
Thursday 11 August 2016

Good Morning Ladies,

Sadly I didn't get to see Sue yesterday as she was a little too poorly, Oh I was disappointed as it was the last chance I will get to see her before I go away, but I do wish you a speedy recovery my lovely.

So as I didn't get to see Sue I thought I would share one of  her fabulous butterfly cards with all of you, I absolutely adore this card Sue, you have used Creative Expressions  Delicate Garden Frame die to create the pretty part of your card, aren't the butterflies in that die set beautiful, the have dimension and style, so delicate. The sentiment has been stamped onto one of the Californian Collection Dies, it fits in this frame perfectly Sue.  A few sparkles to decorate the flowers is all that this stunning card needs to finish it off.
Thank you so much Sue for sharing your gorgeous card with us xxxx

I did get over to spend an hour with Pat yesterday afternoon, we put together a wedding card, that looked really pretty when we had finished it, I am so pleased to say that Pat looked so much better than the last time we saw her, almost back to normal really, which is amazing as its only about 2 and a bit weeks since surgery, it was lovely to spend a bit of time together as it will be mid September before we get to meet up again as Pat always starts her holiday on the last week of ours, I hope you are all sorted before you go Pat xxxx

We got a few more things sorted for holiday yesterday, today will be mostly packing the car, roof box and trailer, leaving the last few bits to go in on Friday morning, Sophie and Lucy helped Paul to wash and hoover out the car, clean windows etc,

Sophie said to thank you all for your kind comments and advice today, we will look into them when we return from holiday, she isn't so bothered about it while we are away as she said that nobody knows us.

Have you all been watching the Olympics, the Mens Gymnastics was amazing last night, I was supposed to be busy but kept getting distracted !

Enjoy the rest of your day, I think it supposed to be a warm one, enjoy that sunshine,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-what a gorgeous card, it's so pretty.

    Yesterday was busy at work, most importantly we got our plans signed off for the refurb work...yeah!! If everything goes to plan (I know, I can dream) then work will start on 17th October. There's so much to get sorted before then, maybe I'll get chance to discuss it with my boss today.

    It's very windy & wet here which is typical as it's the Southport Flower Show next week! Ogling in with my crazy friend on Thursday (day off work-yippee) as she gets complimentary tickets as a thank you for being a volunteer there for a number of years.


    1. Hi Michele
      I'm glad the plans got signed off, and in theory it should be full steam ahead. How lovely to be able to go to the Southport show as your friend gets complimentary tickets.

    2. Hi Michele, great newsvthat you refurb plans are going ahead. Hope the sorting out gets arranged today.
      How lovely to go to the Southport Show and for free-even better. When we lived in the UK we used to go to the show most years. Such a lovely day out.
      Bye for now Vaxx

  2. Good morning ladies,
    I'm just grabbing a quick moment as the last two days have been hectic! ! to say the least.
    Thank you for the lovely comments on my ( very quick) cards.
    Loved yesterday's card and Sue's card today is really beautiful I also love butterflies.
    So happy to hear Pat has healed so quickly, I hope Sue feels better today and Lynda 's toe ( such a painful thing) is improving.
    Sorry it's such short comment , I'm looking forward to having some me time soon.
    Sandra , I hope all your packing goes to plan and if I don't get back before you go I wish you a safe and comfortable journey and a fabulous holiday xo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Hope today is less hectic for you! Bet you can't wait for some me time ;-) Hugs xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and Friends, lovely morning here, but a distinct September chill in the air.
    Sue so sorry you were not well yesterday, hope you are much better to day. Love the card you have made, I have these dies, you have made me remember them, must get them out as I love them.

    Sandra hope the holiday prep going well, when are you off? If it's tomorrow hope you have a lovely time, we are away early tomorrow, for another tidy day at our house that is for sale.

    Lynda hope your toe is on the mend.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  4. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Lovely card from our Sue, love the layout and the colour is a favourite of mine. Sorry you are not well Sue, sending you well wishes and hugs and hope your day is better.
    karian- nice of you popping in. Do come back and join us in the cafe' anytime.
    Great to hear you looking better Pat, don't overdo things. So looking forward to see you at Ally Pally, sending you a bunch of hugs in the meantime.
    Lynda- take care. If feeling wobbly I would get some walking sticks, I use some every winter in case it's slippery. You don't want to see a hippo laying in the street and can't get up, not a good sight. :-)
    No sunshine here so perfect day for crafting and sort out more crafty stuff. Time for some breakfast and then feed the neighbours pets. Must say do I'm not keen on the guinea pigs, they are like hairy rats :-)
    Have a good day all, love and hugs Maria xoxo

    1. Hi Maria. Hope you have a lovely day crafting. Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog yesterday :-) Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Maria
      Happy crafting today, after you've fed the animals. It's sunny here but quite breezy.

    3. I'll try not to over do things Maria thanks for the hugs,

    4. Hi Maria, hope you're feeling ok now. Enjoy your afternoon of crafting. I haven't had anything to do with Guinea Pigs but not keen on rats. I used to have white mice as a child which I loved however.
      Bye for now

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love your pretty card Sue. The frame and butterfly are beautiful :-) Sorry you didn't get to meet up yesterday, I hope you're feeling better today x
    Pleased to hear you're a lot better Pat, sounds like you and Sandra had a good day crafting :-)
    Hope the rest of the packing goes well today, I can imagine you're all getting excited and looking forward to having a relaxing time :-)
    I saw some of the gymnastics last night and watched the diving too. Fantastic gold medal for our young men. I've been distracted by it too, as I've had it on while crafting!
    Have a lovely day everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I also watched the diving what a great result. Also the judo. Thanks for the good wishes.

    2. Hi Sonia
      The diving was fantastic as were the gymnastics last night. Also a gold for kyaking- brilliant. Just watched the rowing but sadly we came 5th.I'm watching whilst crafting as well.
      Take care Valx

  6. Get well soon SUE Lovely to hear that PAT is well and truly on the mend So glad to hear SOPHIE or was it LUCY (my brain is like a goldfish) isn't bothered as much whilst on hols Hope all goes to plan for October MICHELE
    Well just spent a fortune on new glasses I went to Spec Savers and couldn't see any as pretty as your MARGARET Hopefully OH and daughter have picked a couple of pairs that suit me - being as blind as a bat I cannot see what I'm looking at and even if they take a photo of me with them I just see my saggy face and can't tell if the glasses suit me! Daughter suggested having one pair with reactive lenses because I hate having to swap between glasses and sunglasses So laptop will have to wait for a bit I hope the rest if you are feeling better than yesterday - LYNDA etc - brain freeze again!
    Love your card SUE

    1. Hi Karen
      I also can't tell if glasses suit me. I always ask one of the assistants to help me. They always seem to give me good advice.

    2. Hi Karen, I have the same problem and always take Lynn with me when choosing.
      Living over here I do have reactive glasses. They're so good, they stop all the glare. I do have prescription sun glasses as well but I must admit I tend to fforget about wearing them. Sorry its put buying your laptop back a bit but your eyes are soo important, they have to come first.
      Bye for now.

    3. Hi Karen. Glad you got some new glasses sorted, fingers crossed you get a new laptop soon aswell! Thankyou for your lovely comment on my blog. Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely seeing both you and Paul yesterday afternoon. I'm glad we managed to finish the card I was trying to put together. Sandra has a much better eye for detail than me, and I always value her input. Thanks for bringing over some flowers and ribbon. It's a shame Sue was feeling poorly.
    Sue I love this card. Especially as it's in my favourite colours purple and white.

    1. Hi Pat, glad you had a good craft with Sandra and Paul yesterday. So glad to read you're looking good.
      Take care

  8. Hi Lynda
    Must have missed the bit where you said you had a bad toe. Hope it's feeling a bit better today.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra was it really a week ago we were sat in the hotel havibg a lovely time?
    Sorry you did not get to see Sue yesterday but good to hear Pat soo mich better. Hope the rest of packing goes well. Just have a lovely relaxing
    Sue hope you feel better today your card is
    Karen you will not regret having reactilite glasses makes life alot
    Pat good to hear you are progresding
    Lynda hope your toe is easier, be careful with it get it looked at if not
    Maria how much longer do you have to feed the animals? Enjoy your
    Nice & sunny here playing petanque this afternoon so must have some lunch, sending hugs to all who meed them love

  10. Hi Margaret, glad the weather is being kind to you. Enjoy your game of petanque this afternoon.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sorry Sue wasn't well enough to see yesterday but glad you had a good afternoon with Pat.
    Love your card Sue, the frame is so pretty and love the colour and the butterfly.
    Do hope you're feeling better today.
    Lynda, sorry to hear you've a problem with your toe. Hope it's a lot easier today.

    Well after all the worry of the last 3 weeks not having any health cover, I finally got to see the woman from the Social Security today. She couldn't understand why it's been blocked either and laughingly told me that someone must has pressed the wrong button!!! I can't see the funny side and could honestly have hit her. She had no idea of the stress its caused me. Lying awake during the night when everything seems worse, thinking how much Private Health care will cost for someone my age with my health problems and if I can't afford it where am I gong to live if I have to return to the UK. Anyway moan over. I've now got a form confirming I can have a new card. Have to take it to the clinic and they'll issue me with a new one phew.
    To celebrate I went and had my nails and my hair done AND bought a box of Maltesers!!!
    Had to break off then as I thought our rowers were going to win a silver medal but sadly they came 4th..

    Need to get my craft bag ready for Craft Club tomorrow. Don't these weeks go quickly?

    Have a good rest of the day everyone.
    Lorraine, hope you're feeling ok.
    Take care.
    Love Valxxx

  12. Hi Val. Glad you finally got your card sorted out! Think I would've probably felt like hitting the woman too after she laughed. Bet it was nice to get your nails and hair done after. Enjoy your Maltesers, and watching the Olympics :-) Hugs xxx

  13. Hi Val I'm so glad you managed to get your health insurance sorted out. I'd have wanted to hit the woman as well. It's no laughing matter when you think of what's at stake. Lucky you managing to get your nails done. I'm waiting for the chiropodist to ring me so I can make an appointment to have my nails cut. Then I need to ring the lady to come and paint my nails before I go away. Fires in Funchal which is where we're going. Oh dear, hope the fires are under control soon.

  14. Hi Sandra & friends
    SANDRA I hope your relaxing now packing all done.Glad you managed to see Pat yesterday but sorry Sue wasn't well.
    Sue hope your feeling better please take care sending you Big Hug's xx
    Thank you all for your best wishes my toe is still very sore but not so angry looking I will put some more ointment on & see if there is any more poison in it.
    Will get it checked if dosn't clear up. I sent SANDRA my Challenge card & made two pleated cards. Which I made today I love doing the pleated ones.
    Well just got my cupper from OH.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda. Hope your toe gets better soon and the ointment is helping. Glad you managed to get some crafting done. Am hoping to have a go at making a pleated card soon, they do look nice. Would love to see yours :-) Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. Hugs xxx

  15. Hello girls.
    Karen- Hope you got some nice glasses and you can see ok again. I have reactive glasses and they are good so you can sit and read outside, just take a little while to see again when going inside.
    Pat- where in Funchal are you staying ? You don't find it too hilly in Madeira ? It's bad with the fire going on . Terrible with the hotels and homes that been destroyed.
    Margaret- this is my second neighbours pet I'm looking after, they are back Sunday. We also had a white mouse ( living in the doll house) very soon it was many more. We always had dogs,cats,birds and fishes at some time. My sister came home with a stick insect ones but it didn't stay long. Has it really gone a week already, unbelievable ! Val- can't say how pleased I am you got your medical card at last. What a huha it all turned out to be and then have this woman laughing about it ,arrrgh
    Sandra- hope you by now have finished packing and you get away tomorrow the time you want to go. Tell Paul to drive carefully, he got very important cargo on-board and we love to see you back but first have a wonderful holiday and hope the weather is nice and hot. Have you remembered to pack the porta loo ? :-) and keep your wedding band on your finger at all times ! Massive hugs to you all, have a good night xxx
