
Friday 9 September 2016

A Beautiful Gift

Good Morning Ladies,

I have added three photographs of this gorgeous card today to try and capture every bit of the stunning detail that our Lynda put into it.
Oh my goodness my breath was taken away as I opened this card Lynda, the thought you put into designing this card for me really touched my heart, firstly, you used my favourite colour (green) as the main colour of the card.  You have used the gorgeous Heartfelt Creations 'All Glammed Up' Shoe Stamp to create the main focus of the card, embellishing it with a stunning array of handmade flowers in pretty coordinating colours, the pretty background paper has been enhanced with a layer of microbeads. One of the things that makes this card stand out is the way Lynda has added a piece of pretty, printed acetate to encase the main part of the card, it highlights the whole thing, giving the effect of looking through a shop window at a pair of shoes you have wanted for months!!
The pretty spray of flowers in the top corner and the kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttering around the flowers finish this amazing work of art perfectly.

Lynda, I absolutely adore this gift that you designed and created for me, it will be on display in my craft room, it will be a gift I will treasure forever, the beautiful verse you wrote inside really touched my heart too.  Thank you so very much xxxx

I will be sharing all of the gorgeous cards that you lovely ladies made me for my birthday over the coming weeks, I treasure all of them xx

Sending special hugs to all of my dear friends that are feeling fragile, I wish you all a speedy recovery, it can be so frustrating to not be able to do the things we love xxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card off Lynda, it's more like a work of art. Would look good framed.

    Didn't sleep very well last night, not sure why. We have a full & breezy day here do I thinks its trousers, T shirt & trainers for comfort to a)drive to Chorley the sit in the minibus and b) walk round the craft show. I've made a packed lunch (last night) but will make a travel mug of coffee just before I set off. Not sure I need much apart from a new set of cutting plates for my Platinum Machine, bet that's not all I buy though!!


    1. It's probably excitement Michele. Have a great time and yes I'm sure you'll buy a lot more than cutting plates.

    2. Hi Michele, hope you have a great time at the show, I always think comfy shoes are best.

    3. Have a great day and yes, comfy shoes is a must. xx

    4. Hi Michele. It sounds like you are all set for a good and comfortable day. It's hard to know what to wear to shows isn't it as it may be cold or wet outside but then hot inside and you have to carry coats etc! You may only NEED some cutting plates but I bet you spot some goodies that jump into your basket : ) Have a lovely time. Take care x

    5. Have a great day Michelle , wonder what wonderful buys you'll come back with?

    6. Hope you had a great day Michele. I bet you bought more than new plates at the craft show.

  2. Good Morning everyone.

    WOW Lynda what an amazing card. Such detail. I just love the effect of the acetate. It definitely deserves a frame. No wonder you're so pleased with it Sandra.

    No craft day today as the restaurant we meet up in is being freshly painted this week. I'm going out for lunch with Lynn and Paul instead. We're going India. I just love Indian food.

    Hope today is a better day for all those not so good at the moment especially Janet, Lynda and Maria.. Glad Pete is feeling better Pat. Hope the dentist went ok yesterday Anne.

    Just off to take Gracie for her walk. I'm late today. I just can't seem to get going this morning. When I come back I will phone my big brother. He's 75 today bless him.
    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Happy birthday to your brother Val. Hope Gracie enjoyed her walk. Have a nice lunch and say hi to Paul and Lynn, hope she feeling better xx

    2. Hi Val. Have a good Indian with Lynn and Paul. I hope the weather is not as bad as it was earlier in the week. 46 degrees is simply tooooo hot! Have a good day. Take care x

    3. Lucky you Val, Indian food is my favourite meal out, enjoy!

    4. Hi Val enjoy your meal. When do leave for your trip? xxx

    5. Happy birthday to your brother Val. I'm a bit late I know, but I hope you have a lovely meal tonight.

  3. Hello All, dull day again here.

    Sandra what a wow card from Lynda, needs a frame.

    Val hope you have a good meal out.

    Didn't get my challenge card done last night, too tired after finishing the ironing,
    These extra tablets to control my pain make me very tired, not sure wether it's better to put up with the pain, or feel less pain but wiped out all day, still mustn't moan ,lots worse off than me, think positive.

    Hope all who are not feeling great at the moment, will soon be feeling brighter.

    Lynda your card is a real stunner, just had another look, cleaver you.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Oh Lilian you sound as if you're in between a rock and a hard place. Pain is a horrible thing but being tired all thd time is as well. As you say, you just have to think positive. You take

    2. I believe in positive thinking but sometimes it is harder then other days. Take care and gentle hugs. xx

    3. Hi Lilian, you certainly have my sympathy regarding feeling tired after having to take so many painkiller tablets( like you I can't take any anti inflammatory ones) but hopefully your pain eases today and you can cut back on them and get back to your normal self, sending gentle ((( hugs))) xo

    4. Hi Lilian. Sorry it's dull down in your neck of the woods. And sorry that you are feeling so tired, blooming pain meds! You may find that the longer you are on them the less tired you get, fingers crossed. Yes, always try to be positive, but like Maria says some days it's easier than others. Have a good day what ever you are up to. Take care x

    5. Hi Lilian
      Pain is awful isn't it. I also can't take inflammatory ones. That's why the Dr wouldn't give me any for my hip after the Codeine and Paracetamol made me ill. Take care and I hope you'll feel better soon.

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    What a beautiful card from Lynda :-) It's stunning and I love all the details.
    Michele, enjoy your day at the craft show. Looking forward to hearing what goodies you buy :-)
    Val, enjoy your lunch out. Happy Birthday to your brother.
    Lilian, hope you feel a little better today, take care.
    I didn't get the job I went to the interview for, but they're keeping my details in case another position comes up. Can honestly say I'm not that upset as was in two minds as to whether I wanted it, but will keep looking to see if there's anything I can do to fit in with some of my existing clients.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, sorry about the job but you don't seem too disappointed. I'm sure the perfect one will come your way. Enjoy your dayxxx

    2. Hi Sonia. Sorry you didn't get the job,as you were unsure about it anyway, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Keep looking and the perfect one will come along for you I'm sure. Have a good day. Take care x

    3. I always believe " what's for you, won't go past you" so there must be something better around the corner for you Sonia, fingers crossed!

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    wow what a stunning card from Lynda, she can make such a variety of cards and arts. Beautiful !
    I wish you all a good day and hope that if you not 100% that you feel better as the day goes.
    Going shopping now and hope to send CC to Sandra later with worms and all :-) Love and hugs to you all , Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria. Those blooming worms are a real pest aren't they! Enjoy shopping, I hope the weather stays nice for you. Have a good day. Take care x

  6. Good morning Ladies,
    Lynda , your card is a work of art ! You obviously spent a lot of time and thought creating it and Sandra being the receiver will truly appreciate that and treasure it.
    Well at last I feel back in the land of the living, ( definitely a week I'm happy to forget) I went to the dentist yesterday but as I still can't open my mouth up very wide she couldn't do an X-ray ( so I've to go back Monday 9am for that) but as the swelling still hadn't gone down she has given me a different type of antibiotics to overlap with the first type and to take both lots together ( something to do with different kinds of infections) if you shake me I'll rattle lol!
    But at last I can eat and feel on the mend, certainly one way to lose weight but not one I'd recommend !
    Janet ,Maria and Lynda I hope you are all feeling a bit better today also xo
    I will probably pass on this week's cc as I have so many other things to catch up on.
    Thank you girls for al the caring comments ,you are all so kind .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. I am so glad that you are starting to feel better at last, I'm sorry that I forgot to tell you I would be thinking of you at the dentist yesterday but fingers crossed the extra meds will soon have you fighting fit : ) Have a good day, don't go rushing around too much though trying to catch up. Take care x

    2. Hi Anne
      I'm glad your meds have started to kick in. But poor you having to go back to the dentist.

    3. Wish you better Anne and hope the meds. kick in soon. Gentle rattling around this weekend xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe. I am lucky that I have seen Lyndas beautiful card "in the flesh". So much thought and work has gone into it : )
    Sandra, I hope you are recovered from your journey home now my lovely x
    Janet, sending you special hugs x
    Pat, I hope you continue to enjoy your holiday x
    I must get my CC sent to you Sandra, will do that later. I do miss having my phone (they are sending me a replacement one this time, and without me having to ask either! it will still take a few days as I have to return mine first though).
    I hope the weather is kind to everyone, it is bright and sunny but with quite strong gusts of wind here.
    Sending hugs to you all with extras for Janet, and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Lynda you have put so much thought into Sandra's card, no wonder she was blown over when she opened it. Love the shade of green and the acetate gives that extra WOW. It's all beautiful. Sandra thank you for sharing this gorgeous gift with us. xx

    I will pop back in later, the washing machine is calling me!!!!!

    Love and hugs all round, Brenda XXX

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a stunning card from Lynda, she is so talented. Thank you for sharing with
    Anne sorry you are still suffering hope new tabs help. Take care don't go mad just because you feel a little better. Healing hugs on
    Lilian it is horrible feeling tired all the time, as Sue said hopefully once your body gets used to them you will feel better, take care hugs on
    Sue hope your aches & pains ease up, we know when rain is coming don't we!! Talk later love xxx
    Janet you must be counting the days take each as it comes, sending gentle
    Lynda hope your wrist is improving looking forward to your wonky card haha. I am sure it will be beautiful as the one you sent to Sandra you are clever, take care hugs on
    Sonia sorry about the job but you were not sure we're you, you will know when it fee!s right. Hugs on way xxx
    Michele have a lovely day at the show, look forward to seeing your
    Maria enjoy your shopping xxx
    I think I will make some cakes to put in freezer for McMillan Coffee Morning I have on 24th so some will find their way into the cafe, all ready & waiting for you all to pop in. Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. A real quickie for me - just about to be picked up But what a beautiful card LYNDA and in Sandra's favourite colour too - which I hadn't known AND Loved your card yesterday SANDRA

  11. Good afternoon SANDRA & friends
    Ooo what a surprise to see my card I made for Sandra. Thank you all so very much for all your kind comments & SOOO pleased you liked it as well Sandra & pleased it survived the post ok. We didn't get to Tesco yesterday so had to do it today. Not done much more made my wonky pinwheel CC haha just got to send it to Sandra. So looking forward to seeing a lot of you a week tomorrow YAAAY
    Have you been looking at Sue's September launch some lovely samples so far my favourite is the Butterflys frame & the butterfly on the edge one.looking forward to seeing her samples of them.
    ANNE sorry your still in pain with your tooth but hopfully the extra tablets will kick in soon. we could start a tablet rattle duo LILIAN sending Hug's,you could also join me & Anne in the tablet rattle group haha.MARIA hope you had a good shopping trip. How are the worms doing yuck horrid things.
    VAL hope you enjoyed your lunch with Lynn & Paul . MICHELE hope your got lots of bargains at the craft fair.SUE hope your aches & pains are easyer today
    MARGARET you are DEFENTLY the queen of cake baking they all sound delicious xx SONIA sorry you didn't get the job im sure a better one will come up for you.xx Thank you all again going to make a cupper so pop in later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      The card you made for Sandra is stunning. Love the green that you've used. I look forward to see it in great detail when we meet up. Sandra and I that is unless your up to joining us one day. Look forward to seeing both you and Terry at Ally Pally.

  12. Hello ladies, what a stunning card, you are a lucky lady Sandra. Belated birthday wishes from myself.
    My apologies for my absence, I have been busy in between not feeling great and having lots of sport to watch.
    I do love the Paralympics.
    Hoping you are all well.
    Take care xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    Well Lynda what can I say about your stunning creation you made for Sandra. It's simply gorgeous. I hope your hand is improving day by day.
    Hope your fully recovered from your holidays Sandra and the washing is all done and dusted until next year. Still very warm here and we're off on a trip round the East side tomorrow. West side yesterday.

    1. Hi Pat thank you for your kind comment. My wrist is a lot better the bruises are coming out now so shouldn't be long before it's better.
      Hope you & Pete enjoy the rest of your holiday. Enjoy your trip tomorrow take care love Lynda xx

  14. Evening Everyone
    Just though I'd pop in to see how you're all doing.
    LYNDA - what a gorgeous card you created for Sandra. I can just see her face when she opened it. It's exactly what a crafter loves to receive.

    Hope you've all had a good day especially MICHELE at the show. Would love to see your basket at the end of your visit. lol.

    I'm coming along nicely (well I think I am hehehe) and am counting the days to being able to start going out. I've a Drs appointment on Monday so that will be my first expedition and then hopefully I can start to build up my outings.

    Lots of huge hugs for you all and will call in again over the week-end. xxxx

    1. Thank you JANET for your kind comment. I'm pleased your doing well you must be getting very restless now, as your getting excited about your outing to the doctors.Monday Hope they say your doing fine & you can start going on little trips out.look after yourself my friend.
      Big Hug's love Lynda xx

  15. Hello everyone.
    Janet- so good to see you doing fine, just take it easy,hugs.
    Lorraine- nice to see you back , hope you are doing alright. Great seeing the olympic but it does make you pretty tired the next day.
    Pat- enjoy your days left in the sunshine and hope Pete is better. Hugs to you both.
    Lynda- how is your wrist doing ? Take care my friend, hug
    Shopping was painless at Waitrose as it only was some extra bits needed for the weekend and then we had coffee and some breakfast and read the daily papers as you do :-) I hope you all had a good day and now have a good night. many hugs xxx

    1. Hi MARIA my wrist is getting better the bruises have come out now,so a little easier thank you. Good night God bless Big Hug's xxx
