
Wednesday 3 August 2016

Pleated Card Tutorial

Good Morning Ladies,

Well here it is at last, the tutorial for the card above, basically it shows you how to create the 'pleated' section at the bottom of the card.
I will include all of the measurements that you need here on the blog too, so that you can make a note of them.  If you need any help with anything just leave me
a comment below.

You will need to start with a piece of double sided paper, cut to 3 inch X 11 inch

You wil then need to make a series of score lines across your paper to create the 'pleats'..

Score lines

 Score along the paper

Now we have make a cut line at

Cut between 1.5 inch mark and 5 inch score line 
& from opposite end to 6 inch score line 

This is what you should end up with 

Now you have to the folding, it is easier to watch than it is to explain, but basically you are doing 'mountain' and 'valley' folds from each end in toward the centre, so that your final to folds meet together in the middle.

This is how it should end up 

I will now give you the link to my FIRST EVER YouTube video, showing you the basics of this fold, please excuse the "umming and arring" its because I was very nervous.
It also isn't a highly edited and polished video, its just me in my craft room trying to explain this tutorial.
I look forward to your feedback, hopefully it will be the first of many, as it is easier to show you how to do something than it is to explain it in text.

Click and it will take you directly to my YouTube channel, if you enjoy 
the video please give it a 'thumbs up' and also 'subscribe' so you will 
be able to see when I post a new video.

Thank you so much for your love and support ladies.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for the measurements & the YouTube video which I have just watched. You have explained the technique very well on it.

    Thanks for the lovely comments on my card yesterday everyone. Most of my cards in this style have been printed from a CD-ROM but this one was a digi-download. I'm really struggling for time (£ energy) at the moment which seems to have robbed me of my craft inspiration -not that there was much there...!! Ha ha

    Work was chaotic yesterday and today looks like it's going to be another busy one. I'm calling at my crazy, cluttered house friends tonight as she has a bag if craft stash someone has donated for me. It's from the same lady that donated quite a bit a few months ago-this shove interesting. I'll let you know what was in the bag.


    1. Last line should read "this should be interesting "!!!!


    2. Your job sounds so hectic Michele. It makes me tired just thinking of all you do.
      Hope there's lots of lovely goodies in the stash you get.
      Love Valxx

    3. Hi Michele. Having caught up with yesterdays post I must say that your Squirrel card is lovely and I agree with everyone else about your skillful matting and layering, how do you get them so perfect, I struggle every time. Do you have hints and tips? Sorry to hear work is hectic, I hope today isn't quiet as bad as yesterday. At least you will have a lovely bag of goodies to enjoy tonight : ) x

    4. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your having a hectic week at work. I wonder what goodies you'll have in your bag this time.

  2. Morning Sandra and all.
    This will take some thinking but thank you for making the tutorial, still trying to make a pop up tihi
    Sorry can't stay, dentist 8am yawn, why OH did it so early I don't understand. Have a good day all, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Good luck at the dentist Maria. Hope it's just a check up.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Maria. I hope you got on well at the dentist but an 8am appointment is very early, you poor thing! I suppose it gets it out of the way though. Have a good day taking it easy so you are well for tomorrows meet up. I'm so looking forward to seeing you : ) x

    3. Hi Maria, Hope the dentist was gentle with you (and with your wallet) I didn't think dentists started working that early.
      A few years ago John made an appointment for me with our GP it was 7:30 AM. The previous day I had returned with my sister from Ireland, She had driven the car in Ireland to the ferry, and I drove from Holyhead to London. Getting home around about 10 PM. Haveing driven through snow, rain and high winds as we came through Wales. So you can imagine how I felt about my early appointment. Needless to say my BP was very high, Dr made me go and rest in the treatment room before he would let me return home, which is a five minute walk along the road. So these days are you she asked for an appointment after 10 AM and I know I should be wide awake!
      Really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. LOL xx

    4. Hi Maria
      Hope everything went well at the dentist. I always thought they opened at 9.00.

    5. Hi Maria
      Hope dentist went well & all ok with teeth.
      Enjoy your meet up tomorrow see you at Ally Pally.
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- thank you so much for the tutorial and your YouTube video. I enjoyed the video very much and found it very easy to follow. In fact I'm thinking of making your card for my next turn at K&N. I think if I do all the cutting and scoring they should find it easy to fold etc. So watch this space lol.

    I had a good catch up at K&N yesterday and the card we had to make was a very easy one so that helped get me sat down and didn't have to concentrate too hard.
    These days it takes me a couple of days to get over the travel back so today I have to sort out my craft stuff etc.

    MARIA- good luck at the dentist.
    PAT- hope you're still progressing nicely.

    OK I'm off to make a start as everything is up and running in the Café and just waiting for you all to pop in. Hugs for all of you. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I am glad that you got home safe and sound after a good journey. I'm not surprised that it takes a couple of days to get over the journey, at least you can take your time unpacking your craft stuff today. Thank you for opening up. The Cafe looks wonderful as usual. Marigny Dobbie has earned his rest as he did a great job, as always. Have a good restful day x

    2. Hi Janet
      Thanks for setting everything up today. I do hope you manage to get settled back into a routine before you go into hospital. Going on ok thanks very much. My hip is all shades of black according to the treatment nurse.

    3. Hi Janet
      Hope you are well rested after your mammoth journey.
      When do you go in hospital for your opperation Janet?
      Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Many thanks for the great tutorial andd video Sandra. I spent a happy 10 minutes watching this morning whilst Gracie sat paciently waiting for her walk.
    Never having met you it was loving to hear what you sounded like. I'm going to have a go at the technique later.
    I made my first pop up card yesterday thanks to Micheles template and instructions. I'll send it to Sandr a later.
    I bet all you ladies that are meeting up tomorrow are so looking forward to it. I bet you never stop talking. Have a great time and looking forward to hearing about it
    Well crib has finished until September so its another afternoon of craft -it's a hard life eh!
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. I hope you share your pleated card with us as well as your pop up card, please. I bet you will get lots of cards made now that crib is finished too. Do you have any clubs etc during August, or does everything close? Have a good day x

    2. Hi Sue, sadly I live on a large unbanization that has no shops only 2 bars. We have no public transport and the nearest village is about an hours walk away. Sadly my eyesight is too bad to drive. So many people go back to UK in July and August to escpe the heat that its very empty here at the moment. Its a great opportunity to catch up on my card making though.
      Enjoy your day and have a great time tomorrow.
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Val
      Look forward to seeing what you make card wise.

    4. HI Val
      I hope it wasn't a big chore having to spend so much time in your craft room today HaHa. Look forward to seeing your cards.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Deffo having a go at this Sandra, thanks, xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I'm sat here typing away with proud tears in my eyes after watching your debut You Tube video. It is so clear and easy to follow. I wish lots of the other video makers would take some tips from you about how to make a decent video. I hope you are feeling very proud, you wouldn't have even considered doing something like this a couple of years ago, would you? Thank you for taking the plunge my lovely. I can't wait to see what your next tutorial will be.
    I love this beautiful card today, so delicate and pretty. I'm glad you are taking it easy, rest up as much as you can ready for tomorrow's meet up : )) x
    Lynda, sorry to hear Bambi is pining but at least she is starting to eat a little. I'm glad you have got the worst of your check up's out of the way now. Is there any chance of you and Terry being able to get to Watford tomorrow? I don't know how far away it is but if you can't make it at least Ally Pally is creeping up fast! Have a good day x
    We ended up going to the new Ikea at Reading yesterday, it's only been open for a couple of weeks so it was really busy until about 3pm. We are looking at what sort of units will be best for storing all of my craft stash. We didn't buy much, just a load of very sturdy cardboard boxes so I can start to sort out my stash and get an idea of just how many units will be needed! We also got a nice big clamp on lamp with a daylight bulb so that I can craft in much better light in the evenings.
    Only one sleep until some of us get to meet up : ))
    Pat, I'm glad that you are starting to feel better each day now, but sorry that you can't manage tomorrow's meet up : ( At least you should be able to enjoy Ally Pally in September, pain free for the first time in a couple of years, hopefully : ) x
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need.Take care xx

    1. Sounds like you had a good shop Sue.

    2. Hi Sue
      Bambi is getting lots of cuddles she sits on my lap as soon as I sit down she's up.but just looks so sad, she used to smile a proper cheesy smile. Have a lovely time tomorrow with all the other ladies
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all who come to the coffee shop today,

    Congratulations Sandra, your video tutorial is brilliant, very clear and easy to follow. You really should be giving yourself a pat on the back, well done LOL

    Have been checking out my travel details for getting to Watford tomorrow, part of the journey is on Southern Rail, we have been having lots of cancellations due to staffing issues et cetera. So have I have worked out Plan A and Plan B just in case. Anyway I will get there by hook or by crook!!!!

    Right I'm away to my craft room, I have two birthday cards needed for this weekend and a birthday and an anniversary card for next week. Maybe one could make my challenge card! Anyway ladies I will pop back to see what you have been up to. Hope whatever it is your enjoying yourself.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Oh Brenda
      I envy you all meeting up tomorrow as always you'll all have a fantastic time. Look forward to seeing you at Ally Pally.

    2. Hi Brenda
      Have a brilliant day tomorrow for your meet up. Hope you got all your cards made.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Have just watched your video :-) Well done, and thank you for a very informative and easy to follow tutorial. I will definitely be having a go :-))
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. Michele your card is fabulous :-)
    Hope all those meeting up tomorrow have a lovely day. Looking forward to hearing all about it, and maybe seeing some photos of you all.
    Sending hugs to everyone xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Well I've downloaded your video channel will watch it later today. How clever of you with the help of the girls to do that. Went to the Drs today to have my seuters taken, but there apparently not ready so I go back on Tuesday. Was shaking when we went down as one of my crutches must have slipped and I slip down a couple of steps. Pete managed to catch me so I was ok.
    I hope all you ladies have a lovely time tomorrow. Wish I could have gone but I can't sit in the car for that long, nor sit on a seat for to long either.

    1. Hi Pat sorry stiched weren't ready to come out .
      Oh you be carfull on your crutches good job Pete was there to catch you It could have been nasty.take care love Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a great video, so clear & easy to follow, well done you. Looking forward to tomorrow just waiting on Sue for times. Hope you are resting today take
    Maria hope the dentist was not too bad, at least going early you got it over with quickly. See you tomorrow hope you are taking it easy
    Lynda hope Bambi has perked up some more today, each day will get better. Shame we will not see you tomorrow, Sept will soon be here
    Brenda hope you have a trouble free journey, see you
    Pat please take care on your crutches we don't want any more problems, rest as much as you
    Must go got to take friend to have her hair cut.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Bambi still sad but we are giving her lots of cuddles.
      Have a brilliant day tomorrow Photos please.
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra and Friends, very hot and humid here today.

    Well Sandra what can I say, we have budding film star in our midst, thought the video was great, especially as it was your first.

    Hope you all have a lovely meet up tomorrow, I shall think of you all talking craft and putting the world to rights.

    Going to pack my craft stuff now as am going to see my friends at Hayle tomorrow, hopefully I can get through as some of the roads are being shut because the MAN ENGINE is going to Hayle tomorrow.

    Have a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

  12. Just made one Sandra, going to blog it on Monday. I cant find your email addy as I was going to send you a copy. xxx

    1. Hi wendy i made one today as well. it Friday. X

  13. I know I'm late Huge huge problems with Internet After nearly an hour on phone it's back Will watch video later What time are we meeting tomorrow ladies Will try ringing Maria later if I can't see anything on my emails

  14. Thank you very much for this post and your excellent Video. It will be having a go and I hope it comes out even half like yours. Thanks a lot.

  15. Hello my friends.
    Hope your day have been good and you saw some of the sunshine. Another person who shined today was our very own Sandra, well done doing the video tutorial. Can see some of you have already made a go :-) I'm more like the tortoise when getting things done in the card making area.
    Dentist went well but I wanted to run back home sitting in the surgery when we got there. here to the next six months. I can understand you was not very pleased Brenda, MEN ! :-)
    Started tidy up all my crafting things in the bedroom this afternoon and I can't see any difference at all. Want to put some in the garage for now but don't like to keep papers and such because they go funny after a while out there. need to make some improvement and space do before Ally Pally :-)
    I also had the bunnies ,cat and some plants to take care of. Sorry Lynda but don't do birds so you can take care of S--t leg yourself hahaha I can take care of the poos and sickies but hopefully that not happen to often. Luckily no one can hear me Sandra talking to the animals or I would be in a loony bin ages ago, might end up there anyway after tomorrow ,:-) only joking ladies ! I will hopefully be there at the hotel from 11-11.30 am onwards so you can come anytime. Hope sleep coming soon, I need my beauty one hihi Have a good night my friends Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Have a lovely time tomorrow meeting up with everyone pictures please.
      Look forward to Ally Pally meet up. Glad dentist went ok. Poor FREDDY he was looking forward to spending time with you HaHa.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Maria, my train should get into Watford Junction about 11am and I believe the hotel is about a 2min walk (maybe a little longer at my speed!!!!! )
      Really looking forward to meeting up with everyone.
      Good night, Sweet dreams. xxx

  16. Hello Sandra & friends
    Well I must congratulate you my lovely your video was very easy to follow.brillia I have given thumbs up 👍. Brilliant job you must be so proud how far you have come in the last couple of years.
    My Daughter & grandson have just gone home we had a lovely day.
    We went to Margate Joseph wanted to go to Dream land but sad scenic railway wasn't working.
    SANDRA & all the ladies who are meeting up tomorrow have a brilliant day together.take lots of pictures. Sorry I can't make it but will see you at Ally Pally.😘😍 I have another blood test & Diabetic clinic tomorrow 😂. I haven't read comments yet so will do that now
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  17. Just watched the video and gave it a huge thumbs up It's brilliant Live the tip on using red liner tape on the back
    I will be getting to Watford at about 11 Looking forward to seeing you

  18. My sister phoned so I'm still here, I will dream about dogs and puppies all night hihi
    Good luck tomorrow Lynda and YES we see you at Ally Pally.
    Pat, see you soon too. You take it easy so you be tip top for then, hugs.
    Lilian, have a nice time with your friend tomorrow. Hope the drive not to bad.
    Night ,night xxx
