
Tuesday 20 September 2016

My Pretty Peacock Card from Janet and more Ally Pally Shopping

My Pretty Birthday card from Janet

Brenda's Shopping

My Craft shopping

More of my shopping

Good Morning Ladies,

How many of you have had chance to play with your new craft purchases??
I haven't had chance yet, I had to go with Lucy to the Orthodontal Appointment at the hospital today, Becca was kind enough to take us as Paul was working, which meant that I couldn't take my wheelchair, I had to manage on my crutches, well I can tell you that it felt like a marathon, luckily it wasn't too far inside the hospital, we found a wheelchair for the return thankfully, the appointment took 3 hours!! By the time Becca dropped me home it was 3 o'clock, (we left at 9), I just had to go lie down, I got stiffer as the night went on.  Today we are taking Becca and josh to Gatwick, they are flying off to Greece for a week, they both deserve a break. I'm not sure what they would do without Dad's Taxi !! 

How fabulous is my gorgeous Peacock Birthday card from Our Janet?, 
Janet has added two borders that she has woven ribbon through, Janet has covered a die cut with a sticky sheet and added some micro beads, covered this with a beautiful blue paper, this is the background for the beautiful die cut peacock, Janet has cut the base of the peacock and covered it with beautiful gilding flakes, the detailed part of the peacock die has been cut with the same card as the border, tying the card together beautifully.  Janet, I absolutely love my card, thank you so much xxx

Now onto more Ally Pally Shopping........

Brenda, wow,you did really well, like you I love that Butterfly Edge die, the Football and Football Boots will be really useful too, you got some lovely bits from Inkyliscious, that brickwall stamp looked fantastic when stamped, quite a few of us bought the Winter Bauble set, I am so excited to have a go with it, you got some lovely colour Ink Pads, the lady on the Inkyliscious stand worked wonders with those ink pads didn't she?!, I see you bought some lovely new Groovi Plate boards too, I managed to get the same Glitter Card as you, some gorgeous shades. I think that its Pixie Powders all lined up on the right, I bet Ciara can't wait to have a play with them. Thank you so much for sharing your goodies with us xxxx

I didn't really buy that much, I think I spent more time talking, I forgot to show the three packs of A3 card and Glitter card I bought, the rest is in the photo, a few dies, the pretty floral shoe really caught my eye.  I picked the Giant Pegs up on the £1 stand, I thought I might Alter them and use them to hold cards or photos.  I have been waiting for Pink Frog Crafts second flower making guide, so I snapped that up when I saw it, I bought the small flower die too, you can make some lovely flowers with one die.  A couple of Sentiment dies, some magnetic sheets, another pair of the £1 scissors and a little christmas label set also from £1 stand finish my shopping. 
The CE Christmas Rose die and stamp came from SETcraft, I love the shape of this die.
I will share my other new goodies later in the week.

That's all from me for today, I hope Maria and Val are having a lovely relaxing time.
Lynda I hope all goes well at your RA appointment today.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-that's a gorgocard you made for Sandra, really lovely.

    Great to see the craft purchases, I do love seeing what everyone else likes to buy. I'm saving my craft money for the motor for my Platinum machine which was meant to be out anytime now.

    Yesterday was another busy day & I'm not sure where the evening disappeared to but I certainly didn't make it into my craft room. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to think about my challenge card.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope your day at work isnt too bad, and that you manage to get a bit of "me" time this evening.
      Have you heard a release date for the motor? And also what price it is going to be? I hope it's soon for you : ) Take care x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I wonder when they'll release it Michele. It's been quite awhile since I heard they were releasing one.

  2. Sorry, just testing the publish button!

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Beautiful , opulent card Janet!
    Great selection of goodies again this morning, I love seeing what others buy and what you are tempted by!
    Do any of you have dies by Tutti design ( an American co.) they look quite interesting and can be purchased from eBay as the postage is extortionate from the states, I saw some designs from a lady called Pam on Pinterest , they look lovely.
    Hope you get some rest and relaxation today Sandra, not good to overdo things.
    I hope to play 9 holes of golf this morning as it is a pleasant looking day.
    Hopefully you will have an easier time at work today Michelle and manage some time to craft.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. The Tutti design dies look lovely, don't they? I think it's probably Pam Simpson on Pinterest as she is in the design team and has a gorgeous blog too :-) I don't have any of the dies myself, but I think quite a few craft shops stock them.
      Have a lovely day and enjoy your golf. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Anne
      Enjoy your golf today. Pete and Craig we're going to play today but it didn't look to good this morning so didn't go.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Blogger is really playing up each time I press publish, I hope this one appears!
    I love all of your shopping Sandra, can't wait to see the gorgeous Christmas roses : )
    Youust be feeling exhausted, hospitals drain you, even whem you are sitting waiting for an appointment! I hope Lucy got on well. Wish Becca a lovely holiday with Josh. She does work hard so hopefully she will be well rested when she gets home. Each family has a Dad's/Mum's taxi and it never stops running does it? Even after they have left home : ) x
    Janet, your card is wonderful. There is so much to look at and enjoy, a card that you sit and look at for ages : )
    I hope you are continuing to improve each day, and not doing too much. I'm sure Jim is keeping a close eye on you though: ) x
    Lynda, I hope your RA appointment goes well, and that you get that stent ASAP. X
    Maria, I hope you are settled and enjoy the first day of your holiday x
    Brenda, I hope you are going g to get a chance to play with your new goodies today : )
    It a dull quite chilly day here, seems like we have had the last of summer now : (
    Sending love and hugs with extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    We have yet another dull start here and it's raining too so it's definitely an 'indoors' day.

    I love the look of your purchases SANDRA and am waiting to see some beautiful creations. It's not going to be a relaxing day again for you so you must make tomorrow a 'doing nothing' day.

    I had an unscheduled appointment yesterday with my GP after talking to the Triage Nurse at the surgery.
    I'm having a problem with my tummy and she thought I needed to see a Dr. A sample is going to the surgery this morning and I have to see the Dr again next Monday.

    To all of you ON HOLS have a wonderful time wherever you are.

    Hugs should be reaching you all very shortly.
    The CAFE is OPEN for business so come on in and sit a while.

    1. Hi Janet. Sorry to hear your having tummy problems, hope all ok x
      Love your card to Sandra, the peacock is beautiful. Have a nice day. Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I'm sorry to hear your having tummy problems, hopefully the Dr will be able to sort it out.
      Not to sure what's happening in Witney Dr wise at the moment. Our Dr left and hasn't been replaced yet. So we don't have a Dr. Plus a surgery is closing leaving 4300 patients without a Dr. It takes 3 weeks for us to see a Dr now ( that's if we had one ). So heaven help us when these patients come on the scene.

    3. Hello Janet,
      Oh Janet I am so sorry you're having tummy problems, I hope the sample answers the questions and they can get you on the road to recovery again soon. Take care LOL xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card from Janet, love the peacock :-)
    Another wonderful selection of craft goodies. Looking forward to seeing all of your creations, and especially with the Inkylicious Bauble kit.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, CONGRATULATIONS just seen your name on Sues list the Madeleine die is lovely I'm sure you'll make great use of it. Enjoy xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you will be exhausted by this evening please have a quiet day tomorrow, though if Pat & Sue come over I don't know about quiet!!!xxx
    Janet your card for Sandra is beautiful, sorry you are having tummy trouble, hope they sort it soon, sending healing
    Lynda hope your appointment comes through quickly, take care hugs on
    Brenda hope you have time to play with your goodies, I see you bought the bauble as well, I haven't dared take mine out the box yet because I know I will want to have a go!!xxx
    Maria hope you are settled in & warmer than we are this
    Time to get ready for Petanque so will send hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello All, dull but dry here, better that yesterday which was wet all day.

    Janet loved your card for Sandra stunning. Do hope you will soon be feeling better.
    Lynda hope your appointment goes well and you get the treatment you need.

    Lovely buys ladies, I'm determined to stick to my rule of no spending until the new year

    1. Sorry pushed the button too soon, just to say hope everyone has a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian.

  9. Hi Sandra
    My word isn't Janet's card a work of art. Love the peacock. What a lovely lot of goodies Brenda and yourself bought. I'll try and get mine photographed and sent to you Sandra.

  10. Hi Sandra
    I've just read that you spent quite a bit of the day at the hospital yesterday. Hope Lucy's appointment went better than her last one.
    Lynda I hope they've decided to give you a stent.
    I made another appointment for Pete at the eye clinic yesterday. They must have had a cancellation as he has an appointment on Fri 30th Sept. The next one was early in Jan 2017.
    Maria I hope you've settled in and enjoying your holiday.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I did leave a message this morning was quite a quick one as I had to go for an I INR again! Anyway all is fine and I've got a few weeks reprieve now, so I must be doing something correctly.
    Sandra, love all of your purchases. I got some of those big cakes last time At AP for Ciara but big sister saw them she thought they were cool. Fortunately I had bought two packets. Oh and boo-hoo I didn't say the flower booklet so that has now gone on my Wish List. I haven't had time really to play with any of my goodies. Although Ciara did play with the pixie dust on Sunday. But I don't think my spray bottle was working very well, we ended up with a pool of the same colour !!!! I did think today I would try it on acetate, but time is running out and I need to get the dinner........... I just need more hours in my day!
    I hope you are feeling better today after your horrendous trip to the hospital with Lucy. I'm always amazed hospitals never seem to have wheel chairs near the entrance, even the porters have to go on a hunt to find one.
    I'm sure Becca and Josh will have a great time in Greece. Especially as our weather has now changed.
    Take care my lovely friend, love Brenda xxx

    1. I'm rushing as usual.... I got some of those big PEGS xxx

  12. Real quickie and the timer's gone off on the cooker / I need to eat bit I think I've just seen SONIA's name as a winner on Sue's blog Congratulations
