
Wednesday 7 September 2016

Anne's Nautical Card

Good Morning ladies,

It's going to be a warm one today I think, I do hope so as I would love to get the holiday washing dried and put away, it's mainly towels and bedding, a few bits of clothes too, but no more than a couple of loads.  There were washing machines at the camp site but I prefer to wash bedding and towels on a good hot wash, I love to 'line' dry it too, something so satisfying to watch your bedding blowing in the breeze!  I don't think that our temperatures will reach the 46 degrees that our Val had to endure yesterday, I just can't imagine getting anything done in that heat, the low 30's was only bearable while we were away because we were sat on the beach and could 'cool off' in the sea!
I hope its a little cooler for you today Val xxx

Now onto today's fantastic card, designed and created by our Anne, using a paint effect that John Lockwood demonstrated on Hochanda back in July I think,  It is made using Glossy Card, I think that you mix Cosmic Shimmer glue with a little water and add either 'Pixie Powders' or something like (Brusho Pigment Powders) mixed in too, you then use a Wide Wash brush to swipe the paint over the card.  (now I think this is the method, but I may have it wrong) so hopefully Anne can explain the method that she used when she pops in later.
I love how much depth and texture that this paint effect gives, it looks as though the boat is actually sailing on the ocean, look at the texture in the sky too, its incredible!  Anne the Rope Die that you have used to place your sentiment on ties your card together perfectly.  Thank you so much for allowing me to share your fantastic card and sharing this technique with all of us xxx

Lynda, I hope that your tests went well yesterday, I bet you feel exhausted today,  after being prodded and poked, even the waiting around is stressful, sending you gentle hugs and lots of love, try and have a relaxing day today xxxx

Janet, I hope that you are feeling stronger by the day, I also hope that you are getting lots of inspiration watching Craft TV! sending lots of love and hugs to you xxxx

Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-what a fabulous card, I love the background-it's just perfect for a nautical card.

    I finally spoke to someone yesterday about the Attic Sale only to be informed that if I'd read the email properly then I'd know it was an open day for the Church to celebrate its 150th anniversary! Hmm-didn't quite like her tone so said that it was unlikely that I could spare 5 hours to stand and talk about making cards! That's if anyone actually turned up & came over to the table. I tried to explain that 5 hours of my day off was a lot to ask but she wasn't really listening so I've drafted an email explaining why I won't be attending! On a positive note it means I can meet up with my friend for coffee at Dobbies. I booked at table at the Hospices Christmas Fair yesterday-it's the 12th November and it very well attended so I'm going to plan cards for that.


    1. How flaming rude! Glad you have set her straight!!!
      12th November gives you a good amount of time to get prepared too!
      Coffee with a friend sounds much nicer anyway! Have a good move my lovely xxx

    2. What an attitude. I'd be upset if she spoke to me like that. the 12th November sounds gret and plenty of time to get prepared for it.
      Enjoy your coffee at Dobbies. xx

    3. That is a real shame At least your "stock" won't go to waste

    4. I think you did the right thing Michelle, people just don't realise the time spent on making cards, enjoy your day with your friend!
      November 12 th sounds a much better time, good luck!

    5. Michele how rude & then they moan when people don't support them at least you will have a good start on your start for Nov. Take

    6. Have a lovely day with your friend instead and many more cards made for the 12th of November. Take care xx

    7. Have a good time tomorrow with your friend, it's surprising how many people assume that you have all the time in the world, and take for granted all the work you put in doing the cards.

    8. Hi Michele
      My word that's no way to talk to someone is it. Anyway your going to make much better use of your time on your day off. Enjoy.

  2. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Anne, I love your fabulous card. The background is lovely and something else I can add to my list of things to try :-) Thank you for sharing x
    Oh Michele, sorry to hear about Saturday. I'd feel the same if someone spoke to me like that too - so sounds like you're better off not doing it! At least you'll have a good stash of cards for November :-)
    Hope you get your washing done Sandra. Very cloudy here at the moment and looks like rain, but still humid.
    Managed to start my challenge card last night after a little help from Pinterest!
    Hope everyone has a good day. Sending hugs to all, with extras for Lynda and Janet xxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and all.

    Just love your card Anne. I love the blue effect you've achieved and the sentiment on the rope is very clever.

    So sorry you were messed about at the hospital yesterday Lynda. More tablets. Would have been better to have a stent fitted I imagine. Hope you can have a nice quiet relaxing day today.

    A really hot sticky night last night and for me to moan about the heat it must be bad because i love being hot. The forecast today is 33 degrees BUT my thermometer already says 35. I think maybe they take the readings at the coast where there is a breeze. Sadly it's very still here in my garden. Anyway Wendy is picking me up around 12.30 to do a bit of retail therapy and then a bite to eat so looking forward to that. Wendy and i are both away for the next couple of weeks so we meet up at craft class again at the end of the month.

    I did the last watering of my friends garden this morning. They are back today after 5 weeks in the UK It will be good to see them again but that 5 weeks has flown.

    Have a good day everybody.Cuddles for those that are in need.
    Love valxxx

    1. Hi Val, hope you heard from your friend in the end and they are ok. So sad people have to make such a terrible thing. Have a nice day out with Wendy, clammy hug hihi xx

    2. Hi Val
      Hope you had a lovely day with Wendy.

    3. Hi Val thank you for your hug's haven't done much today as told not to lift anything for 5days my wrist is very bruised & acheing. Doing this left handed. Hope you & Wendy had a good day.
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Beautiful card ANNE Live the background effect Pixie Powders or otherwise
    It is pouring down here SANDRA so good luck with the weather I'm the same as you I like to see a washing line full of clothes blowing in the wind - apparently doing this is a natural disinfectant for the items

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    I'm sorry I haven't been commenting but loved all the cards, I have an abscess on my back tooth and the pain is excruciating and the swelling means I can't eat so all I'm doing is sleeping inbetween painkillers and antibiotics , no energy to do anything, I look like the elephant man! I have another appointment with the dentist tomorrow , so hopefully I'll feel a bit better by then.
    Thank you for liking my card, Sandra's description of the technique is perfect, I didn't have the proper glue so just used some old pva stuff I had.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Sending you special gentle hugs & what a super card. Hope you feel better

    2. Ooooh poor you Anne, Sending you some healing hugs and really hope the pain goes away soon. Good luck for tomorrow. Love your card ! It's like looking through the porthole on a ship seeing the sailing boat in the turquoise coloured waters, beautiful xx

    3. Very sorry you have a bad tooth, toothache is just the worst, are you allowed ibuprofen? I understand it's the best thing for toothache, I'm not allowed to take them, do so hope it will be better soon.
      Your card is fabulous, love everything about it.

    4. Oh no Anne, sorry to hear this :-( Take care. Hugs xxx

    5. Hi Anne
      Love the card and I hope your abscess clears up soon
      Sending gentle hugs today.

  6. Morning Everyone
    ANNE- what a wonderful card although I would say it's more 'a piece of art work' and should be framed and displayed. I would love to have it on my wall.

    LYNDA- I'm so sorry things didn't go to plan yesterday at the hospital. Like you I think the original plan was the best. Get the problem sorted once and for all. Please take care Dear Friend. Hugs on their way.

    MARIA- hope you're feeling better today. Again please take care of yourself Dear Friend.

    SANDRA - hope the laundry is on it's way to being washed and dried. That's the worst of returning from hols having to do all the washing etc. Hope you're coming round from travelling.

    SANDRA- As I'm not allowed anywhere near my crafting at the moment (I'm more than counting the days until I can - I've another week to go before I'm allowed 'light duties') can I use an old card for this week's CC please.

    The Café is looking good Margaret and all the cakes etc are really tempting.

    Sorry I can't stay as I've used my daily computer time now. Lots of hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. You take it easy Janet but bet you can't wait for doing some 'light duties' ie crafting etc. Hope Jim is taking care of you :-) many hugs xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I bet you can't wait to do light duties. Special hugs on the way to you my friend.

    3. Hello JANET lovely to see you I hope your feeling better & not too bord it must be so hard for you not being able to craft yet. But glad your being good & doing as your told. Thank you for your Hug's much apreciated I'm trying to type with left hand as I have a lovely bruise on my right wrist from yesterday & is aching.quite a lot.Dr said I can't lift anything for 5 days. You take good care my friend love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra good luck with the washing hope you get it dry. Hope Sue manages to see you not sure you will get much crafting
    Another busy day Petanque this morning then see a friend this afternoon. Cafe ready for visitors doors & windows open, sending special hugs to Janet, Lynda, Maria & Anne love Margaret xxx

    1. Have a nice day Margaret ! hugs to you and pops xx

    2. Hope you had a good day Margaret love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in to the cafe today,

    Anne, I love your card, the colours you've used look so vibrant. This would look lovely, framed and hung it up to see. Sorry you're in such pain I hope you will get some relief quite soothing. LOL

    Sandra, hope you manage to get some of that washing out of the way today. But first and foremost have a great day with Sue I've sure you've both got a lot of catching up to do. XX

    Lynda, i'm sorry yesterday was not such a good experience, like others I think the stent would've been the easier option for you. Sending you gentle hugs.xx

    Janet, so pleased you manage to drop in again today, hope you're feeling a little stronger each day. You really are being very good, it must be very tempting though to touch some of your crafty stash. Take care LOL

    I hope everyone has a good day, we are going to the shops and we'll have lunch while we are out.
    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, have a nice day but take care if you have the same weather down in London, it's quite muggy out. Enjoy the lunch. hugs xx

    2. Hope you enjoyed your lunch Brenda.

    3. Hi BRENDA I have had a quiet day can't use right hand for 5 days it's acheing & brushed so doing this left handed taking forever haha.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello All, sorry did not get yesterday, the day just slipped by.

    Yesterday's card were great as usual, each so different from the rest.

    Sandra hope you get the washing done, it's thick fog here, so no drying outside at the moment , still I'm hoping it will clear shortly.

    Lynda so sorry you on yet more pills instead of the stent, take it easy after yesterday, hospitals are so tiring.

    Janet lovely to see you in hope you are healing nicely, and that the time passes quickly, so that you can get back to crafting.

    To all that are feeling under the weather, hope you will soon feel better.

    Have a good day all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, take care and have a nice day xx

    2. Thank you LILIAN & yes easy few days for me,
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all popping in to the cafe today.
    Have been scrolling up to look at Anne's card loads of time because I just love the blue/ turquoise you have used, lovely card.
    Lynda, sorry you got more tablets to pop before they thinking of giving you a stent. They are all so alike the doctors with giving out the pills for anything. I hope though they will help you so you soon feel better. Take care and many squidgy hugs.
    I'm so hot even with window and doors open and like Sandra I have a wash load to hang out but not sure if the bedding will dry before tonight as it's no sun or wind just very heavy clouds with rain in them around. Will try to make the CC today, my dilemma, what paper to use ( spotty, flowery,dotty, stripy, pictures) tihi there are too many to chose from and it makes me dizzy.
    Sandra have a nice time with Sue today if you manage to meet up.
    Pat, hope Pete is better ? just hope your holiday is good,take care both, hugs.
    The machine is beeping so best go and take care of it, wish you all a good day. Hope to see you after dinner for some coffee and lemon drizzle cake, love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you managed to get your washing dry today. It's hot here and very muggy.
      Petes getting there but not as quickly as he'd hoped. The pills he's given at home work much quicker, but he couldn't remember what they were called to tell the Dr.
      Hope it's cooling down by now.

    2. Hi MARIA yes I feel like a drug addict HIHI. At leased I don't have to pay for my tablets. Getting old dose has it's good points.
      Hope you have had a lovely day my friend & your feeling better.
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    I hope you managed to get your washing done. I've got that pleasure to come.
    Anne what a lovely card of yours Sandra's showing us today, another great one for the males of the family.
    Lynda hope your tests went ok.
    Petes coming along nicely with the antibiotics, but they don't work as quickly as the ones he's given at home.

  12. Lynda
    I hope your not feeling to bad and the tablets start working. Does sound like a stent should have been the way to go. The NHS seem to like giving pills out instead of doing something that would actually work.
    Gentle hugs on the way from sunny Maderia.

    1. Thak you Pat
      Thanks for tour kind wishes hope you & Pete are having a lovely holiday
      Take care my friend Lynda xx

  13. Hello SANDRA & Friends thank you all for your kind wishes for yesterday
    I'm righting this left handed as my right wrist is very bruised & is acheing. I'm not supposed to use it for 5 days. MARGARET came round to see if I was ok. She goes on Saturday for Carple tunnel on her left hand .
    I have commented on way down I'm going to have a cupper now as can't writ any more left handed. Love Lynda xx

  14. Hello , I'm a bit later than I thought so hope there are some cake left :-)
    Lynda, hope the pain subside quickly and you can write your memoir with your right hand soon.
    Yes, managed to get all the washing dry so I hope you got it too Sandra. We actually had some sun looking through the clouds just after 4.30 pm but still pretty yucky. Son helped me in the garden for a while so got all the moss and weed out from the patio slabs. I also have made some Cc's but can't get it right at the end and have anyone ever got the Cosmic shimmer glue to show through the papers ? It has happened a few times to me now, it looks like string worm underneath hihi.
    Have a good night everyone, hugs xxx

  15. Hi Maria, yes I've had the same trouble with cosmic glue, are they making it thicker I wonder.
    Good Night All, Hugs Lilian

    1. It might be, I haven't used it for very long so not sure how it used to be if someone perhaps could tell us. I also looking for a new ,Small guillotine, anyone knew any good ones ?
      Sleep well all xxx
