
Saturday 17 September 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

Janet's Lace Baubles

Janet's Rose Bud Bauble

Lynda's Altered Box (top)

Altered box side view

Altered Box side view

Altered box side view

Close up of beautiful flower on box

Good Morning Ladies,

An early one for us today as Pat, Sue and Margaret are all arriving just after 7.30am so that we can all set off for Ally Pally, it has become a tradition that I love, mixing craft shopping with meeting lovely friends, my only wish is that more of you could join us, mind you we wouldn't get much shopping done!

Today's gorgeous crafts have been created by Janet and Lynda..........

Janet has taken some simple polystirene balls and turned them into the most beautiful baubles.
The first two Janet made before she went into hospital, they have been covered in beautiful lace and organza roses with pretty pearls in the centre, trimmed around with pearl trim, Janet, I could see these hung onto pretty twisted willow twigs as a table centre for a winter wedding, they are absolutely beautiful, they would make a beautiful gift for a couples for Christmas together, something for them to get out every year.  
The bauble Janet made just a couple of days ago, it has been covered in stunning deep red roses, with cream ones placed inbetween to create a pretty pattern, how stunning would these look strung up at Christmas, (by the way Janet, I usually go for Burgundy and Gold/cream) hehehe!! I adore these baubles Janet, I could see little bridesmaids carring them too.  You need to organise a craft sale Janet, you would make a fortune!
It's so lovely to see you back crafting again, it must be lovely for you too!  Thank you so much for sharing your lovely baubles with us Janet xxxxxx

Lynda has made another of her beautiful altered boxes, oh my Lynda this one is so gorgeous, I absolutely love the image of a beautiful lady that you have used, she is stunning, the pretty frame you have used enhances her beauty! It really draws your eye in, you have used some gorgeous background papers Lynda and added texture paste through different masks to create texture and depth, it works so well, now it looks to me like you have stamped and embossed onto the sides of the box too, (it may be the paper though) you will have to let us know!  I love the lace trim that you have added around the lid of the box, it works so well with your design.  I have to draw attention to the absolutely stunning lace flower that you have created to add the finishing touch to the top of your box, its so pretty, the little pink sparkle string you have used gives just the right amount of sparkle.  I hope that you have all of your boxes on display Lynda, they are just so pretty to look at, a perfect place to store some of your pretty embellishments too.  Thank you so much for sharing your latest box with us Lynda xxxxxx

Well I must go and get organised before we leave for Ally Pally, it barely seems 5 minutes since we were leaving London on Thursday!  I am really excited though!
I will tell you all about it tomorrow and share our purchases with all of you........
Oh by the way..... Aldi is selling a die cutting machine, it looks fab!!! 

Love and Hugs to all


  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-love the decorated baubles especially the rose bud one, they're gorgeous.

    Lynda-WOW! Your altered box is amazing.

    Quick visit to Asda & The Range this morning-our branch of The Range doesn't have the wonderful selection of dies I've heard other people talk about but I like to keep checking!!

    I'm calling at my Dads again this morning. He saw the pain consultant on Tuesday who said he needs injections into both hips & his back but the waiting list is 4-6 months so he's started him on Morphine. I've had non stop phone calls ever since. Now he says he can't put his socks on - not sure why it's suddenly got worse.
    I think I need to hide in my craft room this afternoon, mind you we have a joiner calling round to measure up for a quote-the work in the loft that someone else's should have done last year!


    1. Hi MICHELE thank you for your kind comment on my box.
      Just arrived home from Ally Pally & having a cuppa had a lovely day.
      Hope your Dad is ok xx

    2. Hi Michele, hope you dad will be ok. Have a good Sunday xx

  2. Hi all, just a quick visit this morning as have to go soon but had to look in and see the most lovely work done by our Janet and Lynda.
    OMG Janet ,I LOVE the baubles ! They would look wonderful hanged in the windows for Christmas and right through to the next one. The roses on the other one must have taken you ages to do but so well worth it as it is Beautiful !
    Hope you getting there, hugs.
    Lynda- OMG again because you altered box is a huge Wow. Wish I could put this things together but I wont even try because it would just be blaaaaa :) See you at 10 !
    Wish everyone a nice Saturday and if not too tired tonight I will try to pop in . Love and hugs , Maria xxxx

    1. Hi MARIA thank you very much for liking my box now you could do this if I can you certainly can have faith my friend.
      Lovely seeing you today & you made Terry's day.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    It was a surprise to see my baubles this morning as I only got round to sending the pics off yesterday.

    I was very disappointed with the photo of the lace ones as it is really difficult to see the lace I used and it didn't matter how many times I tried I just couldn't get a better pic. The red roses one was just so easy to do and I did it sat in my chair so I haven't as yet sat at my crafting desk but I will be next week.

    LYNDA- your boxes are all masterpieces and this one just carries on with the wonderful use of all mediums. You're really a wiz with mixed media and I always see something different each time I look at your boxes.

    I have a feeling that the CAFE is going to be on the quiet side today with a lot of you going to AP. Anyway for all of us who have to stay at home I've put a Carrot Cake and a Lemon Drizzle in the fridge so please help yourselves. I've also stocked up the tea/coffee/sugar cupboard too so we should be OK for a while.

    Enjoy AP everyone but please take care. Am looking forward to seeing pics of all purchases but most of all of you all. Hugs have been despatched. xxxx

    1. Hi JANET thank you for your kind comments. Wow Wow your baubles are gorgeous I love the Roses one it's beautiful well they are all beautiful actually. Glad your feeling better each day.
      Ooo Lemon drizzle cake I had a slice of Margarets she made for Ally Pally it was yummy. Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet, your lace baulbes are so preety and the roses one is beautiful, are they fiddly to make ? thank for keeping the cafe' going today :) Will have a huge slice of cake tomorrow after ww as it is a fat free one hihi I hope your day has been good, take care xx

  4. Have a fantastic day ladies I can't wait to see what you buy Ooooh my turn tomorrow!
    The baubles are stunning JANET I can see them hanging in a conservatory or your beautiful home on France
    Your box is so pretty too LYNDA I' m going to have to load up my PC and look at the details more closely
    Off shopping in mo I need to make a packed lunch for tomorrow We're taking MIL with us who has got to the point where she needs to be supervised BUT she's doing well She's 91 and still lives in her own place

    1. Hi Karen your very kind thank you.Please don't look too close or you will see my messy craft room HaHa. Have a lovely day at AP.tomorrow
      Hug's lynda xx

    2. Karen, have a great day tomorrow. We left you one or two items hihi Hope your MIL is well. hugs xx

  5. Hello All, very quiet here today.
    Janet your baubles are absolutely stunning, so much delicate work.
    Lynda likewise your box is out of this world beautiful, you are so clever at doing a collage design.

    Well I hope you are all having a lovely time at A. P., I have decided that I am not buying any more craft stuff for myself until next year, I have so much that I haven't had time to use, just one month left of my commitment to stamping up, after that have to use what I have, well that's the idea anyway.

    Have a lovely day what ever you are doing, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi LILIAN thank you your very kind.i had a lovely day at A P meeting up with everyone. Xx

    2. Hi Lilian, I have said the same today. No more craft shopping until next year hihi Roll on AP April. Hope you had a good day, hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Janet your baubles are beautiful, love them both :-)
    Lynda, another gorgeous box. Love all the detail :-)
    I hope you're all having a lovely time at Ally Pally and buying lots of goodies :-) Karen, I expect you're excited for tomorrow - enjoy! I have seen a couple of pics on Facebook and it looks amazing. Perhaps next year I shall be able to get there ;-)
    Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia thank you for your kind comment.
      Had a good day especially meeting everyone.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Would be great if you have a chance to join us in April, we have such a laugh and spending money is no problem ,or what do you say girls hihi
      Hope you had a nice day, hug xx

  7. Beautiful baubles, beautiful boxes. Inspiring ideas put in my book for "must give it a try "

  8. Thank you ANGELA your very kind
    Hug's xx

  9. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    I have had a lovely day at A P today & meeting up with MARIA SANDRA & PAUL SUE PAT MARGARET BRENDA L BRENDA LITTLELAMB & SCARLET.
    Spent far to much but most enjoyable.Didn't get to see Sue Wilson she had crouds round her all the time. MARGARET your Lemon Drizzel cake 🍰 was delishous you should be in the British bake off you would win top prize.
    Terry is 💤💤💤 bless him it was really heavy rain most of the way home with poor visibility. Just going to do Spag bowl for dinner. Got my daughter & Grandson down for Dinner tomorrow so that will finish the weekend off nicely.
    Hope you all got home safely really loved seeing you all again.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, it was lovely to see you again and we managed to have lunch all together. Can't wait now to see everything you bought :) Shame you had such horrid journey back, bless Terry no wonder he's already is a sleep. Glad I made his day hihi.
      Do you mind take a photo of the card I made and send it to Sandra so it can go on the wall one
      day ? Don't know how I forgot this time, must have thought about to many other things :-)
      Bamse hugs xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Have twice tried to leave a message today, both seem to have vanished into cyberspace.... Anyway I have had a brilliant day at AP met up with Sandra and Paul, Maria, Margaret, Sue, Pat, Lynda, Terry and Lynda's friend Margaret, Littlelamb (Brenda) and Scarlet. We could have chatted forever, but all needed to do some serious shopping!!!
    JANET Love your beautiful baubles especially the rosebud one. They really are a gift to treasure.
    LYNDA Your box is beautiful, you are such a talented lady and have a gift for altered art. Hope Terry enjoyed his nap. Give him my best wishes for his 70th birthday xxx
    I hope everyone has had a good day. Sending Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you BRENDA for your lovely comments.i agree with you a brilliant day Ooo what do you meen Shopping don't think I did any of that HAHAHAHA 😳

    2. Hi Brenda,so annoying when the post just disappear like that. Wonder where they go to.... Lovely to see you again, hope your journey back home was fine and you found some of the items you wanted from your list at AP because I gave up and bought other things I saw instead in the end , could not come home empty handed could I tihi hugs xxx

  11. Just popping on to check you ladies OK and survived AP...Have to say the little bit I could see on the tele it didn't look as busy as I expected... I'm intrigued to know what MARIA did to make TERRY's day... the mind boggles!
    Just doing my packed lunch, nothing exciting as lemon drizzle cake. Shopping list honed I've added items and taken some off! I bet I get swayed and forget to get what ai need like glue and 3d tape and buy totally random stuff
    Sleep well ladies I will try and pop in, in the morning xx

  12. Hi all, got back near 6.30 after a fabulous day. Had needed some more hours but will have to wait now until April. It was wonderful to see so many of you again The list,,,what list :), as usual I couldn't find many thing on it so Karen I can see that can easily happen to you tomorrow. It wasn't to bad to walk around ,just some places was tjock a block so left them to the end when it had quiet down a bit so hope you can do Saturday next time. You and your friend have a great day tomorrow.
    Made some dinner and then been sitting resting infront of the Tv looking through the photos and can you believe ,I didn't get one of Terry !:( so that will be on top of my list next time before the note to remember the packed lunch :) Might be a bit later tomorrow as I have some unpacking to do, stroking and cuddling and then some packing for our holiday ( thanks again Pat for the tickets) Getting sleepy now so will wish you all a Good Night and happy dreams. Hugs xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you & Paul for taking us once again, Paul for his patience driving around London finding a way around the closed road, thank
    Janet your baubles are lovely especially the red
    Lynda forgot to say earlier when we saw you, your altered box is as ever lovely, well done. It was lovely to see you both today, thank you for kind comment on my cake. Sorry you had wet journey
    Maria, Brenda, Pat, Brenda Littlelamb & Scarlet it was lovely to see you all
    I am more than ready for my bed so will wish you all good night, sending hugs to all who need them love
