
Thursday 4 August 2016

A beautiful Butterfly Birthday Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I was sent this card last week as part of the Butterfly 'mini' challenge, it was our Sue that designed and created this absolutely stunning Butterfly pop-up card for her lovely Mum (our lovely Margaret)!
As Sue sent me about 8 butterfly cards, I thought I would save some to share with you over the next couple of weeks, plus my hands were aching after writing comments for so many beautiful cards on that day, (I was blown away by your response) thank you xxx

You could use this quick guide below  to create the actual 'pop up' box card, you can decorate as you please, but I love Sue's version, it is so bright and beautiful, the flowers look like real peonies popping out of that box, such a realistic colour and they look so delicate. The two pretty butterflies, (Spellbinders Papillon Dies) create the perfect finishing touch.
Sue, I absolutely love this card that you made for your Mum, I am sure she loved it too.

Now I could do you a tutorial video for this card (or one like it) if you like, let me know below.
While we are on that subject I would just like to thank each and every one of you that went over to watch and comment on my You Tube video yesterday, I was overwhelmed with the beautiful comments left by so many ladies.  I know it was a little rough around the edges, Sophie and Lucy wanted to 'edit' me, but I just wanted to get it on!  
I hope it helped some of you just a little, it is easier to watch something than read instructions sometimes, there is always a 'tricky' bit when it comes to instructions. Hopefully it will be the first of many.

Now onto today's excitement, I can't wait to meet up with Maria, Karen, Brenda, Sue and Margaret today, I wish that I could meet more of you, I am still determined to organise this for later this year, for those of you that are interested.

Sending Love and Hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-what a beautiful card you made, it's gorgeous. I just love making this style card, they look so impressive when they're opened up & the advantage is that you can post them.

    Yesterday was so busy at work then just as I was about to leave the planning officer delivered yet more plans, two sheets of flooring samples & paint charts for us to choose the finishes. I explained my boss was on holiday & we'd look at them on Monday . I then dashed off to the Post Office (to send my EBay sales off) then called at my friends (crazy, cluttered house) for the bag if donated stash (mostly stickers & some nice papers) then got stuck in traffic (temporary traffic lights) . Called at Co-op for milk then finally got home! I was exhausted last night (think my hot flushes aren't helping) so I went up to bed at 10pm!! Hopefully today will be less crazy but then I do the Tesco shopping on Thursdays after work!


    1. Hi Michele,
      Hope you've got a quiet weekend ahead. You sound as though you could do with a rest.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Michele. Thank you for your kind comment. I hope you manage to have a better day today. Even with the Tesco shop after work it must turn out to be less busy than yesterday. I'm not surprised you were exhausted! You can never have too many papers can you so glad you got some in the donated bag : ) Wishing you a nice steady day x

    3. Hi Michele
      My word you were busy yesterday. Hopefully today won't be so stressful. Hope the temporary traffic lights aren't there to long.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    oh Sue, what a beautiful pop up card. Just love the flower arrangement. These pop ups look so spectacular. I bet mum was really happy with it.

    Sandra and ladies. Have a wonderful meet up today.I'm sue ther'll be plenty of chatting and laughing.

    Off to the shops in a moment. Only food shopping, mainly cat and dog food actully. My cats especially are so fussy and will only eat one type of food, the most expensive of course and I can only get it from one shop. Still its good to see them happy.

    Pat. I hope the sun arrived with you. I blew and blew yesterday so hope it managed to get over the Channel and got to you.

    Lynda, do hope Bambi is getting back to normal, eating and playing again.

    Enjoy your day ladies especially those travelling to Watford. Have a safe journey.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Thank you for your kind words. Isn't it daft how we pamper our pets. If the children wouldn't eat something they didn't get anything else, nor did any of us, did we, yet we try and tempt our pets with all sorts until they decide to eat! How daft are we? I bet every single one of us in the Cafe that has ever had a dog, cat etc. has fussed over it's food at least once, come on, own up ladies : )
      Sorry that it's so quite around you at the moment, but as you say at least you can craft more. Please could we see some of your many cards that go to the shop? Have a good day x

    2. Hi Val
      Thanks for blowing the sun over Val, it certainly brighter here today. Still a bit windy but at least we have some sun.

  3. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, actually sunny here today.

    Sue beautiful card,love butterflies and blue, a real wow card.

    Off to friends today crafting ,well maybe more chatting than crafting.

    Hope the meet up will be wonderful, I'm really sad not to be with you, but a bit to far to travel in one day.

    Hugs to all, must dash, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I see Vals sun has reached you as well. Have a lovely day chatting and crafting with your friend.

  4. Morning Everyone
    We have a very blustery start to the day here but we also have sunshine so that's a bonus.

    SUE- your box card is just stunning (and I don't use that word often). It's beautiful and I can just see it going into your Mum's memory box. I love the colours you have used and the flowers are so realistic. Truly beautiful thank you so much for sending it in to Sandra.

    Have a really good day all you ladies meeting today. I hope the coffee shop has lots of coffee/tea as I think their going to need copious quantities to ease your throats for all that talk/laughing that will be going on. Enjoy your day. Hugs to you all. Travel safely.

    I still haven't started or even looked at this week's CC as I'm still trying to catch up on things which were waiting for me when I got back on Monday.
    I will try and do something today.

    All's ready in the Café for the day. We have clean linen all round and so anyone can pop in and see what's happening.
    Hugs on their way for all. xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra that video was perfect did not need tidying up, well done. See you in a
    Sue your card as you know I thought is beautiful, I am so lucky to have it, it sits in my bedroom on top of chest of drawers.x xx
    Looking forward to seeing Maria, Brenda & meeting Karen, safe journeys see you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Sue what a beautiful card I'm sure Margaret really loves it.

    Ready to leave for 9.26 hopefully from our local station, and yippee will be seeing you all later. Sending is special love and hugs to those who can't be joining us. You will be in our thoughts I promise you. LOL

    We look in later to see what everybody's been up to.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Sue, your card is absolutely stunning. Love it! The flowers and butterflies are beautiful and I love the colours. Such a delight for you Margaret to receive this wonderful card :-)
    Sandra, another tutorial would be great for this card. Although I've made a couple myself it would be great to see it in action by you :-)
    I can feel the excitement from you all meeting up today. Have a wonderful day together. I only wish I could be there with you! Enjoy :-))
    Hope everyone else has a good day too. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Good morning everyone.
    Beautiful box card Sue, the flowers look so real. Margaret will treasure it for a long time.
    I wish you all a nice day and it turns out like you want it too. All pets are fed and watered so in the car I go. See you hopefully tonight,love and hugs to all Maria xxx

  9. Hullo Sandra
    Well Sue what can I say I love your box, and yes please to the video Sandra. I bet your mum was over the moon to receive it Sue.
    Well I do hope you ladies have a lovely meet up to day. Wish I was there. Hugs coming your way today.

  10. Had a lovely day Thank you ladies Sorry I had to leave a little bit before you all Just got home
    Love your card Sue Here's to the next time xxx

  11. Hello Sandra & Friends
    Sue I love your card in a box i can imagine your mums face when she opened that, beautiful colours flowers & of course Butterfly's.
    Well ladies I hope all of you who met up today had a wonderful time. Hope you took lots of photos.
    I went to my Diabetics clinic this afternoon only to be told by the receptionist your appointment it's not today it's tomorrow HaHa another senior moment.
    So did Tesco this morning & took Bambi up the park later she doesn't go far away from us & thanks Val for asking after her we are just giving her lots of cuddles & pampering talking of food for our pets she had roast beef today & Chicken yesterday so is that spoiling her.
    Just going to dish up dinner will pop in later for catch up
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Senior moments, oh yes. Asking for a ticket to Watford for going home when I meant Bletchley hihi he did look at me a bit strangely. You spoil Bambie as much as you can, hope she is ok. lots of cuddles xxx

  12. Hi Lynda
    Certainly like Bambi us being spoil. I've gone the wrong day to the dentist. Not a place I wanted to go twice two. Hugs to both you and Terry and of course Bambi.

  13. Margaret Palmer4 August 2016 at 21:19

    Hi All,
    Just got in had a lovely day apart from roadworks at Oxford this morning. Thank you Paul for putting up with us. Hope Brenda you had a better journey home. Thanks to Maria for

  14. Hello everyone.
    Hope you all had a good day.
    Spent a lovely 7 hours with some of our friends and hope that next time more of you will be able to join us. The bum is not sore so the seats were good :-) and the food was ok so the hotel is a good possibility for another time I think. I hope you got home alright Brenda and didn't have the same horrid journey back. Thank you Paul for taking two of the graces and mamma, it was great seeing you all again and next time we sees ,Pat you are back with us too. Having a mug of hot tea, taken a few painkillers so feeling pretty good. Going to watch a film before bed but I wish you all a good night and happy dreams, hugs Xxxx

  15. Hello Ladies,
    Got home about 8pm John was waiting for me at Norbury (our local station) The journey home was reasonably easy, although very crowded, at Clapham Junction, British Rail (could be Southern Rail) have employees in high vis jackets with CROWD CONTROL written on the back. To keep everyone in order!!!!
    My journey there went well until I got to Willden Junction, my third and last train change. There was a power failure further along the line. Well everyone was told to find alternative ways to get to there destination. Nightmare! I did manage to arrive about 11.45. (I won't bore you with the details of how) and was so pleased to see Maria and Karen sitting in the foyer. Meanwhile Sandra and Co. Had got stuck in traffic in Oxford. I can't express how good it was to see them walk through the Hotel Entrance. We all chatted away, not realising how the time was flying by.
    I've had a great day, but am ready for my bed. Don't think I will need Mr Sandman tonight.

    Sweet dreams everyone. xxx
