
Thursday 15 September 2016

Another gorgeous birthday card

Good Morning Ladies,

As you are reading this I shall be waking up in London for the 2nd Day of our Anniversary treat, we haven't planned too much today, we thought we would wait to see what the weather was like.  We are hoping to do a River Cruise and go and have as nice afternoon tea somewhere.

Today's gorgeous card is my birthday card from Our Maria, it has such a beautifully coloured background, the camera hasn't done it Justice, the colours really pop, Maria has used the Swiss Background Die from Creative Expressions for The Decorative element of the card, this die is on both mine and Sue's 'want' list !
The card is finished with some pretty flowers and CE Trailing Ivy die cuts, its such a pretty card Maria, I love it, thank you so very much, I am trying to think of a way to display all of my cards, so I can get inspiration every time I enter my craft room.

That's all from me today ladies, can I ask you all a little favour.......?
I will be doing a feature on paper cutters/trimmers, can you make a note of your experience with different ones, I thought I could be our first 'Buyers Guide' item.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra, Maria -that's a really beautiful card.

    Dentist was running 30 minutes late, I had a horrendous tension headache then another patient walked in who was wearing very strong, sickly perfume so I started to feel nauseous. Luckily I was called I before anything could happen-temporary filling in place and I have to be careful! I go back on the 31st October for thrilling & a check up.

    We go away early October (to Washington, D.C.) for 6 days, never been before & heard good things about there. We have 2 weeks off work so we can relax after we get back although I might end up going into work as that's the time the refurbishment starts.


    1. Ha-I go back to the Dentist for a "filling " -certain not a Thrilling!!!!


    2. Lol Michele, your visit to the dentist for a "thrilling" made me chuckle ;-) I expect you're looking forward to your holiday, and I hope you manage to have your full 2 weeks off. Hugs xxx

    3. Enjoy Washington I expect it'll be full of the build up to the election which WILL be thrilling and not drilling! Sorry couldn't resist!

    4. Hi Michele
      What sort of dentist do you have that makes it a thrilling visit. Predictive text is a bummer isn't it. Enjoy your time in Washington and I do hope you manage your full two weeks off. You deserve it.

    5. Hi Michele, wish I had a ' thrilling' dentist!!!!

  2. Hi Everyone,
    Sandra hope your London stay is going well, probably very hot.
    Maria lovely card love the Swiss background die.
    Sorry to be so brief, hugs to all Lilian

  3. Good morning Sandra and all in here today.
    ooops, funny feeling to see the card I sent you.:)
    One thing I do in January is to write a list of all the birthday for the year, it has grown a lot since joining your blog :-) so when I went for a workshop once I had you in my mind, as always, and made this card for you. We used alcohol inks and it was great fun but uj you should have seen my fingers hihi Glad you like it.
    Have a fabulous day whatever you and Paul do. It's very misty here this morning but we going to have up to 28c today so hope the sun comes out later.
    I sat here to 4.30 before going up but woke at 6.45 and just had to get up. Will play a bit with some cards that need finishing off and than SIL coming up by train for picking up a new car. After their accident their car was a write off so had to get a new one quickly because the insurance company didn't let them have the hire car for very long.
    I wish you all a nice day, special hugs to you who not feeling the best and wish you better.
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Your card is fabulous I was wondering if it was Pixie Pwders or ink It is a fab effect What dies are the flowers
      What with aches and pains and this heat I' like you and can't sleep Annoying and frustrating isn't it Take care xxx

    2. Fabulous card Maria. I also wondered if it was alcohol ink as I didn't think you could get that effect with pixie powders. But hey what do I know. Lynda will know though after seeing her lovely creations using them. Looking forward to seeing you on Sat.

    3. Hi MARIA wow gorgeous card you sent SANDRA I love it.I also on first look thought you had a go with Pixie powders they are actually not as messy as inks. Sorry your struggling with sleeping it was so hot last night. Take care Hug's xx

    4. Hi Maria, Love your card. When I looked first looked at it I was so taken with the background it's FAB..... so beautiful. I must try this just need to get the correct inks. xxx

  4. Morning Everyone

    We too have a very foggy morning here but very humid.

    SANDRA- have a lovely day whatever you decide to do.

    MARIA- what a gorgeous card you sent to Sandra. I've never tried any inks but have to say the end product if just beautiful. I can also imagine what I'd look like if I did try them one of those modern art splashy pics comes to mind. lol.

    MICHELE - thank you for making me smile this morning. I just couldn't imagine you having a 'thrilling' time at the Dentist.

    I managed to make a Seasonal bauble yesterday. So I was quite pleased with myself.

    My task for today is to search through my old pics of cards I've made as I'm not going to get a CC done this week. I know it's cheating really but I'll not get a new one done and then take a photo of my Baubles. (now now don't laugh too much hehehe).

    Café is looking good and ready to go for the day. Hugs to everyone especially Maria today. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Would love to see your baubles. Just don't try to do to much. Light duties only remember.

    2. Hi JANET glad you managed to made a bauble yesterday.
      Take care & don't do to much. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hello Janet, Really looking forward to seeing your bauble. Sending special hugs. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Maria, your card is stunning. I love the look of the background die too ;-)
    Sandra enjoy your second day in London. A river cruise and afternoon tea sounds lovely - have fun :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Morning It is already hot and sunny here so I expect it will be worse in London! It seems to trap the heat So plenty of water breaks SANDRA I did comment really late last night But Conrgatulations again
    I also mentioned that a couple of my aunts lived in Nissen huts and prefabs LYNDA I loved visiting them because they were so qurky

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you & Paul are having a lovely time & not melting in the heat. Xxx
    Maria your card is beautiful for some reason when I first saw it I thought it was one of yours, it's
    Janet thank you for opening up it must have felt good crafting
    Must dash shopping this morning then first embroidery meeting of new year, sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi Sandra
    I hope your enjoying your time in London. The weather should be nice enough in London today. Enjoy your tea if you manage to fit it in.
    Maria I love the card you made Sandra for her birthday. My doesn't it pop. Love the flowers as well.This might also go on my wish list. I have the ivy so that's a bonus.

  9. Hi SANDRA & everyone I hope you & Paul are enjoying your stay in London.
    Which show are you going to see.enjoy your river cruise & your posh tea 🍰☕️
    MICHELE glad you had a thrilling visi to the dentist HaHa.
    MARIA I did comment on your beautiful card but it deserves two comments it's gorgouse. Xx just going for our walk as its cooled down a bit now, it was so hot last night trying to sleep.Enjoy the rest of your day love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I have had such a busy day, it's or younger daughters birthday today, so this morning I made a birthday cake. It was a two cakes a 6" with a 4" on top. Fresh cream in each layer and the outside was covered in chocolate ganache she loved it. Did shopping on the way to pick up children from school. Once we got them home, made dinner, by the time we had cleared the kitchen Mum was home, so we had a birthday celebration. It was lovely. By the time we arrived back home it was almost 8pm - where does the time go?
    Sandra and Paul I hope you have had a lovely day in London, (it has been VERY hot) did you get your river trip? Sandra make sure you rest tomorrow and you Paul - you need to recharge my recharge your batteries for AP !!!

    Maria I did comment on you card under you comment. I really think it's lovely those colours just make it POP Love it.

    Love to all, Brenda xxx
