
Monday 8 August 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Card

The Sketch

My Challenge Card (close up)

Good Morning Ladies,

Monday morning again, which means Sketch Challenge day, I have gone for a Simplistic sketch this week.  I hope that you find this one easy to use.  It works anyway around, if you have the curved section at the bottom looks like a hill, so you could use it for landscaping, as snowbanks for Christmas cards, it looks fab sideways on too.

I look forward to seeing your creations ladies x

Busy week for us this week,  loits to do to get organised for our holiday, I am intending to continue the blog as normal while we are away. I couldn't bare to be away from you all for that long !!

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a really nice sketch. My mind is already buzzing with ideas-lets hope they stay around until tonight when I hope to get straight into my craft room.

    It's still really windy here-it's quite freaky. We had some rain last night but not as much as predicted which is a shame as everything is so dry.

    My boss is back today after 2 weeks off-I have so much to tell her. The most exciting thing is we have to choose the flooring & wall colours for our new work space, then we have a meeting on Wednesday to get everything signed off so it can go out to tender. There won't be many companies who can bid for the job as it's such a specialist area. I managed to visit our temporary workspace last week (we have to move out while the refurb is going ahead) and it's been tidied up quite a bit so it's all looking good.

    Off up to leave a copy of the sketch on my craft table ready for tonight.


    1. Good morning Michele,
      Have a calm day at work, although it sounds like that's unlikely!!
      Glad you like the sketch!!!
      Wind has died down a little now, was blowing the curtains like crazy through the night!!
      Fingers crossed for a good day for you,

    2. Hi Michele. Have a good day, at least your manager is back so you can get those colours chosen. How long will you have to be in the temporary place? And will it make your work harder, I hope not. Good luck with the CC tonight x

    3. Hi Michele, have a good day at work. Nice with some new colours. Have fun card making tonight xx

    4. Hi Michele
      Your boss should be very pleased with you then. Hope you day isn't to fraught. Happy crafting later today.

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Love your card Sandra! I think the colours and flowers are so pretty , it will be a good challenge to do, I always enjoy the packing for a holiday but have to say I absolutely hate the unpacking when we get home again, wonder why that is ha ha ! Hope it all goes well for you, just take it in easy stages , I like to make a list and then get great pleasure just ticking them off ( easily amused lol! )
    Iain got up for Tollie this morning so I got to lie for a little longer which I enjoyed.
    I managed to some crafting yesterday as I had quite a few cards to catch up on, like Sonia I felt happy just to get crafting for a while, I tried a technique I saw John do with painting pva glue and water on to shiny card stock ( I didn't have the Cosmos powders he used) so I used Brusho , I was pleased with the result and made a card with it ( sort of sea and sky effect) .
    I had also made a special card for a friends 70th birthday (Anna Marie style 10" long ) I had thought she would be up to visit and I could hand it to her ( not easy to post) but she can't manage up now before her special day so I had to make a smaller one which I put in a box.
    Also made a 40th one for her son with the crazy bird stamps , so enjoyed doing that, children and Tollie were all down at Fiona's house and I got peace!
    Well , I have to do housework today Can't put it off any longer ( wish I had a magic wand !) but I'll feel good when it's done.
    Hope you all have a lovely day with good weather, love and hugs xoxo

    1. Morning Anne,
      I would love to see your latest creations, especially the Anne Marie style one, the John L one sounds pretty too, I love those brushos, they are high on my crafts to buy list !!
      Glad you got to lie in this morning, having a new puppy can be exhausting.
      Hope you whizz through housework so you can craft some more!

    2. Hi Anne. Glad you managed to get time to do some crafting too :-) Would also love to see your Anna Marie style card. Have you seen/got the new Blissful paper pads? They look absolutely gorgeous and I'm saving the pennies whilst deciding which colours to buy! ;-)
      Have a lovely day. Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Anne. Having a little extra time in bed is a good way to start the day isn't it : ) Please can we see both of the cards you made? I hope the house work gets done quickly x

    4. Hi Anne, you have a good day and perhaps after some hovering this morning you can get back to some more enjoyable this afternoon. Take care in the wind xx

    5. Hi Anne
      Glad you managed to have a lie in this morning. Hope to see your creations as well. Can I borrow your manic wand please. Petes not doing much in the way of housework as he's keen to keep his garden up to date.
      Next door planted trees as posts up against our boundary fence a few years ago. Trouble is there growing into our garden by Petes greenhouse. He cut most of them down a few weeks ago and buried his sycatears, not to sure if that's spelt right though, under the branches.
      Next door are tree lovers, however they've let them take over and now they have no room to hang out any washing, well they do but it gets caught up on the trees.

  3. Good morning Sandra and Friends, well at last we have a sunny morning.

    Great sketch , and your card is lovely especially like the beaded trim.

    Did a lot more cutting back yesterday, so working today which will seam like a rest.

    Have a lovely day whatever you are doing, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. You should be very pleased with all of the gardening you have done over the weekend. Sewing the hoods will be easy after all of the pruning. It's still really windy here too so I'm using that as my excuse to stay in and craft : ) x

    2. Hi Lilian
      Your garden will ge looking a treat after all your hard work.

  4. That should read seem like a rest .

    1. Morning Lilian,
      Hoping you don't have to work too hard today, your garden must be looking lovely after all your hard work.
      I'm glad you like the sketch, can't wait to see your cards.

    2. Hi Lilian. hope you not aching too much after all your gardening and your thumbs are alright. take care xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- love this week's CC and your card is beautiful. your colours are so calming and peaceful. Hoping to do better this week re CC than last.

    MICHELE- have a good day and hoping it will be slightly less hectic but as your boss is back hoping it will take some of the stress off you.

    LILIAN- your garden wall etc will look gorgeous when you have done the job in hand and hopefully that awkward neighbour of yours will be happy. Take it steady working today.

    We had a good day yesterday having our usual lunch in Bakewell (very very busy but of course it's the height of the tourist season and so lots of photos being taken in front of the 'Bakewell Pudding Shop' etc)and then on to Christina's home. We stayed inside as it was more than a little windy so as usual we sat in the kitchen around the old table. She is in the middle of creating a very large Willow Sculpture of 'Hearn (sp) the Hunter for their builder. He is 9ft tall so much bigger than the Winter Godess and coming on a treat. Their house is a very old farmhouse with a 60s extension and having had a new utility room/bathroom extension put on this year they are now attacking the entrance hall and staircase. This is in the original old part and up to now they have taken all the plaster off the walls back to the stone work. It will be beautiful when all is finished.

    Well as it's Monday it's Mr Tesco this morning and I'm expecting delivery of a new Microwave today. I have to finish off the packs of contents for my Take and Make a week tomorrow and then hopefully have a look at this week's CC.

    The doors are unlocked in the Café so it's business as usual. Please come on in and have a look and cshat.
    Hugs have been despatched to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I'm glad to hear you had a good time with Christina. sorry the wind kept you eating indoors though. The farmhouse hall and stairs sounds like they will be put back to the beautiful original stone, after a lot of very hard work. Please can we see a picture of Hearn the Hunter once Christina has finished him? Have a good day x

    2. Hi Janet, Christina's home sound like an lovely place to live. Love to see her new willow sculptor when it's finished. Have a nice day xx

    3. Hi Janet it's a shame the wind kept you indoors at Christine's. Her sculpture sounds lovely that she's doing for her builder. Her farmhouse sounds gorgeous. Will you be able to send a picture when the sculpture is finished. One very talented lady.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card Sandra, one of your signature ones with the gorgeous flowers so beautifully placed. I love the delicate curvy die, it is so pretty : ) You never know I might even get my cc done today as I have the place to myself again and I intend to craft all day : ))
    Lynda, I hope your feet aren't so painful today. Most of the arthritis drugs take at least a month to start to work for some reason, the one good thing about Methotrexate is that you only have to take it once a week so you aren't rattling so loud on the other days : ) Give Bambi a hug from me, and one for Terry so he doesn't get jealous : ) x
    Pat, it's good to hear you are starting to feel up to doing a bit more now, but PLEASE don't go pushing yourself too hard x
    Have a good day, sending my love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, hope you not too bad yourself and having a nice day crafting all day :-) xx

    2. Hi Sue thank you for your kind words I know I have to wait for tablets to work but these last few days my feet have been so painful. Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. Your card today is beautiful, love the flowers. Fabulous sketch too, looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with :-)
    More crafting today and a visit to the dentist with the boys this afternoon for a check up!
    Hope everyone has a lovely day. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Have a good time crafting, and good luck with the check up, fingers crossed that is all you will need x

    2. Hi Sonia,Have a good day and good luck for the boys dentist this afternoon xx

  8. Who's been playing with her me die set eh ... SANDRA! Great sketch and a lovely card I'll try and see what I can do OH and I have a few days off and my first job is tidy up/clear the craft room His job looks like it's going to be either stay in bed or sunbathe in the back garden Ho hum!
    Have a great day everyone

    1. Hi Karen. Have fun sorting your craft room. Can't you find a job for hubby too? Enjoy your time off, whatever you do x

  9. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Love the challenge Sandra and your card is beautiful.

    Lynda, hope all goes well at the hospital today. I bet your car knows it's own way there.

    Michele glad your boss is back. Maybe take some of the pressure off you. Hope you have a calmer day.

    Anne glad you were able to have a lie in. Good luck with the housework.

    Janer, everytime you mention Bakewell I think of the tarts. One of my favourite cakes. Glad you had a lovely day out. The house sounds beautiful.

    Liian bet your garden looks lovely. Don't work too hard today. Glad the sun is shining for you today.

    Lorraine, hope you're feeling a lot better today. I'm sure you'll love the sketch for this weeks challenge.

    Pat hope your recovering a bit more every day and you'll soon be running around your house.

    Off to do the ironing. I'm going to bring the ironing board in the living room so I can carry on watching the Olympics.

    Take care and have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Enjoy watching the Olympics, it will help you dash through the ironing, I hope : ) x

    2. Hi Val HAHA yes very true even if I don't need the hospital the car goes that way They also have a room with my name on lol.
      I do like to get my money's worth.
      Hope you had a good day love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Lynda, sorry, I forgot to say that I hope your appointment goes well today x

  11. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    I'm getting in early today, yesterday was so frustrating I could see all the beautiful cards everyone had created, but when I tried to comment it would just not load. Tried quite a few times, in the end I went into the garden intending to try later, as usual I got carried away out there, before I knew it was time to make dinner, and after eating I sat down and fell asleep - nothing new there!

    Loved all of yesterday's cards, each one is different and so inspiring.
    Today's challenge is interesting, Sandra does it have to be a curve? I have got some wavy dies, but could it be a straight line set on an angle? Sorry just a thought. Anyway thinking cap is on, let's see what I can come up with.

    Have a good week sorting out everything for your holiday. It really must take some organising, do you take food as well or buy when you get there?

    Pat and Lynda, Hope you are both taking things steady. Also anyone else who is not feeling to good, please take care.
    Sending love and gentle hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the CC looks interesting have got my thinking cap on. Good luck with the sorting out for holiday. Hope Sophie's visit to hospital is better this time. Sending
    Lynda good luck with your blood
    Michele hope work goes easier today & your boss appreciate's how you have
    Janet Christina's house sounds lovely, would love to see picture when finished. Her willow sculpture sounds massive make sure we see
    Karen hope you get your craft room sorted, hope OH does not get in your way. Hope you get some leisure time as
    Pat please take care don't rush
    Brenda sounds as if you were busy yesterday hope you get rest
    Val enjoy the Olympics & hope the ironing doesn't take too
    Sue enjoy your peace & quiet not very often in your house. love you xxx
    Lilian hope work goes well you deserve a
    Anne hope your housework gets done quickly, your cards sound lovely xxx
    Washing machine just finished must go & put it out.
    Sending hugs to all who need them live Margaret,

  13. Hello ladies,
    Well all your well wishes are working as I am starting to feel better today. I have some voice and I have managed to get dressed and do a few jobs. Having to avoid making cuppas because of the weight of the kettle which is a nuisance.
    I love this week's sketch so I hope to join in later in the week. Also will send some other photos over when I have Sandra's email.
    Anne I love Anna Marie's stuff too. I am luck enough to be going on a Creative Weekend with her in November which I am really looking forward too.
    Off to watch more Olympics now so take care all

    1. Hi Lorraine
      I'm glad to hear your feeling slightly better today. Anna Marie's crafting goodies are lovely aren't they.

    2. Hi Lorraine
      So glad you're feeling a little better, it's surprising what get well wishes over the air waves can do, these ladies are so uplifting.

    3. Hi Lorraine, pleased your feeling a bit better today. Like you I'm hooked on watching the Olympics, even watching during the night when I know I should be sleeoing. Looking forward to the track events next week but I am watching anything and everything.Good job its only on for 2vweeks.
      Take care Val

    4. Hi Lorraine
      Glad your feeling bit better today the Hug's we get from all the ladies do work don't they i have had quit a few latly too
      Enjoy the Olympics Love Lynda xx

  14. Margaret Palmer8 August 2016 at 15:31

    Hi Lorraine,
    Pleased you are feeling slightly better, just take it steady. What part of the country do you live? I am in N.Wilts. Take care xxx

  15. Hi Sandra
    Well somewhere along the line my comment this morning has apparently disappeared. I said how much I liked this weeks challenge. Oh no, a senior moment, I emailed you Sandra and not commented. Oh well it's not the first time and certainly won't be the last. Did quite a bit of walking in Witney today. Like you sorting out holiday stuff, sorting out my ISA's before we go away, and Drs appointments. Plus went to Sainsburys to do a little bit of shopping. I'm going to see what everyone else has written now.

    1. Oh Pat I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets in a mess with my computer. Great to read your getting out and about.

    2. Hi Pat
      Sound like you have done a marrothn today hope your not over doing it. Blood test was ok thank you I have another one on the 15th just hoping tablets work soon.
      Where are you going on your holidays Pat
      Love Lynda xx

  16. Hi Lynda
    I see you have a hospital appointment again today. Like ours your car can get there blindfolded. Hugs to you, Terry and of course Bambi. Hope your meds kick in soon.

  17. Hello Lynda, hope the appointments went well, and you will soon be feeling better. Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi LILIAN
      Thank you I only had blood test again & have another one on the 15th I feel like a pin cushion haha.
      Hug'sLynda xx

  18. Hi Sandra and all.
    Started to comment this morning and wrote a longer one, had a bad night with tummy so went back to bed and only woke up a few minutes ago and realised I never pressed publish so it was all gone of course, not one of my better days ...
    Love your card you made up for this weeks CC Sandra,your flowers as usual are amazing. I will see what I got to make a wavy line onto a card.
    Lynda, hope you got on well with the blood taking.
    Pat, Glad to hear you getting around better every day but take care. Where were you going on holiday this time again ? The scales were kind, not much in the sales ;-)
    Time to think of some dinner, I hope you all had a good day and have a good evening. love and hugs to all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      So sorry you have had a bad time with your tummy but you must have needed that sleep hope it's helped & you feel better. Take care my friend. Blood test went ok but feet bad again.( stop moaning Lynda:(( )
      haha xxx

  19. Hi SANDRA & Friends
    Lovely card Very pretty love the cc this week. Weather has been gorgeous today
    After blood test we went on to Hern Bay had to get Freddy a new. Drinking feeder They have a large pet shop there.i was lucky got the last one.had a little walk along the front & stoped for a cupper then walk back to the car & that was enough for me glad to get home & put my feet up. My friend MARGARET is coming over tomorrow she is bringing all her Todo dies & giving them to me now her Todo has broken..
    Terry has just made me a Cupper so I'm going to drink it
    Love Lynda xx
