
Wednesday 21 September 2016

A Perfect Card for a Crafter and ......more Ally Pally Stash !

Michele's Perfect Crafter's card


Pat's Craft shopping

Karen's Craft shopping

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a fairly smooth journey to Gatwick and back, thankfully, I did laugh when Becca left it until they were just about to walk off to say "oh Dad our flight lands at midnight next Tuesday, is that OK" !!! So it looks like we are picking up too! 
It was lovely to see them both so relaxed, although Josh still struggles with his nerves about flying.  He did relax eventually Becca said when she messaged me to say that they had arrived safely. 
Now onto Michele's fantastic card, what a perfect card for any crafter, be it knitting, sewing, card making or anything! I love the verse on the front, its very true in our house, I used to get really wound up if the dusting wasn't done and the washing up wasn't done straight after dinner, but with time I have learnt that it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things!  Who wouldn't rather be doing something the love over housework? ! 
I love the combination of pretty papers that you have used on this card Michele, they all work so well together and match your topper perfectly.  The card insert is the perfect finishing touch to the card.  I would make lots of these as they sell like hot cakes on your stall. Thank you so much for sharing xxxx

Pat's crafty buys from Ally Pally are up next.......
Pat has bought some lovely coloured card stock, some pretty glitter card too, Spellbinders Tag die set and a pretty set from Leonie's Collection.  A lovely A4 Christmas Embossing Folder, some lovely new plates for the Groovi Plate, one being Sentiments which will be really useful. I love the Snowflake Vellum you have bought Pat, last of all some pretty gemstones.  A lovely collection of goodies Pat, looking forward to seeking them in action xxxx

Karen's buys up next........
Karen it looks like you spent up at the Creative Expressions bought the lovely New Baby card collection, giving you a fantastic collection of dies to create some lovely baby cards, good for baby's first birthday too! I see Some Gilding Polish too, I have the Green and love it, lots of pixie powders to play with, I hope you like messy crafting! I see you picked up some of the bargain Spellbinders too (ovals and butterfly/dragonfly), Sue's Christmas Rose, that pretty Star border, Noble Rectangles and a pretty Rose die.  cosmic shimmer glue, paper pad and self adhesive pearls complete your shopping.  You did really well, it sounds like you had fun too, Sue was swamped with fans for most of Saturday too, apart from that it was easy to navigate around the show. Thanks for sharing Karen xxxx

Anne you mentioned Tutti Designs dies yesterday, I have seen them for sale at Oysterstamps and Crafts u love, just type in "Tutti Designs UK", they have some beautiful designs, very much like Memory Box and Poppystamp Dies too! 

Sue and I are off to Pat's to craft today, its been a couple of months since we all sat and crafted together, we will be looking at each others new goodies I think.

Gentle hugs to Janet and anyone else feeling 'under par' xxxxxx

I hope you all have a fun day, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    My card was made for my Mother in Laws birthday-she lived it. It's another digi download from Ella's Design.

    Great craft stash, I'm feeling the need to buy something now..!! I'm going to call in the craft shop in the garden centre on Saturday then go onto Hobbycraft in Aintree so I might make a couple of purchases!

    I started my challenge card last night and didn't like what I was making so will try again tonight.


  2. Your card is brilliant MICHELE I think Hobbycraft have (or may be had now) 1080 pearls for £1 the rumour is being spread by a fellow card maker so I expect they're flat backed - may not be self adhesive though Have fun

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Great card Michelle ! so perfect for any crafter, I've never got used to digi downloads but should make the effort as they look so good.
    Thanks Sandra, funnily enough I got an email from Crafts u love this morning showing Tutti dies, I love the dove one, but last night I got an email from Tattered lace with clearance offers 80% off so I ordered two of those ( not normally my favourites but I couldn't resist the bargain) !
    More wonderful stash purchases this morning , enjoy playing girls!
    Thanks Sonia and Pat , I really enjoyed golf yesterday it was such a glorious morning.
    Have a lovely day all, love and hugs xoxo

  4. Hi Sandra and all that n the Café today.
    I'm glad that Becca and Josh have arrived and can really relax now. I will see you and Pat later. It has been such a long time hasnt it!
    Michele, your card is wonderful, so pretty. I love all of the papers you have used and that quote is simply brilliant....perfect for so many of us crafters. Thank you for sharing. It sounds like some serious craft shopping is coming up on Saturday. Do you know what you are after or will you wait to see what catches your eye? Have a good day : ) x
    I used to worry about the housework etc. too, and to be honest it still annoys me, but like Sandra says, life has changed my priorities AND then I also found card making!!! The dust in our home has little to fear from me very often now, ha ha : )
    Janet, I'm sorry to hear that your recovery is being hampered by a tummy problem. I do hope the Dr can help you quickly and easily. Sending you gentle healing hugs x
    Karen, Hobbycraft is starting to have some really good deals on, both in store and online. Iay have to pop in and have a look on Saturday as that amount of pearls for £1 is too good to turn down, isn't it? I hope you have a good day x
    Brenda, I'm glad that you got on well, you must be being very good, but then I can't imagine you ever being bad : ) x
    Wishing you all a good day whatever it brings for you. Sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for our dear Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you all have a lovely day crafting?? or should I say talking
    Michele your card is so right, fits us all I think we have all wasted too much time on housework, the older I get the less I do!! I still haven't unpacked my goodies, I dare not have too much else on this week, roll on next week. Enjoy yourself Sat I am sure alot will find its way into your
    Janet hope Dr sorts you out soon, sending healing
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Michele, I love your card and the verse :-) Unfortunately I do sometimes get wound up if the housework isn't done - perhaps I should download the verse and frame it to remind myself ;-)
    More lovely craft goodies from Pat and Karen, enjoy :-)
    Glad your journey to Gatwick wasn't too bad. I hope Becca and Josh have a lovely time! Enjoy your day with Sue and Pat.
    Thank you Brenda and Karen - I forgot about Sue's draw yesterday, and looked just now and saw I'd won the Madeleine die :-)) So excited, it looks lovely and can't wait to receive it and start playing!
    Hope everyone is keeping well and have a lovely day whatever you are doing. Sending hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops into the coffee shop today,

    Pleased you and Paul had a good journey to Gatwick and back. John always asked our family when he's asked to do a Gatwick run for all the flight details, because he knows they're going to be asking him to pick them up when they return.
    PAT love your crafty stash, you have some lovely card and Groovi goodies to play with. LOL
    KAREN you have some great dies there, I can see you will be spoiled for choice, love the baby ones, a great investment. LOL

    MICHELE - LOVE your card, it is definitely designed for me!!! I would sooner spend every day crafting, but do get a prick of conscience every now and again and have a mad hour or so dusting cleaning et cetera. After a little cleaning my conscience feels clear and I can go back to doing what I love. Ha ha ha. Thank you so much for sharing this great card. LOL.

    I looked at the Tutti dies on Oyster Stamps web site, they are gorgeous. Pam Simpson is one of the design team. If you look on her blog today she has made the most beautiful card using a Flower Heart by Tutti dies.
    Her blog is ... there is also a link to Tutti Desings Blog.
    I hope our three graces have a lovely meet up today, I'm sure you've got lots to chat about even though it was only Saturday when you last met up. Thinking of you enjoy your day. XX

    Well I'm off to do a little bit of that domestic stuff!! Then hopefully after lunch I think get back to my craft stash which I really haven't had much time to play with. Love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All, heavy showers here today and very chilly.

    Michele love your card and the verse, I'm very fortunate to have a really good cleaner, so all the basic cleaning gets done, still have to clean oven and suchlike.
    Have actually managed to do the challenge card, will send it to Sandra later.
    Sonia congrats on your win, enjoy.
    All the goodies look great, such fun.
    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  9. Fab card today I know do many friends that'd be apt for Wasn't it Oscar Wilde that coined the phrase "dust doesn't get any thicker after an inch"
    Loved JANET's card yesterday too
    I think we all got son fantastic buys at the week end Couldn't resist the baby ones As well as baby cards I'm thinking scrap books, photo frames etc Looks like I may have to play swapsies with MARIA because I didn't buy the ONESIE...
    I hope your appt went OK LYNDA Aand you're feeling better JANET
    I got the Christmas Rose die but my stamps look different to yours SANDRA
    Need to investigate TUTTI but only window shop at the mo My bank balance needs to recover
    Take care everyone xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Wow Michele I just love this card you've made for Sandra. I must have a look at this digi as it will do for any sort of crafting. I must say Michele you have some great digis and CDs.
    Hugs to all who need one today. Lynda I hope your appointment went well today.

  11. Hi everyone.
    Trying to send this one ,the internet is a bit of hit and miss :) Wow didn't do well with our shopping from AP :) Margaret with Karen and Lynda very quickly followed after in the lead. Some fabulous shopping only one problem, think I bought the Christmas Rose stamp twice when I should have the die to it from AP. Have to look back home what was in the parcel from Icon. I'm dumb or what, yes I am :) Love the peacock card from Janet, lovely die and such beautiful colours. Michele ,the card for your MIL is great and I love the saying. I diffidently do something else then housework any day :)
    Lynda- hope everything went well for you x
    Janet- bless you, I hope you be better soon. Hope the doctor can help you out.
    I saw congrats in order to our Sonia ! well done, shame it wasn't any more of us :)
    I hope the three graces had a fun day together today and played with some of the new buys :) Pat- I hope Pete is better. I hope you all have had a nice day. We are having a lovely time. Sun is shining, sky is blue sometimes some black clouds in the mountain but so far no rain,yay :) Food is super and so is the drink ( water in a bottle ) Think I will have an Irish coffee tonight in the Magnolia bar listening to some Maderian singer though because have had two bad nights so need something else. We staying in a hotel quiet high up a very steep hill so find it a bit tough going up and down with the old knees and hips. Had a day around the pool yesterday and today we went on the Red Bus, sat on top and went around twice to see some of the Island. I saw the statue Pat and thought of you. What was the name of your hotel again ?
    Talking loosely about coming back in the spring but will stay more on the flat ground if we do and closer to town.
    Sending Big Hugs to you and hope all is well in the cafe', with Herman and of course with you all.
    love and hugs Maria xxxx

  12. Thank you Maria :-) Sounds like you're having a lovely holiday. Hugs xxx

  13. Hi SANDRA & everyone who pinched my comment this morningn I did it under MARGARETS .so I hope this ones going to stay put.😫 sorry I didnt. Get in yesterday only I was given some differant tablets well I took one after lunch a bout half hour I had terrific stabbing pains & had to run to the loo.& was bad all night. Taken tablets today & touch wood they are ok. I saw the head nurse not the Dr said she thinks my pain is coming from trapped nerve endings as well as RA so had to have another blood test & she is sending me appointment for spesial not sure how long that will be I bet that one & heart stent one come for same day.😫
    JANET your card yesterday was Georgouse I hope Dr can sort ouy your tummy gental Hug's . Michele. I love yor card,
    Wow Pat 8 Karen you both bhan both have some lovely goodies,
    MARIA Glad your holiday is good but Hope your knees & hip holds out.with the hills.Congratulations Sonia on your win.
    Hug's Lynda xx
