
Wednesday 10 August 2016

Another Pretty Pleated card

Karen McClure's Pleated card

Good Morning Ladies

I just love the look of these gorgeous pleated cards, it doesn't matter what colour you make them in the look simply stunning.

Today's stunning Pleated Card has been made by the very lovely Karen McClure, a lovely friend of mine from FB, Karen had used a pretty pink dotty paper for her pleated section and embossed the top section of the card, some pretty ribbon neatly divides the too and a gorgeous die cut butterfly embellishes the card perfectly, I love the sentiment you have used Karen, good for thank you or birthday for that special friend in your life.  Thank you so much for allowing me to share your card
Karen xxx

Well I can tell you that the trip to the hospital with Sophie to see the Maxillo Facial Consultant was a complete and utter waste of time, fuel and parking fee!!! 
He (as they often do) had a certain air of arrogance about him to start with, which got my back up!  He then looked at Sophie's eye, had a little poke and feel and simply told us that he had only ever seen one other case of a Bruise still remaining after 9 months and that was also on a 16 year old girl, he went on to tell us that there was nothing that he could do to help Sophie, only time will tell if it will disappear completely, it could take years, this girl he was referring to still had hers at 18 months.
Sophie was very disheartened and explained to him that people automatically assume that she has been in some sort of fight rather than asking and finding out that it is a football injury!  She was also told by a tutor that it wasn't professional to turn up to an interview with a black eye (like we didn't know)! He did suggest that we might be able to get some kind of camoflage foundation to cover it, but none we tried before Prom covered it at all! I feel so frustrated as her Mum that I can't find a solution to her problem.  So a very frustrating morning.

We seem to be no further organised with packing, Paul was on nights last night so will be sleeping off this morning, he will then get to it, fingers crossed.

Hopefully seeing Sue today, and popping over to see Pat too.

Have a fab day everyone, thank you so much to all of those that have sent photos in for me to use while I am away on holiday.

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Katen-beautiful card, really lovely.

    I didn't manage to make a card last night. I carried on tidying for a while the hubby returned home-he'd been in Birmingham for 2 days in a training course with an exam late on Tuesday afternoon (something to do with Project Management)so I sat downstairs & finished my book. I think the idea of bringing a large box home from work to fill wil my excess stash is a good one so I'll do that today. Work was crazy busy but everything went smoothly so that's good. Today we have our planning meeting-we've chosen a dusky lilac colour for the walls & a grey/black flecked flooring. Should look nice against white cupboards & worktops.

    Sandra-if you go to your local Boots they'll advise you on camouflage make up. It's used to cover birthmarks etc so that should work perfectly on Sophie. I know it's not the answer but it might boost her confidence.


    1. Hi Michele
      Colours sound good to me. Nice and calming in your very busy environment.

    2. Hi Michele
      Love the colours you have chosen for your new room at work.
      Not sure was it you MICHELE that bought the MISI STAMPING SYSTEM. If yes is it with buying was it the small or large one.
      Have a good day.
      Thank you Hug's Lynda xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN- a lovely pleated card with vibrant colours which show off the pleats a treat.

    SANDRA- I really feel for Sophie as she's a beautiful young lady who always wants to look her best. Have you tried stage make-up -like Michele says I know it's not the answer for long term but it may help now.

    Hope you're not getting too stressed up about packing. It will all be done and ready. I just know Paul is a whizz and will have it all in hand. I've sent special hugs for you all today.

    I started my CC yesterday and then got distracted by a circular box which Christina had given me to keep material etc in so really must knuckle down today.
    I've also got to sort out my 'wash bag'. I've bought a new one in readiness for hospital so the one I'm using at the moment needs a good sort out. Just another job to be ticked off before the 24th.

    I hope everyone under the weather is feeling OK this morning and that SANDRA, SUE and PAT manage to get together.
    The Coffee/Tea pots are ready and waiting. The door and windows are open and inviting you all in. I see the goodies cupboard needs restocking so I'll see to that later. Hugs have been sent so all's good. xxxx

  3. Good Morning everyone.

    Love your card Karen - oh so pretty.

    Sandra, sorry you didnt have much luck with the doctor. Stupid man not realising how important it is to a 16 year old. Hope you manage to get some good camouflage make up. Good luck with the packing today.

    Dashing this morning as I have an appointment with the Social Services to get my medical card hopefully sorted out.

    Have a good day everyone. Special wishes to Pat, lynda and Maria. Hope it's a good day for you all. Love to everyone else not feeling so good today.
    Love Valxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card by Karen. Loving these pleated cards, they look very effective. Another one to go on my list of things to try :-)
    Oh Sandra, sorry to hear you had a frustrating trip yesterday with Sophie. I know it's been said before, and you have probably tried many things, but there must be some sort of make up available somewhere, and perhaps a second opinion from a female specialist would be more helpful? A thought for applying for jobs and attending interviews - if Sophie has a CV, or when filling in application forms it could be added in the hobbies section that she loves her sport and although she has sustained a noticeable injury it hasn't stopped her enjoying what she does and doesn't hold her back. Or words to that effect if you see what I mean! Interviewers would then be aware and would hopefully not just jump to the wrong conclusion that Sophie had been in a fight. Hope that helps. Just my opinion, but as Mothers we want the best for our children and to help them all the way we can.
    Hope you have a lovely day with Sue, and visiting Pat :-) Fingers crossed Paul has all the packing finished when you get back! ;-))
    Hoping everyone under the weather is keeping well, and to all have a good day whatever you are doing :-)
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Thank you Sonia x Sandra done a wonderful tutorial for it and it is so simple to follow x

  5. Lovely card KAREN
    I feel sad for you SANDRA at the snotty attitude of the consultant (I used to work for a few of those) You didn't go because of the cosmetic thing, you went because you were worried that it was something medically wrong and he should know that if he was worth his salt! I agree with MICHELE - go to Boots and ask about camouflage make up (nice colours you've pickedMICHELE for work, very calming)
    Good luck VAL with the medical card
    The cafe looks lovely (as always) today As I'm on my hols I may stay longer and just watch the world go by

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so sorry to hear you had a wasted appointment then yesterday, he obviously has no daughters of his own. Hope the suggestions from the other ladies may help. If you get to see Pat give her a hug from me. Hope Paul gets packing
    Karen your card is lovely thank you for allowing us to see it.xx
    Busy day today ,Petanque this morning hair cut 1.30 then taking friends for hearing aid check later.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Pretty card Karen, very nice pleat.
    Sorry for you all having a wasted journey to see the doctor for Sophie. Hopefully she will found something to help cover it up but you liked to know why it takes so long to go. Ask to see a female doctor next time. Good luck with the packing, take care
    Have a good day all, off to Ikea this morning ,see you later. love and hugs to all Maria xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop

    Karen your card is absolutely gorgeous love the colours you've used it. I haven't tried making a pleated card yet, it on my list of projects to try, don't think it will look as good as yours.

    Sandra and Sue hope you have a good crafting time, give Pat a hug from me.xx

    I can't believe the attitude of the Doctor you saw. Well I can as John had a similar experience before he had his prostate treatment. We came away feeling we had wasted his time. A few days later he had a letter to attend the Royal Marsden (Cancer hospital) I really feel for Sophie I hope this experience will not put her or you off trying to find answers to this injury, and maybe as it has already been suggested she could try theatre make up as a temporary fix. LOL

    Maria, Pat and Lynda, hope you are all OK just don't push yourself to hard ladies xx

    Sandra, I'm sure Paul in his head has already started to sort out the packing for your holiday. just don't get yourself worked up about it, it will all come together in the end. xxx

    Hope everyone has a great day, take care, love Brenda xxxx

    1. aww bless you Brenda x Sandra has done such a fab tutorial for it that if I can do it anyone can xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely card Karen has made. Love the colours you've used Karen.
    Well, I'm absolutely flabbergasted that the Dr couldn't help Sophie. Surely something could be done, rather then just wait for it to disappear on its own. As you say such a waste of time and money. Look forward to seeing both you and Sue later today.

  10. Hi ladies, back from the Social Services. The lady I had the appointment with had gone out and" can I come back tomorrow"!!! As it is a technical matter, I had to take an interpreter with me at 50 euros. What a waste of time and money. So frustrating.
    Anyway just popped back to say enjoy your get together Sandra and Sue and hope you find Pat well.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      As it wasn't your fault that the lady you made an appointment wit, perhaps they'll pay for the next interpreter. No harm in asking. I'd be furious. They wouldn't like it if they were coming to you and you decided to go out.

    2. Sadly Pat Spanish Authorities aren't like that. I think they'd rather give me their teeth than hand over money.ha ha.
      Take care Valxx

    3. Sorry Val they are letting you run around like this for a med. card. As it was now their fault I can't believe you have to pay for a translator again. Fingers crossed it all get sorted tomorrow, take care xx

  11. Hi SANDRA & friends
    Just lost my comment grrrr.
    So sorry for Sophie bet she is so frustrated after her waisted appointment yesterday as well as you are. You should put in a complaint & try & ask to see another doctor.
    Have a lovely day with Sue & Pat sending you all Hug's a BIG one for Pat.
    SANDRA please don't stress yourself out with the packing i'm sure Paul will sort it in a flash. Val so sorry you waisted your time & money at the social services that's terrible for to just go out when you have a booked appointment & knowing you needed a interpreter. That makes it double money for tomorrow just hope you get sorted. Hug's
    Pat the cream my frend got for her hands was Sucibet but it's only available on prescription. Hope you had a good day with Sandra & Sue Hug's xx
    Just got back from our walk at Broadstairs & listening to the folk bands.
    My blister on big toe has gone poisonous so I have bought some Magnesium Sulphate past to draw it out. I'm defently falling to pieces it's been one thing after another. Oh well keep on moving I am seriously thinking of getting a walking stick since I had that bad fall I have lost My confidence walking poor old lady haha. Oh dear sorry moaning again I will be band from the cafe' at this rate.��
    Hope you have all had a good day. Hope Paul has sorted your packing Sandra.
    When do you actually leave,Karen your card is lovely very pretty x
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hope you had a nice day listening to the folk bands, so sorry do you have so many problems. Could the blister be because of your meds ? Please take care with these things, they can take forever to heal but I hope yours want. Big hug xx

  12. Hello All , sorry thought I had posted this morning, seems to have disappeared, probably forgot to press publish, blame it on age.

    Karen beautiful card, must have ago at the pleated card.

    Sandra so sorry you had such a frustrating hospital appointment yesterday, poor Sophie, hope she manages to find some makeup to help.

    Lynda, sorry you have a bad blister take care, try using a walking pole, not so hard on the hands, I use both walking stick or a pole depending how I feel.

    Watching Leonie on Hochanda, love the cross dies, but not spending as they have decided to cut back on work as apparently the new girls have been going overboard doing hundreds, so not much left to do now, so have to watch the pennies. A good thing really make me use my up what I have here.

    Have a good evening , hugs for all Lilian

  13. Just popped in to wish you all a good night and hope your day have been good.
    Littlelamb, missing you. Hope you be back soon and Cheryl, hope you are alright ?
    Sending well wishes and hugs to all who need one.
    Had a nice morning with a walk and then breakfast at Ikea. Shopping in Asda for a few bits, never seem to be a lot in the cupboards for long when you have a son living at home :-) Didn't manage any crafting today but hope to make some tomorrow, so many birthdays in September to make for so best get a wiggle on. Good night all xxx

  14. Thank you for all the lovely comments I love Sandras blog for inspiration x Sending lots of love and hugs Karen xxx
