
Thursday 8 September 2016

An alternative 'Pinwheel' Challenge card

 Good Morning Ladies,

Sue and I had a fantastic day yesterday, I would say at least 80% of the day we were chatting, catching up on family events/dramas etc, we reviewed different new releases, watched some YouTube video's and ate some lunch. At about 3 pm we finally decided to have a play with this weeks challenge, we decided to try and create the pinwheel with a background, it wasn't as straight forward as I first thought, but we both managed to complete one!  I have to say it is so much more enjoyable crafting with a friend, thank you Sue for coming over, I could see you were struggling my lovely, I hope you aren't feeling worse for it today my lovely. Xxxx

So today's card is the card that I made yesterday afternoon, I decided that having the backing made the pinwheel look a bit more like a flower, so I added a stem and a bow and a few gemstones, the card I used was Anna Marie Designs.  I hope you like it !
I did think afterwards that if I have rounded one or two of the corners they may have looked more like petals, but maybe one of you could try that???!

Love and hugs to everyone,



  1. Hi Sandra
    Well how odd that I'm the first in this morning. We're up and about early this morning as we're off on a trip for the day. Just waiting for breakfast to open.
    Lynda, I hope your hand gets better soon, left handed for 5 days, I do hope you manage to keep it up and not use your hand. Gentle hugs coming your way.
    Love the pinwheel design Sandra and I'm glad you had a lovely meet up with Sue yesterday.

    1. Hi Pat, hope Pete iS better now. Enjoy your breakfast. So lovely when someone has prepared it for you. Have a great day

    2. Hellooooooooooo Pat, well you are a long way away!
      Enjoy your trip. Hope you haven't got a lot of walking to do.
      Hope Pete is feeling better. LOL

    3. Hi Pat. I'm glad to hear that you are having a good time with lovely weather. Sorry that Pete is recovering as quickly as usual. Enjoy your day trip, not too much walking I hope. Sending you hugs. Take care xx

    4. Hi Lynda
      Good thing to get a wrist support to remind you not to use your wrist. I look forward to seeing your wonky pinwheel if you manage to make it.
      Thanks for the hugs, had a lovely day today and didn't have to walk to far. Just had to watch my step over stony ground high up in the mountains.

    5. Thanks ladies. Looks like Pete is nearly back to normal. Well as normal as he can be. He's another Terry Lynda. Didn't have to do to much walking either today.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra. I found a few ideas on Pinterest last night for the challenge card.

    I feel much calmer now I have made the decision not to go the church Open Day in Saturday. Plus I get timer up with my friend & chat!

    Tomorrow I'm off work as I'm going to the ICHF craft show in Manchester. It's going to be a long day as I'm going by coach & have to get to Chorley before 9am so I hope it's worth it....!!


    1. Oh Michele. How lovely to be going to a show tomorrow. Have a great time. Lokking forward to seeing all your bus.xx

    2. Michele, sounds like a great way to spend a day off. So pleased you got things sorted out for Saturday, you have put a lot of work into getting your cards ready. Wishing you all the best. LOL

    3. Hi Michele. I hope the show was worth the long day, I wonder if you manage to find any bargains. Glad to hear you will be having a good day with your friend on Saturday. The church lady sounded very rude, then they moan that people don't support them! At least you have made a good start on the cards for 12th Nov. and you will be sure of lots of support. Take care x

    4. Hi Michele
      I hope you have a lovely day at the show tomorrow.

  3. Hello everyone, lovely day here at the moment, hope the fog doesn't come in like yesterday.

    Sandra love your card, this weeks challenge is a real brain tester for me, have had a look at Pinterest so I am hoping to have a go tonight, will be tricky as I only make smaller cards, but will have a go , good to stretch my mojo.

    Michele hope you have a lovely day at the craft show, and that lots of things fall into your "basket".

    I see Sue Wilson is launching her new die set on her blog this morning, at the moment I am not planning on buying any, but may that may change after I've seen them all, she is doing give aways for comments.

    Hope everyone has a good day, Lynda hope you are managing one handed ok, I'm useless doing most things left handed.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I hope the fog stays away today. It is very windy here and feels a little nippy but we do have a lovely blue sky with just a few small clouds. You will come up with a beautiful CC as usual I'm sure, have fun doing it tonight. Take care x

    2. Hi Lilian
      Your fog reached right up into the mountains in Maderia. Good job we went to a lookout this morning as we wouldn't have seen any view this afternoon. It rained a bit as well at 1500 metres up. But it was very warm rain.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Sandra and all.
    So glad you had a lovely day with Sue. Chatting and crafting-a perfect day.

    Sorry your unable to use your right hand at the moment. Lynda. What a pain and so frustrating. Hope you manage ok.

    Had a lovely few hours with Wendy yesterday. She bought some clothes but I just bought a black thin camisole to go under a black lacy top I'm taking away. Then after we'd been to a litte cafe we went back to our chinese shop and bought some more glitter card. I bought the colours I didn't buy last time.

    My tablet is working fine this morning after not allowing me to comment since Saturday. Don't know what was wrong with it but keeping my fingers crossed.

    Meeting a friend for coffee this morning so better go and have a shower and have breakfast.

    Take care everyone. Special hugs to Lynda, Janet and Maria and Anne hope the dentist goes ok today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I'm glad to hear that you had a good day out with Wendy, and that you managed to get some more of that lovely glitter card. I hope your Tablet continues to behave for you, it's so annoying when these things play up isn't it? Have a good day. Take care x

    2. Hi Val I'm glad you had a lovely day out. Sounds odd though going to a Chinese shop to buy glitter card.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra - the pinwheel looks lovely as a flower. A fabulous idea :-)
    I made mine with a background, and struggled with fitting the last piece in that I ended up trimming the little square down one side to be able to fit it in! ;-)
    Lynda, I hope your wrist is ok and starts to feel better soon. I remember struggling to do things left handed after a trapeziectomy - not easy at all!! Take care X
    Maria, I have found that problem with the glue too, and decided that I was just putting it on too thickly so I smooth it out with an old lolly stick before sticking it to my project. At the moment I'm using Anita's Tacky glue as ran out of Cosmic, but I must say I do prefer the Cosmic as its more flexible and the nozzle doesn't get as clogged up and does actually flow out easier than Anita's! :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I'm glad you managed to finish your pinwheel, it is a bit fiddly get them all to fit isn't it, no ones going to know that you trimmed a bit off of one of the squares so it doesn't matter. I don't get on with Anita sticky glue either, I bought some for Phoebe to use but we both struggle to get it to flow. I find that the Cosmic Shimmer seems to dry quicker than it used to and you have to smooth it out quickly if it's on paper otherwise you get the worms that Maria is having trouble with. Like you I prefer Cosmic Shimmer though. Have a good day. Take care x

    2. Hi Sue. Definitely the way to go with fitting in that last little square on the pinwheel - it doesn't show, and no one would ever know apart from the fact that I told you all, lol ;-) I will also be sticking to Cosmic glue in the future, so much easier to use. Hope you're having a good day. Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is great I like the idea of rounded edges, I have cut have mine out, the assembly part will be fun I can see. So pleased you & Sue managed to have a good day, you both should have sore throats today the amount of catching up you had to do!!xxx
    Thank goodness it is cooler today with more of a breeze it was so muggy yesterday. Shopping this morning, food only unfortunately, then Petanque this afternoon.
    Lynda go easy with using your left hand hope bruising is going down. Sending gentle
    Anne hope the dentist can help you today, sending gentle
    Cafe up & running waiting for you all to pop in.
    Sending hugs to all who need them specially Janet take care love

    1. Hi Mum. You will have fun getting those squares in place, I think you will either have a giggle or a temper tantrum doing them : ) I don't know what you mean about Sandra and I having sore throats today, anyone would think we talked alot yesterday!!! : )) Enjoy Petanque. See you in the morning. Love to you and Pop. Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all today.
    Like how you made it look like a flower, will see how the times go if I can make another try because like Sonia I have the dreaded last one to tuck in to and it is a bit of a headache hihi. Thinner glue, must remember that.
    Michele, have a great day at the craft show tomorrow !
    Lynda, wish your hand better and sending you some hugs.
    Pat, have a lovely outing today. Someone told me about a island you can take a boat trip to. can't wait to hear all the tips and tricks for my upcoming visit.
    Janet, hope you getting fitter for every day that goes, big bamse hug for you.
    Meeting a friend for a drink at Dobbies garden centre so best make a move. Have a good day. hugs Maria Xoxo

    1. Hi Maria. Like I said to Mum, you will either giggle or throw a temper tantrum when trying to get those squares into place, once it's done it looks good so it is worth the fiddling. Have a nice time with your friend at Dobbies. Take care x

    2. Hi Maria. Hope you had a nice time with your friend at the garden centre, and have managed to fit in finishing your card - good luck :-)
      Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Maria
      The island is called Porto Santana. It's £54.00 odd to go for a day trip. Heather doesn't like the water so we won't be going. Plus you have to get up really early.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone who calls into the Cafe today,

    So pleased that you had a great day with Sue. And if your weather was anything like ours that washing would have dried in no time.

    Thank you for the inspiring card today, love how you have turned your pinwheel into a flower- very clever, the possibilities are endless !!

    Time I went and put the coffee machine on, then decide on my coffee choice, at the moment I enjoy Americano Smooth, but I think my all time favourite is Colombian (unfortunately we have run out of it - But its on the shopping list.

    Hope you are all having a great day. Special hugs for Janet and Lynda (mind that hand) and anyone else who is under the weather. I was also thinking about missing friends Sheila and Jean P and others - the door is always open LOL

    Love and hugs for all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. Oh choices, choices. What type of coffee did you end up drinking I wonder? I'm glad it is windy here today as I have all of the tea towels and floor cloths filling my line today (I know it's daft but I sometimes wish that it would rain when the floor cloths have to be dried as they are old tea towels that are quite stained and I would hate anyone to think that they are our own tea towels. It's just that I am rather OCD about dish cloths, tea towels etc. being stain free and clean. How silly am I?) Any way, I hope you have a good day what ever you are up too. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I had a lovely day with Sandra, as she said we did have a lot of catching up to do, and then working out the best way to get the CC squares into the right place! Sandra, your card looks lovely, I knew you would get it right in the end : ) I am finishing mine straight after commenting, otherwise I can see time slipping by again.
    I have loved seeing all of the beautiful cards over the last few days, such a wonderful selection that will be "Pinned" for inspiration. Thank you all for sharing : )
    Janet, I hope you are a little less tired each day, your fingers must be itching to craft again, but I hope the days will slip by quickly until you can start again with light duties. Sending you big hugs xx
    Lynda, I'm sorry to hear that you won't be getting a stent at the moment. I know any op shouldn't be taken lightly, but taking more meds can lead to more side effects!!! At least he is looking to see if they are working in a couple of months, not just sent you away with no follow up, which seems to be the usual treatment a lot of the time these days. Sending you hugs for your sore wrist, better there than your groin though! Take care x
    Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hello Sandra everyone
    I love your card today Sandra I will try & make one tomorrow ( left handed it might be a wonky pinwheel Haha ) Well that will be my excuse.
    I have had my hi lights & hair cut this morning so that's made me feel better.
    I keep forgetting not to use my right hand but know when I lift somthing heavy very painfull.I will get one of those wrist suport things today so that will remind me not to use it. Thank you all for your Hug's & best wishes I really apreciate them all. Going for a walk soon then it's Tesco's oh joy.
    Pat have a lovely trip out today hope you don't have to walk far Hug's for you & Pete. ANNE hope dentist goes well & sorts your painful tooth out.
    MICHELE have a good day at craft fair tomorrow & you find some bargains.
    Sue glad you & Sandra had a lovely day together yesterday. Val hope you have a good day meeting up with your friend. Oh BRENDA what a difficult choice you had this morning choosing which coffee to have HAHAHAHA. Have a lovely day.
    JANET have a lovely day doing nothing hope your feeling a little better everyday sending gental Hug's my friend. Hope Jim is enjoying doing housework HiHi.
    Will close now as off for our walk will pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Lynda
    This blogger sure is causing me problems. I know it's my fault as I sometimes forget to press publish again. My reply to you Lynda is under my first post this morning.

    1. Hi Pat thanks haha found your comment thank you. My pinwheel is defently wonky not sure I should send it to Sandra. Lol
      Have a good day tomorrow my friend xx
