
Sunday 14 August 2016

Your Sketch Challenge Cards

My challenge Card

The sketch

Janet's Challenge Card

Karen's Challenge card

Karen's second Challenge Card

Lynda's challenge card

Margaret's card challenge

Maria's challenge card

Val's Challenge card

Val's second card challenge

 Sonia's Challenge card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Michele's Challenge card

Good Sunday morning ladies,

We arrived at our overnight stay Hotel in Millau, France, it is a beautiful town, pretty Such a river flowing through it and Lots to do around and about.
Millau Viaduct

A view from under the bridge

The town is a popular tourist resort, the Viaduct Being the thing for the town in qui Known, When We used to drive this road years ago You Had to drive all the way down into Millau which is in a Gorge, so has very steep roads in and out, it used to take a while to navigate, but now you pay your 9 euros and you are over in minutes, its quite an experience!  We went out for dinner after having a nap, poor Paul was exhausted, packing didn't go as planned so we ended up rushing to finish and arrived at Dover at 10pm, we sailed at 11.15pm, Paul then drove until 6am, we stopped for a coffee and some breakfast and then continued until about 2pm, had lunch and then arrived at Millau at about 4.30pm, we covered about 560 miles! So he deserved his nap!! My ankles, well, better described as cankles were elevated on a pillow while I wrote this blog post.  We will be setting off as early  as possible this morning to get the best part of the journey done while its still cool, after a hearty breakfast of course!

No cards onto your amazing challenge, once again a hugely varied selection each card as fabulous as the next.  
My description will be brief this week as this WiFi access keeps changing my post from English to French and back again, but never mind, its free and it means I get to chat to all of you!
We-have five gorgeous Christmas cards, Val has used the Samidie set as me (I think) That pretty red polka dot paper works so well for Christmas cards, I would-have never thought Of That, I love the little flourish and your cute Image too.  
Margaret made her Christmas card with gorgeous papers and has created her own border with ribbon! Genius 
Michele, you-have (I believe) used the hugely popular Embossing Folder That cam free with a magazine, both, Lilian and I have made cards using it too, your Christmas card looks perfect, you-have trimmed the top section and added a beautiful Christmas paper , trimmed with Rhinestones gives the perfect finish!
Sonia, wow, I love what you have done with that CE Snowflake border die, I actually didn't recognise it at first and I have used it many times!!  I love how you have 'grunged' it up a bit with distress ink, a gorgeous Christmas card!
Maria has placed the 'curved border' at the bottom of her card, making a perfect snow bank to place her Santa and his sleigh on, Maria actually fussy cut that whole piece from a stamped image!! You deserve a medal for patience Maria, the trees make the perfect backdrop to your Christmas scene card, I love the sparkling snow falling too .

Janet used a Spellbinders Edgability Die for her Curve and SP Labels die for the focal element , with a stamped and embossed detail on the frame, your card is gorgeous Janet.

Karen has made to gorgeous cards, by cleverly creating the background shape and then die cutting into it, mixing and matching Sue's Delicate Daisies I believe, both fan cards Karen .
Lynda has also used a Spellbinders Edgability die to cut her pretty curve, a beautiful flower spray in the top corner gives a stunning finish.
Val your second card has also used the SB Edgibility Die (I think). SB floral oval frames that beautiful decoupaged bird, a personalised finish to complete a gorgeous special birthday card.  
Lilian, omg, Lilian, have you watercoloured this amazing card, its a proper piece of art, from the Vintage Aircraft (Spitfire)?, to the stone wall, the backdrop of trees and woodland with your eye being drawn in with those green gemstones, the most beautiful, eye-catching part to me is the flowers in the foreground, they are so pretty, they have dimension too, have you used Fine glass beads?, what an amazing technique, the look almost like a plant my mum had in her garden call 'red hot pokers', pretty, structural plants that could also be a field of poppies, giving the card an extra special meaning.  Somebody is going to be absolutely delighted to own such a beautiful piece of Art.

Thank you all so very much ladies, I so appreciate the time and effort you take to create these cards each week xxxxxx

Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    So glad to read you are nearly at your destination Sandra it's such a long journey and then you can all have a well deserved rest!
    Fantastic array of cards this morning girls and all so different and interesting full of great techniques and ideas, I should of managed a cc yesterday but time just ran away ? Will do better next week.
    We were out at friends house last night and enjoyed the chat etc. but I was stifling yawns as I was so tired, so hate feeling like that , I've had a good nights sleep so hopefully will have more energy today.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hope you can have a nice lazy day today Anne.

    2. Have a nice day. You didn't have a long sleep in after all :-) xx

    3. Hi Anne
      My word you were up and about early. Not to sure I'd call that a lie in. Hope you slept well and manage to have a lazy day today.

    4. Hi Val,Maria and Pat, well I was up quite early but didn't do much except we all went for a long walk , we left about noon and got back to the car just after 4pm , so feel the better of it but could go for a doze now lol! We had a walk along a track that runs along a river side so it was easy ! xoxo

  2. Good Morning, Sandra and Friends, another lovely day here after yesterdays rain.

    Sandra so pleased your journey is going well, lovely pictures of where you are staying, hope the rest of the journey goes well.

    Beautiful cards, mine a bit off piste today again, I look at the sketch on Mondays and think that will be easy, but then by the end of the week, my mojo has flown, I must try and do it on Mondays. Love all of the Christmas cards, might do one this week.

    I see from Sue's blog that Brenda is one of this weeks winners, hope it's our Brenda.

    Lorraine hope your a bit better this morning,

    Lynda hope that toe of yours is not giving you too much pain, shame you have to wait so long to get it treated.

    Not sure what I'm doing today, have to make a new baby card, but don't know what sex, so I think I use mainly white and lemon, it's for my friend in Oxford, for her niece, I suggested she wait until it was born , but she wants to have it ready as soon as the baby arrives, I don't like making baby cards before the birth, just in case all does not go well.

    Have a lovely Sunday All, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, just love your card today. The watercolouring is beautiful. It deserves to be in a frame on the wall.
      I feel like you about making baby cards. I just don't want to make them too early and tempt fate. However, I think white and lemon will look lovely.
      Enjoy the sunny day in your beautiful part of the country.

    2. Oh Lilian, your card is amazing .You are a very good artist. Lemon and Mint are colour I like if you don't know the sex. Have a good day xx

    3. Hi Lilian
      Yes it is our Brenda who won on Sue's blog. Perhaps I ought to start my Christmas cards soon. Although I have 8 birthday cards to do for Sept. Must try and get a wriggle on.

    4. I totally agree with you on making baby cards I would much prefer to wait until after baby has safely arrived

    5. Hi Lilian
      I with everyone on baby cards before baby arrives. Your choice of colour yellow or mint green will be lovely though.
      I will go doctors as toe still inflamed after two weeks might need some antibiotics. Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- hope you're well on your way by now and that everything continues to go well. That new viaduct looks amazing and speaking to people who have crossed all say it's one fantastic feeling. We must try and get town there sometime to give it a go. Take care Paul and I hope there's not a lot of traffic.

    I love all this week's CCs. All are wonderful and so different and again I'm feeling lazy in that I still haven't done one Seasonal Card yet. On a positive note I have got my Seasonal dies out so can I say I've made a start?

    PAT - hope you're not doing too much on that new hip. We need you A1 for your hols.
    LYNDA- I hope you're using that beautiful walking stick and that you're not in too much pain.

    I'm off for a visit to The Range this morning so you all know what that means lol. I just want to top up on one or two things so I will have sufficient of craftiness when I cannot get out for a while and of course we all know that products just fall into your basket in that

    Roast Chicken Dinner is on the menu today in the Café so I hope you all enljoy your lunch. Everything else is AOK and ready to go.
    Hugs will be with you all very shortly and have a really good day whatever you've all got planned. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, I'm sure that getting out your Christmas dies counts as starting your cards. I'm sue you'll pick up some great things in The Range today. Have they got their Christmas stash in yet?
      Now I'm out for a snack at lunch time today so could you possibly keep a Chicken Dinner back for me to have later? It's one of my favourites and I'd hate to miss out.
      Enjoy your day.
      Love Valx

    2. Hi Janet
      Love roast chicken, but haven't had it in awhile. Karen's partner works at a meat wholesalers and delivers it all over the country. He always gets me packs of chicken breasts from eith Smithfields or Covent Garden, so I don't very often buy a whole chicken. Enjoy your visit to the Range.

    3. Hi Janet. Come clean and take photos of your buy's :-), hope you had a nice time at the Range. We have a lady from Do Craft in ours in a few weeks so might ask if someone can drive me in. I like looking around but son who working there can't stand the shop itself. The roast chicken was scrumptious :-) take care xx

    4. Hi JANET thank you for your lovely message this morning your so very kind dear lady.I did use my stick yesterday & it was ok found it did help my balance. Hope you enjoyed the trip to the Range & some nice things fell in your basket .
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    so glad your journey has gone well up to now Sandra. I'm not surprised your ankles have swollen after all that travelling. Hopefully you'll soon be there and you can have a good rest. Paul will need it after all that driving. The Viaduct looks amazing. What a view from the top.

    Just love all the cards ladies. Obviously a few of us have got the same popular dies. Special mention for your Maria. Just love the trees and the raised sleigh and reindeer.

    Lynda so sorry to hear your toe is bothering you. Do hope you get and earlier appointment. There is a fancy shop over here selling walking sticks decorated with card makers stick on gems in fancy patterns. They are hand made, quite expensive but very striking. That could be your next project.ha ha.

    Wendy and I were going to a Craft Show today but sadly its been put off until September so I think we're just havig coffee and a snack somewhere.

    Feeling pretty tired today as I just had to stay awake and watch the athletics until around 3ish this morning. Silly I know but well worth it.

    Have a good Sunday everyone. Looks like the sun is shining for most of you so hope you can get out and enjoy it today.

    Take care.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Crikey Val you did stay up late yesterday or should I say this morning. Have a nice time with Wendy whatever you decide to do.

    2. Me too Val! Had to get up to have brekkie! OH still in bed! But so worth it Enjoy your meet up with Wendy c

    3. Hi Val, aaah thank you. I love both your cards too. Didn't have a curvy die so my brain was on over drive, hihi Have a great time with Wendy whatever you ended up doing xx

    4. Hi Val oooo that sounds good my stick already has flowers on but might be nice to put some bling on it. Sorry craft show was canceled but hope you & Carol had a nice time.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Lovely challenge cards, I was so last minute with mine! Only made it yesterday afternoon. Like Lilian, I look at the sketch and think "oh, that's going to be easy" then it's the weekend...!!

    Had a lovely morning with my friend-chatting over 3 drinks. Played in my craft room I the afternoon then cooked dinner & thought I'd better be sociable and sit with hubby!

    I have the usual housework to do this morning then were hoping to get in the garden this afternoon to do some weeding.


    1. Hi Michele, did the weeding or the craft room win ?
      hope your day is good xx

    2. Hi Michele
      As it was in the morning having 3 drinks I assume you mean coffee or tea. Good luck with cooking the dinner if it wasn't.

  6. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad to arrived at your rest stop safely. Hopefully Paul was able to have a good rest before you start off again.
    My word ladies what a beautiful selection of cards for this weeks challenge. I'll be going back to have an in depth look later on today. As before each one is different.
    Congratulations to Brenda Lello on winning Sue's comment gift this week.I'll put that just in case little lamb looks in whose also a Brenda.

    1. Thank you Sue, I hope you're feeling better, you've obviously got your Internet sorted out, hope everything just keeps on getting better. LOL

    2. Hello Pat, are you being a good girl ? hihi hope you are taking things slowly and having a nice Sunday, hugs xx

    3. Hi Maria
      Now you know me, I'm always good. Did a bit to much yesterday I think as my hip or at least the outside of its quite tight and sore today. Must get some cream rubbed into it.

    4. Hello Pat hope your hip feels better tomorrow but listen REST UP.!!!
      You want to be fit for your holiday, where are you going?
      Take care my friend Love Lynda xx

  7. Morning all I have been popping in, just too late to stay and comment Congrats BRENDA L on your win on Sue's blog
    So glad your journey is going well SANDRA
    I agree with VAL that you must decorate your stick LYNDA I think as a crafter it's the law! I hope it helps and you manage to stay upright If anything it'll tell other people to be aware of you - that you're a lady with a stick and is not afraid to use it!
    Today's cards are beautiful ladies You all nudge my mojo and makes me realise other ideas for the same theme
    Still no laptop I really miss not having one As you all know I rely on Serif to craft with even if it's only to print patterned card/paper and create a sentiment to fit inside a die It's meant I am having a tidy up in my craft area - BIG mistake It still looks like a bomb site as I empty shelves to make room for putting it all back
    Any ideas of crafty makes for empty cd covers would be most welcome I'd like to make something with a few of them before I bin them Lots of bits given to my next door neighbour's children and more stuff to pass on to our local Wotever Scrappy store
    Right ironing's next Will pop in later (hopefully)

    1. Thank you Karen I'm really excited xx

    2. Karen, hope you are ok inside the bombsite and you can see some different. CD Covers, I needed some ages ago, some people I seen on you tube taking out the middle part and then you can use them for storing smaller stamps. Perhaps decorate them in the theme, oh I don't know just a thought :-) hope you can get hold of a laptop soon, speak soon xx

    3. Hi Karen
      I tripped a few people up yesterday with my stick but I stayed upright Haha teach them to get in my way lol.
      Hope you had a good day
      Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you are on last leg of journey, I would think Paul will sleep for ages once you have tent up, he deserves it. I know 2 people who would not go over that viaduct Sue & her Dad they are both scared of heights, which can be difficult at times. Safe
    All the cards are lovely as usual, so many different designs, thank you again for inspiring us Sandra.
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lynda & Lorraine love

    1. Hi Margaret, hope you are well and having a relaxing day. hugs to you and pop xx

    2. Hi MARGARET thanks for the Hug. Hope you had a good day & you & Pop is well.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I didn't believe myself when I open the blog this morning - to find the comment I had written yesterday hasn't been posted if you're still there. It must have been one of my senior moments, I seem to be having too many of those lately!

    Janet, another brilliant example of your altered art. xx
    Anne, what a beautiful photograph of your grandchildren and the gorgeous dogs.
    Cheryl, Love all of your flower pictures, I'm sure your garden is really beautiful.

    Sandra, thank you for including the beautiful pictures of the Millau viaduct, it looks absolutely stunning. It sounds as though you are getting closer to your destination. I hope you get the tent up quite quickly and Paul couldn't last to have a much needed rest. LOL

    Ladies love all of your inspiring cards. Mine is still sitting on my workspace I couldn't decide on how or what finishing touches to add, it may see you life yet who knows!

    Well I must get a move on, Will pop in later at some point.
    Love and hugs to all Brenda xxx

    1. WOOPS The comment I had written yesterday was still there!

    2. Hi Brenda, senior moments coming more and more. Hate when I can't remember things, had coffee with a friend this morning and talking about holidays, people we know etc. and could I remember anything, nope ! Horrible, need to write everything down these days. Congratulations on the comment win ! Wonder what your prize will be, nosy me hihi Have a nice day ,hugs xx

    3. Thanks Brenda, Congratulations on your comment win , hope you get some lovely stamps xo

    4. Hi Brenda
      Welcome to the club of senior moments. It's a bit disconcerting isn't it. Congratulations on your comment win.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Looks lovely where you stayed overnight, beautiful scenery.
    Fabulous cards again this week, all so inspiring :-)
    Congratulations Brenda on your win over on Sue's blog :-)
    Sorry, not really with it this morning - wanted to stay up to see Mo Farrah in the athletics, but gave in and went to bed just after midnight, woke up again at 4.30am and been up since! Catching up with the repeats now. Wanted to spend day crafting but too tired even for that :-(
    Hope everyone is ok and have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, poor you with another disturbed night. Mr Sandman is not doing his job very well. Hope you feeling better this afternoon and enjoy watching the athletics. Take care xx

  11. Hello everyone,
    Love all the challenge cards, I especially love the snowflake border die but all the cards have their own merits and they are lovely to see. I must have typed the email address wrong when I sent mine so I have resent and hopefully it will get through this time.
    Still feeling very rough and because my chest is so tight my voice is struggling. I think I tried to do too much too soon so I will be taking it easier this time.
    Safe journey to Sandra and family.
    It sounds like lots of lovely days planned including the dangerous outing to the range. I dare not go there unless I know I have sufficient funds for a splurge. Enjoy your days ladies.
    I am catching up on last night's Olympics before today's starts.
    By the way I live in Stroud, Gloucestershire but I am originally from Torpoint, Cornwall. Still have some family there. I wish we lived there still. Looe is my favourite place in the world and it makes me feel like I am home. When I took a brief look at family history I found relatives from there so maybe that's why.
    Take care everyone

    1. Hi Lorraine, just take it easy until you feeling better. Must be difficult with the sensation of a tight chest (OH having another quiet day) :-) take care. Would be lovely if you could join us at Ally Pally and you get to meet some of us. hugs xx

    2. Hi Lorraine
      Not good having a tight chest. Make sure you take it easy for the next few days. We also like Looe. We're in Witney so not to far from you.

  12. Afternoon all.
    Lovely pictures Sandra, glad your journey so far have gone fine but bless him Paul driving so much in one go. Sure he can't wait to get tent sorted and have a sleep for a week.
    Sunday will never be the same again if we not had the CC to look at. They are great and so many different ones again. Love them all !
    Lynda, hope you are doing ok and honestly if you foot is not better then go and see the doc. tomorrow. You should't have to wait for treatments that long. Please take care, we only have one Lynda.
    Cheryl, hope you are alright. Missing your walking or travel stories. Hope to hear many when you touring the USA and Littlelamb, do come in and say hi, missing you !
    Started to comment this morning after an early walk but then had to get ready meeting a friend for ww and brunch together as you do. The ham and cheese toastie tasted sooo good hihi Feeling really lazy and a bit tired so want be doing much,just want to start cutting out some bits for upcoming birthday cards, I have 11 in September! eeek why is the months going so quick. Thank god for the made cc's that can be sent to some of them.
    Hope you all have a nice Sunday. love and hugs to you all, Maria xoxo

    1. Hello MARIA thank you my friend
      HAHa I can here you saying glad we only have one Lynda one is enough only joking. So many cards for September you have to make i only have one card it's Terry's 70 th on the 22 nd but I'm taking him out for the day too Ally Pally & treating him to some crafty goodies. I know I'm such a good wife spoiling him like that.HAHAHA.
      Take care so looking forward to seeing you again soon.
      Love & Hug' Lynda xxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Now you do as Maria says and go back to the Drs with your toe. What a lovely present for Terry, he'll have a wonderful time with all us ladies on the 22nd. Take care of that toe my lovely friend.

    3. Hi Pat
      I am going to see the nurse on Tuesday for my toe.
      I have another blood test tomorrow feel like a pin cushion.
      You take care too my lovely & don't over do it Hug's xxxx

    4. Lynda, Terry will love you forever for his fantastic birthday present hihi you are the perfect wife. Honestly I only know one Lynda and that is you so for me there is only one Lynda hihi Good luck for blood test and Nurse.
      Pat , I hope we'll see you on the 17th or my ticket is wrong ?! xx

  13. Feeling very lazy today Craft room still a mess but at least most of the ironing has been done Had a lazy lunch and went shopping earlier.... Now settling with a cuppa and watching a film - Suffragette and finish off the ironing It's one job I don't mind as I can watch tele whilst I do it!

    1. Hi Karen
      I need an ironing lady I think. My old iron kept tripping the electrics, so I bought a new one. However, that also trips the electrics. Borrowed Karen's but that worked ok. Now if only I'd kept the bill I'd take it back.

  14. Hello SANDRA & friends
    Well I hope by now your all set up for a fabulouse holiday for the next couple of weeks. Hope the last part of your journey was a good one Paul must be shattered. Your over night spot looked lovely the viaduct stunning but bit to high for my liking.Enjoy your holiday hope you all have a brilliant time & relax Sandra.
    Well ladies you have all produced some amazing cards this week & again & all different. Looking forward to the next challenge.
    Haven't done much today felt quit lazy I spent good hour looking through Pinserest I get lost in there,some amazing project. I should have done my ironing but there is another day tomorrow.
    Take care everyone love Lynda xx

  15. Sorry BRENDA ment to say Congratlations on your win over on Sue's blog
    Enjoy your prize love Lynda xx
