
Saturday 13 August 2016

Saturday Mix up

Anne's Grandchildren

Janet's Pretty Fernli Tag

Pete's Lily

Joseph's 'Just Joey'

Giorgina's 'Teasing Georgia' Rose

A close up of Teasing Georgia

Good Morning ladies,

I am hoping that as you are reading this will be well on the way towards our overnight stop hotel in Millau, France.

I have a wonderful selection of loveliness to share with you all today, thanks to the kindness of you lovely blog friends.

First up is the Photo of Anne's Grandchildren plus the little puppies 'Luna' and cute little 'Tollie'
such a lovely photo of all of your grandchildren Anne, can you believe the Sun even put in an appearance for you too!  I am hoping you will pop in later to tell us which one is which as far as your Grandchildren are concerned, thank you so very much for sharing such a beautiful family photo Anne. xxx

Janet has been busy once again, this time she has totally transformed that Fernli Desgns Tag into a real work of art, I absolutely love this tag, so pretty, I see you have used a resin frame and a beautiful vintage image from the pinterest as your focal element, a stunning pleated lace along the bottom of the tag, with a decorative Resin flourish to finish.  I love seeing your altered projects Janet, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Cheryl has very kindly allowed us to share some photos of some of the flowers in bloom around her right now, they are 'Pete's' Childrens flowers etc, 

First up we have Pete's gorgeous Lily, dont they look fantstatic, such a stunning colour, unlike the shop ones! 
Joseph's Rose :' Just Joey'
Giorgina's Rose ''teasing Geogia''
and a close up of the rose itself. So beautiful. Thank you so much for caring,
Cheryl explained that the roses were chosen for their scent, as well as being so pretty, thank you so much for sharing xxx

I hope that you are all having a fun weekend,
love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-lovely photo of your grandchildren.

    Janet-another beautiful crafty creation.

    Cheryl-all the flowers look stunning, I'll bet your garden is looking fabulous right now.

    Bee wide awake since 5.30 so got ahead this morning. I'm meeting my friend at Dobbies garden centre at 10am so I just need to pop to the village before that. My plan is to start my challenge card this afternoon-lets hope I don't get distracted....!!!


    1. Michele enjoy your meet up with your friend, hope you manage to ctaft

    2. Hi Michele you did have a early start have a nice day with your friend. Hope your c c gets done..

    3. Thanks Michelle, I hope you enjoyed your day with your friend, xoxo

  2. Good morning Sandra and all today.
    Lovely photo of your grandchildren Anne and the two fur balls :-) You must all have so much fun together but make sure you get some Me time as well. Are you going away for the holiday ?
    Beautiful tag Janet, you are so good at making these up with pretty lace and the cameo, very nice.
    Cheryl, thank you for letting us see the wonderful flowers in the garden, they are all beautiful !
    Lynda, good you got a stick but be careful so you not taking off when the ......happening hihi. I hope you toe is still there next week but as a diabetic I thought you should be seen sooner. Take care my friend, hugs.
    Val, a perfect little group for crafting together. Used to be two near me but they now both closed.
    Sandra and family, continue your drive safely down South.
    It's getting hotter here too ,just hope it is not humid.
    Hope to go to a garden centre later, otherwise nothing much on. Will look a bit on the Olympics, hope GB continue doing well.
    Have a lovely day everyone and happy crafting. love and hugs to all, Maria XxXx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Hope you are too tempted at Garden Centre. Take care xxx

    2. Thanks Maria, yes they do all have fun together and with the puppies, we go on holiday in October, it can't come fast enough, though the weather forecast for next week looks good so that helps but just too late for the children as they go back to school on Tuesday. xoxo

    3. Hi Maria
      I hope you didn't spend to much at the garden centre today.

  3. Good morning Ladies, I have just been catching up on yesterday's news, all the goodies look wonderful I especially loved Janet's bag ( very stylish and useful) , today's tag is very pretty and I love Cheryl's flowers, the lily is such a gorgeous shade of pink and obviously must be growing in the perfect spot as it looks so lush and healthy, I also appreciate scented roses it just makes them even more special.
    The photo I took the other day ( the only day we have had sun for ages) L-R
    Amber, Abi, Archie, Marsaili and Sandy.
    Iain took my sister Dolina ,her daughter Jillian and two teenage children into Inverness to get the bus to Glasgow and then waited to collect Mandy from the Edinburgh train , so they arrived back just before tea time, so my duties are over, ( well nearly, ha ha ) I am getting a bit tired of making up and changing beds it seems never ending , especially when you can't dry them outside and have to use the dryer, I don't know where I would be without the cupboard we have in the hall ( where the pipes come up from the underfloor heating) as it is great for drying out all the wet clothes , shoes and boots the kids have been wearing ( although it does smell a bit at the moment lol! ) and it's raining yet again today, what an awful summer!
    Hope you are having a smooth journey Sandra and the sun is shining for you all!
    Janet , good to read your pre op went well and you can now get organised , I hope you don't have to wait too long.
    Lynda , sorry to hear you have to use a stick at the moment but better safe than sorry ( at least it's a nice flowery one), hope your toe feels a lot better.
    Pat, you sound as though you are well on the mend, good for you, but don't push it too far yet.
    I sent a photo of the Anna Marie type card I had made to Sandra , so you will probably see it soon , but as I didn't send it to my friend ( I thought difficult to post) I didn't really know what to do with it, well I got a phone call from a lady who buys cards from me for her family , she was looking for a card for her mum, I told her I had a houseful so didn't have time but that I had two which might suit, she came yesterday afternoon and chose the AM one and paid me £10 for it ! I couldn't believe it as I had only wanted £6 , and thought I was pushing my luck at that ! So I felt well chuffed, and she was having to post it, I posted one 6x6 in a box, second class and it cost £2.85 , I think that's ridiculous as it weighed very little.
    Sorry this is such a long ramble I am just enjoying having the time to do it.
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend girls, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne,
      What a lovely photo. You must feel like a hotel, hope you get a break

    2. Thanks Margaret, it does indeed feel like that at times, but it is enjoyable too, but must admit we are looking forward to our holiday in October. xoxo

    3. Hi Anne
      Hope you manage to get a break soon. It's such a pain having to keep changing sheets isn't it. Luckily Petes daughter and 4 of our grandchildren live up the top of our road. Although Craig and the other 2 grandchildren live half an hour away by car we don't see a lot of them. Which is a shame

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- hope you have a good night's sleep and then ready for your next stage. Safe journey.

    CHERYL- thank you for sending those beautiful pics of your Arum and Roses. They are truly beautiful and as they are two of my all time favourites everyone is a winner. I too prefer the perfume of roses rather than the modern day ones.
    ANNE- your Grandchildren look delightful and I can just see the mayhem they could cause all together and of course that's what Grandchildren do. Beautiful pic.

    LYNDA- I'm pleased you have a stick - I know they can be a nuisance at times but it's really is better to be safe than sorry. I didn't want to go back to mine but needs must and these nice flowery ones are really nice. Take care and it seems a long time for you to wait for your appointment.

    MICHELE- enjoy your morning with your Friend.

    As the sun is shining and it's dry all the doors and windows are open tempting you all to come through the door and see what's happening. Have a good day everyone I'll refill the cake stand this afternoon after I've been shopping to Meadowhell this morning. I think Cupcakes may be the order of the day. Hugs for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet,
      Your tag is lovely as usual, you are so good at it. At least this is something you can do qhile yoy are convalesing, as long as you get Jim to put everything in reach. Good luck with

    2. Thanks Janet, I have to admit they can be a bit noisy but in general they are very good. xoxo

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Hope the journey is going well Sandra.
    Just love your photo ANNE? What good looking children and such cute little dogs.
    Janet as usual your creation is beautifu. You've definitely got a way of decorating things.
    Cheryl, all the flowers are so lovely. What a pretty garden you must have.
    Not doing much today. After my shower I have to go round and check on my friends house and water her garden plants whilst shes in the UK. Fortunately Maria, no little pets to look after. I just check the freezer is OK. Last year, when I wasn't checking inside the house, the electric tripped and the freezer had gone off. You can imagine the mess and the smell when they came home after 6
    weeks. Yuk.
    Well must get everything done asap so I catch up on whats been happening at the Olympics overnight.

    Hope you all have a goo Saturday.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      I had similar thing with MIL I qent in one day & found she had turned freezer of, she did have Alzheimer's so didn't know what she was doing, what a mess!!!
      Hope all well this

    2. Thanks Val, must be the good genes they have ha ha!
      Can't believe the amount of Christmas cards you have made already, what's your target? I have never found my handmade Christmas cards sell well as they are so reasonable to buy in boxes, so I only make for friends and family.xoxo

    3. Hi Anne, definitely must be the genes.
      I aim for 150 for the shop. Most of them do go I'm glad to say. The box cards are obviously imported over here and are quite expensive. Laying off making the shop ones for the time being and doing my own famiy and friends. I want to take them over when I go to UK middle of September. I get stamps on them and my friend posts them in December. It's really expensive to post so many from here.
      Have a good weekend.

    4. Happy watering Val. Hope the electric doesn't trip.

    5. Oh I hope the freezer is ok this time. I had so much fun today ,not. I let them out to run around for a while and usually they are good to put back in the hutch but today they decided to play catch and I was losing badly and on top of that I banged my little toe, it's fine but not one of my best pet whispering moments hihi xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope your journey is going smoothly, take
    Cheryl your lily & roses are beautiful, thankyou for showing
    Sue has no phone or laptop at the moment, Chris is away till this evening as well, she will comnent as soon as she can, sends her love to all.
    Good girl Lynda for getting & using a stick it does make life
    Sending love & hugs to all who need the love

    1. Hi Margaret, Sue is definitely missed and hope it wont be to long until she's u and running again.
      Love Valxx

    2. thank you MARGARET I know it makes sense I know I'm not 21 anymore & should act my age lol
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hello crafters, well I have had a set back and my chest has gone all tight again so not a happy bunny.
    What a lovely selection of photos. Not got everyone straight yet as to who's who but will get there.
    I did manage to do some more of my cc but not quite finished yet.
    I am relegated to the sofa again with the Olympics to keep me company so will say bye for now.

    1. Sorry you're not feeling so good today Lorraine. I must admit I've been watching the Olympics most of the day whilst crafting. I got quite excied watching the rowing so much so that Lynn my daughter shouted upstairs to ask if I was ok. Great gold and silver medals. Just this moment watched Usain Bolt running.He makes it look so easy.
      Hope you feel better tomorrow.
      Take care.

    2. Hi Lorraine
      I'm sorry to hear your not feeling to good again today. I've been sat in the chair as well watching the Olympics. Take care.

    3. Wish you feel better soon Lorraine. I tried doing some gardening but too hard, we have clay so I sat for a while in the sunshine had a coffee and read some old craft magazines. You take care,hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone. Sorry it's a late one from me today - went shopping first thing, then home for a few hours of sleep after having a terrible night last night :-(
    Anne, what a lovely photo of your grandchildren - definitely one for the album :-)
    Janet, I love your beautiful tag - it's stunning :-)
    Cheryl, I can imagine the beautiful colours and scent from your gorgeous flowers in the garden, how lovely :-)
    Sandra, I hope you're journey is going well. Must be lovely driving through all the lovely scenery at your leisure :-)
    Hope everyone has had a good day, and enjoy the rest of the evening. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, wish you a better night. It's horrid when you can't sleep. I have many sleepless nights but lately I'm doing alright. Take care and have a nice Sunday xx

    2. Thank you Maria. Fingers crossed we both get a good nights sleep tonight. Have a good day tomorrow too. Hugs xxx

  9. Hello All, sorry to be late, computer kept crashing this morning, took me hours to get it sorted, hate this Windows 10, give me Xp. Any day.

    Sandra hope you are having a good journey , your probably there now.

    Anne how lucky you are to have such a lovely lot of grandchildren, they look as though they are having a grand time.

    Janet your tag is stunning so feminine and pretty.

    Cheryl your flowers are beautiful, especially your roses, something is shredding all the leaves on mine they look terrible.

    Well we were up at 5am this morning o/h had a meeting in Dorset so he left here at 6am, so I'm feeling tired now.

    Have a good evening all, Lorraine sorry your not well again, sending gentle hugs. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. Thankyou for popping over to my blog and your lovely comment. Enjoy your evening. Hugs xxx

    2. Oh Lilian, you are probably tucked up in bed by now but sending you a hug anyway xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Well hopefully no delays going through custome and you are well on your way.
    Anne what a lovely photo of your Grandchildren and the puppies. Lovely to see the sunshine came out for you as well.
    Love your tag as well Janet. Love the flowers as well. I just love Pete's lily Cheryl. Thank you ladies for sharing with us.

  11. Hi Lynda
    Take care of that toe now, I obviously missed your post yesterday but see your walking with a stick. Much better walking with a bit of support. Take care my friend.

  12. Hi everyone
    Just lost seconed comments the first this morning Internet just cuts off then loose everything. PAT yes it's come down to a walking stick but needs must trouble in my mind im still 21 & not 69 haha. You take care my friend. Hug's xx
    ANNE your grandchildren are lovely & those wee doggies beautiful.
    JANET your tag is beautiful do you keep all your altered things.yourself. Thanks for your fun getting old. Hug's xxx
    CHERYL YOUR FLOWERS ARE GORGEOUS I could smell them hope your ok my dear friend sending some Hug's your way.xx
    LORRAINE sorry have felt ill again today just put your feet up & watch the Olympics while you rest Hug's xx
    MARIA hope you had a good day my friend love Lynda xx
    SANDRA I hope your in your stop over hotel by now safe yourney tomorrow love Lynda xx
    Think I had better go before Internet goes again love to you all see you tomorrow.xxxx
