
Friday 5 August 2016

Geraldine's Pleated card, Blog Friends & Shopping

Margaret, Brenda, Sue, Karen, Maria & Me

Geraldine's stunning pleated card

This Weeks Craft Buys

Michele's Paper Pads

Val's shopping (1)

Val's craft shopping (2)

My new die set

Good Morning lovely Ladies,

I want to start the day by thanking our lovely Maria for organising our Meet up in Watford yesterday,
we sat and chatted for a good 6+ hours, but I swear the time just flew by.  I know I have said this before but I will say again how wonderful it is that 6 ladies who in some cases haven't met or maybe had one brief chat, can sit and chat constantly for so long, no awkward silences, it is like a group of life long friends having a monthly catch up, I feel so very blessed to have all of you wonderful blog friends, I really do.  We shared some lovely stories, laughed a lot too, we also had a buyers guide to paper trimmers chat. 
That chat gave me another idea for a blog feature, I think it would be helpful to all of us if every month we do a 'buyers guide' type feature on different craft tools, it can be anything for die cutters to scissors.  We decide on which tool to feature and then all discuss our favourite brand of that particular tool, discussing its good points and bad.  That way when any of us go to purchase a new tool, we can refer back to the buyers guide and see which one suits our needs.   Let me know if you think this would be something you are interested in please.
Back to our lovely day yesterday, I would like to thank all of you that made the journey to Watford, (despite delays and signal failures) I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did (Paul too)!
For those of you that couldn't join us, I want you to know that yesterday made me determined to organise a meet up for all of us, maybe in October, if you are all up for it xxx

I just had to share Geraldine's (a lovely fb friend from Amanda's lace closet gallery) Gorgeous version of my 'Pleated card', I love what you have done with the basic pleated component of the card Ger, it works so well at the top of the card too, finished off beautifully with that stunning scalloped lace.  Thank you so much Ger for watching my tutorial and allowing me to share your own version.
I will share your other design in a day or two, huge thanks xxx

Now onto this weeks Craft buys.........

Michele, two lovely paper pads from Little Claire (Lcdesigns), both pads have different designs on Kraft card background, I absolutely love Kraft card, so I cannot wait to see what you create with these, I guess it was like receiving a gift too, considering you didn't remember ordering them! hahaha
are you worried about what else you may have ordered and forgotten too?  Actually this could be a new excuse for all of us, we could just say, I had no idea I ordered it, I must have been 'sleep shopping'!! Do you think we would get away with it?  Karen, you could 'sleep shop' yourself a new laptop, Margaret you could 'sleep shop' and electric die cutter, hhmmm what could I get........
Thank you for sharing Michele xxx

Val, oh you have been treating yourself, you lucky lady, although with the amount of cards that you have to make I think you deserve to treat yourself!  I am so pleased you finally got the Stitched Lattice Frame die, you will love it.  That pretty corner die looks so lovely too, you must get through tons of Cosmic glue with all those cards, now I am not familiar with the 'Roll away' so I am looking forward to hearing all about it later.  The Presscut Rectangles will be such a useful addition to your die collection, I love that Sue has put together a collection of all of the Poinsettia elements in one set, such a good idea, I can see that you will get good use out of the 'Happy Christmas' sentiment die too.
thank you so much for sharing your shopping Val xxx

My purchase was the Spellbinders A2 Curved Borders One, I think that it is quite an old die set, I have been wanting it for ages, I had seen loads of different cards made using it on Pinterest, but couldn't work our what brand of die it was, after a little bit of detective work I found it and ordered it from Icon, although I have to say I was a little disappointed that their deliveries now take so long, I ordered it last thursday and it arrived yesterday, they used to be so much faster, I am happy to have it at last and I am going to sit and have a play today.

Thank you to all of today's blog contributors, and to all of you that look in.  

Don't forget to share your Crafts for Mixed Craft Saturday if you have any.  I would love to share them.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , I did watch your video yesterday , absolutely excellent! and started a card but hope to get some time to finish it today , time just disappears!
    The weather hasn't been good so I have to keep trying to amuse the children, but we have a sunny morning today so I hope it lasts.
    I have popped in and had a quick look , I loved yesterday's pop up card it was gorgeous, and today's goodies all look super, I too would love the lattice die but I have the original SW one so I'm trying hard not to give in.ha ha!
    Great photo ladies! I bet you all had sore jaws from chatting and laughing so much, you are so lucky all managing to meet up, I think I'm too far away to ever manage that.
    I think the idea of comparing notes on items is a wonderful idea for the blog!
    Have to go now, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, have fun with the children. Can see you doing a lot of baking and crafting together. Shame the weather haven't been good but hope the sun is staying for you today. Take care and cuddles to Tollie xx

    2. Hi Anne
      Enjoy your time with the children. Ours aren't that young now to play with, well apart from Xander that is whose 8. However, they live in Faringdon, not so far away but Craig doesn't bring them in that often. Although they came in Monday for the day to help Pete tidy up his shed. It still needs a lot more work done.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely photo of the lucky ladies who met yesterday-glad to hear you had a great time.

    Val & Sandra-interesting to see your purchases, I just love seeing what other crafters buy. I'm trying not to order much online as a) I forget what I've ordered and b) I'm going to the Sincerely Yours craft show in Leigh in 3 weeks time and it's always nice to see craft stuff. I'm also going to another craft show at Event City in Manchester on the 9th September so that's lots of potential craft shopping!!

    Yesterday was a bit calmer at work & I had a reasonable day. The evening just disappeared by the time I'd done the shopping, spoken to hubby (he's been in Scotland) then spoke to my Dad. I'm hoping to get started on a card this evening after work-fingers crossed.


    1. Meant to say -think the idea of featuring a product each month with our reviews/thoughts is a great idea.


    2. Hi Michele, have a good day. Nice new card packs, looking forward to see your makes. Have a wonderful time when you go to the two craft shows. Hope your mojo back so you manage to make the card tonight xx

    3. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you had a quieter day yesterday. Try not to buy to much at the show. Futile I know.

  3. Hello All Yesterday was fantastic and a huge Thank you to MARIA for organising it I met MARGARET for the first time and what a lovely lady But then you all are I think we all know that this blog helps us through dark times so it was good to meet up and laugh! Which is what we did for most of the time
    Yes SANDRA a feature on crafty bits/tools would be very handy As we said yesterday, we watch these tele programmes and they're all saying "this is the best tool ever" etc It'll be much more useful to get feedback from us users
    The booty this week looks tremendous and I'm jealous of all of you! I may try this 'sleep buying' I could do with a fairy with a magic wand saying 'here's the money, now buy a laptop' I rely on my laptop for my card making if only to print a sentiment
    Off to get brekkie now
    GER I love your take on the pleated card BTW
    Can I just say that yesterday's meet up really gave me a personal lift because I was born in Aylesbury and to hear SUE SANDRA AND MARGARET's accents reminded me of a lot of my childhood Not using the right words but you know what I mean

    1. Hi Karen. It was great seeing you again and I hope you can come on the Saturday. Take care ,have a good day at work and we speak soon, hugs xx

    2. Hi Karen
      I come from Worminghall and went to school in Long Crendon. People say I sound like Pam Ayres.

    3. Karen it was so lovely to meet you yesterday, as Sandra said it is strange how it felt so natural to sit & chat as if we had know it each other for years. Hope you can make Ally Pally. Take care xxx

  4. Morning everyone
    Thank you for the photo of all you very lucky ladies who by the sound of it had one fantastic day yesterday. I hope your voices and throats are not suffering too much this morning lol. I have to say I'm so waiting and waiting very impatiently to get to meet you all and like Sandra I'm determined that it will happen. Hope all your journeys home were uneventful.

    I love the pleated card. I have seen a Youtube demo on doing a double pleat and thought it looked very interesting.

    I have managed to do a pleated card from your video Sandra and am definitely going to have it as my 'make and take' in a couple of week's time for my K&N. All I have to do now is photo it and this week's CC and get them off to you.

    Love all your purchases. I love the look of your paper pads Michele and some of those dies look interesting too. I love the idea of discussing tools Sandra.

    Well I'm now off as everything is up and running in the Café just waiting for customers. As it's Friday it's that horrible day for housework. The washer is already churning away with towels in it.

    Have a really good day everyone and hugs for you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope you are alright after your journey back home. The Knitting and Natting group will have a treat making a pleated card, they turning out so beautiful. Housework here too but need to make some cards up too so....hihi The cafe' looks nice as usual so hope some more people who are looking through the window will come in for a little chat.
      Have a good day xx

  5. Lovely pleated card. I have that take away tool Val has bought, it is good. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I must start with a big thank you to Maria for arranging our meet up yesterday. It is always wonderful to get to sit and catch up. I'm glad to see that Maria, Brenda and Karen had good journeys home, as we did too. I must admit that once I got home I had a quick bite to eat, opened up the laptop to finish commenting................ and then feel asleep sat up on the sofa, not waking up until 4.45am! Thank you all for the kind words about my box card, they are a lot easier to make than you think and it makes a nice change to make one instead of a normal card.
    Sandra, I just want to say thank you once again for that you do, bringing so many lovely friends together on this fantastic blog, all of your gorgeous cards, tutorials, videos and most importantly your very very special friendship, thank you my lovely x I think having a Buyers Guide would be so helpful. How often do we see something and wonder what it's like, some time taking a chance and buying it but more often leaving it on the shelf? Being able to see reviews from trusted friends will be great.
    Pat, it was sad not having you with us yesterday, I hope you had a good day though x
    I am planning on having a crafty day, you never know Sandra, I might even get my cc finished!!!!!
    I hope you all have a good day. sending love and hugs with extras for Lynda, Pat and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      I'm so glad you all had a great time yesterday. Hope you manage to do some crafting.

  7. Doh, forgot to say that Geraldines card is beautiful, that lovely lace finishes it off perfectly.
    Michele, I love the kraft card pads look great, I will have to have a look for them as I think they would be very useful, and to be honest I just love anything kraft card : ) x
    Val, you have some great dies that are going to be regular "go to...." dies, Please can you tell us about the Roll Aways, like Sandra I have never seen them before. I am guessing you use it to take the bits out of dies, but I could be wrong! : ) x
    Sandra, I'm glad that you have finally got those lovely delicate dies. I can see why you wanted them, and hope you have a lovely time today playing with them : ) xx

    1. Hi Sue. Only used the Roll Away once but rather disappointed with it. Wendy above says how good it is so perhaps I'm doing something wrong. I'm see ing her at Craft Club today so we'll have a conflab and I'll report back.
      Glad you enjoyed yesterday. I'm pretty jealous.

  8. Good morning Sandra and all.

    Just love the photo of all your happy smiling faces. So wish I could have joined
    you all for a laugh and a chat. One of these days eh.
    Good idea to review equipment. It will be good to get honest feedback rather than the tele presenter telling us how good the item is.

    Just love Geraldines pleated card. Its such a pretty technique. I'll send mine off to you Sandra.

    Very pretty paper Michele. I was never a fan of craft paper but it's growing on me.

    I have this lovely die set Sandra and its really pretty and useful.

    Craft Club day today yeh. Then the cnema tonight. Going to see Suicide Squad. Ithink its about people with Super powers. I only go for the popcorn ha ha.

    Have a lovely Friday everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Some lovely new purchases on the blog today. Val , the Lattice frame is nice . Have fun making some Gorgeous cards with your new buys. Sandra , you told us about the new dies and they are looking real nice. Have fun making some curved cards :-) Geraldine's card is Beautiful, another take on the pleated card. Buying guide would be a real good idea. Many times you looking on-line or on the craft channels for a new tool but you don't really know how they work so if any of us got it, a review would be good. My voice are a little coarser then normal this morning but otherwise alright tihi. Thank you to you ladies and Paul who managed to take you over to Watford even if some delays because of heavy traffic and trains not going, we had a good time.
    Pets to feed and then shopping, some house work must be done and then I must think of the CC.
    Love and hugs to you all, some extra hugs to you who need one. Have a nice day , Maria xxxx

    1. Maria thank you so much for yesterday hope you don't feel too tired. I can just imagine the man's face when you asked for a single to Watford! We all have these moments. Take care xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely photo of you all. Sounds like you had a great day together :-)
    Beautiful card by Geraldine, thanks for sharing :-)
    Lots of fabulous craft buys - enjoy playing with them!
    A buyers guide sounds a great idea for the blog Sandra.
    Hope all well and have a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  11. Hi Ladies. Just wanted to let you know, if you didn't already, that The Works have an online sale on which finishes on Sunday. There are some paper pads that are real bargains, several 12" x 12" from £4! Free delivery over £20, £2.99 otherwise or free click and collect from your local store. Happy shopping : ) x

  12. Hello All, sunny here today.

    Wow what a fabulous bunch of ladies, you obviously had a great time together, maybe I'll make it to a meet up hopefully.

    Geraldine your card is lovely, still to try this technique.

    Your buys look lovely, sorry Sandra forgot to send in mine, Brushos arrived yesterday,but have not had chance to use them yet.

    Going to have a quick look on the Works sale, but I must not buy anything more, so I'll just window shop.

    Just finished my work for hubby to deliver this afternoon, have a good day ladies
    I'll pop in later to see what everyone is up to, Hugs Lilian

  13. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely picture of you all. Sounds like you all had a lovely time. Great that Paul was able to drive you all from this area. I look forward to meeting everyone again at Ally Pally.
    Love the pleated card that Geraldine has made.
    Love all the buys as well from this week. I'm not to sure if I gave the one that you bought Sandra
    Well I'm still waiting for my goodies that I ordered from Clarity. I wrote the order number down, took a screen shot but that didn't have the order number on. Pete probably threw the piece of paper away I wrote it on.I've emailed but they'll have to look for my order without it.
    Feeling much better today after nearly falling downstairs on Wed. Good job Pete was on hand to catch me. I'm trying to graduate to obey stick indoors if I can.

    1. Hello Pat,
      Please take it carefully, don't want you making things worse than they already. Sandra and Sue said you were slowly on the mend, just take it a day at a time, I'm sure you'll get there. We did miss you yesterday. Hopefully by Ally Pally you will be mobile and we. can enjoy your company once again.
      Your Clarity order - have you tried ringing them, some time back I had a problem with my order, the guy on the telephone sorted it in no time, and it arrived the next day, result ! LOL xx

    2. Thanks for that Brenda. If I don't hear on Monday I'll give them a ring. Hopefully Janine who emailed me will find my order by my name. Just hadn't realised the screenshot of my order didn't have the order number. I buy enough from them so they should have my details.

  14. Hello Sandra and all the ladies in the coffee shop,

    First must say a big big thank you to Maria for organising yesterday's meet up. And a thank you to the staff at the Holiday Inn Watford who made us feel so very welcome. It was a fantastic day (Not counting the journey there, another story) it was so comfortable just sitting and talking, as Sandra said it was like a group of old friends meeting up, almost as if we'd known each other for ever. Very comfortable, very relaxed in a lovely atmosphere. Thank you, thank you Maria, a brilliant choice of venue .

    Geraldine, I love your pleated card. That's another thing really lovely about this blog, you can see somebody else's take on the design, It is just so inspiring.

    Michele, enjoy using your Kraft paper, can't wait to see what fantastic ideas you come up with. XX

    Val, but a lovely lot of new goodies you've got. I have this lattice die, have only used the centre once, the outside pieces I have used them a lot and are brilliant for making frames. I think you get a lot of use out of this one.

    Sandra so pleased your die has arrived at last. I know you've been stalking the postman every day. He can relax and not have to run away from your house every day. Ha Ha.

    Have enjoyed sitting here with you all, the coffee was lovely.

    Enjoy your day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda it was lovely to see you yesterday, the time just flew by, pleased you had a better journey home. Look forward to Ally Pally. Take care xxx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad you had a lovely day yesterday, but it sounds like your journey wasn't to good. Sounds like the holiday inn in Watford did you proud. If I could have sat that long in the car I would have been able to sit comfortably.

  15. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for yesterday hope you are not too tired. All the goodies are lovely I had an order arrive yesterday will send photo later. xxx
    Geraldine you card is lovely hoping to have a go later.
    Lovely sun today washing on the line.
    Lynda hope your appointment goes well
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  16. Good morning ladies,

    A beautiful photo of our lovely ladies meeting up. A shame I couldn't make it this time due to family visiting but am pleased to hear October is on the cards. I have a family wedding in Lichfield on the 22nd so may be able to pop in if it is around that time.
    No walk on Monday due to Hospital apt for my last CT scan following my kidney cancer in 2011, if all ok then only have to have ultra sounds on my right kidney. Creatinine levels were lower than normal so have some muscle building exercises to do.
    My sister Bev and her fiancé Pete came from Walsall on Monday lunchtime and we have spent some lovely bonding time together. Tuesday shopping in Taunton where I bought the most loveliest lace curtains and a gold silk tablecloth all in charity shops so only spent a fraction instead of breaking the bank. They have all been washed ready to be cut up and re-used on my altered art projects.
    Wednesday was Beverly's birthday so I took them both on a day trip with my REA club to Sidmouth Folk Festival. It was very crowded on the promenade with all the stalls out and local musicians playing, so we took a detour into the shopping area and found some more charity shops where I purchased some crocheted antimacassars, old buckles, and over 2 metres by 1 meter of rich purple silk, a bag of mixed beads and buttons and a bag of mixed jewellery which will also be washed, pressed and re-used. I also found a lovely decoupaged purple flowered jewellery box for my great niece who is 10 next week. The most exciting buy was lovely little hand made wooden stool with a carved sheep seat. Just right for Milly-May's little legs. I had already bought her a smaller stool at the Heart Foundation shop with a carved and painted ladybird as the seat. Giorgina will be taking this one for Milly's bedroom at her house. Photos being sent later to Sandra.
    Yesterday was a visit to the Range and Matalan. I think by now, you can guess what my sister's pastime is? Pete is exactly the same, they both love browsing in the charity shops for bargains.
    They left this morning so they don't catch all the holiday grockles (local phrase for tourists) going home tomorrow clogging up the M5.
    I am collecting my good friend Brian from Gloucester next Friday to spend some quality time together since both our partners gained their angel wings.
    Today, after all the washing is out I will settle down to make the last month's challenge cards.

    Love and hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like you've had a lovely time visiting different places with your relatives. Don't you just love Sidmouth. We always visit when down that way. I love all the quaint shops and didn't you do well treasure hunting in the charity shops. Hope you and Brian have a lovely time together.

    2. Me again Cheryl
      I'm glad your last CT scan went ok.

  17. Hello ladies, Maria invited me round from Sue's blog.
    Hope to get to know you over the coming weeks.
    Take care

    1. You are very welcome Lorraine, I am so pleased that you took Maria up on her invitation, you will not meet a lovelier bunch of ladies.
      I look forward to sharing your cards and craft projects with everyone too, please join in with our weekly challenges, they are a good mojo booster!
      Have a lovely weekend,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Margaret Palmer5 August 2016 at 19:25

      Hi Lorraine,
      Welcome to the best cafe ever, all the cakes are calorie free! We might be mad a times but everyone is very

    3. Welcome Lorraine,lovely to see you, hope to see you in the morning for coffee

  18. Phew Just managed to get to the bottom Hello to LORRAINE I hope you are able to stay for a while
    We had a great day yesterday and today I had a cuddle with Oscar!

  19. Hi Sandra
    Well I'm not to sure where my second comment of the day went to. But it's certainly not here.
    Welcome to Lorraine, please help yourself anytime to cake and coffee and tea they're all calorie free.
    Mind you, you did miss Dobbie who Janet sends over from France while she's there, plus Janet's French cakes that sometimes come over with him.

  20. Hello Sandra & friends
    Wonderfull photo of all you ladies who met up yesterday,you all looked so happy.Terry said when I showed him the picture tonight he said if I hadn't had a hospital appointment he would have taken me .Watford apparently is about 2 1/2 hours from us never mind if you meet there again maybe I can come too.
    Sorry I'm so late. My brother & SIL are coming down tomorrow as it's Folk Week in Broadstairs it's quite a good week all the pubs have bands playing .
    & in the streets. Love all the craft buys I will have to send you mine for next week waiting for order from Set Craft I ordered on Wednesday so might come tomorrow. Have been doing extra cleaning as SIL has cleaning OCD her eyes are everywhere HAHA. I have also made her Birthday card not till the 11th but she can take it home with her. I have taken a picture so I will send to Sandra. It took me ages. I haven't made CC yet but I will try tomorrow when they have gone home. I went to Diabetic clinic this afternoon & she has started me on a tablet as the Rheumatoid tablets have raised my sugar levels. She did say they might.
    Hi Lorraine welcome I always read your posts on Sue's blog nice to see you here too. Geraldine your card is Gorgeous will defently give it a try.
    Well must say good night Love Lynda xxx
