
Tuesday 9 August 2016

A collection of Anne's Fantastic cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I am excited to share with you today a selection of Anne's fantastic cards, I don't think that these amazing hand made cards will be on your local Garden Centre's shelves for very long Anne, you have some fantastic 'male' cards Anne.  What man wouldn't love the 'man shed' card, although we will never truly know what their fascination is! The Gnome card too, curious things aren't they? I find them a little bit scary ;o !
The card with the beautfiul Ivy die cut would be perfect for the 'Lady Gardener' those wellies are very posh, I love the Kingfishers too, the sentiment on the Plant Label is an inspired touch Anne.
The Cute frogs could be a birthday for a best friend card, an anniversary card, or even a 'thanks for being there' card, leaving it blank covers all of those events, genius!  Thank you so very much for sending me your cards to share with everyone Anne xxx

Lynda, I do hope your hospital appointment went ok yesterday, You really have been through the mill lately.  My daughter Becca has to take Methotrexate, along with Folic acid, the only negative is that it quite commonly cause nausea, which Becca suffered with and in now on Methotrexate administrated via an 'Epi-pen' style injection, which hopefully will work better for her.  Matt had it too for a few years but has had to move on to a different drug for past couple of years, I can tell you that both of them saw a quick change after starting the methotrexate and apart from not being able to drink much alcohol both of them were able to live a pretty normal life thanks to the drug! I am sure you will have the same results, sending huge hugs your way my lovely xxx

Maria you could use pearls to create the curve across your card or just do some 'inked hills' like Barbara Grey, or the 'inkyliscious lady'  to create a scene on the card, just a torn paper border would work too, you know me, anything goes!! xxx

Brenda, Paul got some new tyres for the car today (ouch) and sorted a few other bits and pieces, we do take a few basics with us on holiday, tea bags, coffee, etc, we have a electric cool box so we can take meat etc too, more importantly this year with the £/euro being so much less than last year.
we cook most days to be honest and go out for treat days maybe 5/6 days our of the 3 weeks we are away, but the seafood is so fresh and affordable where we stay paella with loads of seafood is a homemade treat that we all love!  Our main rule on holiday is no timetables, we eat when we are hungry, so no rushing back to cook tea or to get ready for a particular time, which makes it a super relaxed holiday especially for Paul. xxx

Pat, you will probably be a little bit sore today as it sounded like you did an awful lot yesterday, I hope you don't suffer too much my lovely. I hope you got all your holiday bits sorted.
Feet up today, no arguments, (my turn to be mummy) xxx

Sonia, I have seen Anna Marie's new paper pads and I love, love, love them, although they do seem a little bit expensive at first glance, I'll race you!!! xxx

Lorraine my email is:     I look forward to seeing your cards, I hope today is a good day for you xxx

Karen, you are so right, I absolutely love the new die set, I couldn't wait to use them, funny think is that they aren't new out, they are quite old i think, but I did what we all do, saw a card made with them on Pinterest and that was it, I can see me reaching for them quite alot, so apologies in advance!
Enjoy your few days off together, I wonder how many things you will find that you had forgotten about?? xxx

Janet, omg Christina's house sounds divine, a real home, warm and welcoming! I cannot wait to see 'Hearn the Hunter', if the Winter Goddess and 'Mr Peacock'  are anything to go by! A very gifted Crafter just like her Mummy xxx

Val, I hope you got to the bottom of that Ironing Pile whilst watching the Olympics, what's your favourite sport to watch??

Lilian, I hope your day working was the rest that you required after being busy in the garden over the weekend.  Maybe today you will get to relax properly in your craft room xxx

Anne, like you I absolutely love the organising part of the holiday preparations, I am a 'list maker' and therefore have so many lists on the go at the moment, I need a list to organise my lists!!
The unpacking is so much of an anti climax isn't it, your holiday that you have been looking forward to all year is over and you have about 10 loads of washing to get washed, dried and put away! Although I have promised to cut down the amount of clothes I pack this year, as I get reminded every year ''i bring most of it back untouched''! (I like to pack for every eventuality)!
Becaused we are camping we have to try and remember everything from tin openers to clothes pegs, jugs bowls and tin foil, my lists go on and on and on..... hahaha, looking forward to seeing your latest cards xxx

Sue, Well.......did you get it done?? your challenge card?  I am just pulling your leg, when I look back at the challenges you have had a card featured in most of them! By the way I do have a list that says
''Wednesday .....Sue '' so you are in my schedule, I hope you can make it xxx

Michele, I hope your day wasn't as hectic as you were anticipating, I hope it didn't take too long to bring your boss up to date and get things sorted for your move etc, you have had a lot of upheaval at work this year with one thing and another, does that mean you will be bored when things go back to normal after you get sorted and moved back in?! Did your ideas stay in your mind long enough for your to get back into your craft room...? I do hope so xxx

I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and huge huggles to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-what a fabulous collection of cards, they're great.

    Work was ok yesterday, today is looking like it will be very busy-two new patients being treated with chemotherapy on top of a bust list.

    I have to confess I didn't manage to make anything last night. I decided my craft room needed "sorting out" do I took out lots of the boxes & storage drawers & put them on the landing/into hubby's office. I moved the desk & bookcase then started to put things back. Had the window wide open by this stage as I was rather warm! Put most things back in the room but let's just say, this was not one of my better decisions as I have a huge pile of things that have nowhere to go....!!! I think the main problem is "I have TOO much stash"!!!!!!!! So tonight I can either a) carry on sorting or b) dump everything that's on my desk on the floor to join the rest of the surplus stash & start a card. I think I'll see how tired i feel as I didn't sleep much last night, not sure why.


    1. Hi Michele, I think thats my problem as well. Too much stash and not enough space. I did sort the whole room a few weeks ago and ashamed to say its looking as bad as ever.
      Hope you're not too busy in work today.
      Maybe take a large box home from work and put all the stuff off your desk in it, make the card and then you can sort the box out another time. Problem solved ha ha.
      Take care.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Michel
      That's my problem as well. To much stash and not enough storage space. Good idea Val, I need to dump everything in a box, however, then I'd be wondering what I'd put in it.

    3. Hi Michele. I didn't manage to craft yesterday either! Got sidetracked doing lots of silly little jobs then fell asleep about 3pm and didn't wake up until just after 7pm!
      Good for you with starting the craft room sort out. I know just what you mean about being left with loads of stash with nowhere to put it. I think Val's idea of putting everything on your desk into a big box to be sorted at a later date. I hope you manage to sleep better tonight, maybe you were subconsciously thinking about where to put the left over stash?. My Dad swears by thinking about the problem just before going to sleep and then he usually wakes up in the morning knowing just what to do. Maybe you could give it a try? Hope work is ok today x

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, beautiful blue sky here today.

    Anne your cards are great, lovely to see male cards.

    Lynda hope the hospital visit went well, and they will soon sort you out.

    Pat hope you are getting about a bit now, I think the key is little and often. Do you have any physio these days, I know that helped me a lot after my knee op.

    We'll have to go to the chiropodist this morning as have had painful spot on my foot for ages, and as I have artificial knee can't see what it is so thought I'd better get it seen .

    Lorraine do hope you are feeling a bit better.

    Have a good day all, hugs all round Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      No we don't have physio at all. Only a list of exercises to do at home. Hope the chiropodist sorts your foot out for you.

    2. Hi Lilian. Please will you send your nice weather up to us? It's quite cloudy and still really breezy here: (
      I hope you get an answer from the chiropodist about the spot on your foot x

    3. Hi LILIAN thanks hospital was ok just a blood test
      Hope chiropodist went ok. Have a nice evening
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    ANNE- I love all your cards but have to confess that the Wellies are my favourite with Mushrooms closely following. I'm also very sure they'll not be on the shelves very long.

    PAT- hope you're not suffering this morning after such a busy day yesterday. Take it steady afterall you want to enjoy your hols.

    MARIA- hope you're feeling better today.

    Well I didn't get around to looking at this week's CC but did manage to finish off all the packs for Knit & Natter next week so hopefully and everything crossed I'll manage it today.
    We had a very windy day yesterday; still very warm and sunshine but it was so windy. Seems to have settled this morning and at the moment the sun is shining.

    Everything is sorted and ready in the CAFE and open ready for business so come on in. Have a good day everyone whatever you all get up to. Hugs have been despatched to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      After having the ends of my stitches out this morning I'm having a relatively quiet day I've decided.

    2. Hi Janet. I'm glad you managed to finish the Knit and Natter packs as they do play on your mind, don't they! Have a relaxing day doing the CC x

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne just love your 4 cards. Great for men and wonderfully themed for sale in the
    Garden Centre.Especially like the one with the gnomes. Very cute.

    Lilian, hope you get on ok at the chiropodist. Glad it's sunny in your part of the Country.

    Maria, so sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Do hope that having a good sleep made you feel a lot better.

    Lynda, hope the hospital visit went well. Is Bambi doing ok now?

    Sandra, I'm a list maker as well. Just have to make one for holidays. I prefer the Field and Track events and Gymnastics at the Olympcs but am watching anything and everything even womens rugby which is usually a turn off for me.
    I did apply 4 years ago fot tickets when it was in London but sadly I wasn't successful.

    I'm off to a friends house for coffee this morning. She has just got a small rescue dog which I'm looking forward to meeting.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hope you have a nice meet with your friend and her new dog.

    2. Hi Val. I'm glad you are enjoying the Olympics. I must admit I am not a big fan but do try and watch when our team are competing. Have a good time at your friends meeting her new dog x

    3. Hi Val hospital was ok only blood test got another one Monday I feel like a pin cushion haha,
      Bambi was a bit livelier today got a few smiles out of her a big teethy grin she looks so funny. I think & hope he is going to be ok.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    Great collections of cards from our Anne this morning, good to see some men ones. Love the frogs :-)

    Packing for holidays, I read somewhere that you should put everything out you want and then split it in half. So far no luck but getting better hihi
    Hard to know how the weather going to be over three weeks so you need quite a variety, not just the skimpy bikini.
    Lynda, you moan as much as you want. glad you managed to do a walk but sad you suffering so afterwards. Sending you some special hugs.
    Michele, moving things around seem to make it accumulate, not sure how but it is a bit scary. Some of mine are now stored in the garage, hope to remember them.
    Pat have a nice day but like we all say ,do take it slowly. Sending you some extra hugs.
    Good luck with the chiropodist Lilian.
    Lorraine, hope you feeling more yourself and have a better day, use the soapbox anytime you want :-)
    Feeling a bit better so we are going for a walk this morning before Waitsose for a drink and reading the news.
    I wish you all a nice day, sun is back in Bucks.
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xoxox

    1. I'm glad your feeling better today Maria. A quiet day for me as well. Thanks for the hugs.

    2. Hi Maria. I'm so glad that you are feeling a bit better today, please take it nice and easy.
      I have tried the same packing advice, but like Sandra I have to take enough to cover any weather! I am getting better, but it's not easy is it? x

    3. Glad you are feeling better this morning Maria, take it easy

    4. Hi Maria,
      Pleased to hear you feel better today. Hope you enjoyed your walk & the sun shone. Take care xxx

  6. Morning all Well day 1 of clearing out my craft room and getting rid of too much stash (MICHELE) came to a standstill when daughter asked if we fancied going to hers Well a chance for a cuddle with Oscar was not going to be turned down! So will carry on today I haven't found stuff I'd forgotten about (yet)

    1. Hi Karen
      Clearing out a craft room or cuddles with Oscar. Definitely no contest there then Karen.

    2. Hi Karen. Cuddles with Oscar are the best reason to take a break from sorting your craft room. How lovely : ) Good luck today, you sound like your craft room is well organised if you haven't found anything that has been forgotten x

    3. Hi Karen,
      Enjoy the cuddles while you can they soon grow up. Hope your craft room looking better

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful cards from Anne :-) Can see them selling out quickly!
    Sandra, I'm with you on that the Blissful paper pads are a bit pricey! However, they do look stunning and I love the different colours. Think I will be saving for a while ;-) Have you or anyone else ordered from Anna Marie before? Was wondering what their delivery was like as I'm wary of ordering from sites I've not used online before!
    Managed to make some more cards yesterday, and make a start on a couple of others. I'm definitely on a roll!
    The dentist went ok. Luke had a small filling, and my check up cost me £20! I did think that my £20 would've been better spent on craft items, namely those beautiful paper pads - which of course would last a lot longer than the 15 minutes I was actually sat in the chair, lol ;-)
    Pat, sounds like you're improving each day. Please take it easy and don't overdo it x
    Lorraine, hope you're felling better today and your voice is returning after your ice cream x
    Lynda, glad blood test went ok and in general you're starting to feel a little better x
    Maria, hope you had a better night and your tummy is better today x
    Lilian, hope the visit to the chiropodist goes ok x
    Sandra, hope the packing goes well. Sounds like you're going to have a lovely relaxing holiday x
    Well, I suppose I best go and get ready for work! Hoping everyone has a good day. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I'm glad that the dental check up wasn't too painful, both physically and financially! It is so annoying to have to spend money on things that are not craft related, isn't it? I must have a look at Anne Maries new paper pads, but then again if I do I will be wanting them I'm sure. Oh well, they will just have to go on the ever growing wish list : ) Hope work goes ok today x

    2. Hi Sue. The paper pads look gorgeous :-) My wish list grows by the day, and that £20 for the dentist could've definitely been better spent, lol :-) Hope you're having a good day. Hugs xxx

    3. Yes I agree Sandya the money spent at the dentist could have bought some gorgeous pads. But Hey Ho we have to go through these routines, although financially it goes against the grain!
      Like you I was on a roll yesterday, daughter asked me at the weekend for a wedding card for her cleaning lady. Well I actually have 4 waiting for her approval, non of them stuck down, just in case she wants to add or take away any bits, have emailed the picture, just waiting for her chooses. xx

    4. Hi Sonia,
      I bought some Anne Marie paper ages ago but it was in the sale, Sandra told me about it, they are lovely & as far as I can remember they took about a week, hope that

    5. Brenda, I like your idea of having some prepared and ready to be completed after approval :-) Great to have the others in your stash too.
      Thank you Margaret for letting me know. Have bought from Anna Marie at a craft show, but not online. Had a problem with a company a few years back and am always a bit wary ordering online the first time!
      Hugs xxx

    6. Hi Sonia
      Haven't ordered online from Anne Marie but I know Sandra has. I must say I don't like paying the postage. We went over to her warehouse when she had an open day though.

  8. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Anne I love your cards, I'm sure they will go down really well at the garden centre, I think all the gardeners will be over the moon to find cards specially tailored for them.

    Sandra, yes I'm also a list person, I think it's essential, I'd be forgetting things all over the place. Especially when my craft items are!

    This morning I'm off for yet another blood test hopefully my bloods have settled down to their normal reading.

    Lynda and Pat sending you both a very gentle hugs to you take care dear friend. XX
    Have a good day will pop in later, love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope your blood test goes ok, and that it's settled down now.
      I made and appointment today for a CDM appointment with the Health Care assistant. That's a Chronic Disease Management check up apparently. Not that I knew I had a chronic disease. Unless Barrett's Oesophagus is a chronic disease. I'll ask when I go down. The hospital want my Sodium checked as it was very low on hospital, but apparently that can't be done at the same time.
      Thanks for the hugs.

    2. Hi Brenda. I'm glad you are able to comment again. It is so frustrating when you can't isn't it.
      I hope the bloods show that you are settling back down. Have a good day x

    3. Hi Brenda. Hope the blood test went ok. Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs xxx

    4. Thank you ladies for your thoughtful and kind wishes. Blood test went okay, its still not 100% so go back in a fortnights time. I think we are going in the right direction now, medication has been adjusted - again!

    5. Hi Brenda,
      Pleased the blood test went ok, hope the increased tabs help. Take care xxx

    6. Hi BRENDA you are like a pin cushion too like me I have to have blood tests every week to check things are ok.
      Hope they sort you out soon
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi SandraAnne I love seeing your selection of cards today. I especially love the toadstool. Well, I've ordered some more Groovi plates as it looks like my original order from July didn't go through online. They're going to send it out today for me. But did anyone see Barbara's Bra and Pants yesterday. Wow, they were fabulous, might be next on my want list. Look forward to seeing you and a Sue tomorrow. I had my stitches, well just the ends of dissolvable ones really out this morning.

    1. Hi Pat. It sounds like you were very busy yesterday, no doubt doing too much! Please make sure you do sit back and relax today dear friend. I'm glad that you have got rid of the stitches now. Looking forward ton seeing you tomorrow : )x

    2. Hello Pat yes I saw BARBARA GREY with the Bra & Pants they looked Gorgeous didn't they. I have got to practice more with the Groovi plates. Why haven't we seen any of your parchment cards,I would love to see pictures please Pat,
      Love Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Lynda
      Never to sure why but my reply didn't go under your name but at the bottom of the comments.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Anne, what a lovely range of cards, each one perfect for garden lovers. I bet they will fly off of the shelf. Thank you for sharing them with us : )
    Sandra, I bet you are really stressing now, getting everything ready for your holiday. Like you I would be lost without my lists, and I get teased that I need a list for my lists : ) I'm glad that I am on your list for tomorrow, I don't want to miss getting my special friends "fix" before you go away : ) I hope Sophies appointment goes well today and she gets some answers, bless her.
    Lorraine, I'm glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Sorry that you are struggling with the kettle though. You can get a sort of frame thing (don't know the proper name) that lets you tip the kettle without having to pick it up, or get yourself a small travel kettle and only put enough water in it (using a small jug so you don't have to carry the filled kettle between the sink and the socket) for one cup/mug of tea/coffee. I hope you don't mind me making these suggestions but been there, got the t shirt etc. : ) I hope you have a good day x
    Lynda, I'm sorry your feet are still hurting so much. It sounds like you had a nice time yesterday but relax and rest those feet today while you sit and chat to your friend Margaret. Lucky you getting her Todo dies, enjoy playing with them : ) x

    1. Hi Sue
      Thank again for your kind words. I realy believe if I was sent to the hospital when I asked three or four years ago they woulde't be as bad now. Have a lovely day with SANDRA & Pat tomorrow.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Isn't that always the way with Drs. That's why I went private for my right hip as I'd had tablets ( no effect ) injections ( no effect ) and I'd still never been referred. I asked this time if I could skip that bit and be referred straight away. Luckily she agreed.

  11. !!! Finger trouble there!!! I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need Take care xx

  12. Hello again it's moaning mini here again !
    Went to the chiropodist this morning, she was very nice didn't really do much , apparently I have several corns on one foot, when I asked why only one food , it's due to having had an artificial knee, which is one of the old style metal ones, which has altered my gait !!!! Still glad it was nothing too serious, she trimmed them and told me to keep nails and base of foot filed everyday, because I take anticoagulant she didn't want to cut too much, any way feels better now.
    Of course I did not cheque book with and didn't have much cash , but they do not use cards , so had to hobble to the bank , then the cash machine didn't work, so queued up in the bank for them to tell me it was working ok now.
    What a waste of a morning.
    Have to say it's lovely and sunny and only a gentle breeze.

    Has anyone got any ideas for getting tomatoes to ripen, have loads of green ones, but not one even beginning to turn.

    Well I hope you all are having a lovely day. Hugs Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian,
      What a frustrating morning you had, how the feet feel better now. Having had both hips replaced I cannot reach to do my toes luckily Alan is happy to do it for me & he makes a good job of it so it saves my alot.
      We have sun but still

    2. Hi Lilian
      You've had a frustrating morning by the sound of it. Not to sure why a knee replacement should effect just one foot.
      I also can't do my toes, but I have the chiropodist come to cut my toe nails. I also get seed corns but on both feet.

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you had some answers for Sophie today. Enjoy your meet up tomorrow hope you find Pat more
    Anne your cards are lovely so suitable for sale in a garden centre, I am sure they will sell out
    Had good games of Petanque this morning the fact we won both was a bonus.
    Sending hugs to all who need them in particular Lynda, Lorraine & Pat love

  14. Hi Lynda
    Probably because I haven't made any cards. I've just done the actual Groovi bits. I'm doing some Christmas ones so I'll try and finish them off and pass them on th Sandra. I meant to order some coloured parchment today but totally forgot.
    Hope your feeling better today and your medication starts to kick in soon.

    1. Hi Pat
      Do you do the cutting bit I find that quite hard. So I have only done the picture. My friend she is very good at it she made a lovely Butterflys on my birthday card.with the cutting on the wings xxxx

  15. Hello SANDRA & Friends
    ANNE your cards are all lovly so appropriate for a garden centre well done
    SANDRA hope LUCY got on ok at hospital give her a Hug from me.
    Have a lovely day with Sue & Pat tomorrow. Is it this weekend you go on holiday
    Went round to Margarets instead as her hands have broken out in blisters she went doctor & they said it was exma ,just gave her some cream twice a day. Her fingers are very swollen so couldn't drive.anyway she has given me more Todo dies & foil so will have a play tomorrow.. Must do the cc as well as two birthday cards.Maria hope you feel better today & tummy not so painful.
    Lorraine hope your ok & feeling better too.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  16. Hi Lynda
    I wonder if your friends cream for her exema will work. If it does I'd be interested to hear what's it's called. Mine for my psoriasis has never worked.

    1. Hi Pat I will ask her the name of it tomorrow. I know it's a antibiotics cream only uses it twice a day. Will let you know xx

  17. Popping in to say thanks again for good wishes as they are still working.
    Managed to go to the cinema this afternoon but it tired me out and I slept through most of the Gymnastics grr
    Will chat more tomorrow x
