
Saturday 10 September 2016

Mixed Up Saturday !!!

A stunning Gift
 The front

Closer view

The inside

Closer view of lace detail

Vintage Napkins

Larger view

Back view

Michele's Early Christmas Gift

Michele's Purchases

Val's gorgeous Baby Girl Card

Val's Super Cute Baby Boy card

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Sadly I think the sunny weather is over, well it is for our area anyway, we are forecast rain today, I got most of the holiday laundry washed and dried, the towels were the main think and I got those dry and aired in the tumble drier today, I have one 'White' load to do, but I was waiting on the girls school bits and pieces to finish the load, it isn't too bad if it rains for this load as most of it can be tumbled !! it took me from getting married up to having Sophie and Lucy to persuade Paul to let me have a tumble drier, he now uses it more than I do (mainly because he does most of the laundry)! 
Now onto today's amazing crafts......

The first piece arrived on our doorstep with very strict instructions that I was not to look inside it until my birthday!  Paul placed the parcel very carefully in the car, right next to him, so he could make sure I didn't have a sneaky peek!!  I was so excited to open it on my birthday, I had guessed that Janet had made me something, but oh my goodness, I was not expecting anything as exquisite! Janet you have put so much work into this piece, so much detail and every stitch piece is finished perfectly, there is a stunning Appliqué on both the front and back of this gorgeous piece, the inside has a wonderfully detailed pocket that Vintage Napkins inside, they had such beautiful flowers sewn into them, they are way too precious to use, I will treasure them along with this incredibly beautiful gift, Janet I can only try and explain to you how much I love your gift, it means the world, mostly because you hand made every party of it, thank you so very much xxxxx

Now our Michele had a very exhausting day at the Craft Show she went to yesterday, it sounded like a very long and tiring day!  Michele did manage to do a Tonic workshop while there too.  I can't believe how good you were Michele!!!! 

The first photograph is Michele's, but she didn't buy it, the pretty Stencils and 5 pots of Glitter Paste were Michele's 'early' Christmas present from her Mum in law, what a fantastic gift too, I am really excited to see the projects you make, do you have to wait until Christmas to use it??? Mind you with your busy life at the moment it will be almost then anyway! Hahaha 

The second photo is what Michele actually purchased herself.....
The Pretty Christmas Tree die was £10, the rest of the Christmas goodies were from the £1 shop, so total spend for Michele was £13.00 !!!!!!  You were very good Michele, I almost wish I could be as good as you, but I just see too many things that I 'neeeeed' !!
Thank you so much for taking time to send the photos My lovely, you must have  been exhausted xxxx

Val's Baby Cards are last on the list today, oh my goodness, how cute are they both??!!
What an inspired idea Val, I absolutely love them,  I love the Cocktail Sticks with a pearl glued to the end to make knitting needles, I am guessing you used them to knit up your little jumpers, do you follow a pattern?!  I bet these absolutely fly off the shelves of the shop Val, as you said they are very tactile, but mostly the are just so adorable, I may have a go at one of these my self, thank you so much Val  xxxxx

Well that's all for this week, I am hoping for some time in my Craft room today, I am hoping my Mum calls too, it would have been Mum and Dad's Golden Wedding Anniversary today, so I sent her some flowers, I hope they make her happy and not sad, Dad may not be here but its still a very special occasion, I will always remember the date as their Silver Wedding Anniversary was 4 days before Paul and I got married, I cannot believe that we have almost been married for 25 years!  It has gone so fast! 

I hope that all those of you setting off on trips have fun making memories, those returning have safe journeys home and those of you that aren't 100% are getting a little stronger by the day.

Love and huge hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-WOW!!!! The lace napkin holder is an amazing piece. What a beautiful & thoughtful gift.

    Val-I love your cards. If I could knit, I'd use this idea for a "twin boys" card but sadly that's never going to happen so I'll be checking out Pinterest for card ideas.

    My Christmas gift -I was watching the demonstration & was quite taken with this idea. I know it's not new but I need to "see" things before I can get excited. I have all the goodies upstairs in my craft room so one day I'll get started.
    On to my purchases-calendar tabs for when I make some calendars for the Hospice Christmas fair, the tag/twine/ribbon set was just too much of a bargain to leave and so was the MDF ornaments kit. The snowflakes Xmas tree die looked lovely in the card samples (its featured in the Brittania die brochure) so I gave into temptation. No signs of anyone selling cutting plates for my Platinum so I'll go online.

    Sandra-tomorrow would have been my Mum & Dads 51st Wedding Anniversary so Dads taking flowers to the crematorium in the morning. Sad times for our remaining parents(and us).

    Off to the shops in the village then out to meet my friend at 10am.


    1. Fantastic buys Michele I need to come shopping with you

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    What a stunningly beautiful gift to receive Sandra, it is so pretty and intricate, Janet you are such an expert needle woman , I hope you are back to full strength soon xo.
    Looks like you had a great day with some excellent purchases Michelle!
    Val , I love your baby cards ! What an original idea, they are so cute and I'm sure will be very popular.
    Sunny but very windy with lots of "white horses" on the loch this morning.
    Tollie is still not sure of the wind and is funny to watch.
    I think a friend and I are cutting each other's hair either today or tomorrow but so fat not much else planned but a pile of ironing awaits ( it might wait for a while lol! ) .
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend, love and hugs xoxo

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely gift & useful with it. Janet such delicate work your talent is endless.xx I don't think you will get washing dry outside today it is pouring here. Hope Mum enjoys her
    I think after seeing friends for coffee a day sat cross stitching is on the cards, it has been a busy week.
    Michele sorry you did not get new plates but look forward to seeing the results using your early Christmas
    Val what a lovely idea may well pinch it when new great grandchild arrives next
    Cafe all ready last of roses on table, rain going to spoil them, & as it is Sat & may get extra visitors, fruit cake, lemon drizzle & date loaf in cabinet.
    Hope all feeling poorly are soon feeling better sending healing hugs to all love

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    WOW Sandra no wonder you were over the moon at receiving such a beautiful gift from Janet. Such amazing detail Jane and all so intricate. One to be looked at and stroked and definitely not used.
    Great purchases Michele and such bargains. What a lovely Christmas gift from your MIL. You'll enjoy using that I'm sure. Glad you had a good day.
    The baby jumpers don't take long to do. I don't like sitting in the evening just watching the teleost I usually cut up, colouring or knitting. I cast on about 16 stitches depending on the wool. Knit a few lines for the bodice then cast on 8 each side and knit another few lines. I knit them on needles then transfer onto cocktail sticks. The wood seems to split if I knit with the sticks.
    Had a lovely meal yesterday. Chicken Dhansak, my favourite. Then a lovely mango desert . Very refreshing.
    Just cleaned the kitchen and about to iron. Will pop back later to see how everyone is doing today.
    Sandra. Hope your mum is ok today. It's so sad when one partner's not here to celebrate milestone occasions. Allan and I would have been married 49 years next week. Always a bittersweet day. I'm sure your mum will love the flowers.
    bye for now.

    1. Love the cards Val I have made similar ones using white wool and instead of pearls I've used Huma beads Friends, friends of friends and family know that I make a garment for their new-born In these instances and not the sex I usually give them a card at the baby shower as an I.O.U for when baby arrives I've shown one on my blog earlier this year

    2. "Not know the sex of the impending arrival" I mean!

    3. I hadn't realised you have a blog Karen. What's it called?

    4. Hi Val, pleased you enjoyed your meal. xx

      If you tap ' karenlott' s name above it will take you to her Google page and you can go to her blog from there.
      Happy Bloging xx

    5. Thanks for that Brenda, I'll pop over.x

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    Oh Janet, what a wonderful gift. All the lace is so exquisite, you are a marvel to make these things.
    Val, the two baby cards are just soooo cute, love them ! Must be tricky to do the knitting :-)
    Michele, bargains from the show and an early Christmas present. Have fun playing when you get a moment.
    Home alone today so not sure yet what I'm doing. Did not sleep very well, the rain came so had to shut the window which made the room so warm and hot flushes do not help.
    have a good day everyone, love and hugs Maria Xoxx

    1. Those hot flushes are a pain aren't they? Do hope they don't last too long Maria.xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, such a lovely gift from Janet. It's beautifully made and definitely one to be treasured :-)
    Val, I love your cards. Such a wonderful idea :-)
    Michele, can't wait to see what you create with your new goodies. Glad you had a lovely day :-)
    Weather awful here today, was hoping to get out and tidy up in the garden, but that's not going to happen! Been so windy lately and have all those annoying little seeds everywhere and was hoping to sweep them up, oh well! Although the forecast is better tomorrow we are hoping for a day trip to Brighton so looking forward to that and the tidying up will have to wait.
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Sorry, I meant to thank you all for your nice comments yesterday with regards to the job interview. Hugs xxx

  7. Wow wow wow! What a stunning gift you received SANDRA You are so talented JANET
    I've already replied to MICHELE that her goodies look lovely and I need to go shopping with her
    And your cards VAL are terrific and I've mentioned I have made these too Me thinks I need Sue's new Baby dies to use along side I love Sue's dies but I'm really taken with the New Arrival baby dies Is it because I'm now a mushy doting Nanny..?
    Take care all Weather is miserable Perfect excuse to craft I am just about to finish my version of this week's sketch

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I'm not surprised you were so delighted with this very special present. Janet your gift to Sandra is beautiful, the lace you have used is exquisite, what a very talented lady you are.

    Michele, you were really very good at the show, it looks as if you got some good bargains. And MIL's gift is great. I know you will have fun using these.

    Val, love your baby cards. They will be treasured I'm sure.

    Sandra Hope Mum enjoys her flowers.

    I'm struggling with my CC had two attempts they are both in the bin. Will give it one more try this afternoon - but not making any promises. Maybe my first attempts were to ambitious.

    Must sort out some lunch, we are both being quite lazy today. Had a worrying evening. Granddaughter passed out on the bus on way home from school. She was hot and trembling. Ended up in A&E had every possible test, they could not find anything wrong with her, and was allowed to go home at 1am this morning.
    She did tell her Mum (just before being discharged) her friend was showing her a UTube video of a tonsillectomy - just before she passed out!! And guess what she is waiting to have her tonsils out. Doctor said it could have been a shock reaction. If it was she should have known better, as she can't watch any hospital programs on TV that might show blood. Strange thing is for GCSE now A levels she likes all the artists - which I can only describe as ' dark' ! Anyway she seems fine today just taking things slowly.

    Sending Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. I hope your granddaughter is fully recovered now - poor thing. No wonder she passed out. although I used to work at a hospital I didn't like seeing anything like that

    2. Oh your poor granddaughter and how worrying. So glad she's ok. Xx

  9. Good evening SANDRA & everyone
    Sorry I'm late we have been out all day met up with Darren Sam & Harry in Hastings they are having a weekend break so went for the day. Had good day.
    Wow JANET your gift for Sandra is amazing your so clever & a beautiful gift.
    MICHELE love your crafty buy's enjoy playing with them.VAL I love your baby cards they are so sweet. BRENDA hope your Grandaughter is feeling better poor thing sending her a big Hug xx MARIA hope you enjoyed your home a lone day but sorry about the hot flushes I remember them well.Hug's.
    SANDRA hope your mums ok she will love her flowers.
    Well I'm going to say good night now see you tomorrow but I must apologise for my left hand wonky CCards they are a bit rubbish Haha.
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello All, any one still up ?

    Janet your sachet for Sandra is absolutely beautiful, do you do all the sewing by hand?
    Michele love your buys and your stencil and glitter paste , have fun.
    Val your baby cards are adorable, I'm sure they fly off the shelves.
    Brenda hope your granddaughter is feeling better, frightful experience for her.

    Sandra hope your Mum loved her flowers, I expect she shed a tear or two, I know I would, flowers say such important messages I believe.

    Well I am shattered, getting the house ship shape, for my new cousin. She comes from York, and I have only met her once, she is comming to lunch tomorrow with my Sister and B/in law, the staying until Friday, I'm quite nervous.

    Well I'm off to bed, hope I get some sleep, but think my O/A will keep me awake despite the gabapentine tablets I now have to take as well as strong pain killers.

    Hope to drop in tomorrow if I get a minute, hugs to all Lilian
