
Sunday 11 September 2016

Your Sketch Challenge Cards

The Sketch

Karen's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

Lynda's 2nd Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge Card

Maria's 2nd Challenge Card

Maria's 3rd Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I have to report that my Mum so shocked and surprised by her flowers yesterday, it made her day she said (I don't think that anyone else remembered).  She was a little teary but that is only to be expected, I was sad too, I would have loved to have had my dad here to celebrate with.  It makes you even more grateful for what you have and I hope and pray that both Paul and I are together to celebrate our Golden Wedding. 

Now I was worried that I had asked a little too much of you this week as the sketch was a little bit more specific than other weeks, but just like all of the other weeks you totally embraced the Sketch and sent me some absolutely amazing cards. 

Karen, I love the layered look of your pinwheel,  it looks so pretty and effective,
Using a larger square makes more of a focal element that is pretty enough that it needs nothing added to it to make a perfect card ,

Lilian, I love the colours that you have chosen for your card, so fresh and clean looking with just the right amount of sparkle. 

Lynda, 2 cards from you, to be honest I was expecting you to make a card this week with what you have been through and the fact that you have only been using your left hand! But you have produced two incredible cards, one Christmas and one for any occasion, both gorgeous, Oh I can't pick a favourite, I love the lace and colour on the top one but love the Christmas one too.

Margaret, oh I do love the papers you have used for your card this week, unusual Christmas colours but goodness me they work so well, particularly with the white Snowflake that picks up the hints of white in the background.

Maria, 3 Cards from you this week, I am guessing you liked this Challenge, everyone of your cards are so different, a Sumptuous Christmas card, with gorgeous textured papers and a pretty bow, then onto the the card for your Sister, such fun papers, that really work with your design, who doesn't love tea and cakes?!  Then onto my favourite, you have used petal shapes intstead of squares and just look at the stunning flower you created, pure Genius Maria !!!

Michele, a crisp, frosty background of snowflakes giving the perfect background for your snowflake design pinwheel, that pretty blue ribbon giving a pretty finishing touch.

Sonia, I absolutely love the delicate embossed background that your have used for your card, which folder is it please?  I also love the delicate background that you used for your Pinwheel, makes it love so much prettier.

Val, you have used heart shaped pieces to create your Pinwheel, they work so well too giving the perfect flower shape, I love how you have use the hearts as your background pattern too.

Thank you all ladies, so very much for taking part in this weeks challenge, you have all created a unique and stunning card, I am so very grateful xxx

Love and hugs


  1. My my my! Another gorgeous display I struggled a bit with this one so to see some of you ladies making 2 and 3 cards has struck me dumb
    Thank you to Brenda for saying to VAL how to find my blog PS Val - WENDY visits me
    I'm up early as we're off to Harefield Hospital for the Fun Run I need to get the picnic etc ready I will try and pop back later
    Have a lovely day everyone

    1. Hi Karen. Found your blog and have left a comment.
      Enjoy the Fun Run today. Hope the weather stays fine for your picnic.

    2. Hope you had a great time with the fun run and you didn't have a stumble :-) I can see you getting all the baby dies at Ally Pally hihi love the stuffed animals me xx

    3. oops forgot to say,love your card this week xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant challenge cards, all so different yet we've all used the same sketch.

    I had a lovely morning yesterday, chatting with my friend. She's got an interview on Tuesday and is a little nervous.

    We have brilliant sunshine here today-great news for the Southport Airshow. It also means there's no excuse not to get in the garden and do some weeding later.


    1. So glad the weather is good for you today Michele and you can get out in the garden. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to see the Red Arrows flying over!!! xx

    2. The Red Arrows were here yesterday, saw a video of them on Facebook. Do you know you won a card on Card Making Magic blog yesterday?? Well done.


    3. I just love the Red Arrows. Wendy messaged me early this morning to tell me about my winning. So pleased. I think she's a great designer. Xx

    4. Well done on your win. When the red arrows were based at Kemble Good, we caught watch them training from the back of my Mum's house in Royal Wootton Bassett, her house at that time looked over towards Bristol but the M4 now runs through the valley & it is all built up behind the house now, memories!! xxx

    5. Sjould be Kemble Glos.!!

    6. Glad you had a nice time with your friend. Hope you have a lovely relaxing Sunday even with weeds :-) xx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and all.

    What a caring daughter you are Sandra to make your mum so happy with her gift of flowers. She was obviously so touched.

    Love all your cards today ladies and like Karen, because I struggled with this, I'meven more impressed with you ladies that have made more than one. I made mine at the last minute as usual and it certainly didn't turn out like I'd imagined but it was either send it to Sandra or not bother this week. Looking at it now I'm sorry I DID send it in and it's already been consigned to the rubbish bag.
    On a happier note I won a card yesterday on Christinas Flowers and Pearls blog. Yeh.
    I'm doing a big clean today in readiness for flying on Thursday. It's still a bit too hot here to do too much but needs must. It's down to the high 30's. Hopefully dropping more during the week.
    Hugs to all, especially those not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Congratlations VAL on your card win from Chistinas blog.
      Your chalenge card is lovely & deserves it's place mine however was also destined for the rubbish bin.
      Hope you get your cleaning done & you don't melt with the heat.
      Take care love Lynda xx

    2. Stop the horses here, what are you two talking about putting your cards in the bin! Val, yours is so sweet and you did it in a pinwheel style. Not like me with too many leaves :-) Congrats on winning the card from Christina. Fly safe soon,xx

  4. Good morning SANDRA & everyone
    Wow gorgouse CC this morning MARIA wow three cards from you they are all amazing I love the flower one you created.
    We have sunshine this morning so hopefully get out for a walk later. I must do some ironing first. I loved the butterfly background & the on the edge butterfly die's on Sue's Blog they are on my Ally Pally list for SATURDAY not long now.
    Well I'm going to do my ironing now but will pop back later
    Love Lynda xxx

    1. Love both of your cards, so no binning you hear! :-) Hope you had a nice walk, I will do one later this evening to hopefully work off the Indien hihi
      hugs xx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    What a wonderful selection of cards , I couldn't get my head round this one so decided to get on with a few other things that needed doing so I really enjoyed seeing what you all created, they are really beautiful!
    Sandra , it was a lovely idea to send your mum flowers and so nice to read how much it meant to her.
    Still sunny but blowy here so maybe I'll get some crafting done.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi, hope you are ok and everything goes well tomorrow. Sending you some healing hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a great selection of cards again this week. Thank you for taxing us, I must admit I did struggle with this one almost gave up but thought, no I am not going to be beaten!
    Pleased to hear your Mum loved her flowers, I think it very important to remember even when they are not with us anymore. Enjoy the sun
    Maria I must say your cards this week are lovely particularly your
    Lynda if this is left handed I would be proud of them. Hope wrist is easier & you are not rattling too much!! See you
    I love all the cards Val yours is great why put it in bin?
    Sorry I haven't mentioned you all separately but must get on.
    Janet I can imagine you will feel strange going to Dr's tomorrow take it steady, sending
    Lilian, Anne & Sue hope you are all feeling better, sending healing hugs.
    Cafe up & running, doors open letting sun in.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi MARGARET thank you your very kind wrist is ok now but did ache a little after doing the ironing this morning. Also looking forward to seeing you at AP you will hear me rattling coming through the door Hihi.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Margaret, thanks. I love your card too and honestly I did have some tantrum tantrum making mine hihi Hope you have a nice day, hugs to you and pop. Will we meet him on Saturday ? xx

    3. No it is my treat!!

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, rather achy and not up to much, feeling a bit better today.
    Sandra, I'm sure your Mum will keep looking at her flowers with love and pride of you, the lovely daughter she and your Dad raised. I'm glad you have got the holiday washing sorted. Where would we be without out tumble driers on wet days? x
    What a gorgeous selection of CC's. This weeks challenge wasn't the easiest but you have all done yourselves proud. I love the various ways you have all come up with following the sketch : ) Sorry I didn't manage to get mine finished in the end but will try to do it today.
    Janet, firstly, it was good to see you felt up to popping in yesterday. I hope your visit to the doc's tomorrow goes well for you. Secondly, once again I have been fortunate to see Sandra's fabulous gift. I know she was itching to open it before her birthday, it's a good job Paul kept his eye on it: ) What a gorgeous piece, so much detail and time and effort have gone into it, even the back. What a talented lady you are x
    Michele, I can't believe how good you were at the show. I think we need to get you to come with us when we go to Ally Pally next week to make us control our spending : ) x
    I hope everyone has the lovely blue sky that we have today, and that you all have a good day, whatever you are doing.
    RJ, Gemma and little Chris are here today, they are sorting out the loft for us. I am going to be sitting on our bed giving the orders, so not taxing at all : )
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care.

    1. Hi Sue sorry you were acheing yesterday hopefully your much better today. Glad your just giving orders for the loft sorting we want you fit for Ally Pally so take it easy for the rest of the week.
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Sue, just take it easy and no more acrobatics before next Saturday. We need you on top form :-)
      big hug xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Ladies you have excelled yourselves, the challenge cards are all gorgeous, Maria what a star you are - THREE cards all very different. I could not get mine to go the way I wanted. Two attempts ended up in the bin. Had intended to have a last try yesterday afternoon but John asked me to do some sewing alterations for him. Hopefully I will get my head around the next challenge.

    After a very dull and wet day yesterday, today we have beautiful sunshine. Hope it's like that wherever you are.

    Janet all the best for tomorrow, hope Doctor is pleased with your progress. xx

    Sandra, So pleased Mum enjoyed receiving her flowers, it was a lovely thought on your part. And although Dad is no longer with her (he will always be in her heart) doesn't change the fact that it was their special day. I'm not surprised she was a little tears.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weather, Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry..... A little teary (predictive text again) !!!!!!

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry being so late but today has gone very quick with a sleep in this morning, WW, coffee out after, home doing some gardening (lot of weeds after last rain) and then I sat and read a magazine in the lovely sunshine until now and now we just waiting for the take out, perfect ending of a nice day though is to come on here and see all the CC's. They are all great, was not sure if my flower was right for this but Sandra posted it so...:-)
    Brenda- glad to see your granddaughter is alright. It must have been scary for her friends. Hope she now will be ok. Also hope you enjoyed the weather today x
    Lilian- hope you seeing your cousin again went well and you all have a lovely time together. Love your card x
    Sonia- your cards are always so nice and this one is no exception, love the colours together x
    Very busy over at Sue's blog. How many are going on your list/s ? tihi I must clean write mine, it is in a real mess. Michele- can you join us ? I think we need your help :-)
    Janet- good luck tomorrow at the doctors !
    Have a nice evening all, love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love, love, love all the cards displayed, they're all fab! :-)
    Sandra, I will have a look and let you know the folder I used :-)
    Just back from a lovely day out in Brighton, but the traffic was terrible on way back, so now sitting with a cuppa and watching the X Factor!
    Hope you all had a lovely day. Will catch up with you tomorrow. Sending hugs xxx
