
Sunday 7 August 2016

Sketch Challenge cards

My Challenge Card

The sketch

Anne's Challenge Card

Janet's Challenge card

Karen's challenge card

Lilian's Challenge card

Lynda's Challenge card

Maria's Challenge card

Margaret's Challenge card

Michele's Challenge Card

Michele's 2nd Challenge card

Sonia's Challenge Card

Sue's Challenge card

Val's Challenge Card

Good Sunday Morning ladies,

Another beautiful display of Challenge cards, I know that some have you have had a hugely busy and exhausting week, which makes it even more amaing that we have so many lovely cards.

Sue and Margaret have both made Christmas cards this week, both cards are gorgeous, Margaret I love your bauble borders, the look foiled, so pretty.  Sue how cute are those images you have used, I love them and the card you have made, that pom pom trim is perfect for this card, I love the genius touch of adding one to the santa's hat! Thank you both very much ladies xxx

Michele and Val have both added butterflies to their challenge cards this week, although the design is similar both cards are very different and equally beautiful, I love your butterfly border Michele and your pretty 2nd card with the cute little birds and pearl trimmed dragonflies, so, so pretty. 
Val your butterflies are so delicate and such a gorgeous colour, a beautiful card, thank you both ladies for beautiful cards xxx

Janet, Lilian and and Karen have all gone for a floral design, again the same basic design but all so different,Janet you have gone for delighful daisies for your card, with pretty die cut backs to them, I love your card.  Karen a pretty ditsy floral print from you this week, it works so well with this design, a pierced flag with your sentiment trimmed with a pretty die cut flower.  Lilian, your card looks like a collection of stamps, so spring like and pretty, I love that pretty border you have stamped down the middle too,  Thank you so much ladies for your stunning cards. xxx

Anne you have used your gorgeous Frog themed collection for your challenge card, I love the sentiment so much, its very true!! Such pretty colours in this collection too, I absolutely love your card, thank you for making time in your hectic week to make a challenge card. xxx

Lynda, a gorgeous Christmas themed card from you this week, I love your lattice effect baubles!  Your background is pretty too, is it special card or have you used gilding wax?! Thank you so much for rushing to finish your card after your busy day with family sweetheart xxxxx 

Maria, coffee, coffee, coffee theme from you this week, I love your coffee themed toppers, great idea for somebody that loves coffee like your step son!
Thank you also for rushing to finish your card Maria xxxx

Sonia, I love the striking design of your card, the colour theme works so well togethter too, your sentiment has been stamped to perfectly match your card colour theme too.  An absolutely stunning card, thank you so much xxx

Thanks so much ladies for another amazing week

Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Another wonderful selection of gorgeous cards! I have added a Happy Anniversary to the middle bottom square of my card and will use when we have ours in October ( so I'm well ahead ha ha ! ) .
    I have been up for over an hour so I'm going back to bed for a wee while , the children are now with Tollie and keeping him company, he's coming along well but still has a few wee mishaps.
    Our weather is atrocious ! I think it's much better down south so please enjoy it all you lucky people, I feel sorry for the children as they can't get down the beach glad they have their other cousins to play with, we were trying to make a family tree yesterday , they found that really interesting.
    I baked yesterday as I have my sister and family arriving on Tuesday so it leaves me just housework to do before they arrive ( can't wait till it's our turn for holidays! ).
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. I'm pleased to hear you have chance to pop back to bed for av nap Anne, having a new puppy is a bit like having a new baby, if they're up, so are you!!
      I think it must be your turn for a break soon as you have done a lot of hosting over past couple months, you mkust feel like a B&B at times, (but with very nice guests )
      Hope you get to relax a little

    2. Hi Anne
      Love the little pictures on your card today. Tollie must be a bundle of fun for the children to play with. Sorry to hear your weather isn't to good, but I hear it's coming our way soon. Hope your holiday is coming up soon. Your going to need one after your visitors.

    3. Thanks girls, it is hard going at times but worth it!
      The weather has been so bad today the wind gusts unbelievable, the garden has been blown to bits , such a shame as it was looking lovely, now it just looks sad and full of broken bits everywhere.

  2. Morning Sandra and all visiting the cafe' today.
    Wonderful display of the challenge cards this week, at this rate the new boards will soon be filled and we need some more :-) I sent one in but it's ok if you hold it for another time. All who have their grand children around, have a great time crafting, baking and plays and when they gone back home have a good rest hihi
    Tollie still having some wee problems, the cat I have been looking after is a indoor cat so have a litter tray but has she gone in it while they been away, No not for the number twos anyway ! They are back later today,yay hihi Sending some sunshine to you all up North. The sun trying to come out but we have some heavy clouds around.
    The scales and a visit in to town is on the agenda this morning and then a lazy afternoon, it's Sunday after all.
    Have a nice day everyone, love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Sounds like your feeling a hit better today. Hope the scales tell the story you want. I gather you do mean scales rather than sales. Mine don't play fair.

  3. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely cards again. Every one so pretty. Especialy like yours Sonia, very retro.
    Michele, you obviously have a thing about butterflies as well as me.

    So glad the sun arrived with you Pat but so sorry Anne it didn't reach you. I couldn't have blown quite hard enough.
    Anne, I bet Tollie is so happy having children in the house to play with. Very good for him as well, teaches him to socialise.
    Sandra, did you manage to buy any holiday clothes yesterday? Not long now.
    I'm hooked on watching the Olympics again. Rio looks a wonderful place. I just hope and pray nothing happens to spoil such a spectactular event.
    Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.
    Lots of love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thanks again for the sunshine again. However, Sandra said the Suns gone, but it's back again, even though it's windy.

  4. Morning Ladies,
    Just wanted to let you know that I have added Lyndavand Maria's card to the list above!
    Have a lovely Sunday
    PS someone has pinched our sunshine, its quite overcast and windy this morning !

  5. Morning Ladies

    Lovely collection of challenge cards today. My cards were made using pre-printed cards and I added the butterflies etc using vellum which was in the donated stash. Both simple cards that were quick & easy to make-they have kick started my crafting mojo as I also made my Mother in Laws birthday card. I'm ready to start some more cards but will have to get the housework done and possibly some gardening first! It's sunny here but very windy-no excuse to not get in the garden later.


  6. Morning Everyone - sorry I'm a little late this morning but my body must be telling me to slow down is but cannot do that at the moment until I've got everything done before Thursday this week when I have Pre-Admin Clinic and then it's anytime after that if there's a cancellation before the 24th.

    Anyway enough of me I love each and everyone of this week's CC. All so beautiful and eye catching too. Yes I think we might be in need of more space soon Sandra. How about building an extension onto the Café - you know one of those little rooms that are just a gallery. (I think I'll just go into hiding now and I've already put my tin hat on hehehe)

    We're off to see Christina and Robert today out near Carsington Water Derbyshire so fingers crossed they will have a little sunshine so we can sit out in the courtyard and have afternoon tea.

    Everything is ready and waiting in the café for you all to pop in and have a look at the wonderful display boards of some fantastic cards and crafts. Coffee pot/tea kettle is on the boil and lemon drizzle and date and walnut cake on today's menu. Have a good sunday everyone whatever you're all up to. hugs for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Hope you enjoy your day out at Christine's. Well I know you will but I mean I hope the rain stays away. Thanks fir the cakes.

    2. Hi Janet hope you had a good day at Christine's & weather was kind.
      Take care love Lynda xx

  7. Good Morning All, wet and windy here, what is the matter with the weather ? The evenings are getting dark already.

    Lovely lot of wow cards again this evening, mine should of been quick to do, but I made it when I went to my friends, and it's a very small stamp ,and I kept getting all over my hands.

    Just been watching the baby gold finches out of my window, they are so cute, I think mum bird is getting tired with all the feeding.

    Hoping the weather dries up so I can continue my cutting back of my climbers.

    Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Love the stamps you've used on your card. It's reminded me that I have a small set of Clarity stamps that I could use for Christmas cards.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a wonderful selection of cards again, all thanks to your challenge, thank you. Hope you got some shopping done yesterday, we do not have any sun either. Enjoy your
    Pat hope you continue to feel better, take care.xx
    Lynda hope your new meds are helping & Bambi is
    Anne it sounds as if you have endless space to cope with all your visitors, you really will be ready for your
    Janet enjoy your day out in Derbyshire hope the sun shines. Try not to doo too much before your pre-op on Thursday, hope you get a cancellation mind the way the time is going the 24th will be here before we know it, take
    While I have been on here the sky has cleared & we now have alot of blue, & sun coming out.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, we only have three bedrooms as I have my craft room in the fourth , so they'll just have to double up and we will put a sofa bed thingy for Dylan in beside his mum, I'm sure they won't mind for a few nights, as you say we will be ready for our holidays lol!

    2. Margaret Palmer7 August 2016 at 18:32

      Reminds me of when I was alot younger, we lived in a bed farm workers cott & regularly during summer hols had 4 people staying beside us 4. Mum used to cook on an oil cooker but always good meals. Those were the days!! xxx

    3. Hi Margaret
      I haven't notist any improvement in my feet yet but I now have to take 6 of the tablets once a week on Saturdays the Dr did say it could take two or three months before they kick in. I now have a diabetic tablet as they have increased my sugar level so it's a viscous circle. You get tablets to help with one problem then get another problem so more tablets. So when I get to AP you will hear me coming I shall be rattling
      Haha. Thank you for all your kind wishes & Hug's very well received
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. This is my third attempt at commenting, the laptop keeps going back to the desktop page while I am typing, fingers crossed I manage to get this one published.
    Thank you for all of the wonderful cards today, I love seeing them each week, I now look back at each Sunday for inspiration, often not needing to look at Pinterest.
    Janet, I agree with you. I think a gallery alongside the Cafe is needed to show off everyones talents : )
    Maria, I love the braid you have added to your lovely card. It is so pretty.
    I only thought of adding the snowball trim after I found that I had left too much of a gap at the top of my card! I'm glad I did as it looks much better now.
    Well, we have blue skies but a really strong wind today, it's the sort of weather when you can easily get sunburned as you don't notice the heat because of the wind! Please slop, slap, slip if you're down this end of the country. Sorry it is not nice for you and the family Anne.
    Janet, I hope it is nice enough for you to have afternoon tea outside at your daughters : )
    Lilian, if you have the same wind that we have it will be rather hard to garden, good luck if you do : )
    Chris is off fishing today so I am going to do the ironing, which I didn't manage to do last night, then getting some more cards done that are needed in the next week or so.
    I hope you all have a nice day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat, Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      So sorry it's so frustrating when that happens to your comments
      All you ladies doing ironing today are you mad. Mind you I have just got mine off the line but I'm not mad not ironing it now.
      Take care my friend love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Wow, what a wonderful selection of cards today. Every single one different. A few Christmas card ones as well.
    Well I managed to get out of bed in the middle of the night without waking Pete. I've also done a little bit of ironing as I can't stand to long in one place at the moment. Well, I'm off to see the rest of the comments. Off to lunch with Doreen about twelveish, as Pete doesn't want to cook a Sunday roast.

    1. Morning my lovely,
      Sounds like you are getting stronger day by day, please take it easy Pat, don't be tempted to do things because it is easier than asking Pete!!
      Enjoy your lunch with Doreen,
      Hope to get to see you this week,
      Love you,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hello Pat glade your feeling a bit better are you mad ironing haha I have to sit down & do mine as can't stand in one place for long.
      Pat don't try & do to much too soon take care my friend.
      Love Lynda xx

  11. What a great selection of challenge cards. Please will someone explain how we join in?
    I have now lost my voice as my costochondritis has kicked in, this makes communicating very, very hard.
    Hubby stayed home rather than going fishing to look after me. He got cross because I don't know what I want for dinner but eating is such hard work that food does not appeal.
    I might manage some ice cream even if he couldn't get my favourite flavour.
    I am enjoying the Olympics but I do wish they would split the coverage up a bit as it's eating into my sky planner too much and I might have to delete some craft!
    Take care everyone xxx

    1. Hi Lorraine,
      Oh my husband would be in heaven if I lost my voice!!!
      Its sounds a horrible thing to suffer within all seriousness, I wish you better soon xxx
      The challenge is simple.....
      I put up the sketch on a Monday, you make a card based on the lay out of the 'sketch', email it to me and I share them all on the following Sunday.
      They are a good mojo boost, fun too.
      I look forward to seeing your cards.

    2. Hi Lorraine
      Lovely to see you again sorry your haveing a horrible time at the moment hope you feel better soon. The card Challenge is good for getting your brain working ( not that mine works much ) lol. It's a good way geting some Christmas cards made as well oooo sorry I said the C word well they had some of them cards in Tesco on Thursday.
      Look forward to seeing your card next week.
      Take care Hug's Lynda xxx

    3. Hi Lorraine, oh you are giving him the silent treatment hihi no on a serious note, I wish you better soon. Love to see your cards so do join us for next weeks challenge. You can send Sandra anything you made or make and she very happily show casing them on her blog ,grandchildren and plants, garden or even the usually messy craft room :-). She is a wonderful woman!
      Take care and it's lovely to see you in the cafe' xx

  12. Margaret Palmer7 August 2016 at 15:42

    Hi Lorraine,
    So sorry you have lost your voice as well now hope you feel better soon. The challenge cards are great to do, I have only been making cards about 6mts & I have learnt alot by doing them. Sandra has helped me alot plus Sue or Mrs B, my daughter, I have learnt alot from them as well. Look forward to seeing some of

  13. Hello Sandra & Friends
    It's been a lovely Sunny day today we went down Broadstairs again for a walk.
    We had a lovely day yesterday with my Brother & SIL I gave her the card I made for her birthday not untill the 11th she was going to save it but she then opened it she really loved it I'm glad to say. We went to the Hungry Horse for dinner
    ( same one I fell on my droopy bits ) glad to say no repeat performance haha. It was very busy in Broadstairs as Folk week but the bands were very good. With Morris dancers out as well I had to hold Terry back as he wanted to join in & bang their sticks together haha. You know what he's like.
    I was struggling with walking down there today my feet really hurting also got a burst blister on big toe. Hope these tablets kick in soon I know the Dr said they could take two or Three months to feel the benefit of them. Sorry I Shouldn't moan lots of you ladies are a lot worse off than me. Picked up Diabetics tablets today was surprised pharmacy was open being got to have something to eat before I can take one. I received my order from Set craft but unlike Brenda I didn't get a freebie BooHooo.but love my goodies I will send pictures to Sandra. Looking forward to tomorrow's CC. Wasn't pleased with mine this week as it was a rush job as I didn't want to let SANDRA down.
    Got another blood 💉test tomorrow morning at hospital.
    Well I had better get some tea not that I'm hungry but have to take my 💊 with food.Hope you have all had a good weekend. Take care
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, glad you had a good time with your brother and your SIL liked her card.You brave going back to the scene of the crime, so glad you didn't fall this time. Love your C. card today even if a rush job it's great. Sorry to hear your feet are giving you so much problems as you like to do some walking in your nice part of the country. Silly some meds. take so long to work but hope they will soon. Take care, many hugs to you and Terry xx

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Gorgeous collection of cards today. I bet the Cafe looks wonderful with them all displayed :-)
    Well, I don't know where today has gone! Have had a very productive day making Christmas cards. Made 5 in total - that has to be a record for me in one day! ;-) Have really enjoyed it and just wish I could have more days like this.
    I hope everyone has had an enjoyable day.
    Lorraine, nice to see you in again. Do hope you're feeling better soon x
    Lynda, hope the blood test goes ok tomorrow x
    Pat, glad to hear you're recovering well, but please still take it easy x
    Enjoy the rest of the evening everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

  15. Replies
    1. Hi Lynn, lovely to see you. Why not look in again tomorrow ie later :-) and see what the challenge is Sandra sets us and join in. It's defiantly keeps me going once a week hihi Take care xx
