
Tuesday 2 August 2016

Changed to advertised Viewing !!!

Good Morning Ladies,

I was hoping to have my first 'You Tube' Video to share with you today, unfortunately my two technicians (Sophie &Lucy) were having a few teething problems getting it running smoothly, so fingers crossed they can get it sorted today!  

Happily, this means we get to see a beautifully constructed card by our Michele, I could think of quite a few people to send this card too 😉!!
I love the muted colour theme of this card, beautiful shades of orange, green & brown, it looks autumnal in some ways.  Michele I have to comment on how beautifully neat your 'matting and layering' is, every single tiny border is perfectly neat and even and that takes great skill and lots of patience.  Should I ask who you have made this card for???
I think we all have a 'nutty' friend, I am lucky enough to have more than one!!! Hahaha 
I love your card Michele, thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx

We had a lovely day in Brixham on Sunday, it was so lovely visiting Paul's parents again.  I really did struggle with the stairs, the pain was just too much, I did it, just once on the Saturday and then back down on the Sunday, my knees are absolute agony, its so frustrating, I wanted it to work for Paul's benefit more than anything, I could see how much he enjoyed being there.  Don't get me wrong I loved the company and we had a wonderful afternoon on Sunday, we went into Brixham, walked around the Harbour and out along the Breakwater, its so lovely being bedside the sea, something quite invigorating about it, it was all over too soon and we were back in the car on the way home.  The journey took us about 3- 31/2 hours, which seemed like forever, when we got home all I could manage was to crawl into bed, after my sleepless night Saturday I was exhausted, the sea air finished my off I think!
So yesterday was a very quiet day, I tried to keep moving about slowly so that I didn't cease up totally, I have ice packs on hand to try and ease the pain in my knees and back.  It was all worth it though to see the smile on my wonderful husband's face.

Pat, I hope you are improving with each day, I will try and call you today xxx

Lynda, poor you, you have been prodded, poked and stretched more than anyone deserves, I can picture your face during your mammogram, if like me you were wondering when the woman was going to stop stretching and squishing your 'droopy bits' I thought my eyes were going to pop out, she must of managed a good foot in length, hahaha,!! 
Seriously though, I hope all tests come back fine and they get you up and running very soon, sending you hugs xxxx
Sue, you must go to doctors and get Somme help with your migraines, they are coming much too frequently to be bearable, sending hugs, hope you'll be OK for Thursday xxx

Sending Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad you enjoyed your visit to Brixham. Such a shame you're suffering now though.

    My card is made from a kit (Ella's Design)-there's two options on it , the second one I left without a sentiment. Not sure who to send this to-perhaps I'll save it for your birthday Sandra-he he!!


    1. Lovely card Michele You match colours beautifully and love the matting and layering

    2. MICHELE your card is lovely,so many matting & layerings & colours which makes a brilliant card. Xx

    3. Morning Michele,

      It would be the perfect description of me wouldn't it? You have your "crazy, cluttered friend", I could be your "Nutty, Cluttered friend" !!
      Lovely card Michele, as always xxx

    4. Hi Michele,
      Your card is brilliant, as the others have said perfect matting & layering. Thank you for sharing. Hope work not too

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Fabulous card Michele, hope that's ok if I use the sketch for my step-son's upcoming birthday ?
      Have a good day at work xx

    7. Just love your card Michele. The patterned paper goes so well with the cute image and like everyone says your matting and layering is perfect.
      Loove Valxx

    8. Great card Michele, do you use dies to do your mats and layers, very neatly done, wish I could be so tidy with mine. Hugs L

    9. Hello Michele, You matting and layering are perfect. Wish I could get it so perfect. xx

    10. Lovely card Michele. I see this was a kit not a CD as I originally thought.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well we're back all safe and sound and without any problems on either journey. Sunday up to Calais was a really good journey with respect to traffic and particularly as there aren't any French lorries on the road on Sunday's so you only have one or two Spanish ones. This makes such a difference and then yesterday Dunkirk was good. There is extra security on the port and every vehicle is stopped at Customs but we don't mind that safer the better. Dover was normal. Not a queue anywhere!! All running smoothly and we had good weather all the way up to Sheffield. A lot of traffic at the normal place like Dartford Tunnel and on the M25 and we were sat for 3/4hr waiting to get into Stansted Services on the M11 but otherwise no problems. So it's sorting out; Knit and Natter this afternoon and then trying to get my hairdresser to come sometime very soon to cut my hair. Otherwise you know all the normal

    MICHELE - I didn't have to read Sandra's notes to know that today's card is one of your beautiful creations. You really do have a 'Signature' and it's always gorgeous. How on earth do you manage to get your matting and layering so perfect? You really must have the most steady hands. I love 'Tufty' He's so cute and your papers all suit him to a T. Thank you for sending him to Sandra so we can all see him.

    LYNDA- I hope you're not feeling too sore this morning after yesterday.

    SANDRA- hoping you had a good night's sleep and your joints are slowly calming down. I know it will take a few days but steady as you go.

    PAT- hope it's a little further each day but please don't push everything too much.

    SUE- As Sandra says please visit your GP - your migraines are far too frequent.

    The Café is stocked for the next few days. I've put some biscuits in the tin on the counter and fresh ground coffee in the pot so all is ready for everyone to come on in and have a sit and chat.
    Hugs for everyone.

    1. Hi Janet, so glad your journey home was uneventful and you arrived safely. Enjoy your knit and knatter and good luuck trying to reach your hairdresser.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hello Janet, So pleased you are home safe and sound. Enjoy your Knit and Natter group. xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Sounds like you had a lovely return journey. I bet you were really pleased about that. I'm feeling much more myself today thank you very much.

  3. Glad your jouney went well and I totally echo all of your comments re all if the ladies mentioned

  4. Well after years of faithful service my laptop has bit the dust A lot of you will know that I rely on my laptop to do most of my card making in some form or other - even if it's just to print a sentiment So no more crafting goodies for a while I need to save pennies for a new laptop Off to get ready for work now

    1. Hi Karen,

      Sorry about your laptop hope you get another soon. See you

    2. RIP Laptop :-( Hope you can get one soon and not to many pennies down. xx

    3. Ah what a shame. Hope you manage to replace it soon.

    4. Oh Karen I am sorry to hear Lap top has gone to 'hi tech heaven'!!
      I know how much you relied on it for your Serif design programme, which was your 'go to' for background papers etc, you must be really frustrated!
      Trouble is they are so flaming expensive to replace and you need a degree in 'IT' to understand all the PC jargon, then whatever you buy is out dated within a month of you buying it!! I am looking for one too, I have been 'hijacking' the girls laptop to do my blog, but they keep moaning that I have used up all of their memory or space with photos etc, like you though Karen its not something we have that amount of money sat waiting to be spent!
      Let me know if you find a bargain please.
      You will have to make it a personal challenge to create a card without using the laptop, I know you can do it, have a go at the challenge card, just to see how you get on!
      Hugs on their way

    5. Hi Karen, sorry your pc gone bust, I had to get a new one last year, bought a new HP with Windows ten but I really don't like it , really much prefered my windows xp. Hope you find something that suits.

    6. Good Luck with your Laptop hunt. I would also be list without Minnesota.its great for sentiment.

    7. Hi Karen
      Sorry to hear your laptop has given up the ghost. Hope you manage to find a good replacement when pennies permit.

  5. Hi Janet
    welcome home. Pleased your journey was good without any long hold ups on the way home.
    They do squash the Droopy bits untill you feel like they are going to explode under the pressure Haha. Just pleased I have a couple of days off from hospitals. Have a good day at knit & natter.The cafe' looks lovely as usual thank you. Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I hope you have recovered from your couple of days of torture!! You are so right about the mammogram, when I went I remember thinking 'when are you going to stop!! My other worry was that they would stay long and flat like she had squashed them!! But gladly they didn't! Hahaha
      Enjoy your appointment free day my lovely, sending you hugs, and extra from Milo and Bella to Bambi xxx

  6. Hi Janet,
    Pleased you had a safe & trouble free journey home. Enjoy Knit & Natter. Cafe looks lovely as

  7. Hi SANDRA & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you enjoyed your visit to Brixham, & lovely for Paul to spend time with his family. Rest up well you have to be fit for Thursday, looking forward to seeing you, it's been too
    Lynda hope Bambi picks up soon, tempt her to eat with bits in your hand, it is heartbreaking to see them unhappy, we went through it 2 years ago with Star when we list her
    Pat hope you take it steady let Pete help as much as
    Must get on boule this morning sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Its been way too long since we last got to sit and chat, I am really looking forward to Thursday, it will be so lovely to do nothing but sit and chat, usually we are at Ally Pally and need to rush off shopping, but 2/3 + hours sitting and chatting to the loveliest bunch of friends sounds like heaven to me and I can't wait!!

    2. Hi Margaret
      Pete doesn't have much choice but to help as I'm still on two crutches at the moment and still can't get in and out of bed by myself.

  8. Good morning Janet,
    I a so pleased you are home safe and sound, I am sure "Yvette" breathed a sigh of relief when you pulled onto your driveway!! I don't envy you as far as the unpacking goes, does Jim do most of it? Paul brings it all in and I usually unpack the bags, clothing mostly all goes straight in washing machine, it never ceases to amaze me how mucky the clothes get, but where we camp is virtually on the beach so everything ends up with a fine coat of sand, the towels too, I take loads of towels, 1 each for pool, beach and shower, I end up taking about 25 towels, we do give them a wash while we are there, I don't know what is with campsite washing machines as they are useless, they just make your washing smell a bit fresher, no dirt removal seems to take place! So I have about 5/6 loads when we get home!
    Paul unpacks camping stuff, I don't really take any craft stash, mainly for reasons above, its quite breezy some days and there is always a film of dirt/sand on tables etc, so not really suitable for crafting!!
    I hope you get to relax a little at Knit and natter, catching up on gossip!! 😉
    We must have a catch up this week some time (if you have time), let me know when you have a spare 5 minutes (or hour) !! Haha xx
    Hugs coming your way,
    Sandra xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all.
    Love the card today and like the other say, your must have a very steady hand to get them so perfect layered.
    Sue , hope you are better today but please take it slowly.
    Janet, thanks . Everything looks lovely in the cafe. Hope some of the ones looking in have a minute to stop and have a chat. The biscuits looks real yummy so I will have one later with a cuppa but first I'm on pet duty, 2 bunny's, 2 guinea pigs and one cat. No watering of plants needed, the rain has come down all night and still spitting. Have to stay home otherwise because my son have gone and bought a lot of bits for building his own computer. He's got the brain. I'm just manage to get my laptop to do what I want like writing on blogs, writing e-mails, being on face book and pinterest and of course shopping ! tihi that's enough for me.
    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Sounds like you will be busy with all those pets to look after, do you have to clean them out too?? That is the worst part!
      We had the rain too lasdt night, I am surprised there is no floods today as it was torrential rain all night here, but as you said atleast we don't need to water the garden!
      Your son sounds very clever Maria, building your own PC is very difficult, with all of those little parts I wouldn't know where to start, maybe he could build one for Karen ?!! Hahaha
      The good thing is he can make exactly what he needs and for a lot less expensive than a ready built one.
      Have a lovely day talking to the animals Maria,

    2. Hi Maria
      Could you please look after S...t legs 🐥 for a couple of years please Hahahah xxxxxxxxx

    3. Hi Maria
      Good luck with pet duties. Pete usually has to look after 20 or more animals. Thanks not including the dogs as horses. Pete doesn't do dogs, hates clearing up after them.

  10. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,

    So pleased you had such a good time at Pauls mums Sandra. Take it easy over the next few days so you'll be fit and well for Thursday.

    Lynda. So sorry, poor little Bambi is pining. She must be so missing her little friend. Obviously shes getting lots of love and attention and hopefully she'll be baCk to her old self in a couple of Days.
    Hope the boobs aren't too sore today ouch.

    Seems strange not going to Tai Chi or bingo today. Still more time to craft.

    Have a good day everyone
    Love Valxxx

    1. Morning Val,
      I hope its a little cooler for you today!
      Do Tai Chi and bingo finish for summer?
      I suppose it gives you time to get ahead with your card stocks for the shop, maybe make a start on those 150 Christmas cards, you have the die set I used to make the challenge cards so you could make a few of those in different colour ways.
      Please send me some photos of what you get made xx

    2. Hi Val
      Bambi is coming round a little she has had some chicken for her dinner & eaten it up,so hopfully with time she will be ok. Thanks.
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hello All, still wet here, hope better where you are.

    So glad you managed to have a good weekend , despite painful joints.

    Working today, finding it hard after being away on hols, still delivery day Friday so must get on.

    Not had my brusho pigments yet , normally the craft ch. very quick, had some stamps and stamping card which I ordered the same time, hate it when they only send part
    We are doing the 5-2 diet, so today is a low day, also tomorrow., hubby doing well, but I seem to stay the same.
    Have a good day all, Lynda hope you're not too sore, they do seem to vary. Hugs Lilian

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Had a busy day, a friend rang this morning we chatted for ages,then I to go into Croydon to had to get my blood checked again, The readings are still a little bit crazy so will have to get it done again next week. Needed to look for birthday presents etc. When I got back home it was 2 o'clock and need to make some lunch, set down afterwards started to leave comments and fell asleep. So here we are thinking about starting dinner and feel as if I haven't achieved anything today. What a surprise!

    Michelle I love your card, it's so beautifully coordinated, which is something you achieve all the time. I really envy your gift, your Matt and layering is fantastic.

    Sue, hope you are still migraine free, and will be able to make Thursday.

    Lynda, I hope Bambi will settle down soon, it's so sad to see our animals pining. I'm sure she's getting lots of attention, but it's her four paw friend she's missing, as I'm sure you and Terry are too. Sending love and hugs and a special cuddle for Bambi.

    I ordered some SW dies from SET crafts at the weekend, they arrived today and I've got two dies and a sentiment die Included for free. I'm over the moon, what a great company.

    Looking forward to seeing you Sandra and everyone going to Watford on Thursday. It will be lovely to sit and chatter and not be distracted by all the shopping opportunities we have at Ally Pally!

    Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

  13. Hello Sandra & friends
    Not been up to much today weather very wet all day. Have been doing a card for my SIL making lots of flowers for it.
    Thank you Brenda I think Bambi will be ok in time she had some chicken today so that's good. We have been giving her lots of cuddles.
    SANDRA do you remember that image you put on my FB on my birthday that's what I looked like After Mammogram haha
    My Daughter & Grandson are coming down tomorrow so hope weather is better.
    Better go as battery is going to die on me I have commented on way down.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Well once again I'm unsure where today has gone to. I'm glad you had a lovely time with Pauls parents and that you enjoyed your afternoon in Brixham. Such a lovely place, which we haven't visited in a long time.
    Seems like a trip to Watford is on the cards for Thursday. What a shame I won't be able to make it this time. But next time yes please. I'll have to wait until Ally Pally.
    Michele, I just love your card today. The squirrel looks so real doesn't he. Is this one off of a CD. You seem to have some lovely images on them don't you.

  15. Hi Sandra
    Well I got down to Maria's comment and tried to reply but the internet wouldn't let me. Good luck looking after pets Maria. Karen has over 20 animals that Pete looks after. That's not including her horses and dogs. Pete won't do dogs as he hates clearing up after them
    Lynda I do hope your tests went ok, I can't remember if your last one was today or tomorrow.
