
Wednesday 14 September 2016

A Very Special Day!!!

Good Morning Ladies,

Today Paul and I celebrate our Silver (25th) Wedding Anniversary, I can hardly believe that we have been married that long, the time has literally flown!
I will say that I am very lucky to have married my best friend and my Soulmate, like everyone we have had our share of hurdles to over come (more than our share to be honest)! They have made us stronger as a partnership!  I feel like I should be giving Paul a Long Service and Good Conduct medal, poor chap has had to put up with a lot!
Anyway today we are going to London, my eldest daughter Becca has treated us for our Anniversary and birthdays, we are staying overnight and going to see a show too.  We are also hoping to fit in a River Cruise and Afternoon Tea on Thursday.
I can't wait, I am so looking forward to having Paul all to myself for two days!

Today's card is the card I made Paul for our Anniversary, using my new Spellbinders Curved Borders 2 die set, a Creative Expressions Embossing Folder, and a few other bits and pieces. A card I saw on Pinterest inspired my design!  I have lost more ours in pinterest than I care to admit!
Fingers crossed he likes the card !

That's all from me ladies, I have a busy day ahead, I hope you have a great day too!

Love and hugs


  1. Sandra & Paul,
    Many congratulations to you both on your Silver Anniversary, I hope you both have a lovely time you both deserve it.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Congratulations Sandra & Paul, hope you have a fantastic time in London. Great card, it's lovely.

    Yesterday was sooo busy at work do it was really nice to meet up with my friend last night. WA sat for 2 1/2 hours chatting, looking st the pouring rain then we had lightening.

    Today I have a 2 hour meeting first thing then my emergency dentist appointment at 12noon. My tooth is very painful if I eat on it so I'm going to take some painkillers before I go to the dentist just in case. I know she'll need to do a filling but it will probably just be a temporary one until after my holiday.

    Tesco shopping tonight after work then can relax.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope the dentist does your temporary filling and that it lasts until you come back from your holiday.

  3. Hello Sandra,
    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. What an achievement 25years. Glad you are able to celebrate this memorable day.
    I hope you have a great time in London, what show are you going to see? Enjoy your river trip. Love Brenda xxx

    Oops forgot to say- I love your card for Paul and I'm sure he will. XXX

    1. The CONGRATULATIONS are for you both !!!!!!!!! XXX

  4. Hello All

    Sandra And Paul, congratulations on your Silver Wedding , may you have many more Happy Years together.

    Sandra lovely card, love those new curved borders, and the little spray of flowers.

    Have a good day all, Michele hope the trip to the dentist isn't too painful,
    Hugs to all will try and catch up later, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Congratulations Sandra and Paul on your 25th Anniversary. Enjoy your stay in London :-) xx
    Your card is stunning Sandra, I love the curved border and your beautiful flowers.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

  6. Good morning
    SANDRA & PAUL CONGRATLATIONS ON YOUR 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Have a lovely time in London enjoy your show & your stay in London 💏 💐💐💐💐 Sandra your card for Paul is Gorgeous. Xxxxx

  7. Morning Sandra and all,

    Sandra and Paul. Many congratulations on your Silver Wedding Anniversary. Have a wonderful time in London and enjoy your river cruise. Love your card Sandra.

    Janet, so glad you hospital visit went ok. Good that you can do a bit of crafting but don't rush into doing anything too strenuous.

    Michele, oh poor you. Do hope the dentist goes ok today.

    Linda. WOW I remember prefabs in Liverpool. They were built on the outskirts of the city and we're still being lived in upto the end of the 50 S. I must admit they didn't look that good but definitely served a purpose.

    Well the promised rain didn't arrive yesterday in or area but it is cooler today. It was must more pleasant walking Gracie this morning.

    I'm off to get my hair done later, call and see my friends and then relax.

    Everyone take care for the next couple of weeks. I want to come back to everyone being ok. Will pop in if and when I can.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

  8. Good morning everyone
    We have another lovely day of sunshine. It was so hot yesterday very humid & hot without any breeze looks the same today. Not up to much nothing planed. I have two special birthday cards to make so might start on those after house work. Might go for our daly walk have to keep that up otherwise I would cease up. VAL have a safe journey & enjoy your visit hope this lovely weather continues for you.
    JANET have a good day crafting for a little bit remember baby steps please now don't over do it lovely lady.xx MARIA hope your feeling better today. How did
    X-ray go yesterday thinking of you hope everything was ok.Xx
    Off to finish houswork see you later. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hope you manage to do your walk. Look forward to seeing you both on Sat.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is perfect for Paul he will love it. Enjoy your
    Michele hope the dentist goes well, when do you go away?xxx
    Janet great everything progressing well just listen to your body & enjoy your
    Val hope you have a lovely holiday, I have been told that Croatia is beautiful, hope weather is kind to
    Anne hope tooth is easier
    Maria that sounds far too hot for me we had a thunderstorm in the afternoon, looks as if the sun is shining all day today. Looking forward to seeing you on
    Lilian hope you have a lovely day with your
    Linda hope you are not wearing yourself out before Sat looking forward to seeing you &
    Brenda trying to make a list for Sat not having much luck. Looking forward to meeting up
    Cafe open & ready for visitors come in you are all welcome.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Good morning Ladies,
    I hope you both enjoy your special day and evening , making more wonderful memories! Sandra your card for Paul is Classy and Beautiful !
    Val , I hope you have a fantastic holiday , I would love to see Croatia I've heard so many lovely things about it.
    Michelle, you have my sympathy, I hope your appointment goes well.
    Maria I wish you a cooler calmer day so you can relax.
    Lilian hope you and your cousin have lots of fun!
    Janet , good to hear you are recovering well and doing as you are told lol!
    I didn't play my golf match yesterday so we are playing it at 11am today.
    Thanks Margaret for your kind wishes it has settled down ,I'm trying to put Friday's app. to the back of my mind.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  11. Happy 25th Anniversary Sandra and Paul ! Have a wonderful time in London, enjoy the show ( which one are you to see ?) and a boat trip. many hugs to you both.
    Wish you all a nice day, the temp is already up here so it will be basking. Had my walk at 7 am so that's done, another wash to hang out and then I'm going to call my sister. Wish me luck it is not just dog talk for a couple of hours hihi X-ray was uncomfortable but quick so now have to wait around 3 weeks for any answers from the doctor.
    Take care everyone , love and hugs to you all Maria xxox

    1. Hi Maria
      That's quite a long wait for an X-ray. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

  12. DEAR SANDRA & PAUL. WISHING YOU BOTH A VERY HAPPY SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. You both deserve a break away and it looks like the sun will be shining on you so that you can enjoy every minute of your trip to London, Have a wonderful time, enjoy the show and the sightseeing. Sending you huge hugs xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Paul will love his card, it is gorgeous my lovely, another one to go on my Pinterest board : )
    Sorry I haven't managed to pop in but the last couple of days have been rather busy. I must get some rest tomorrow and Friday so I am ready for Ally Pally, there's no way I am going to miss my day out with Mum, Sandra, Paul and Pat, and catching up with Maria, Brenda, Lynda and Terry : ) Sorry we won't see you there Karen : (
    Brenda, your window card is gorgeous, the embossed "brickwork" looks so good beside that pretty window. I must get my small window out and have a play after seeing this beautiful card. I hope you aren't too busy, see you on Saturday : )
    Anne, sending you hugs for Friday, at least once it is out and healed you will be pain free, thank goodness x
    Maria, I hope you manage to have some dog free talk with your sister. See you on Saturday : ) x
    Lynda, I hope you are taking things easy so you are ok for Saturday, see you and Terry at Ally Pally : ) x
    Pat, I hope you had a safe and trouble free journey home. Make sure you don't go doing too much before Saturday either please. I want to see you fighting fit : )
    Janet, I am so glad the Doctors visit went well and you are now able to do some gentle crafting. What a shame you still can't do any housework, far too strenuous, except some light dusting maybe!!! : )
    Mum, yes we had a nice day at the beach, ended up at Boscombe, where the rain, thunder and lightning started as we parked on the seafront! It was only a 5 min storm, but it did spit with rain a few times during the day, it was overcast but nice and warm though. Little Chris loved the sand and sea. He wanted to sit down in the waves and got quite cross that we wouldn't (and couldn't) let him go! I am so looking to seeing you on Friday, when we will be able to have a proper catch up!Love you xx
    I'm sorry if I have missed anyone that is not feeling too well, my brain is trying to get around what needs to be done first today!
    Sending love and hugs to you all, with extras for Janet, Anne and all in need. Take care xx

  14. Ladies, just popping backing to hope all of you going to Ally Pally on Saturday have a wonderful time, a great meet up and all the goodies you wish for.
    LINDA, Sorry I keep spelling your name wrong, for a reason of its own my tablet keeps changing the "y" to an "I". Technology eh!!!

  15. Hi Sandra
    A beautiful card you've made for Paul. I hope you both enjoy your time in London.

  16. Hi Sandra
    Crikey I didn't wish both you and Paul A VERY HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY.

  17. Happy Anniversary and your card is beautiful!

  18. HAPPY HAPPY SILVER ANNIVERSARY TO YOU BOTH, with our very best wishes, Angela and Trevor xx

  19. Hello SANDRA and any night owls
    I hope it's not too late to wish YOU and PAUL a very Happy Anniversary Hope it's not too hot in London I know how extra clammy it seems to feel in the City! Enjoy the show Your card is amazing A beautiful treasure to keep
    In case you pop back LYNDA I haven't see the trail re prefabs but just wanted to say that my aunt lived in anissen hut and one lived in a prefab I loved visiting them. They were in Calvert and Steeple Claydon

  20. congratulations well done 25 years ,fab card too love the embossing folder ,Laura O

  21. Hoo hoo, As you can see I'm a night owl and just popped in to wish you all a good night.
    Hope Sandra and Paul have a great time in London, Sure he will love the card because it is Beautiful !
    Val- have a wonderful holiday in Croatia, beautiful place and lots of history. take care.
    Hi to Debbie, Laura and Angela, lovely you have come in to see us this evening. Love to see you again soon. Any of you going to Ally Pally on Saturday ?
    Lorraine- missing you, hope you are ok and will have a good holiday. Where are you off to ?
    Michele- hope you are alright after the visit to the dentist and everything went well.
    Pat, Lynda and Sue- have some special times for yourself so you are fine for Saturday. eeeee can't wait :)
    Littlelamb- where are you my nigh owl friend ? Feeling a bit lost here without you, just hope you are ok and we see you at Ally Pally.
    It was another very warm day, the washing dried in no time at all. I was cleaning everywhere downstairs, have SIL coming for the day tomorrow so....hihi
    Oh, my conversation with my sis went as usual in the same rut. I know it is her life but would be nice to hear about the others without me jumping in when she tells me about her four paws and others. I love her dearly but sometimes....:) I'll see you later hugs ,Maria xxx
