
Thursday 22 September 2016

Playing with a new technique

1st attempt

 2nd Attempt

about 6/7th attempt

Good Morning Ladies,

Not a brilliant card today I'm afraid, but I got so carried away playing with different inks, glitters etc, adding more detail and even having a go with the "fluffy puffy stuff",
Which I 100% recommend it's much fun, I can see it being used for so many different things too. 
The kit to you need to have as go at this technique comes from,  a British company with a fantastic range of stamps, fantastic quality stamps too, they invented the 'inkyliscious Ink Duster" which is a double ended brush that you apply ink with, they blend really well, very easy to use too. 
To achieve the subtle blue tinge I added Colour Box White ink first then brushed over the top with Adirondack Denim in 1st attempt and on attempt 6/7 Paris Dusk Memento ink pad. 
I absolutely love the effect, the idea is absolutely genius, its very addictive too, I just kept playing, looked up and it was 10.39pm, I started at about 6.45, I looked round and saw I had two totally cold cups of tea, that's how engrossed I was. 
I have the larger log cabin so I may try that today and make a larger template/mask by cutting a piece of acetate with one of my spellbinder Bauble Dies, fingers crossed it will work.  I will let you know! 
I know a few of you have this kit and I would love to see what you have made so far.
I ended up throwing this card together so I had one to share with you, not one of my best! 

Totally unrelated subject now, Sue this will make you smile!  
When I got back from Pat's yesterday Paul had just got in from the Allotment, he was fed up as he had gone into the Fruit cage and got some squashed raspberry on the arm of house T shirt, (why he was wearing one of his best 'cream' T-shirts is beyond me), anyway as Sue and I were chatting he came down with his dripping shirt, he had tried using some handwash detergent to remove the stain, apart from turning the stain purple/blue it had done nothing, so I quickly checked on Pinterest for tips on removing raspberry, the first one I came across said simply.....
Hold the stain over a bowl
Take a kettle of boiling water
Pour boiling water over stain

So I did just as it said and watched the stain disappear before my eyes, Paul and I were both totally gobsmacked, you can't even see where the stain was!  
It works for all fruit stains, so simple, yet so effective!

Tomorrow I am hoping to do a review/buyers guide to paper trimmers/guillotines,
So can I please ask for your input, I will put up my trimmers and my experience with them, I have a review from Karen too, you can either email me your experience of trimmers and I will add it or you can add your thoughts in the comments on the day.
I think it will be helpful for someone buying a trimmer, I have recently and boy did I have a nightmare and ended up wasting £35 .

I will do the same thing a couple of times a month, please  let me know if there is something in particular you are interested in.

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely cards Sandra,they all look great. That's a fantastic tip about fruit stains.

    I'll try & write something about my paper trimmer tonight & send it to you.


  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , I think your cards look amazing! I too found using this set quite addictive but as I have only produced a few following the instructions they are very similar I need to try and experiment some more.
    Is Cheryll on holiday ? I notice she hasn't been commenting lately.
    I use a Fiskars paper trimmer I have had for donkeys years and apart from having to buy replacement blades fairly often it is still going strong, I find using photo paper blunts the blades really quickly so now use my guillotine for doing that.
    Look forward to others views on trimmers.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra, I love your card. Watching as you tried the stamp/stencil for the first time and ending up with this gorgeous scene was great to see. When else have any of us been happy with any first attempt? It shows how easy this kit is to use, I'm not surprised you spent the evening playing as there are so many ways to decorate the gorgeous stamp. Have fun with the larger cabin today my lovely. You need to have a restful day after a hectic few days xx
    Janet, I hope the doctor was able to help you. Healing hugs are on their way x
    Maria, it sounds like you are having a lovely time, sorry it is very steep though, Pat had the second problem. I hope the rain stays away for you x
    Lynda, fingers crossed you get your appointments through quickly, it will be typical if they turn out to be on the second day, won't it! Here's a big gentle hug for you x
    I am planning to try my second attempt at the CC. First one went in the bin, I am finding this one hard to do as a Christmas card! I bet when I see everyone elses I will wonder why I didn't think of that :/
    Sending love and hugs with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, your cards are fabulous for your first attempt, I love them all. Can relate to your situation of being so engrossed that you end up with cold cups of tea - it happens to me often too ;-)
    Great tip about the fruit stains, will have to remember that. Thanks for sharing, your story made me chuckle - think I'd have been totally gobsmacked too!
    Hope everyone is keeping well. Have a lovely day and sending hugs to all xxx

  5. I look forward to seeing the reviews - I think this was prompted by our meet up in Watford wasn't it
    Do you know I didn't even go to the Inkyliscous stand I was on a bit if a mission getting the dies I liked at the best price as I was spending cash plus my friend is a huge huge fan of TL and I was slightly bothered that she was becoming a little bored BUT she did buy from Barbara Gray AND fell in love with John's demo She did the CE make and take too she did introduce me to Card-io Mmmmm.. Yummy
    Your results look great to me and actually (as my friend says) it's the joy of doing something as much as seeing the end result
    I have two more cards to make and (giving a nod to SONIA I'm gping to try something similar to her beautiful butterfly card she showed here (hope that's ok SONIA) with my new Flights of Fancy die!
    Craft tonight so I'll be helping MIL with the goodies I bought at AP for her can't wait to open the packs and see what's inside them
    Have a good day ladies Take care xx

    1. Hi Karen. Of course that's ok :-) Looking forward to seeing your creation with the new die. Hope you've had a good day and enjoy your crafting tonight. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      I also bought from Barbara Gray, but wish I'd seen the dies that Sue/Margaret bought and the Bauble set that Sandra was playing with. Have fun playing with your goodies.

  6. Oops, forgot to say I will let you know about the trimmer I have xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra I love your baubles using Inkylicious kit I think quite a few of us went for this one! ....... Mine? It's still in the box.

    Love the tip about the Rasberry juice, but as for using boiling water, well I would
    Have thought it would've set the stain in. You learn something new everyday.

    Paper trimmers yes I remember this conversation at Watford. Will try to get something to you later. As I am about to go out to lunch then it's the school run.
    Sending love and hugs for everyone else Brenda XXX

  8. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    SANDRA Sandra your card is Gorgeous if that's a first attempt can't wait to see your next one. I didn't buy that set I got the picture perfect set for my birthday & I love useing it & I love the brushes they blend so well. I did get the cabin Stamp on it's own but haven't tried it I have seen yours in action I will have a play. I have sent Sandra my CC this morning but not really happy with it might have another go again later,I also sent a picture of the card I made Terry for his birthday today he loved it. & the picture of us all at AP.
    JANET hope your feeling better sending you some Gental Hug's take care xxx
    MARIA enjoy your day today & not to many hills today. Hope the sun is shining for Sue & Pat sounds like you had good day together with Sandra yesterday Hug's for all xxx
    Not sure yet if we are going out for a meal yet tonight for T's birthday as he has had a virus the last few days & not had much of a appetite ( that's not like him he can normally eat for England HaHa ) he said he feels a bit better today.
    Well I have just finished my ironing & housework so I'm going to have my shower then going for a walk MARGARET is popping in about 3.30 after she has her stitches out at doctors.So better get a wiggle on
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. Happy Birthday to Terry. Hope he's feeling better and you manage to go out for a meal tonight. Hope you're feeling ok too. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TERRY. Very unlike Terry to be off his food. Hope he feels better soon.Pete was envyious that Terry had driven a steam engine. Many years ago I bought Pete a flight in a Tiger Moth, but Pete wasn't able to do it as he was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.
      Hope you don't have to wait to long for your appointments.
      Gentle hugs to you both.

  9. Hello All, lovely weather here today, after two very grey days.

    Sandra your card is delightful, very Christmasy, have not seen this kit so do not know what's involved, just as well otherwise I might have broken my resolve not to buy any more craft stuff.

    Going for flu jab this afternoon, hope my arm is not so sore as last year, when I get back will send report on the trimmer I use, over the years I have wasted so much money on trimmers, that's why I bought basic dies.

    Better go and get ready , will pop in later to see how everyone is, hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope your arm isn't to sore after your flu jab.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Well what a stunner this set turned out to be. I liked No 6/7 because of the darker blue. Not to sure whether what I used on mine was a great glitter to use. Must have a good look through my stuff to see what I can find. Isn't it funny how we all went to the same show on Sat/Sun and saw completely stuff. I loved the sentiment and male sets of dies that Sue/Margaret bought.

  11. Hullo everyone
    Well I've just read Maria's post from yesterday and our hotel was called Enotel Quinta do Sol. Which is just to the right of the statue.
    Yes, the hills are quite steep especially where you are. To be on the flat you need to be nearer the old town, or at least anywhere after the big roundabout with the water fountain on it. Which is Diana by the Marina. Hope your knees hold up with all that climbing. We go on Tuesday to see the consultant for Pete.

  12. Hi Everyone
    We are not going out for a meal this eavening as Terry still isn't feeling too good
    Lisa phoned about hour ago & told us her Father In law passed away this afternoon she said Ian & Laura (her SIL) are ok they said he has been in terrible pain for the last couple of months & horrible seeing him suffer so much so he is at Pease now.
    Unfortunately it had to be today of all days.
    Pat hope Pete gets on ok Tuesday with consultant appointment sending you both Hug's xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry that should be in peace now ( predictive text)

    2. Hi Lynda, Please wish Terry a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY hope he has had a good day. Sorry to hear about Lisa's FIL..
      Give Terry a big hug from me, LOL xxx

    3. Hi BRENDA Terry said thank you for your big Hug's.
