
Monday 12 September 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

I have chosen a simple 'Channel' card for this weeks Challenge, you can have the channel wherever you chose on your card, the top like mine or on either side or at the bottom.  
This is a great way to use up leftover bits of card too!  I do hope the sketch is clear enough as i made it myself! 

I am excited to see what you all come up with this week, its a very simple design that suits people that don't have dies too.
I hope you enjoy the challenge!

Back to an empty house today, it all seems so quiet compared to having everybody home for dinner last night, the word seemed to have spread that I was making a slow roasted 'pulled pork', as one by one they all appeared telling me they were starving, its a good job we make plenty of extras!! 

I have a few new craft things to play with today, so I'll be in my craft room !

Have a lovely day ladies,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & an interesting challenge for us this week.

    I've got a busy week -Post Office tonight after work (sold done stuff on EBay) then need to send a few emails. Out tomorrow evening for a drink with a friend, not seen her for a few months. Shopping on Wednesday evening as out on Thursday evening with an ex colleague who I haven't seen for a few months. Nothing planned for Friday-thank goodness!!!


  2. Lovely sketch SANDRA I haven't done a channel card in ages so it'll be good to revisit that
    So pleased your mum enjoyed the flowers I know how it makes me feel if somebody remembers Gary You shed a tear but you're also very proud that someone has taken the time to remember
    Congrats VAL on your win and thank you for visiting me and to BRENDA too
    MARIA all three of your cards yesterday were all beautiful And none of you should think "I'm binning that" because they were all lovely The Fun Run went well but it did seem quieter than previous years but I'm sure they raised oodles of cash for the ITU

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Brilliant channel card sketch and lovely card too. Looking forward to taking part :-)
    Sandra, the only details I have on the folder are that its Embossalicious! After a quick google search I believe it's from Crafter's Companion by vaguely remembering the packaging it was in. I think I got it one year at Farnborough from the Everything's £1 stall, so I guess it must've been discontinued. Sorry I can't be more help.
    Karen, the dies I have used as the backing on yesterday's card are the Spellbinders Marvellous Squares. Thank you for your lovely comment :-)
    Yesterday's cards were fantastic, especially like the flowers. Well done ladies for persevering, I think a few of us struggled but we got there in the end :-)
    Hope everyone is keeping well and have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you SONIA I think I've got that set - silly me for not recognising it

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sounds as if you had a houseful yesterday, pulled pork is lovely & it is great to all be together. Take it easy today & enjoy playing with new
    Janet hope Dr's goes well & you can at last do some crafting, you must be suffering from withdrawal symptoms!!xxx
    Hope you are all well & those of you going to Ally Pally have lists ready, mine gets longer & longer!!, looking forward to meeting up
    Cafe all clean & tidy all new table clothes & fresh flowers, got a new recipe for Spiced Banana Loaf which I will try, sounds lovely.
    We don't hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Sandra, your meal yesterday sounds delicious. I've never tasted pulled pork- something new for me to try. Do like today's cc . Haven't done a card like this for a while. I've just got back from having my nails done so I'll have a go at making one now as I think it's the only chance I'll get this week.
    Will have to have a nap later I think as I was awake until after 3 this morning watching 2 documentaries on 9/ll. I still get so emotional. I can't believe it's 15 years ago. I think it's one of those" I remember where I was when I heard the news" moments that sticks in your mind forever.

    I bet all those going to Ally Pally are getting excited. Have you all got your lists ready? I gave in and ordered Sues new Mauritius die. I like a few of them but that really jumped out at me.

    Janet, hope all goes well at the doctors today and you're allowed to do some crafting.

    Hope everyone is feeling good today and the sun is shining where you are.

    Bye for now Love Valxxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in today,

    Sandra your meal yesterday sounds absolutely yummy, I have never made it but I have eaten it at our daughters house. I can tell you everyone really tucked in. I just love having all the family together, so can appreciate how much you enjoyed your day. xx

    Today's challenge isn't to taxing - might just get my head around this one! Firstly have got to get my sisters accounts sorted..... Then my time is my own.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, JANET thinking of you xx

    Love and Hugs for all, Brenda xxx

  7. Afternoon Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    It's smells lovely in here from the spiced banana loaf hihi (I hope you made it)
    Oh Sandra ,your meal last night sound yummy. have a nice rest today and happy playing with your new things.
    I think June S. on Sue's blog have arranged for anyone to have a group Wilsonette photo @ Ally Pally 10 AM. Not sure if anyone would be interested in having that.
    I might be doing a Make and Take, usually trying to get one in. Looking forward to see some of you ladies there again.
    Popped into town this morning and had a hair cut (son said it looks like a helmet,nice but sorted encase of an accident tihi) Just so nice to have it done and Friday I have the tootsies done ready for holiday next Monday.
    Michele- you take care, don't rush. Shame you can't come down to see us Saturday and I we will miss you Karen. Must arrange to meet soon again though, hopefully before Christmas.Thank you for liking my last CC's.
    Beautiful card Sandra and the CC look alright, not sure how and what to do yet but will have a thought later. It is a bit slow today the brain. Didn't have a very good night, it was humid and I perspired quite nicely. 6 years and counting, how long do you have hot flushes for :-(
    Janet- hope everything gone/goes well today at the doctors. Thinking of you and sending you a special hug.
    Lynda- hope you are ok ? see you soon eeeks hihi and Terry of course. Going for lunch now and then some digging in the garden needed. The sun trying it's best to come out but not sure it will today. Hope your day is going as it should and I might pop in again for a coffee tonight and see who else is joining me. The door is open for anyone to come and have a chat so do come and say Hi
    Love and hugs to you all ,Maria Xxxx

  8. I love pulled pork! Have got seven cards for family and friends this week alone Thursday is my daughters so have just made a start on that one - trying to copy a Sue Wilson one ! Thu is daughters future ma-in-law b/day Uaed yesterday's sketch - tick
    As MARIA has said I can't do AP on Saturday - boo hoo I am going on Sunday with a friend who finds Saturday too busy So leave me some stock please I'm after the Noble sets The new baby sets the shadow box ones Pixie powders watercolour card glue BUT I cannot afford it all so will have to be very selective!

  9. Hi SANDRA & everyone
    The CC looks ok this week your card Sandra is lovely. Your pulled pork sounds yummy & sounds like you had to pull it a long way HaHa as all the family came unexpectedly for dinner. Had another blood test at hospital this morning I'm feeling like a pin cushion. JANET I hope all went well for you at the doctors & you can start crafting. Take care Val we also watched the 9/11 documentarys it was terrible so many lives lost it doesn't seem 15 years ago remember it so vividly. Looking forward to Ally Pally I must do a list I know I need some more pixie powders. I did lots more background papers yesterday some with the mica paints as well they came out good will take picture & send them to sandra.
    There are a few of Sue's dies I would like so will probably get a couple of them.
    Sandra what new goodies have you been buying before AP then. Hope your going to show them!!!.
    Must make a start on dinner so will pop back hopfully
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope you're not too sore or bruised after your blood test today.
      I really think I need to buy some pixie powders. I watched John using them on Hochanda yesterday. He was using the paper he'd created to make flowers. Fabulous. You sound as though you really enjoy making background papers with them. Bye for now xxx

  10. I have to agree with you LYNDA and VAL I can't believe 9/11 was 15 years ago Whilst in NY earlier this year we went to the 9/11 museum -truly eye opening, very chilling, It made me very emotional at how many list their lives and how much was destroyed There is a fire house/station near a Times Square that list every single fireman and that's just one of the small stories in the huge picture of things xx

    1. That's one of the places I really need and wish to visit. One of these days. Xxx

  11. Evening all,
    sitting here with aching arms trying to lift the coffee cup hihi but did a good dig over in the garden so feel good about that and the rain stayed away. Nodded off though for a while this afternoon so nothing much else happened, oh the joy. Catchup Corrie before an earl-ish night next so I wish you all a good night and hope you are all well, many hugs xxx

    1. Good night Maria. Hope your less achy tomorrow. Xx
