
Friday 12 August 2016

Craft Shopping and an 'Oldie' for Friday card

Lynda's buys

Lynda's other buys

Janet's French Buys

Margaret's buys

 Margaret's other buys

Good Morning My Lovely friends,

Well it's finally the day we leave for our holiday, this week has just flown by and we are the least organised we have ever been!  yesterday was just manic and flew by, Paul got the trailer packed and everything is all lined up waiting to be put in back of car and roof box, it got too dark for Paul to continue!  Fingers crossed that they don't ask us to unpack at Dover!

Now you have all been busy shoppers this week so I have shared your craft shopping today.....

Lynda, I see you have bought some of Leonie's new dies, I can't wait to see what you create with those, they look quite different to the usual dies we see.  Now I love that Visible Image stamp, something quite different for you, I can see you making some amazing teen cards with that, both girls and boys were skinny jeans and converse so a good unisex stamp too, it would work well with a brick wall stamp or mask to put the grafiti on!  
The Gemini die is lovely, I have seen some fab cards made with that one, I see you have been buying some Christmas dies too, those Trees look interesting, you know how much I love that Stampin up stamp set, its so pretty and versatile, I am thinking about doing Stampin Up myself, but I'm just not confident enough, what do you think??   Almost every card I love on Pinterest is Stampin Up and having read the catalogue cover to cover many times I have a huge wish list !
Thank you for sharing your craft buys Lynda xxxx

Janet bought this gorgeous basket and lace curtain while she was in France, from the Market, the lace curtain was only 2 Euros for 2 metres!!  That basket looks gorgeous, I love the fabric on the top, it looks like a lovely scarf has been draped over the basket, so lovely, you would look very classy going shopping with that.  Thank you so much for sharing Janet xxxx

Margaret has ordered some more lovely sentiment dies, they are just so handy to have in your stash, its easier to add a die cut to a finished card that it is to stamp on it (well it is for me anyway), these can be popped anywhere, die cut in matching paper too.  You have some amazing dies for making Mens cards too, love the Spellbinders Dog with his bone and ball, I know that 'Star' certainly is 'Mans best Friend' to Alan so would make a perfect card for him, the Spellbinders Boat is another fab mens card die, the lovely Banners die would add a lovely finishing touch or background to any card, I am really excited to see what cards you make with this lot Margaret, thank you so much for sharing xxxx

I thought I would just add a quick 'Oldie For Friday' card, it was made using my Favourite Spellbinders Floral Oval die and Anna Marie Card, the flower was made with a Spellbinder Spiral Blossom die, cut from a delicate peach felt, a couple of matching stick pins make quite a pretty card I think, hope you like it xxxx

Can I please say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you wonderful ladies, for sending me in cards and a few crafts to help me fill the blog while I am away, I don't take craft stuff as we don't have room and camping isnt the best place to card make, I could just imagine Paul's face if I handed him my PLatinum machine a huge bag of craft stash! I think he may say NO chance!  
I will endeavour to get a post up every day, should one not load for what ever reason I will try and rectify it, I don't think we will have Internet for the first few days though as its a little expensive.
I have managed to make challenge cards for each Monday we are away!  All being well I should be able to download your cards to share on the Sunday.

Well I must dash and get a little more done,

Janet, I am so pleased to hear all went well with your Pre-op, that alone can be a trial of a day, you are prodded and poked and pricked way too much,  I guess it can be any day now for your Op, the sooner the better, so you can recover and get back to Marigny. I will be thinking of you my lovely xxx

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great to see the crafty purchases, I just love looking at what other people have bought. I'm so nosy-he he!!

    Lovely card Sandra, good luck with the journey today.

    Am expecting a busy day-only 4 patients for chemotherapy this morning but we have 4 adults & 1 baby (3dsts old) that require IV feeds from us. The adult ones aren't too time consuming (about 15-20 minutes each) but the baby ones are very complex, taking us almost an hour each and as we have to make the feeds for 3 days (we don't open st the weekend) it makes Friday quite busy. At least I'll have 2 days off-yippee. Might actually find the time to start my challenge card tomorrow.


    1. Hi Michele, WOW you do have a busy job. Hope today goes well. Poor little baby. Do hope it's ok.
      Last day of the working week for you and 2 days off. Have you got anything planned?
      Take care.

    2. Hi MICHELE
      Wow you have such a responsible job, Hope that little baby is ok poor little mite. Hope all goes well,today. Enjoy your two days off.
      Take care Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Wow Michelle
      Another busy day on the cards again for you. At least you get the weekends off to wind down. Hope the little baby will be ok.

    4. Hi Michele, you really have a busy and important job, hope your day went quickly and you now can enjoy the weekend ahead. Take care xx

  2. Hi Ladies,
    Sandra, bet you're on the road by now. Hope everything got packed and you have a safe journey. Love your card. The floral oval die, which I have is a definite favourite of mine.
    Lovely purchases ladies. Love them all. My eyes especially went to Margarets cute dog die. How cute and how handy that would be for Mens cards.

    Janet, glad your Pre op went well and lets hope they call to have your op asap.

    can't believe Michael Phelps won another gold medal overnight. The man is a machine and what an athlete. Just love watching him. Team GB is doing really well with another Gold for cycling. Should really check what Spain have done I suppose.

    Well must go and have a shower and get ready for Craft Club.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Will check in later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      The Olympics has been good for team GB hasn't it.
      Enjoy your craft club. Are you given a project to make or just do your own thing. How many ladies are there. Have a lovely day.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val enjoy your time at craft club. GB seem to be doing well, I hope they keep it up.

    3. Hi Val, hope you so far have had a good day and crafting with friends. The GB are doing fantastic
      and yes Phelps is going out with a bang :-) xx

    4. Hi Lynda and ladies. I always enjoy Craft Club. Its very informal run by Wendy of Spanish Crafter blog. There aren't very many of us, usually between 5 and 7. Its great becausecwe just talk and do our own thing. Theres a GC there so we all take our new die and embossing folders and we all can have the use of them. Wendy has great ideas and shes shown us how to weave ribbon, make unusual boxes, makes stick pins and fancy flowers so we do share our ideas. I usually make up cards and take them in their cellophane bage and assemble them there. Did 10 Christmas cards today so quite productive. I've done 82 for the shop so far so I'm doing ok.
      Hope you all have a good evening.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday but after hospital yesterday morning I was just totally whacked. At least all that had to be done was on the one floor and so I didn't have to go from one dept to another but even so I hadn't slept the night before anyway nothing horrific came up from the tests while I was there so everything is on track. I can now pack my case ready and that will be another job out of the way.

    SANDRA- I love your 'oldie' card. The colours are so calming and who wouldn't love a card like this to come through their door. How about having a day for showing 'old cards' we have made. I would love to see how we've changed our card making over time.

    I'm like Michele in loving seeing everyone's purchases and yest I'm nosey too but why not!
    The piece of lace material is really lace curtaining and it's a metre wide so very good value and the basket came from the Friday market. A Kenyen lady stands each week selling leather flip flops, wood carvings and these baskets. All made in Kenya and are 'Free Trade'. The material is stitched onto the basket making it a cover for the top and then gathered together and fed through the beaded hoop on the front. I've never seen one like this and just could not resist.

    Well as it's Friday it's housework and the washer is already churning away with bathroom towels. I haven't a clue what's after that. Probably a sit down this afternoon and possibly feet up for me.

    SANDRA/PAUL - take care and have a good journey hopefully without too many traffic jams.

    Everything's up and running in the Café just waiting for you all. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi JANET
      Pleased your pre opp went well. It's always a worry that they find something to put the opperation back like when I had my pre opp for my hysterectomy they found my heart problem so woulde't do my operation. So pleased yours will be done ASAP so you can recuperate
      In your lovely French retreat. Have a good day
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Sorry JANET I love your bag & pretty lace beautifulI xx

    3. Hi Janet
      I'm so glad your pre op went well. All ready and packed up so hopefully you won't have to wait to long now. Lovely if you can go to your French retreat to recover.

    4. Hi Janet, I too am glad the pre op went well and you soon will have it over and done with. Fingers crossed it all goes ahead. I love the basket, wouldn't mind have one myself :-) and the lace is very pretty. take care, hugs to you and Jim xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oooh a lovely selection of buys this week. Lynda, I love the look of your new dies and stamps. The Visible Image one looks fabulous and a great addition for kids/male cards. Have never ordered from Stampin Up myself, but like you Sandra I have often browsed their catalogues and seen some lovely items :-)
    Janet, I love your bag and pretty lace material - I'm not surprised you couldn't resist either of them :-)
    Margaret, love the Spellbinders dies and your sentiment dies. Not seen that make before, I love the font and you can never have too many sentiments :-)
    Sandra, love your beautiful card. Anna Marie sure does design some pretty papers! :-)
    Janet, glad your pre-op went well. Hope you get a date soon x
    I hope you have a good journey Sandra, and enjoy your holiday. Looking forward to hearing all about it :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I haven't ordered from stamping up before but when SANDRA showed her card with this stamp I asked where she got it from,Said AMANDA from (FB Scrimpy Lace closet ) as she has just become a
      Stamping up rep & she ordered it for me.
      Sonia I looked at your blog you have some lovely cards love the memory box flower one the colour was gorgeous. Will defiantly look in again. Have a good day Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda. Stampin Up do have some lovely things. Maybe I'll take the plunge and order something from them - there seems to be a lot of reps around! Must get some of those gorgeous Blissful paper pads from Anna Marie first though! ;-)
      Thank you for looking at my blog, and your comments :-) I didn't realise you had a blog too, you've made some beautiful cards and will definitely be looking in again too :-) Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Sonia, hope you well and can enjoy the weekend.
      It was meant to be a Stampin up afternoon at our retreat last year and I was so excited because it was a few things I loved to have. The woman didn't even bother to call and say she wasn't coming, a real shame. I like so many of their products. Happy crafting xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Well hopefully your now all packed and raring to go off on your holidays. Hopefully it won't be to much of a pain at Dover and over on the French side. Love today's card and i really must buy this one one day. I seem to add to my wish list all the time.
    Lynda your buys look very interesting especially the visible image stamp. Look forward to seeing what you make with the dies as well.
    Love your little French bag as well Janel. I'm glad the pre op went well, won't be long now.
    These sentiments are great Margaret they're so useful to have as well.
    I've just noticed I have 9 cards to make for Sept. I'm just waiting for Pete to come home to pick up my Grand Caliber off the floor for me. He's taken Doreen to the Drs as she has a very painful foot. I'll have to get them done and sent off early as well be away and the birthdays are to close to when we get home to leave them until then. Two teenage boys to make for, just where do I start I ask myself. Hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Hi Pat, hope you got the GB up off the floor and managed to cut something out. I too have a very busy September with Birthdays so have to think quick. 2 men ones to make too. I asked yesterday where do you stay in Madeira ? OH and I are also going there this year for a week after AP. It's not too hilly for you after the hip op ? Take care,hugs xx

    2. Hi Pat, never been to Madeira but my brother and sil were there last year and sad its a beautiful place. I know on the news there have been fires in the last few days. So sad. Hope you managed to make a sart on your cards.

    3. Hi Pat not sure what I'm going to do with Leonie's dies haha but looked interesting the visual stamp I thought would be good for the Grandchildren.
      Pleased your doing great after your opp but please take care.
      Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you are all packed & in car on way to Dover. Hope you have a good journey & crossing & the customs are good to you. Love your card Anne Marie papers are so subtle.
    Have a lovely holiday & rest.xxxx
    Lynda your goodies look interesting hope you enjoy using them. Is your toe healing if not get it looked at you cannot be too careful with your feet when you have diabetes, listen to Mummy!!!xxx
    Janet your bag is lovely & I am sure you will put your lace to good use. Pleased to hear all went well yesterday, keep yourself busy between now &
    My goodies were bought on Craft Stash, as a newcomer to card making I have to stop k up with Christmas dies & when I saw the dog, boat & flag ones on special thought I must have them.
    Washing on the line so must get on & tidy up not seeing Sue today she has the granddaughters, Sue feeling better her mobile has packed up & is being mended so she has to use laptop to comment, we do miss her phone you do not realise how much you use it until you haven't got it.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, I buy from them too and 'Craft World' they always got some bargains. You can never have too many sentences and these are a nice font. Glad Sue feeling better but she should take things slowly. Have a nice evening, hugs to you and pop xx

    2. Hi Mummy Margaret the nurse rang me this morning to see if I was tolirating the diabetics tablets & if I was feeling sick I said they seemed ok but said I was getting a lot of wind she laughed & said it was the tablets but should settle down then she said double up to two a day think I had better stay in its embarrassing. Anyway I told her my toe was bad & could she check it she said she would make me appointment can you believe next Tuesday my toe could drop off before that HAHa. Take care Love Lynda xx

    3. Good girl at least you told her, she obviously thought it wSn't too bad. Hope the side effects of tablet settle soon, you need to be able to go out!!!xxx

  7. Hello again ladies, sorry I have missed a few days. Just had a quick catch up but can't rely on my memory to make many comments.
    I wish Sandra and Paul lovely holiday, sorry to read Sarah had one of those arrogant consultants.
    Val, glad it's sorted now. We recently had a similar experience with the bank, they just don't have a clue to how much worry these mess ups cause.
    I am still recovering from my flare, the pain has settled but the fatigue is terrible. I did start my challenge card yesterday but no idea if I will get it finished. I took my grandson to the cinema yesterday, he really enjoyed the latest Ice Age film and laughed all the way through. I think they have pushed their luck to far now and should stop.
    Lovely to see more shopping.
    Take care everyone, bye for now.

    1. Hi Lorraine, glad you are better but yes, the tiredness is something I can't get over either. It can take a few days to a week before feeling normal-ish. You just take it easy, love to see your CC but don't worry if not getting it finished, we can still see it another day if you send it to Sandra. Take care,xx

    2. Hi Lorraine, so glad the pain has settled down but upsetting that your feeling fatigued. Good luck with this weeks cc. Hope you manage to get it finished.
      Take care.

    3. Hi Lorraine,
      Pleased you are feeling better, hope the tiredness goes soon. Look forward to seeing your cc.xx

    4. Hello Lorraine
      Glad your feeling better & your pain has settled but rest as much as possible. glad your Grandson enjoyed the ice age film.
      Take care Hug'sLynda Lynda xx

  8. Hello All, very dull here today.

    Sandra and family hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday, and journey goes well, how long does it take?

    Janet glad everything went well yesterday, I remember my pre op before my knee op, mostly telling me off for not using a stick, as if I had any cuts or scratches they wouldn't do it, must admit I was terrified.

    Ladies your shopping looks amazing, love all the new dies, and Lynda's stamps I have the stamping up one , as well as many others, I order from a lady in Tauton, who I met at a craft show, would gladly use Sandra if you want to go down that road.

    Lynda hope that toe of yours is getting better, take care.

    Have a good day everyone, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope your day been alright. Are your hands still sore or are they getting better ?
      Sending you some sunshine :-) xx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, we went to our daughters on Wednesday evening as they were due back from holiday at 4am Thursday morning. I had food to restock the fridge and I wanted to get a few little jobs done before they returned. We did go to bed so had some sleep. But didn't go into a deep sleep as I was watching arrivals on the iPad. As it was the plane arrived half an hour early. By the time John got there they were already at the pickup point, anyway they had had a lovely holiday and we're all very very tired. We stayed and chatted Over a cup of tea, but the lift so that they could go to their bed. We are on the other hand will wide-awake so stopped off at Asda on the way home to do some shopping. Back home shopping put away overnight bag also put away until next time. But by 8am I was ready for a nap, that nap lasted until 12.30. I woke up feeling exhausted and that feeling didn't leave me all day. So it was an early night last night and today I feel in the land of the living again!

    Margaret, What a lovely selection of dies you have. xx
    Janet, Love the bag and the net. xx
    Lynda, Shopper of the week! .... WOW lovely dies and stamps xx
    Sandra the card is beautiful, and really deserves a second showing. LOL

    Wishing you Paul Sophie and Lucy a lovely holiday. The way you described your holiday it sounds like quality family time which is what it should be. Thinking of you and hope you have a pleasant journey.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Oh what a time to arrive back home, no wonder you were tired after shopping as well. Glad you are with the living today though as being with the zombies is not a nice feeling, take care xx

    2. Hi Brenda, I can well imagine you needing a long nap after such a tring time. Glad you were able to have an early night and are feeling refreshed today.

    3. Hi Brenda,
      Missed you yesterday,good to hear you are ok. Pleased you caught up on your sleep, take care LOL XXX

    4. Hi BRENDA
      Gosh your like superwoman no wonder you needed that nap.
      I didn't buy everything at one shop it's over about two months I just forgot to take pictures so just sent the lot to Sandra.
      Take care love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all,
    hope your day have been alright and all pains, sores and everything else have let you have some peace.
    Lovely buy's from some of our ladies again. I love seeing it and I am the nosy one :-) Nice stamp and dies, the dog look adorable, love to see him made .
    Sandra ,Paul and girls, I hope your journey so far have been good and no delay at the ferry ports. Have a wonderful time and hope to hear from you soon.
    Had shopping to do this morning and the some house work, after that I was pooped so have just been sitting here writing e-mails and sorting out some things. Why do I always keep so much, I'm not anything like the hoarders you see on tv but it is always more then I need and I want more all the time. better go and make some room for it :-). Might pop in later to see if our missing friends have a minute to say HI, I miss you !
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xoxox

    1. oh sorry forgot the card, The Card is Beautiful ! xx

  11. Hi SANDRA & Friends
    Hope your journey has been ok with out hold ups. Enjoy your holiday all of you.
    I did do a long post this morning but lost it all when Internet stoped & post just froze up it's so frustrating & annoying. Any way can't remember what I had written the nurse rang me this morning to see if I was ok on the Diabetic tablets I said I was but getting very winded up so she laughed & said that was a side effect but should settle down she then said up them to two a day. So think I better stay in or die from embarrassment HaHa. I ask if she could look at my toe as it's still very sore & inflamed she made me a appointment can you believe next Tuesday my toe could drop off by then lol.
    We went to Ramsgate today it's Market day Fridays but we wanted the butchers
    Well I now have a walking stick as one of the stalls on the market sold a lot of disabled items like wheelchairs extra so I took the plunge it's a pretty flower one I felt a bit self continus but hay ho if it stops me falling over & helps me walk so be it.I don't like this getting older lark.
    Well I am going to see if this will publish will look in later
    Love Lynda xx
