. Hope the food is good. Have lots of R +R. Will do you the world of good.

  13. Hello Sandra an everyone,

    WOW Anne your card is absolutely stunning and as others have said deserves to be framed and displayed. You really are a very talented lady. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Sandra, hope you manage to enjoy the rest of your holiday, The time seems to have flown by. I'm sure you all feel the same. I think someone is making our days/weeks shorter. Thank you for the update on Janet, pleased everything went well and she is doing as she was told.

    Think its time for my coffee break, maybe a good shot of caffeine will help my energy level, at the moment its zero!!!!

    Have a good day everyone, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  14. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday I had a bad tummy upset was on toilet most of the day & in bed. I rang the Diabic nurse this morning to see if it was the tablets doing it. She just said it might just be a normal upset tummy & continue on the tablets but if happens again make a appointment for the doctor so our bank holiday wasn't very good.Just got back from Hospital for blood test. I had a letter today changing my angiogram appointment to 6th September so hopfully that's all ok. My toe isn't sore any more but still put plaster on incase it rubs in my shoes.
    ANNE your card is amazing I hope the recipient keeps it & as SANDRA said will frame it. JANET I'm glade your home now & your being very good & doing as your told. Sending you healing (((((Hug's ))))) love Lynda xx
    SANDRA Make the most of your last couple of days of your holiday & enjoy them. It's gone so quickly hasn't it. Have a good day my lovely.
    BRENDA what a nightmare day you had yesterday with the jam spilling so pleased it didn't go over you & Pyrex dish breaking hope your ok sending Hugs.
    MARIA hope X-rays go well for you & injectoions ouch.I wonder if we will both be ok at Ally Pally hihi. Sue glad you enjoyed your evenig with BIL & SIL such a horrible illness dementia it's so sad bless her xx
    PAT hope your enjoying your holiday hope you hip dosn't give you any problems No running yet HIHI. Love Lynda xx
    I'm not doing much today tummy still feels very bruised,I might try & do challenge card. VAL. glade your cats have their right food now they can be fussy & know what they like Bambi is the same. As you say it's our own fault.
    Going to try a Cupper Terry has just made me. Love Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda so soory you have an upset tum. You're really having a bad time at the moment aren't you? It seems like one thing after the other. I do think medicines can upset your body though. I'm still on anti biotics for the problem with my leg and I don't feel good on them. Do hope by tomorrow the problem will have cleared up. Glad your so sore toe is on the mend but good that you're keeping it covered up just in case
      Hope you enjoyed your cuppa. Xxx

    2. Hi Lynda, so sorry to hear you are unwell, apparently there is a very nasty tummy bug doings the rounds in the West Country, so wonder if it has spread to you., try light fluids. Hope you will soon be on the mend, gentle hugs. Lilian
