
Saturday 6 August 2016

Brenda's garden photo's & Crafts

Brenda's Lovely Lilly

Such a beautiful photo of Brenda's garden

Another of Cheryl's Christmas Candles

Cheryl's red candle arrangement

Lynds'a Pink Lace Flower

Good Morning Ladies,

I am at the last of the mixed craft photographs, so I will maybe re-show some of the bits and pieces, ot think of another feature, so I have you have any photo's of crafts or ideas for a new Saturday feature I would love to hear from you.

Brenda sent me a couple of photo's of her lovely garden to share with you, the first is a stunning Lily,
it looks so healthy and striking with its pure white, waxy looking flowers and that deep green, shiny foliage, then we have the pretty, delicate poached egg plant mixed with that stunning yellow shrub, it must be so lovely watching them sway in the breeze, the photo looks really 'arty' with the lawn as the backdrop, the harsh grey stones in the foreground and the delicate flowers in the centre, the shadow adds a little drama and movement to the photo, this would be lovely printed and framed Brenda, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Cheryl's Christmas Candle arrangement would look amazing in the centre of anyone's Christmas table, I bet the fragrance is delightful too with the pine cones and the cinnamon sticks.  
The second all red Christmas candle arrangement is gorgeous too, I just love the wooden plate that the arrangement is based on, it somehow enhances the rich red candles and the pionsettias, roses, pine cones, berries and foliage, I bet your family absolutely love these stunning arrangements Cheryl, you are so creative in ao many different crafts, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Lynda's Pink lace flower is just oh so beautiful, I love the tassel lace that you have used Lynda, it gives such a gorgeous delicate edging to your flower, I love how you have finished the centre of the flower too with that triple pearl embellishment.  Maybe you should make a lace book Lynda with one of your gorgeous lace flowers on the front.  Thank you so much for sharing your flowers with us xxx

Thats all for today ladies, I did here that we are supposed to be having a 'heatwave' this weekend, so I hope you can all get out and enjoy the sunshine, after you have finished your challenge card of course.

Love and hugs


  1. orning Everyone
    I noticed we had a new visitor yesterday to our beautiful Café. LORRAINE welcome to the best blog in blogland. We're all a little on the crazy sometimes, some of us more than others lol but you will definitely not find a better blog or set of friends anywhere. Very much looking forward to seeing you again very soon.

    BRENDA- Oh your garden just looks a place of peace and heaven. I love your Arum Lily and your yellow poppies are just glorious. Thank you for sending pics in.

    CHERYL- Once again you have blown me away with your table decorations. They are so beautiful and so professional. Are you sure you weren't a 'Flower Arranger' in another life lol. Just gorgeous.

    LYNDA- your lace flowers just get better and better. I love the colour of this one. Just waiting for the next PLEASE.

    Off to Meadowhell for shopping this morning. Wonder what will have changed since last visit. I only hope there aren't any Seasonal signs yet. Oh and this afternoon I really must send my CC to Sandra.

    The Café is up and running and just waiting for customers. Have a good day everyone. Hugs are on their way to you all.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thank you for your lovely comment this morning.
      Have a good day shopping ( any craft shops ) In Teso yesterday they had some C cards yep christmas has started !!!
      Enjoy your day love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet, apparently Selfridges opened their C shop on Oxford Street, last week. !!!!!

  2. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    What a lot of lovely goodies today.

    Brenda, what beautiful plants. Just love the white lily and although I don't know the yellow plant, I just love the name of the white one, It certainly looks like a
    poached egg.

    Cheryl, yoyr candle arrangements are beautiful. Oh so clever and very artistic. You'd pay a fortune for one of these in the high street. Do you sell them or are they to grace your families tables?

    Lynda, Saturdays wouldn't be the same without one of your lovely creations. Love the colour, the lace and the pretty bow with its shiny centrepiece. Lovely.
    Sorry to read your diabetes has gone a bit haywire. Good that they've found out and have given you medication to rectify the problem. You must be rattling by now ha ha.

    Lorraine, welcome to this wonderful blog. You wont meet such a friendly, helpful and caring group of ladies anywhere else. Hope you pop in again.

    Really enjoyed Craft Club yesterday. Only a handful there this week as people had other commitments but I really enjoyed it as usual. I'd cut elements out for about 10 cards so it was just a case of sticking everything together so a very productive few hours. I just love seeing what the other ladies make. Wendy in particular has great ideas and she'd made such a pretty milk carton shaped box. Another thing for me to have a go at. Looking at other peoples creations especially Sundays cc's give me such inspiration. I suppose its copying other peoples ideas but I'd rather say its flattering them.

    Well I've waffled on long enough. Wendy is calling round to do something with me on the computer so things to do before then.

    Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
    Take care.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Thank you very much for your lovely comments
      Yes I am starting to rattling it seems you get a tablet for one problem then that causes another problem so another tablet where dose it end.
      Have a lovely crafty day with Wendy
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hope you had a lovely day with Wendy Val. Thanks for the sunshine, it's finally arrived.

  3. Now as I'm typing this it looks like I'm the first but I bet the early risers will still click "publish/post" before me BRENDA those lilies look amazing - after roses,lilies are my favourite
    CHERYL and LYNDA your mixed media crafting makes my humble efforts look a little pathetic, beautiful ladies
    I have a few cakes (photos) I could send you SANDRA As PC broke I'll see if I can photo a photograph and send via tablet
    BBQ today and my friend's house She's hosting a party for her daughter's OH It's a surprise so hopefully he's still unaware of what's occurring Take care ladies

    1. Hi Karen
      Thank you for your lovely comment.
      Glad you enjoyed your meet up yesterday
      Have a good day love Lynda xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-beautiful photos of your garden plants, they look in excellent condition.

    Cheryl-lovely table decorations. A great focal point.

    Lynda- what a very pretty lace flower.

    Not much planned for today, need to pop into Southport for odds & ends then will head straight into my craft room as I feel like I want to make cards so need to make the most of this new found interest....!!! We'll need to do some gardening tomorrow once I've done the usual housework so not much spare time to craft.


    1. Thank you Michele for your kind comment
      Hope your card or cards & your mojo is working again.
      Enjoy your shopping have a lovely day xx

  5. Enjoy Southport Michelle, wish I was there!!!!
    Some gorgeous pics Sandra, love the lace flower. xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today.
    Welcome Lorraine, glad you found Sandra's blog and your new family :-) It is a great support in here so I hope you will join us again.
    Now to our lovely Saturday mix.
    Love the lilies Brenda, they look amazing and the other flowers are so pretty. You have a nice garden.
    Cheryl, gorgeous candle arrangements from you. Love to have one myself.
    Lynda, you really have got the neck for all different crafts coming your way. Beautiful lacy flower in pink.
    Yesterday did not happen. We did do the food shopping but then after packed it all away and having a small lunch I got so tired and fell asleep in my chair so today I must do what I was meant to have done yesterday. Just had an hours walk around the North side of our lake so little bit longer then the South side. Gorgeous blue sky and sunshine so washing machine will soon go on and then some gardening perhaps before tackle CC again. Really Sorry Sandra if I'm not got one for this week, although I will do my best. Hope you get some more in for a mixed Saturday, I love seeing them all so fingers crossed.
    Have a wonderful day all whatever you are doing and I wish Pat have a good day too and Lynda, take care.
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thank you for lovely comment. Glad you managed a walk this morning take care if gardening don't over do it. Did you see my post yesterday?
      Have a good Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Brenda, your garden of flowers looks lovely. The lilies are beautiful. I bet it's lovely sitting out in the sun :-)
    Cheryl, your table decorations are fantastic :-)
    Lynda, just love all of your beautiful creations, and today's flower is stunning :-)
    Welcome Lorraine, hope you pop in again soon :-)
    Going to try to make another challenge card today. Made one yesterday, but I'm not sure I like it!
    Hope everyone enjoys their day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment.
      Have a good day with some crafting in between
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Good morning SANDRA & friend
    Lovely sunny day for our trip to Broadstairs folk week. Just sat doing this in my sparkling clean house HaHa I bet my SIL spots a speck of dust :-( lol.
    BRENDA your flowers are Gorgeous bet you enjoy sitting out in the garden looking at them.x
    CHERYL your table decorations are beautiful I bet your house looks beautiful at Chistmas your so good at them xx
    SANDRA I will do my best to get the CC done once my brother has gone home
    It took me most of the day yesterday making SILs card but I am pleased with I have taken a picture of it so if you like Sandra I can send you the picture of it.
    I will pop back later as Brother will be here in 10 minutes.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your feeling much better today and you have the sunshine that we have to enjoy. Love your lace flower.

    2. Hi Lynda, just love your flowers, this coloured one is lovely, hope you have a nice time with and wife. Hugs

  9. Hello Sandra and the coffee shop ladies, What a surprise to see my lilies and poppies on the blog. I really love the lilies they are so elegant, the poppies gave us an amazing display this year and kept flowering for weeks.

    Cheryl, love those candles. They would make a beautiful centrepiece and grace any table. xx

    Lynda, WOW Your lace creation is beautiful. Is there no end to your amazing talents.xx

    We are going out to lunch, meeting daughter an SIL at Gatwick Manor. It's SIL and Johns birthday today. So a good excuse to eat out.

    Will pop back in later at some point.

    Have a good day everyone. Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Happy Birthday John, have a lovely day xxxxx

    2. Happy birthday John, I hope you all had a lovely lunch.

    3. Hi Brenda, best wishes to the birthday ones, you flowers are lovely.

  10. Good afternoon ladies, I have had a lovely Lady called June join my Cotswold Crafter Facebook page and she has also joined up for the blog too, so keep your eye out for her first 'hello', its so nice when new ladies pop in to join us, June this wonderful bunch of friends are the best friends anyone could wish for, I hope that Lorraine will look in again today too. Enjoy the sunshine ladies, the girls are just getting my scooter out and wee are popping in to town foir a bit if holiday shopping, will look in later xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope the holiday shopping goes well, not long now. I love the mixed craft on Saturdays so hope to see more, will see if I can find some
    Brenda your lilies are lovely so regal, the poached egg reminds me of my Mum's garden, she always had them & the yellow poppy of Alan's Mum she had them all over. We had a good selection of poppies this year,shame they don't last long. Happy Birthday to John enjoy your
    Cheryl your candles are lovely I try but never look as good as
    Lynda what can I say your flower is beautiful. Sorry your blood sugar has gone up, Alan had to go on tablets after his prostate op whatever they gave him then it shot up, he had managed well without tabs before, hope they help you. The folk week sounds lovely hope the weather is kind it's lovely
    I have had a busy morning so have decided to sit in garden & enjoy the sun.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Pat love

  12. Hello ladies,
    Thank you all so much for the very warm welcome you have given me. It means a lot as I get very lonely.
    Not having a good time at the moment as my fibromyalgia is flaring. It started yesterday afternoon and I could feel the pain traveling through my bloodstream, absolutely horrible.
    Well it was love to see the photos of the meet up and the crafty shopping. Then today a treat of natural and created beauty.
    Can't craft when I am in a flare but hope to join in some of your challenges soon.
    I will just say a little about myself, I am 57, married with four children, 2 grandchildren and one great grandson. I have a few other health issues combined with the fibro so don't work.
    Will pop back in tomorrow, thanks again and good wishes to you all :)

    1. Margaret Palmer6 August 2016 at 15:26

      Hi Lorraine,
      Good to see you in cafe again, sorry to hear you are suffering at the moment. We are hear if you just want to have a good moan, it makes you feel better. Take

    2. Hi Lorraine, lovely to see you back but sad because you're not feeling so good at the moment.
      Wow I bet with 4 children, grand children and a great grandson you're house is busy at times especially Christmas. Lovely though. How old is the little one and do you have a photo? We love seeing baby
      You take care.
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Lorraine
      It's lovely to see you in the cafe again today. I'm sorry to hear you not to well today and I hope your flare goes down soon. Wow, I bet your house is busy when you meet up. It's lovely to have family around you isn't it. Take care.

    4. Welcome Lorraine, lovely to see you in the Cotswold Café, hope you will be a regular visitor x

    5. Hi Lorraine, sorry your not too good at the moment, get well wishes to you, hopefully you'll soon feel better.

  13. Hi Sandra
    Loved seeing the mixed craft today, don't they look fantastic. Brenda's garden, Cheryl's table decorations, and Lynda's lovely lace flower. Isn't this sunshine lovely. I asked Val to send us some over after blowing it over its finally arrived.

  14. Hello everyone.
    wow have we not had a wonderful day outside today, this is what I call summer !
    Unfortunately the house cleaning is now totally out so I made a card, yes it will go for my CC. How could it be so hard to make a card with just six shapes ??
    Lynda, I saw your message. That's sound fab. if he's not think it is too far. Sorry your blood sugar is up because of the meds. hope it will get sorted. Droopy bits,big knickers and now rattling when you walk, just like me then hihi
    Nice you came back Lorraine, with this bunch of ladies you never walk alone again. Now you have seen me, you might change your mind being our friend but hope not :-) Sorry you have so much problems with your Fibro. sending you a gentle hug and hope you feeling better soon. As you know I have the same problem but I feel slightly better when the sun is out.
    I have been summoned to cook the dinner so I be back later, xxx

  15. Evening ladies,

    Oh Brenda, your lilies are gorgeous as are the poached egg plant. Pete loved his Zantedeschias too and I have a memory pot for him in the garden filled with them. Not many flowers this year though, I expect they will show later on. fingers crossed.
    My goodness me Lynda, your pink lace flower is so beautiful, it should be the star of the show in your garden.
    So chuffed to see my candles on display. I started to make them about 10 years ago. A crafty friend of mine had introduced our little group of 4 to them, so to raise funds we made quite a few of them plus some candle Yule logs for Cannington Christmas and we sold out! Not one item left!, just an odd piece of a fir spray. I have since made many as family & friend Christmas presents. Each one is unique, I never do more than one in the same fashion, and all are now treasured decorations.

    Been busy today tidying up the house ready for this week's visitor. It is my good friend Brian; Pete & I met him and his lovely wife Janet on our honeymoon in Malta and have remained best friends since sharing so many milestones in our lives. Unfortunately we lost Jan to Mesothelioma early last year, she has now gained her wings along with Pete and I am sure they are having many reminiscences and long chats together.
    It has been a lovely hot day today, most of which I have seen through various windows as I have gone from room to room. I am still following the advice of my radiographer and staying covered at all times when I venture outside. My pink parasol is being used to it's maximum, resulting in me being pale and interesting, not brown and wrinkled. Cest la vie.
    A light supper now then off for an early night,

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl , love your candle decorations, they really say Cristmas.

    2. Have a lovely time with Brian and memoriece all happy times. Take care, hugs xx

  16. Hello Everyone, wet all morning, warm this afternoon, but cloudy.

    Have been out trying to cut down my vast clematis, trying to keep th e neighbour happy, he calls it a jungle, should have tackled it sooner, very hard work now.

    Have commented all the way down, hope you all have a lovely evening, going to have another play with my Brushos, had a quick go last night, need to practice a lot, to make them look good. Hugs for all . Lilian

  17. Hi I'm back, they have been watered and fed so that should keep them calm for the rest of the evening, Men !
    Happy Birthday to John, hope he had a lovely day x
    Karen, have a great BBQ and hope he got surprised :-)
    I hope you all have had a good day and your night will be good and we manage some shut eye.....take care xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. At last I have managed to comment. I spent most of the afternoon finishing my CC. and had planned to do the ironing this evening while it was cooler, but it will have to wait until the morning now as I'm ready for my bed.
    LORRAINE, it is lovely to see you in the best, most friendly and supportive Cafe ever. Sorry you are suffering with your Fibro at the moment. I have arthritis so understand some of how you are feeling. We are all here with support for you on your good AND bad days x
    Brenda, your plants look wonderful, so strong and healthy. Thank you for sharing them with us. Please pass on Happy Birthday wishes to John. I hope you have had a lovely time today x
    Cheryl, your table decorations are all beautiful, I'm not surprised that you sold the first year you made them. You have the knack, it's not easy to make this type of decoration look as good as you do. Thank you for sharing x
    Lynda, what a gorgeous lace flower, I love your choice of laces, and the beautiful colour. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing. Sorry you have yet another pill to add to the others, but at least it should help regulate your Diabetes x
    Pat, I hope you are taking it very easy, don't go pushing yourself too hard please x
    I hope everyone had a good day in the sun. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat, Lynda, Lorraine and all in need. Take care xx
