
Tuesday 6 September 2016

Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card
The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

Something a little different for this weeks challenge, I thought it would be fun to have a go at a 'Pinwheel' style card. If you look at it logically its just two squares (made up of four smaller squares), one square being slightly off set from the other.
It does take a minute or two to get all of the bits lined up but the effect is well worth it.
I have just done the most basic design to show the sketch in its simplest form, you can go as elaborate as you like.  I know that Sue Wilson has used this design with some of her square shaped dies in the past.  

I hope you have fun coming up with some fantastic designs to this sketch!

I would like to take a moment now to thank all of you for the birthdays cards that you have sent me, I was a teary mess reading some of the beautiful verses that you added to your cards.  The cards themselves are beautiful, each one a gift that I will treasure, I will be photographing them and sharing them with you over the next week or so, thank you so very much, I will be forever grateful to this blog for the dear, sweet friends that I have been blessed with xxxx

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely card & an interesting sketch for us this week. I just hope I have the time to join in as I have very little spare time this week.

    I finally got an email from the lady who organises the Attic Sales, to say it's not really an Attic Sale this weekend as its the Churches 150th Anniversary and they're having an Open Day on Saturday to celebrate & it will be a great business opportunities!! Hmm....that still doesn't tell me if there's sale tables. Sent another email last night so watch this space.

    Got most of my training done yesterday, booked a dentist appointment for Wednesday 14th at 12noon which is a difficult time but can't be helped.


    1. What a nuisance - she could have said YES or NO straightaway - Good luck in getting a better response

    2. Hello Michele, Hope you get a positive response from the lady, all she had to do was make it clear that there are tables for hire.
      I hope after all your hard work and his perseverance this works out for you LOL

  2. Good morning SANDRA & ladies
    Just a quick comment as I'm off soon for the hospital for my Angeograme opp. So I will comment later in the day when I'm home.
    The sketch looks ok Sandra ( well hopefully) MICHELE I hope you get your table sorted for the Attic sale Saturday.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Good luck for today.sending

    2. I'm holding your hand Lynda :-) Hope all goes well and Terry can take you for a coffee after. Hugs xx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I deleted first comment because predictive text made it look like so me sort of alien language! It was meant to say Good luck for today and take care xx

    5. Hi Lynda, hope all goes well today and you're the first to be seen. see you later. xxx

    6. Hi Lynda, just to let you know I'm thinking about you. LOL
      Hope all goes well xx

    7. Thinking of you Lynda, fingers crossed all will be well!!
      Love and hugs

    8. Hope all goes well today Lynda. Sending hugs xxx

    9. Hope all went well at hospital Lynda

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Quick visit today out to Petanque shortly to put gazebo up ready for men's doubles tournament after this morning's session.
    Sandra I like the look of the Cc mind
    Cafe up & running boiled fruit cake & lemon drizzle in cabinet.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  4. Morning everyone.
    Not sure were yesterday comment went but I lost a whole day apparently so first I want to say that the C cards yesterday were all fantastic. I have been back and looked at them again this morning and Margaret, Brenda, Michele the second wow, and Lynda's wow wow ! :-)
    So glad to see Janet in for a visit, I hope you doing alright and get better for every day. Take care and a huge HUG for you this morning.
    I hope Sue is ok after the weekend and had a good rest yesterday.
    Lorraine, missing you in the cafe'. Hope you are fine and just busy, looking forward to see you soon.
    Littlelamb, where are you ? Hope you are well !
    Michele, hope your tooth be alright. I have got a broken one but the dentist have left it because it don't hurt, yet. If it starts she will take it out, just hope it never happen. Val, I wish you DIL better. Have had two injections in my back but did not do anything for long for me but it is different person to person so hope she choose the best for her. Hope your leg is better too.
    Just had my walk, went a bit quicker because OH came too tihi so after the shower we are going for a outing to Dunelm , might have found a table with draws for the hall. Have a good day ! Love the card and CC, Sandra!
    Love and hugs to you all ,Maria xxxx

  5. Good Morning everyone.
    My tablet is still not working properly. Perhaps it's the weather. Hotter than ever here at the moment. it was 36 degrees when Lynn got in from work at 7.45 last night. i think it's going to continue today as well.

    Tere was an awful fire (set deliberately) further up the coast in Javea yesterday. I lived there for 5 years when i first came to Spain. My best friend of 57 years lives there. Spoke to her yesterday and they'd been told to pack essentials and were just waiting for the fireman to come back to tell them to evacuate or not.Not heard since so don't know how things are.

    I meant to say Maria, I have bought plastic bottles of alcohol so they should be ok in my case.

    Lovely to see you back yesterday Janet. Take care and slowly does it. you'll be skipping round france in next to no time.

    Very interesting sketch Sandra. I've washed all my holiday clothes so after I've ironed them this morning I'll have a play.

    Hope everything is ok with you Pat and Terry is continuing to improve. Take it easy on those hills.

    Bye everyone. Hope you see you later. Enjoy your day.
    Love valxxx

    1. I do hope your friend is OK Val What a worry. I had a similar experience worrying about a cousin in Australia a few years ago

  6. Morning This sketch looks interesting... and will get the brain cells working

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your card Sandra and the sketch. Think this will need a visit to Pinterest for me ;-)
    Val, I hope your friend is ok. I saw something on social media about these "suspicious" fires. Such a worry :-(
    Maria, enjoy your outing to Dunelm. Hope you manage to get the table.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you're up to. Sending hugs to all xxx

  8. Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Firstly I just wanted to say to ignore the measurements on the sketch, I didn't use then, I used a 7 x 7 card base, then a small square die that measures just under 2 inches, but you can go as big as you like!!!
    Type 'pinwheel' cards into pinterest and there are loads of ideas.

    Val, I hope you hear some news from your friend soon, you will be stressing until you do, while we were away we heard of one or two forest type fires that had been started deliberately, how sick must a person be to do such a terrible thing!! With the weather being so hot and dry in Spain for so long, everywhere is so dry, meaning it just catches light so quick and easily! This year was the driest and hottest we have had in the many years we have been going to Pals, (Costa Brava), with it being so close to mountains the weather can be a little unpredictable, but we woke every morning bar one to blue skies and sunshine!

    Another lonely day here, I am trying to keep busy but my mobility is poor due to the journey home, I have unpacked a few boxes and bags and started the inevitable washing mountain, having said that there is a lot less than previous years, mainly because we all mostly spent time in our swim wear!
    Only couple hours until girls are home now, Paul just popped home for lunch too, he will finish a little earlier tonight (yay) but frustratingly he now has to do an extra night shift tomorrow (ggrrrr), I wish he would say 'No' Sometimes!!!
    Right I am off to my craft room for a play, have any of you chosen a favourite from Sue W's new collection??

    See you later ladies,

    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra, thank you for your concern. Tablet still not working. Its a pain having to turn the main computer on and off.
      Just heard from my friend. Although the Fireman said they could stay in the house at the tme he visited they decided to go and stay with friends for the night. Te husband of my from friend is on a permanent oxygen lead and was having chest pains and other problems caused with stress so it was better to leave. Fortunately their house is ok. Others not so lucky. Joan says about a thousand homeless. A beautiful protected area called Granadella has been affected and over 800 hectares have gone. When I lived in Javea the same area was set of fire by arsonists. Lynn had an apartment there and arrived at my home in the middle of the night having been evacuated. She was carrying a Winnie the Pooh picture. The fireman had said get your valuables and get out and her mind went blank. She left her money, jewelry and every thing of value. Fortunately at that time only the front garden was scorched and her house was safe but the houses on the other side of her road were burned down.
      Joan said shed heard they've arrested 2 teenagers overnight. Why you'd do this i can't imagine.
      Anyway thank God shes safe and i don't think there's been any loss of life.
      The temperature was showing 46 degrees at lunchtime-far too hot. Fortunately I have air con in my craft room. I'm glad you mentioned sizes Sandra for the pin wheel. I've been faffing with 1 inch square bits which have all ended in the bin as they were far too fiddly.
      Sorry You're not feeling too good today Sandra. I'm sure seeing Sue tomorrow will make you feel a whole lot better.
      Sorry I've waffled on a while.
      Take care everyone.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Val, hope your friend and husband are going to be okay. What state of mind must people be in to deliberately do something like this - very sick springs to my mind. xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I just had to pop in and say hi to you all. We have family here today so just a quick comment, I started to look back and must say WELCOME BACK JANET, I'm so pleased to see you feel up to popping in. Sending big hugs : )
    Sandra, I am counting down the hours until tomorrow. As my phone died again on Saturday I have emailed you my lovely.
    I hope everyone is ok. Must go now but I will try and pop in tonight to catch up on comments and crafts over the last few days.
    Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra and all,

    An interesting challenge again this week Sandra, can't wait to see what our lovely ladies create from this sketch. Thank you for clarifying the instructions. I will have a go and hopefully do justice to your sketch - but think I might need divine intervention to help me get there! LOL

    Hope the girls have settled into the six form, I'm sure they will both work hard and do well.
    What a shame Paul has now got a night shift tomorrow, is this just a one off? Or will he be on nights for the next week?

    Sending special hugs to Janet and Lynda.
    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  11. GRRRRR just lost long comment. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Well I have survived my procedure arrived at 8.30 but didn't go down untill 11.30
    They did it through my wrist so glad as in the groin you have to lay flat for two hours. Any way when doctors finished he said I had one artery blocked & would need a stent put in. But then he came to see me on the ward & said he wanted to try tablets first 3 lots not very happy about that as I take 8 tablets a day already & 6. On Saturday for RA. Then these 3 new ones I feel my tummy churning with them all wish he kept to plan A. Terry just said the tablets aren't going to cure it just thin my blood out so it dosn't clott. I have to ring his secretary after two weeks to see if they have worked.
    Big Hug's for JANET & PAT take car my friends xx
    MARIA hope your feeling better & you got what you wanted at Dunelm. Big hug's for you friend xx
    I'm going to publish now hopefully as DONT want to loose this
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Sorry you have more tablets it would have alot quicker to have a stent fitted I should have thought. Sending special
