
Sunday 18 September 2016

Your Sketch Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Anne's Sketch Challenge card

Janet's Challenge card

Karen's first Challenge card

Karen's 2nd Challenge Card

A view that shows the 'channel' in the card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lynda's Challenge Card

Margaret's Challenge Card

Maria's Challenge Card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

What a fabulous time we had yesterday, this time there was plenty of time to walk around in the hall at Ally Pally, it wasn't too crowded, we shopped for a few hours and then we all met up and had lunch together, it was lovely to see everyone including Brenda Littlelamb and Scarlett. The afternoon just disappeared, we know longer set off shopping again and it was almost 4pm, so we ended up 'speed shopping'!!  We did get to have a catch up with Sue Wilson, which is always lovely, it's so lovely to listen to the enthusiasm she has for her new products and the excitement for new things coming up too!
Here we all are having lunch, from the front right.....
Maria, Lynda, Pat, Brenda Lello, Me, Paul, Sue and Margaret on the
opposite side of the table.
Here we have Sue, Margaret, Brenda (littlelamb), Scarlett (in front),  Sue W, Maria & Pat

Now onto this weeks cards, the theme this week was the 'Channel' style card, which was named by Sue W herself as a style of card that has a recessed channel.  As always you did me very proud, each of you coming up with a unique and individual design.

Anne has turned the challenge sideways for her design, that butterfly embossing folder is so pretty and detailed. The paper you have used for the 'channel' is really pretty too, such a lovely challenge card Anne, thank you so much xxxx

Janet, a beautiful vintage image is the focal point of your pretty challenge card this week, Spellbinders Edgabilities giving that gorgeous 'Lacey' look to the card on either side of the framed image.
The tiny flowers around the frame finish your card beautifully, thank you Janet xxx

Karen, two very different challenge cards from you this week, both of them fabulous!  The first card is using Creative Expressions Diagonal die (to create the channel), I love how you have picked out the red from the background and added it to the diagonal border,  the 'Love' die Karen bought from Hobbycraft, it is perfect for this card, the embossing folder that Karen has used to add detail to the top of the card was a bargain from Ally Pally, each element comes together to create a fantastic card.
The second card was made using a google image, the sentiment has been made using Sue Wilson's Perspective die, which I have to say works perfectly for this card, the letters stand out really well Karen.  The sentiment inside the card reads "Have a Dog-gooner of a day", perfect for any "Gunners" fan !  The second photo shows the channel part of the card.  
Thank you Karen for two fabulous cards xxx

Lilian, a beautiful Christmas card from you this week, wow that Poinsettia paper is so pretty, the silver embellishments that you have used add a lovely sparkle to your card, I really love those stars along the channel of your card, thank you so much for taking part, I know you have had an extremely busy week xxx

Lynda, such a pretty shade of blue on your card this week, you have used Spellbinders dies to edge the channel part of your card, I love the sentiment that you have stamped along the channel Lynda.  You have made some beautiful flowers using Creative Expressions Diagonal Foldover Flower die and some pretty blue and white felt, some pretty white Ivy finishes your card, I love it Lynda, thank you very much xxx

Margaret has used Creative Expressions Mini Striplet 'Wise Men' for your challenge card, a beautiful coloured background paper and the lovely 'Peace on Earth' sentiment, something we all hope and pray for daily! Thank you Margaret for a fantastic challenge card xxx

Maria, oh I love your challenge card this week Maria, that vibrant floral paper is just so pretty, you have picked out a perfect shade of blue for your sentiment piece, the three daisies look so pretty and work so well with your patterned paper, the pretty blue gems finish your card beautifully, thank you so much Maria xxx

Sonia, oh my that black and pink paper is both striking and stunning,  the punched black borders that edges the channel of your card works so well, drawing your eye into your three pretty flowers, I love the "wishing you all you're wishing for" sentiment too, thank you so much for taking part Sonia xxx

Val you have used another fabulous embossing folder for your card this week, you must have loads, I wish you lived closer so that we could all share your craft stash!!!  The glitter card that you have used is such a pretty shade too, the pearls you have used compliment it perfectly too.  I have this flourish die, it is so delicate and so pretty and gives a fabulous finishing touch to your card.  Thank you so much for taking part, particularly as you had such a busy week, xxx

Thank you all so much for taking part ladies. 

The photos of our Ally Pally purchased will be up tomorrow hopefully.  

Love and hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great selection of challenge cards. I'm afraid I totally ran out of time this week-it really has been "one of those weeks".
    Stayed with my Dad for a while yesterday morning then went to Asda & The Range. Got home to find the Painter had started on the front of the house so nowhere to park. He's totally deaf so it's a challenge to have a conversation -I often resort to pen + paper. He wanted doors opening then a drink then the loo. Late lunch then after a while in the kitchen I thought I'd try to get to my craft room....the the Joiner arrived to quote for work in the loft. After this ihave up and started to make the tea.
    The Painter is coming back thi morning-he suggested 8.30am but I asked him to make it later as I didn't want us to have to rush to be ready on the only day we have to relax.

    We have glorious sunshine again today so it might be gardening again after the housework.


    1. Hope you had a nice lay in this morning and your day is good, take care xx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Another glorious array of beautiful cards! I love each week how we all see the challenge and use it differently, it really makes us get our thinking caps on.
    Absolutely wonderful photo of you girls ! you can see the delight in your faces at being together and having a great time, also how lucky were you to get a photo with Sue ( definitely one to treasure) .im looking forward to seeing your purchases tomorrow .
    I just realised this morning I hadn't sent in my cc ,I have sent it to Sandra now, so sorry it's late , we had bother with broadband yesterday and I meant to try it later but forgot, as I said to Sandra I think I've been in a bit of a haze this week.
    I hope to take Tollie for a walk on the beach before lunch ( maybe clear my head) and then we have the family coming for dinner at 5.30 so that takes care of today .
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh Tollie must have grown a bit since last :) hope you had a nice walk on the beach, came back with a clear head so you have a lovely time with the family later, hugs xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for posting the photograph of you all at AP yesterday. I have to say you all looked fab and more than ready to tackle the afternoon shopping.
    I love to see you all and AP is on my wish list so perhaps one day.

    I love all this week's CCs. All wonderful and very different.

    Well we have Thomas's birthday party this afternoon -he's 3 this time round and so all my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will be there. We shall not be staying all afternoon but as long as I can cope with all the noise etc.

    We have sunshine and clear skies so fingers crossed it stays that way.

    The CAFE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS so please come on in, have a seat and a cuppa. Don't mind Herman the goat he's also very

    Hugs have been despatched to you all. I hope you all have an easy day. xxxx

    1. Hi JANET have a lovely afternoon with all your Children Grandchildren & great grandchildren Wow & a Happy birthday to Thomas xx don't over do it my friend.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Happy birthday to Thomas ! You have a big family Janet, it must be nice when you all get together but I guess the sound can be a bit loud at times :)
      Have a lovely day, hugs xx

  4. Good morning SANDRA & Ladies
    Gorgoeous array of challenge card today each & everyone beautiful.
    Lovely photos sorry I missed the one with Sue. I had a brilliant day the time went so fast but got some good crafty goodies I will take picture of them.
    It was lovely meeting up with all you lovely Ladies again roll on April 😃
    I have my daughter & Joseph ( grandson) coming for Dinner so looking forward to that. SIL isn't coming as his dad is very poorly he has pancreatic cancer & has lost 4stone in the last month. He was such a fit man & was still working at 80 years of age upto 6 weeks of getting ill. Very sad.
    Well I better get a wiggle on & clear up wake Terry up & get some breakfast
    Will send you picture of my goodies Sandra. Hope your not too worn out this morning. Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. It was great seeing you both again and as you saying, roll on April :) Hope the feet are ok after all the walking around yesterday. Wonder how many photos you have to take this time so it all can be shown tihi many hugs xx

  5. Hello All, lovely day here if a little chilly.

    Love all the challenge cards.

    Great pics from yesterday, looks such fun, ( wistful sigh ).

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Lilian, hope you have a nice Sunday. Did think of you yesterday and hope that one day if you are in London you can come and meet some of us for the day.
      many hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Such a beautiful selection of cards on display this morning. I love them all :-)
    Looks like you had a fantastic time yesterday. Love the photos and lovely to get one with Sue Wilson :-) Looking forward to seeing all your goodies tomorrow!
    Janet, Ally Pally is on my wish list too. Maybe next year, fingers crossed! Enjoy your afternoon with your family and Happy Birthday to Thomas x
    Anne, lovely day for a walk on the beach, hope it clears your head. Enjoy your family dinner :-)
    Lynda, glad you had a lovely time yesterday. Maybe, I will be able to make it in April :-) Enjoy your dinner with your daughter and grandson. Sad to hear about your SIL father x
    Hope everyone is keeping well and have a lovely Sunday. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia I now have My son & Sam Harry & Samantha ( step Grandaughter) coming for dinner too good job I have a large leg of lamb & some lamb chops in case not enough & Joseph has pork chops as he dosn't like lamb. Have a nice day would be nice if you could make Aprilxx Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What beautiful and inspiring challenge cards to enjoy, and pin. I feel like I say the same each week, but you all always come up with such a wonderful variety of cc'so and I just don't have the words, thank you though ☺ You never know I might even manage to get a cc finished myself for once this week!
    Sandra, once again thank you so much my lovely, not only for being such a special person, a much loved very dear friend, but for all of the time and effort you put into this wonderful blog. Without you we wouldn't have meet all of our lovely friends at Ally Pally yesterday.
    The time flew by but Mum and me managed to get most things that we NEEDED and some things that we WANTED ☺
    Mum, Chris and I are going out for a roast dinner at a Cafe/Restaurant that has just opened up in our village which is run by a friend of ours, we have heard very good reports of excellent food and good prices, so it should be a nice meal. That'said about all Mum and I are fit for today. I bet Sandra, Pat etc. will be feeling the same I'm sure!
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue wish I could come with you for your meal as from just having Lisa & Joseph for dinner now have extra four as Darren Sam HARRY & Samantha are also coming lovely having them all together but as you say after yesterday very tired. Should sleep well tonight.💤💤
      Lovely seeing you & Mum yesterday love Lynda xx

    2. oh, we have such a hoot when we get together hihi
      Did you manage to get the last items on your list before they shut shop ? As you saw ,I didn't Lol.
      Enjoy a good roast . hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    What wonderful display of this weeks CC's ,I love them all. Anne's lovely EF and papers. Janet's border die. Karen's take of the CC. Lilian's pretty papers and stars. Lynda- love those flowers ! Margaret's Striplet and colours, Sonia- your colour scheme is just perfect and Val, the glitter card, EF and the delicate flourish. Thank you Sandra for making them up (sketches) for us every week. I will miss this weeks coming but it is a reason :) and I can't wait to get up early tomorrow morning, maybe I should just stay up Lol
    Terry our photographer has done us proud again and so has Paul. Well done !
    Woke up at seven full of beans so went for my walk. Had put on a lbs this week, must have been to many tiger loaf slices and I could't wait to have the slice of lemon cake from Margaret so had it late last night . It was yummy and a nice surprise with the cocos Mmmmmmm
    Had to find a home for my purchases after taken the photo to send our Sandra and then spent some time for packing, probably could be away for a fortnight but it is only a week and I will try to pop in every day because my Acer is coming with me. Going now for a late lunch and then I will do the cross words in Take a Break. Think I need a little rest now with my feet up. Hope you all have a good day ! If you are passing do come in and say Hi, I saw some of you yesterday so it could be fun and don't worry about Herman the goat, he just nibble a bit Lol
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria sorry you put pound on but don't stress over it. I have just eaten chocolate maltesers cake Lisa made for Terry's birthday Mmm.
      Sorry I missed out on the photo with Sue was that taken at the end of the show as it looked empty in the hall behind you.
      Have a lovely Holiday both of you MARIA take lots of pictures thank you again for Terry's card he was really chuffed with it.
      Safe journey have a nice rest.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Ooh ladies You all look as if you had a fab day and to be able to get a photo with Sue W too I couldn't even get to say Hello to her today as, bless her, she was so busy and very crowded. I did enjoy myself and bought far too much stuff! Some that were on my list but most because I liked it! I am DEFINITELY NOT buying any more stuff until next year unless daughter suddenly names the day and I need to buy wedding stuff!
    All the channel cards are lovely I love to see what ideas everyone comes up with and colours you pick That's another reason why I like going to AP to see the samples of the exhibitors and the actual size of items/dies
    I have photographed my buys and will send it to SANDRA and in my defence I did do a bit of shopping for my MIL and some are a Christmas present for a friend

    1. Hi Karen so pleased you had a good day at AP it is a lovely atmosphere
      Isn't it.look forward to seeing your buys.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hi, could you please let me know if Margaret(her challenge card !8 Sept. Peace on Earth) has a newsletter? I enjoy her cards. Among others of course! Cheers and thankyou, Marilyn.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Thankyou for your kind comment, I do not have a newsletter, in fact I have only been card making for about 9 months but have had alot of help from Sandra & my daughter, Mrs.B. Many thanks hope to see you in cafe again.Margaret.

  11. Hello again I just lost a long post pushed publish then it fanished I wonder if they attach to other blogs out in cybra space
    Anyway my family have all gone home now we had a lovely day & my daughter helped me with dinner bless her. Harry was the star of the show he is so funny & had us all in stitches. Now it's time for feet up with a I will see you all tomorrow. Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thankyou for a lovely day yesterday, hope you have an easy day today. As usual the cards are all lovely, will try to do one this week, but any spare time I have will be spent cake making in preparation for mmy McMillan Coffee Morning which I am having here on Sat.x xx
    Sue, Chris & I had a lovely lunch before Chris kindly drove me home, I didn't think I could manage all my goodies on the bus!!! I have photographed them & sent to Sandra, it looks alot but honestly I am still building my stock up, well that's my excuse & I am sticking to it!!here.
    Maria hope you have a lovely holiday, I should'nt bother to go to bed, sorry the lemon cake made you put on weight!!xxx
    Lynda I am glad you had a lovely family day, hard work but worth it, wish Terry happy birthday for me, hope you have chance to rest
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  13. Hello my lovely friend,
    It was lovely seeing the photo David Baily took (oops! Terry bless him, he is such a star) didn't we all have a great day.
    Love all of the cards in this weeks challenge, and to see everyone's interpretation of your brief. Ladies you are are all so inspiring. Sorry I just ran out of hours in my week.
    Sleep well my dear friends, Love Brenda xxx

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra cc looks interesting will see what time I have. Maria & Lynda's goodies look interesting look forward to seeing them used, mine are still in bags got to have a sort out first before I put them
    Maria safe journey enjoy your
    Lynda hope you rest up
    Janet hope the party did not wear you
    Lilian, Karen, Michele & Sonia hope work goes well.x xx
    Sue enjoy playing with your new dies, thanks for a lovely
    Brenda hope you have recovered from Sat it does tire you out doesn't it, wouldn't miss it
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

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