
Tuesday 13 September 2016

Brenda's Beautiful Birthday card

My Beautiful Card in its box

And out of the box

Good Morning Ladies,

We are set for quite a warm day today, maybe 29°, well down here anyway, warm, sticky nights too, which I'm not too keen on, I like a cool bedroom , both at night and even more so in the morning, I can't stand waking up with the heating cranked up, it makes it so stuffy! Anybody else feel the same? I have to have a window open all the time too.  Maybe it goes back to when I lived at home, we never had heating upstairs at all then, you didn't hang about after getting out of the bath! I don't ever remember being too cold to sleep though, we didn't have double glazed windows either, they got frosty inside and out ! Hahaha 

Now speaking of windows.....just look at this amazing gift that I received from our Brenda, I have been wanting a window die for months and this card made get straight on to order one!  Just look at the detail, the lace curtains at the window, tied back too, the beautiful foliage trailing around the window with those gorgeous hand sewn roses, I believe Brenda has made them using seam binding ribbon!  Inspired by you yet again Brenda I went out and bought some florists tape so I can have a go at making those roses. 
This is one of those cards that you can't stop looking at, what did you use to make the texture around the window Brenda? Its just delicately textured here and there so that it looks like an outside wall. So clever!  
Brenda, thank you so very much for such a beautiful gift, that I will treasure xxxx

Now for those of you that use pearl string, they are selling 100ft in hobbycraft for £3 !
What a bargain, I think its 4mm pearls, they also had some of Tim Holtz  'Big' dies for £10, so I had to buy the Tattered Florals !  Worth a look ladies.

Pat, we have laid on the warm weather so that you can acclimatise gradually, safe journey home xxx

Janet, how was doctors visit? Have you been a good girl? Sending love and hugs xxx

Anne, I hope you are feeling better too my lovely xxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card from Brenda is stunning, such a beautiful keepsake.

    Well-I have a busy day at work, 2 new patients on the list for chemotherapy plus a full list. We have 2 contractors coming to measure up this affair our refurbishment quote and my Dad has got a hospital appointment at 1.30 to see the pain specialist so he'll be calling in to inform me what was said. I might not be great company tonight when I go out for a drink with my friend!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your dads appointment went well, and that your able to enjoy your drink. I'm sure your department is never not busy. It's a great job your doing.

    2. Thank you Michele .
      Hope Dads appointment went well xx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and All, dull here but rain forecast.
    This a very quick post, before my visitor gets up, we are getting along like a house on fire.
    Sandra your card is wonderful, Brenda is so clever, and those flowers are exquisite, puts me to shame, I seem to have lost my way in card making lately.

    We went out for the day yesterday, just to Truro, as Ann wanted to visit our only cathedral in Cornwall, had a really lovely day, it's strange how two people can get along so well after only having met once before. Off to Lanhydrock today, which is a wonderful national trust house, not too far from here.

    Hope all who are unwell, are soon on the mend, hugs Lilian

    PS will catch up on all the news from everyone when Everything is back to normal at the end of the week.

    1. Hi Lilian
      That how Sandra, Sue and I felt after we met up. The same with Maria, Brenda, Lynda and Littlelanb Brenda. Terry Lynda's husband is a great laugh as well and we only meet him at Ally Pally. All in all a great bunch of ladies.

    2. Thank you Lillian, your comment gives me a great boost.

      Lillian don't put yourself down, you make really lovely cards LOL xx

  3. Oh SANDRA it's exquisite You Clwver sausage BRENDA
    I remember days/nights like your We had a coal fire in the living room (which I miss actually) The bathroom was also downstairs So we'd have a bath and then a mad dash upstairs to bury ourselves in our beds - no duvets in those days either
    I hope your day calms down MICHELE Soubds like you'll need that drink this evening
    VAL If you get the chance to go to NY the museum is well worth a visit - not in a macabre glorifying way It just epitomises what happened and how much of NY was affected There is a lot of positive stuff too - a bit like the British stuff upper lip Must go I will try and catch up later

    1. Hi Karen, my son and DIL were in NY last year and have shown me photo's and leaflets they brought back. Like you they found the museum emotional but also uplifting. It is on my list for places to go. Fancy going around Christmas time as the shops look amazing.
      I those of us of a certain age can certainly remember a coal fire. Do you remember the wonderful toast you could make? We didn't have a bathroom so when we were young it was the tin bath in front of the fire and afterwards when you were lovely and warm we had to go down the yard to the outside toilet so got cold all over again. Happy memories.
      Have a good day. Xx

    2. Thank you Karen, your comment means a lot. LOL xx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , I'm not surprised you will treasure this card from Brenda it is truly wonderful ( like a new summers day ) and somehow gives you that good to be alive feeling!
    I didn't manage in yesterday as I went straight to Torridon craft day from the dentist ( got my X-ray , no hole in the tooth so the infection is in the gums, she recommends having the tooth out as it could happen again , also it's next to an impacted wisdom tooth which doesn't help, so I go on Friday to have the tooth extracted) ? I was so whacked when I got home I forgot to comment , sorry.
    Like you Sandra I prefer a cool bedroom , window open all year round and we also never close our curtains as I like to look out at the sky.
    Thanks for the tip about Hobbycrafts I must go and check it out!
    I can honestly say I wasn't tempted to buy any of Sue's new collection ( they are lovely but I'll adept the ones I have) I'm more into Tim Holtz at the moment and have just bought some of his dies and flower garden stamps.
    Bit rainy here this morning but it's to clear up later, so will maybe play a golf tie then.
    I also fancy a window die and would love to know which one you choose.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne,
      Glad to hear that your suffering will soon be over, I have to say, if it were me having to go on Friday I would be shaking already, like you I have impacted wisdom teeth, both bottom ones, they are partially erupted too, which is so frustrating the gum can get quite sore, they have been the same for about 10 years now, they were going to remove them but one has the main nerve for the face entwined in its roots so the risk was too high!
      I have combined both of your desires Anne, I ordered a Tim Holtz Big die Window, I wanted the Memory Box large Madison Window but I think it must have been discontinued as its impossible to find! I am having a Tim Holtz phase at the moment too, I love watching his you tube videos, his passion for crafting is addictive, I ordered his small tattered flower dies from Amazon and I quite fancy the Wild Flower dies too!
      The list goes on.....and on!!

    2. Hi Anne
      Glad to here your having your tooth removed. Hope all goes well as you won't be plagued with pain once it's out.

    3. Hi Anne. Glad to hear you'll soon be pain free in a few days. Take care. Hugs xxx

    4. Anne thank you so much.

      Good luck with the Dentist on Friday xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all.
    Sandra what a beautiful card made for you by Brenda. Llove the windows and the flowers are a real delight.

    Well heavy rain is forecast for Spain and Portugal today. Looking at the sky it doesn't look likely at the moment but maybe it will come later. Do hope so it might cool us all down.

    Well my bags are packed all ready to go as the song says. Just last minute things to put in the case. The house has had it's holiday clean and can't think of anything else that needs doing so I'm off to bingo this afternoon.

    Pat, have a safe trip home. Hope everything went well at the hospital yesterday Janet and you're coming on well.
    More special hugs to Anne and Linda and all those not feeling too good today. Maria, hope you've woken up ache free today.

    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val. From such a busy crafter your comment means so much. xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a fantastic card from Brenda, the detail in it is amazing. Well done Brenda I am sure Sandra will treasure
    Promises to be very hot here today, we certainly do get a mixture.
    Safe journey home Pat see you
    Janet hope all went well at Dr's & you can do some gentle
    Sue hope you have a lovely day at Stuck and.xxxx
    Anne sorry you need tooth out but that is the easier option, will be thinking of
    Lilian how lovely you are having such a good time with your
    Karen sorry we will not see you on Sat, will leave some goodies for
    Val you are organised for your holiday, enjoy bingo. Yes I remember tin bath & outside toilet, those were the days!!xxx
    Maria hope you not too achy
    Michele sounds as if you will need your drink
    Cafe ready for customers please call in.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you Margaret.
      Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in to the coffee shop today,

    Gosh Sandra, what a surprise when I opened the blog today seeing the birthday card I sent you looking back at me, so pleased you liked it. I had actually forgotten I had got this window die in fact it was still in its original packaging !!!
    I confess you almost didn't get it, because I wanted the windows both to open and put a feature behind. So it got banished to the back of my workspace and I put my thinking cap on , I could not come up with a better idea so put my thinking cap on and came up with the idea of net drapes. Yes I made the flowers, these are easier than the Square triangle style are used to make. The EF is one from Crafters Companion Textures 8 x 8 and is called 'Distress' I had thought I would use a brick/stonework style EF, when I looked at them they were all too heavy for the window die.

    Oh yes I also remember the frosty windows, in and out. But the thought of toast made sitting in front of the coal fire - even to this day wakes up those tastebuds it was so delicious, we would eat it straight from the toasting fork with lots of butter - memories .

    Must move another INR test today ( it's actually only a prick in the finger) but it's the intrusion into my day, which I can do without .

    Catch up with you all later,
    Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi and good morning Sandra and all in today.
    Oh wow ,Beautiful card from our "mamma" Brenda :-) for your birthday Sandra. I love the little curtain behind the window ( I want one too,which one is this ?) and your wonderful little roses, they are so lovely. A wonderful keepsake perhaps in a photo frame.
    Michele- cold shower and a change of clothes and you be ready for a nice time out with your friend hopefully. Have a good day at work.
    Oh Anne, have the tooth out ouch! but hopefully that will help the problems with the pain you have. Will be thinking of you Friday, hugs
    Lilian- wonderful you all getting along. Have a nice day exploring and hope the sun is shining.
    Val- enjoy the Bingo. Went with my nanna many moons ago and won a chicken (raw) we had it for dinner hihi
    Outside loo's I have had many times but never sat in a tin bath, sound very cold to get back out. Never have the heating on upstairs, also like a cool bedroom.
    Janet - hope the doctors went as it should and you are getting better, many hugs.
    Pat- have a good journey home. Can't wait to hear what you have been up too and where the best coffee places are with the best cakes of course. No healthy eating for a week, yay hihi
    Karen - hope you have a good day. Did you tell your friend that Sunday traffic will be shocker. Football at Tottenham that day :-)
    Washing machine beeping so best go and hang it up, it is a glorious day and temps will be high 20th. Feeling better when the heat is up so no extra aching bits so far. Hospital this afternoon for x-rays, should have asked for the whole package and had it done with :-p
    Have a nice day everyone, love and hugs to you all. Maria xxxx

    1. Hope all goes well this afternoon Maria, I put washing on too but it looks like its about to rain here!
      Can't wait to see you Saturday!
      Sandra xx

    2. Hi Maria. Hope the hospital appointment/x-rays went well. Hugs xxx

    3. Thank you Maria. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

      Hope hospital went well. xx

  9. Good morning SANDRA WOW BRENDA your card for Sandra is Gorgeous I love your flowers so pretty your so clever xx
    VAL your so organised have a relaxing day ready for your holiday tomorrow good luck at bingo. A safe journey tomorrow Hug's xx
    MICHELE your day sounds so busy. I hope your Dads appointment goes well. Try & relax when you meet your friend for a drink.
    ANNE sorry you have to have a tooth extraction but better than the infection keep coming back sending Hug's xx PAT have a safe yourney home from your holiday. I hope you both enjoyed it & hope Pete is well now. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday xx LILIAN glad your having a good time with your cousin enjoy your day.xx I remember we lived in a prefab with out central heating or double glazing just a coal fire we used to have our bath & get dressed for bed in front of the fire. Good Memories. MARIA hope your feeling better today & your free from hot flushes today. Take care my friend. Xx
    The sun has finally broken through so hopfully get out for a walk.
    Four more sleeps before A P.
    Well must get the washing on the line. Love Lynda xx

    1. Thank you Lynda. Your comment really means so much. xx

      Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday - Oh and your minder ...Terry ! LOL

  10. Afternoon Everyone
    Well I don't know where my post when earlier this morning but here goes again.

    We have a glorious day here with sunshine and it's quite warm.

    Drs visit went well - all appears to be going in the right direction and I am told I can now do 'light duties' whatever they are lol. At least I'm going to be able to get to my craft table as long as I don't overdo things. There's still no housework etc for another three weeks and then continue getting back to normal but still no lifting etc until 12 weeks post op.

    I have to say that after my first outing yesterday I was ready to put my feet up for the rest of the day.

    BRENDA- your gift to SANDRA is exquisite and definitely one for the Memory Box. I loved everything about it

    Once again I'm sending huge but gentle hugs to you all. Hope to see you tomorrow. xxxx

    1. Lovely to see you in Janet. Glad you're on the mend. Take care. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi JANET glad Dr's went well & pleased your able to do some crafting but please take care my friend Love Lynda xx

    3. Oh Janet it is so lovely that you feel up to dropping in.
      Thank you for your lovely comment.

      Please keep listening to your doctors, stick to the 'light duties ' LOL xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Wow Brenda what a stunning card in a box you've made for Sandra. The outside just looks like a wall. I look forward to seeing it in the flesh. We've just had a bit of rain here. Petes gone down to Witney Feast to meet Craig and the grandchildren. As per usual Pete tried to ring him to say he was on his way, but no reply. Craig always used to grumble at Pete for not having a phone so he could contact him if we weren't at home. Well Craig is worse, you try to ring, it's either at home being charged up. It rings and goes to voicemail which he never picks up. Try ringing the house phone and leave a message and they never ever see if they have any messages left. Steam comes out of Petes ears I can tell you. If anything ever happened and you need to contact him you'd never get through. Moan over. I'm hoping to see Sandra tomorrow, before Ally Pally, can't wait.

    1. Hi Pat, lovely to have you back, Thank you for your lovely comment, it means so much.
      See you Saturday. LOL xx

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Popped in earlier and thought I'd left a comment, but now thinking back I realise I didn't, oh it's been one of those days!
    Beautiful card Brenda, I love what you can do with the window dies there are so many options. I do have one myself but have never used it, so thank you Brenda, and Sandra for sharing - you have inspired me to use mine :-)
    Hope you have all had a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hello Sonia, Thank you, It is so encouraging to get such lovely comments. LOLxx

  13. Not to sure why but I started replying on comments but now blogger won't let me.
    I'm glad your on the mend Janet.
    Look forward to seeing Maria, Lynda, and Brenda on Saturday. Little lamb might join us as well. Last of all but not least look forward to seeing Lynda's Terry again.
    I lived in what can only be described as a large pig sty shaped corrugated hut in the middle of nowhere just outside Worminghall. They put servicemen and their families in them after the war if they had nowhere to live.
    No electricity. No running water, black range and iron to heat up on top. Plus the obligatory tin bath. We were first in and last out, so we left to live in a house when I was 11. Luxury no less. Happy days as we were next to a farm. Fresh milk everyday. We kept chickens so had fresh eggs and chicken to eat every so often.

  14. THANK YOU LADIES for all of your lovely comments on the card I made for Sandra. I really appreciate each one.

    You are a lovely supportive group of friends. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Yes, see you Saturday. Hope you have a good night.
      Too warm for me but will try to go to bed because I will suffer tomorrow otherwise. we had +32 in the sun today and believe tomorrow will be another hot/sticky day. Good night everyone xxx
