
Friday 16 September 2016

A beautiful Vintage Style Birthday card from Lilian

Good Morning Ladies,

How can it be Friday already???
This week has gone so fast, mainly because I was excited and busy getting organised for our Anniversary and then the two days we were away just flew !
We had an amazing time, we went to see Charlie & The Chocolate Factory on Wednesday at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, the staff at the theatre were so helpful, nothing was too much trouble, so much so that I am going to write to them to thank them for making the night so special, we ended up with fantastic seats too, the show was incredible, I would recommend it to anyone, but it finishes in January.
We did the Thames River Cruise yesterday, wow we were lucky with the weather, it took about 3 hours altogether from Westminster Bridge to Greenwich, the chap on the boat gave a hilarious commentary, with some bizarre facts,he had a good knowledge of all the pubs though!  We finished the afternoon with Afternoon Tea with Prosecco at a Hotel at Marble Arch, it was delightful, the lovely Manager bought us a second glass of bubbly as it was our Anniversary, how kind and thoughtful, it was over way too soon though and we were on the bus home!   Mind you there's nothing beats a nice cup of tea and sleeping in your own bed!!

Today's beautiful card was my birthday gift from Lilian along with a beautiful basket of flowers, that really brightened my day.
I love the vintage style of your card Lilian, using the layers of different textures of paper and ephemera gives such depth and dimension to the card, some pretty Pearl Swirls from Creative Expressions along with those pretty flowers give such delicate finishing touches to the card.  Thank you so much Lilian, I love it xxxx

Well I think a day of rest is on the cards for me today, so I can conserve some energy for Ally Pally on Saturday, I am so looking forward to meeting up with all of you that are going xxxx
Enjoy your day ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous birthday card Sandra. Lillian-that's a really lovely card.

    Had a lovely meal out last night & a great time chatting with my friend.

    Quick visit as I need to call at my Dads before work.


    1. Hi Michele. I'm glad that you had a lovely time with your friend last night. I hope your Dad's okay. Have a good day x

    2. The unknown comment is from me, not sure why it came up with that as it's changed to Mrs B now! X

    3. Hi Michel
      I'm glad you had a nice time last night with your friend.

    4. Hope you day was ok and you can have a nice weekend,take care xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a very dark and windy start to the day here.

    LILIAN- what a beautiful card you made for Sandra on her birthday. I love everything you have done to create such a masterpiece.

    SANDRA- so pleased you had a wonderful time in London and yes a very quiet and restful day for you as I know just how much you enjoy Ally Pally.

    I haven't a clue as to what's on my task list for today but I'm sure something will turn up.

    Everything is up and running for the day in the Café so come on in, have a seat and rest for a moment taking in those wonderful art boards on the wall.

    To all going to Ally Pally this week-end have a really good time and perhaps someone may take a pic if you all manage to meet up. Take care everyone. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. It is so good seeing you back in the Cafe ☺ I hope the weather brightens up for you, and us, we had a lot of rain which has caused some flooding, thankfully not in our village though.
      I hope today goes well for you, whatever you end up doing. Crafting would be a good idea as it is mostly light work so just what you are allowed to do at the moment ☺x

    2. Hi Janet
      Lovely to see you in the cafe today. Terry Lynda's husband usually does the honours for us regarding photos. So I expect Sandra will put one on.

    3. Hi Janet, lovely to see you in again

    4. Have a nice weekend Janet, will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope you one day can join us nutters hihi hugs xx

  3. I am so pleased you had a great time in London SANDRA It can feel quite frantic at times Rest is definitely on the cards for you young lady I am gutted that I won't be seeing you but it's only fair that I go with my friend on Sunday After al she got me into this card making mullarkey So if it wasn't for her I'd have never met you lovely ladies
    Your card is amazing LILIAN I have yet to do a "proper" vintage card
    Feeling a bit teary today for lots of reasons due to this time of year but I'll snap out of it in a bit See I feel better already being able to actually say that
    Have a great day ladies and those of you with aches/pains/problems take care and have a better day than yesterday xxx

    1. Hi Karen. Sorry we will miss you tomorrow but as you rightly say, it is thanks to your friend thst we are lucky to have you as a dear friend. Im sending you great big hugs, we are all here for you. X

    2. Hi Karen sorry we will not see you tomorrow, sending you special hugs to let you know we are here for

    3. Hi Karen, oh shame I won't see you tomorrow at AP but as you say you should go with your friend on Sunday I'm sure you will have a great day.
      Sending you Big Hug's love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Karen, Sorry we will get to see you tomorrow, hope you have a great day with your friend on Sunday.
      Sorry you are feeling teary today, although you must be easy on yourself - It's alright to have these days. Sending you very gentle hugs. Love and prayers xx

    5. Hi Karen
      Sorry we won't be seeing you tomorrow. But have a great day with your friend. Sending you very gentle hugs.

    6. Hope your day got better and you are ok. Take care and have a wonderful day on Sunday. Speak soon. hugs xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your beautiful card from Lilian, it's stunning :-)
    Glad you and Paul had a lovely time in London. Sounds like some wonderful memories were made :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone and sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I hope you have a good day too. Take care x

    2. Have a good weekend Sonia. Are you doing something fun ? take care xx

    3. Have a good weekend Sonia. Are you doing something fun ? take care xx

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Weather warnings ! Please take care if going out anywhere.

    Glad you had a lovely time in London but rest up today so not to tired tomorrow :)
    Beautiful Card from our Lilian, so pretty with all the different layers, topper and soft tones, love it. Hope you are alright and will have a nice weekend.
    The flower used on mine were the orange blossom, Karen.
    Physio, town and shopping so best get a wiggle on. have a nice day everyone. love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I loved your gorgeous card that you sent Sandra. The background was beautiful and as Sandra said that die set is on my wish list, I want it even more now after seeing how lovely it is on your card ☺ Only 1 sleep now, can't wait to see you. Have a good day, it sounds like you will be busy, please make sure you don't go overdoing it, we want you fit for tomorrow x

    2. Hi MARIA hope Physio helps you,take care looking forward to seeing you & everyone tomorrow. Enjoy your shopping
      .Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hope physio helps Maria, don't over do it today. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

    4. Thanks Maria for the details of the flower die I might have to add it to my loooong list! Have fun tomorrow

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I am so pleased that you and Paul had a lovely time in London, I'm looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow my lovely. See you at 7.30 as usual xx
    Lillian, I love your card, so many lovely layers and embellishments to enjoy ☺
    I hope the rain is not causing any of you problems, our village is fine but it has caused bad flooding at Didcot, about 9 miles away, and some other places. It looks like we will be getting more today! Please take extra care if you are out and about.
    Mum is coming up today, it will be so good to have a proper catch up ☺
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue we have visited Didcot a few times for the steam trains Terry loves steam trains. I hope you don't get any flooding. Have a lovely Catch up with Mum so looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      We also love steam trains. Go on them as much as we can.

    3. Hope you had a good day with mum. See you tomorrow xx

  7. Good morning Ladies, gorgeous card from Lilian today and also from Maria yesterday, I'm not surprised Sandra was delighted with them as they are beautiful!
    Sandra your London trip sounded fabulous ! so great to hear you both had such a wonderful time, hope you can relax and recharge your batteries today.
    Well I won the golf match , it was a great close game which we both enjoyed, but I will be glad when my dentist appointment is over at Chinese Dentist time ( tooth hurty!) 2.30. sorry couldn't resist!
    Good to see you back Janet.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Well done Anne on winning your match yesterday.
      OH used the 2:30 Chinese joke some weeks ago when whe was talking to one of our 17yr old grandsons, who literally fell about laughing, he had never heard it before. !!!

    2. Hi ANNE congratulations on your Golf win yesterday.
      Hope Dentist goes well at tooth hurty haha. Xx

    3. Hi Anne well done on your win. Will be thinking of at dentist & sending

    4. Hi Anne
      Congratulations on your win at golf. Hope the dentist goes ok.

    5. Thanks girls, it wasn't too bad , but I'm glad it's over.
      At least I'll have a cup to collect at the presentation, first one for a long time ha ha.

    6. How dumb am I , I wondered why you got an cup at the dentist hihi glad you are ok. Congrats on winning the golf .hugs and have a nice weekend xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so pleased you both enjoyed your trip to London. Looking forward to seeing you
    Lilian your card is beautiful no wonder Sandra loved
    Just going to catch bus up to Sue's so will send hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra and all in the Cafe,

    I am so pleased you both had such an enjoyable trip to London, which was made even more memorable by all the lovely experiences you had. I agree with you it's always lovely to return home and enjoy a cup of tea.

    LILLIAN. Love the card you made for Sandra, I'm not surprised she loved it, it's a great one to treasure.

    Looking forward to AP tomorrow - have got my ticket and shopping list all ready to go.

    Hope everyone has a good day, we are going for our flu jabs in a while..... What an exciting life we have !!
    Love and hugs Brenda xxx

  10. Hi BRENDA also looking forward to seeing you & everyone at AP tomorrow. I have my list too but it's far to long haha. Hope to get some of it though.
    Have a good day.
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Good morning SANDRA & everyone the heavens have just opened & we have Heavy rain & Hailstones. Turned quite chilly & very dark too.
    Sandra pleased you & Paul had a good time in London sounded lovely. Hope your resting today ready for AP tomorrow. LILIAN your card for Sandra is beautiful love all the layers.
    We have Tesco shopping & Terry has got to clean out the car so he is going to get wet haha I have been telling him to do it all week why dose he leave everything to the last minute we have to drive to AP this time as Margaret has had her Carple tunnel done on her left hand so she can't drive.MEN!!!
    Hope it's dry tomorrow I think the last few times it has rained.
    VAL hope your journey went well yesterday & your all settled in. Have a lovely time. JANET lovely to see you in today have a good one & do some more crafting but don't over do things now be good. Hug's Lynda xx
    Well I have to go & face the weather & do Tesco now. Pop back later. Must try & do CC just remembered I haven't made it yet.
    OMG Terry has just told me his MOT runs out today I'm not happy it better pass as need it tomorrow.MEN
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Pete is just the same always leaves everything to the last minute

  12. Hi Sandra
    I'm so glad you both had a wonderful time in London. Sounds to me as if you were given VIP treatment wherever you went. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Off to the theatre this evening to see The Illegal Eagles.
    Lilian just love this card. Wish I was as clever as you. Don't seem to be able to put this vintage look together. Mind you it does help I suppose if you have the correct papers etc.

  13. Meant to say I hope all going to Ally Pally have a great time and a wonderful get together! xoxo

  14. Hello All, sorry for everyone who has had this terrible weather, luckily we have had dry weather all week.
    Sandra so glad you had a lovely time in London, making memories for the next Aniversery. So glad you liked the card, I have had the papers forever, but have to find the right person for them.

    Well my cousin has gone back home this morning, I am absolutely shattered we have been out everyday, showing her the best places in Cornwall, she is absolutely lovely, feel as if I have known her forever.

    To All going Alley Palley tomorrow have a great, it's just a bit too far for me, but hope to go some day. Will look forward to seeing all the goodies I know will fall in your basket.
    Anne hope your trip to the dentist goes well, at least as well as possible, thinking of you.
    Have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian.

  15. Thanks for your kind words earlier ladies I needed that Have fun tomorrow and whoever it was that tripped up the steps last time - take care I must cut my list down! I have so many things buzzing round my head and question on die sizes especially the new Noble rectangles that match the shadow box sets I make 5x7 cards and am wondering if any if them will do Leave some pixie powders and watercolour card for me please LYNDA

  16. Hello,
    Pat ,hope you theatre visit was good. Tell all tomorrow.
    Val- have a great time, hope to hear from you back in the UK. Lilian- you take it easy over the weekend to recharge your batteries. Hope you can join us in Watford or perhaps a bit more South for a get together,hugs.
    Brenda- see you soon, yey ! :)
    Lynda- thank you, got the message. Don't look it :)
    Have some stuff to do and must dig out the ticket, know I put it in a safe place...... also like your list Karen, I
    can hardly read my own handwriting on the 'list' so shall now make a new one hihi it never ends and oh yes must send the CC too so I wish you all a good night. I can see it be a long one here again. Blooming full Moon !
    Hugs to you all xxxx
