
Monday 29 August 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

 Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Thank you so much for your lovely birthday wishes yesterday, I felt better by the afternoon, we had a lovely beach day followed by dinner out .

We are on the run down to the end of our holiday, only a couple of days left, why does it go so quickly?!

I love this weeks Sketch Challenge, I can already visualize some of the gorgeous cards you will be sending in.

You could use a doilly in the centre of your card, I decided to use Creative Expressions Melbourne Die, which I used to cut some Centura Pearl card, for a little extra shimmer on my card.  The decorative papers are (as I am sure you will all know by now ) Trimcraft Floral Pavilion papers, I need to re stock, the reverse of this pretty floral paper is the pink dotty card, so it all worked really well together.  I used CE pierced flags to pop my sentiment on. The sweet little roses are Wild Orchid Crafts!

I hope you have as much fun with this sketch as I did.

I just couldn't wait to share Anne's stunning lillies with all of you......

What a stunning display Anne, gorgeous photos of your Prize winning Lillie's, thank you for sharing them with all of us xxxx

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-very pretty card & I'm glad you started feeling better yesterday. My first thoughts after looking at the sketch is "Christmas wreath ".

    Anne-WOW, the lilies look stunning & so does the rest of your garden.

    Today is cloudy but sunny & I was hoping to get some gardening done but I still have all the ironing to do and I really have to defrost the freezer in the garage so I can empty the fridge. Will have to see how my day progresses as I'd like to get into my craft room to think about the challenge card.


    1. Oh a Christmas wreath sounds lovely Michele. Hope you can get everything done quickly and you can get into your craft room. When I worked full time I used to love Bank Holidays as after today its only 4 days to work until the weekend yeh. Enjoy your day xxx

    2. You must have read my mind MICHELE! I hope you don't mind if I do Christmassy

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I am so glad you were feeling better by the afternoon yesterday my lovely and were able to relax on the beach. Yes, time is flying by, on a very selfish note I am glad that you will be back soon, but do feel for you as the week's have just vanished. It seems like you have only been away for a few days. Enjoy the last few days as much as you can xx
    I love your gorgeous C card, a real beauty that any lady would love to receive. The papers are so pretty, let's hope this pad continues to be printed. Like Michele when O saw the sketch I thought of a Christmas wreath. I wonder what I will actually make? If I don't get it done today then it won't happen as this week is busy preparing for camp this weekend. I need to "pace" myself, as the docs are so keen on saying!!!
    Pat, I hope you are having a good, trouble free journey. Enjoy yourself :)
    Maria, I hope you are feeling better today and I hope you didn't really chuck your lovely CC in the bin, we all loved it so no more thinking like that please. Have a good day x
    Michele, you were very good at the show weren't you. I'm not surprised you got more of that lovely CC paper, sorry you didn't get a new pokey tool though. Have a good day, I hope you manage to get into your craft room later x
    Anne, congratulations on all of the flower show wins. I would love to see all of the different arrangements, please x
    We are off to spend the afternoon/evening with one of Chris's brothers and his wife, who live just a few miles away. BIL is doing a BBQ in return for us helping him with some jobs around the house as SIL is disabled and has dementia, taking most of his time. We all get on very well so there will be lots of laughter, but a few tears too. I had better get a move on or I won't get the Cards done will I!
    Whatever your days holds have a good one.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. A barbecue this afternoon sounds lovely and how great that the 4 of you get on so well. Have a lovely time. Hope you manage to get your cc done today. Drive carefully xxx

    2. Hi Sue, sorry I didn't have time to take photos of my flower entries as I was in such a rush to get them in for 11am. I gave most of them away to friends and took these photos in the garden when I got home again.( next time I promise).xo

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card and I love the sketch. Fingers crossed I'll be taking part this week :-)
    So glad you had a lovely day yesterday, hope you're continuing to feel much better. Enjoy your last few days :-)
    Anne, your lilies and other flowers look stunning. What a beautiful garden you have :-)
    Pat, have a lovely holiday :-)
    Janet, hope you're recovering well x
    Enjoy the bank holiday everyone whatever you may be doing. Hugs to all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all.
    So pleased you felt better in the afternoon Sandra and you were able to enjoy your birthday. Todays card is beautiful. What a lovely challenge. Enjoy every minute of the last few days of your holiday

    ANNE what beautiful flowers. No wonder you won so many prizes. I would love to see the displays you made for the Show.

    PAT hope you had a safe journey. Have a wonderful holiday.

    JANET do hope you're feeling a lot better and if not already, I hope you're out of hospital soon.

    As I write my 3 cats are lying in a half circle in front of my and I can feel their eyes boring into me. The reason - well, I pcked up the wrong cat food in the Supermarket and all 3 have left it untouched. I have 10 packs of 4 sachets which I know they won't eat now. I'm determined I'll leave it on the assuption that if they're hungry, they'll eat it. Who am I kidding? I know as soon as I finish this comment I'll go out and clean their dishes and find something else for them to eat. I think I have "easy touch" written on my forehead. Ha ha.

    Hope everyone has a lovely Bank Holiday Monday.
    Special hugs for Lynda and Maria and those not feeling so good today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Cats! What are they like! A work colleague has had the same experience and did exactly the same as you! We are soft touches!

    2. Hi Val, sorry no photos too big a rush on the morning of the show but these were not floral arrangements just cut flower section where you get a list of what's required ie.3 gladioli,4pansies,3 roses etc.that was all I could manage this time.xo

  5. Lovely card for your sketch Sandra, lovely pics of flowers too, I,m afraid my green fingers have stayed in UK.!!!!

  6. So pleased you were able to go out and celebrate your birthday Shame you have only a few days left, where did that time go! I said to my daughter last week August has gone too fast
    Those lilies are amazing ANNE I sadly lack green fingers and I so love to see brightly coloured gardens and I love all flowers
    PAT I hope you're all settled in and enjoying your holiday and SUE hope the preparations for camp don't take too long
    As OH is at work today, after a bit of ironing, the day is mine So hopefully I may be able to do the sketch card

  7. Good morning ladies,
    So glad you like the lilies, I just love them they have a gorgeous perfume, this is only a tiny part of the garden I should take one from the bottom end ( but at a distance as there are so many weeds ha ha! ) also because of all the rain in the past 3 summers we have been pestered with lots of slugs and snails ( how I HATE them) so that also kills the enthusiasm for gardening a bit.
    Sandra, another great challenge card, your card is sooo pretty, I do love those papers they are beautiful , enjoy your last few days to the max, it's amazing just how quickly time passes when you are having fun.xo
    Thinking of you Janet and sending big ((( hugs))).
    Just going out to Pilates so love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne, love your lilies, I have the same ones in a pot out side my dining room window, they have been in the pot for quite a few years, am thinking of planting them in the beds, do they need any special soil.

    2. Hello Anne your lilies are absolutely beautiful they make such an impressive display and have the bonus of that special perfume. Thank you for sharing pictures of your lovely garden. xx

    3. Thanks Lillian and Brenda, I know some people don't care for lilies as they remind them of funerals( I'm like that with crysanthemums) but I love them, they don't need any special soil as far as I know, our soil is slightly acidic and certainly seems fine.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased you felt better & were able to enjoy the beach & the meal. The CC this week looks great, I am with the others & immediately thought of Christmas. Enjoy your last few
    Anne your lilies photo reminded me of the cottage where I was born, Mum had them growing in her mixed border, thank you for showing
    Janet hope you are home recovering well sending hugs to
    Sue have a lovely time at Bob's give my love to Kay hope she has settled back
    Karen enjoy your day hope you manage your cc, I think there will be alot of Christmas
    Val our pets do have us wrapped round their fingers don
    Sonia hope you find time to do your card this week, hope you are feeling better hugs on
    Cafe open & ready for visitors please come in you are all welcome.
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Maria,Lynda,Janet & Lorraine love

  9. Hello All, it's one of those rare things, a fine bank holiday.
    Sandra glad you're feeling better, in time to relish the last few days of your hols.
    Challenge looks interesting, will try this later in the week.
    Sandra your card is lovely, such pretty little flowers.

    Up early this morning as my cleaner came as usual, they are always busy this time of year. Hoping to go in the garden when it cools a little, it's drying the watching great.

    Have a lovely day, all, get well wishes to those that need them.hugs Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Your card is lovely and I like the challenge, my first thoughts were a circle of flowers, then I started to read the early posts !!! Only got as far as Micheles, she mentioned Christmas Wreath - well that was me I was off to my craft room, playing with a printed picture of a wreath, then got sidetracked and started making flowers, i've only just realised I didn't leave a comment, so this is me back with you all, ha ha.

    I had a busy sort of a calamity day yesterday. We have so many blackberries in the garden I thought I would make bramble jelly. Everything went fine until I started to sieve the seeds out of the jam. Managed to knock over a jar half filled with jam on the worktop going up the wall on the hob. The mess was unbelievable! Then when I was clearing away I managed to knock a Pyrex dish off the draining board sending shards of glass all over the kitchen floor some even landed on the worktop the opposite side of the kitchen. It was just one of those days. But we have still got plenty of Jan I'm pleased to say.

    Janet hope all is well with you also Maria and Lynda.
    Pat, hope you have a lovely time when you get to your destinationI.

    Sending gentle hugs to everyone, Sandra, Paul, Sophie and Lucy enjoy these last few days of your holiday. LOL

    I hope everyone is having a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Oooh! BRENDA I feel your pain! What a shame your day went chaotic but glad you managed to get loads of jam

    2. Brenda why is it when one thing goes wrong it goes from bad to worse, at least it didn't go over you. Sending

    3. Oh Brenda, what a mess. A broken Pyrex dish covers a heck of a lot of space. Bet the jam tastes delicious though.xx

    4. Poor you Brenda, I bet that was some mess to clean up , bad enough the jam but broken glass as well, thank goodness the rest of the jam was safe, enjoy!

    5. That sounds like me, Pyrex terrible when it breaks, hope the jam is yummy

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe'
    Glad you felt better in the afternoon so you could have some fun and enjoy the meal out.
    Gorgeous card, you papers are wonderful. Nice CC, might do a x-mas one or maybe something else (who knows) :-)
    Wonderful Lilies Anne and all the flowers in your garden are just Beautiful ! Slugs and such aren't nice, give them beer.
    Sue, hope you have a good BBQ and have a lovely evening with BIL and SIL. Pace yourself, they joking or what. Sometimes it is hard I know but take care and I wish your camp weekend goes alright. Hope your pain not too bad, thanks to extra pills I'm coping but I might have to get some injections to help. having x-ray done the 14 th Sept. on knees and hips. So fun to getting older :-p
    Pat- have a great holiday, you well deserve one. Can't wait to hear about it.
    Michele- you had a busy day, hope you had some Me time too.
    Lynda, Lorraine, Sonia and Janet- hope your weekend was ok and I hope you are all feeling better.
    Val, your cats know what they want tihi did they try it in the end at all ?
    Oh Brenda- what a day you had. Hope you managed to get the walls and all the glass away without any cuts to yourself. Sure the jam taste yummy.
    Karen, did you have a successful day home alone ? It's nice sometimes to have a day for yourself.
    Lilian, hope you had a nice day in the garden.
    Sorry being so late but it has been a full day with my SIL and her hubby up again. They need a new car after being in an accident some weeks ago, they are fine(thanks god) but their car was a goner. As we have good car shops here they came up this morning and didn't leave until eight so it's been a long day but hopefully they have a new car soon. Had a late dinner and now it's Tv for the rest of the evening/ morning.
    Have a good night all, love and hugs from me Xxxxx

    1. Sorry Margaret, hope your day was good.Hugs.
      Cheryl and Littlelamb, hope to see you back soon. Missing you xxx
