
Monday 1 August 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

This weeks Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

This weeks sketch idea happened the wrong way around this week, I designed the card a couple of weeks ago while I was playing the with Creative Expressions Festive Collection Poinsettia Corner, Border Tag set, that I got from SETcraft, I used the border die in the card that I was challenged to make by Ben and then decided to create something with the 'corner' square of the die set. 
You can see the result, quite a festive looking card, that will shimmer nicely on the mantelpiece!  The frame around the card is the Stitched Lattice Frame also from Creative Expressions, a great go to die, I love the lattice part by the Stitched Frame is a really good size for framing images on cards. 

As always with the Challenge you can use any shape you choose, it could be circles, hearts or stars, anything you please.  If you get stuck for ideas type 'card sketch 117' into Pinterest and there are some cards using the same basic idea, which may give you a little inspiration.

This is the die set I used and you can buy it here : 

I can totally recommend SETcraft, their prices are amazing and their customer service is second to none! 

I am hoping to upload the video clip tutorial for the Pleated card tomorrow, fingers crossed !! 

Have a good day ladies, I will pop in later,

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a great sketch. I'll really try to find the time to join I this weeks challenge.

    I hope you had a great time at your in laws & the journey wasn't too awful. Did Paul have to resort to the Firemans lift?

    I can't quite believe it's Monday morning already. This week looks like it's going to be a busy one, at least it makes the time pass quickly!


  2. Great card Great sketch Thinking cap is already on!
    I'm still playing catch up a bit and laptop will hopefully be fixed this week
    Week end was brilliant I should make more use if the fact I live so close to London
    Rolling Stones was amazing and I'm not really a Stones fan - the costumes part I thoroughly enjoyed and some of them I could have quite easily snuck into my bag and wear now! There was a 3d concert, album covers, posters, diaries, a mock up studio and their flat Lotsvof interesting information
    The show at Sadlers Wells was good Having been to Cuba I kept smiling at the little nuances they brought into it And the dancing was amazing
    Looking forward to our meet up later this week
    I have to say life is good at the moment xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Glad you had a great time & enjoyed the Rolling Stones.
      Have a good week & enjoy meeting some of cafe' Ladies.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sandra
      A lovely challenge card this week. Looked at yesterday's cards today and ladies what a stunning collection.
      Well, I still can't coordinate both my legs to get in and out of bed after my op. I can feel my left leg is getting stronger so perhaps in a few more days I can. Pete will be putting the flags out when I can as he has to swing my legs into bed, cover me up, then get me out again in the morning. I also mostly need to get out in the middle of the night as well.
      Sandra, I hope you had a lovely weekend at Pauls parents, and that you aren't in to much pain today.

    3. Hi Karen
      I'm glad you had a great time. Seems my comment when under yours for some reason as a reply.

  3. Morning Sandra and all
    Hope you've enjoyed a lovely time with your in laws Sandra. Have a safe journey home. Just love todays sketch and the lovely card you've made with the poinsetia die.
    The weather forecastors didnt get it right yesterday but it did get to 42 degrees in the afternoon. I spent mot of the day in mycraft room under the air con. I have a small fridge in there which I turn on in the summer so I could have lots of cold drinks.
    Lyndra, I hope today goes ok and yesterday went well.
    Pat hope you're managing to get around ok and feeling better every day.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Just got back from Mammogram & had blood test this morning another blood test 💉 in two weeks I feel like a pin cushion hehe.
      Hopfully all will be ok.
      Love Lynda xxx

    2. Hi Val
      Feeling a bit better today thank you very much. My left leg still doesn't operate with my right when getting in and out of bed, but hopefully that should improve. Raining her, but I'm glad you had it warm yesterday.

  4. Margaret Palmer1 August 2016 at 08:50

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you had a good weekend & are not suffering too much today The CC looks good will have a go
    Janet hope your crossing goes well & journey to Yorks. Cafe up & running ftesh tablecloths & flowers on table, date cake in cupboard for later.
    Lynda hope all goes well with tou today sending
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi MARGARET
      Thank you had the scan yesterday & blood test this morning then Mammogram this afternoon so just wait for results. I have another blood test in two weeks.
      Love Lynda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Brilliant sketch, and another stunning card, love it :-)
    Hope you had a lovely time in Brixham and good journey home.
    Lynda, hope today goes well x
    Pat, hope you're feeling better each day x
    Janet, hope you have a good crossing back home x
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      Thank you CT Scan yesterday went ok Blood test this morning & Mammogram this afternoon all done just have to wait now for results.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sonia
      I'm feeling better today thank you very much.

  6. Margaret Palmer1 August 2016 at 10:21

    Sorry meant to say Alan says thank you for all your good

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sandra, I hope you and Paul managed to stay at his parents. Did you manage the stairs? I do hope so. No doubt you will be having an easy day today after all of the travelling though my lovely. Sending hugs x
    I love this beautiful card and am so glad that everyone else gets to enjoy it too, after seeing it last week. It is gorgeous, the red glitter card is a "proper Christmas" red and with the white it makes my favourite Christmas colour combo x
    Cheryl, I'm so sorry that I didn't mention your wonderful table centre piece on Saturday. (didn't take any notes which is always a big mistake!) I would love to see this on the table at Christmas, you have given me some inspiration. Thank you for sharing it with us x
    Lynda, I hope your test goes well this afternoon. How is Bambi getting on, I'm sure she will be fine as I know you will both be giving her lots of extra love and cuddles x
    I din't manage to comment yesterday due to having another migraine. Oh the joys of being a woman at "that" time of life! I just love the bad heads and the hot flushes.....NOT! Sorry if that's too much information, have put the soapbox away again.
    At least I have Thursday to look forward to, spending time with some of you : ))
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. So sorry you've had another migraine. That time of life is no fun at all is it. Hopefully it will run its Course pretty soon and those nasty symptems will disappear.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Thank you Sue
      Yes three test out the way CT scan yesterday & blood test & mammogram today feel like I have been pulled through a hedge backwards.Just got to wait for results now.
      So sorry you had another Migraine yesterday they are horrible.
      Sending big Hug's love Lynda xx

    3. Hi assume
      Sorry to hear you have another migraine.
      Are you meeting up with Karen and Maria on Thursday. If so I'm bawling already as I'll miss the meet up Boo Hoo.

  8. Hello Sandra and all coffee shop friends,

    I hope Sandra you will be having a relaxing day today after all that travelling over the weekend. How did you manage with the stairs at Pauls parents house, Or did you get the promised fire mans lift ?

    Lynda, thinking of you, hope all goes well this afternoon. LOL xx
    Janet, hope the crossing was smooth.
    Sue, sorry to see you have had another migraine. Hope you will be well for Thursday.

    Hope you have a good day. Sending love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' .
    Oh Sandra , this is a wonderful card !The red glitter card is amazing, where did you buy that from ?
    The sketch look fine and the cogs are already spinning,if little slow at the moment.
    Hope your weekend was good and you managed to stay with Paul's parents. Have a rest today.
    Lynda, good luck for today. Hope you doing ok, hugs
    Sorry Sue to see you had another migraine, hope you feeling better by Thursday.Hope Margaret coming too, hugs
    Pat, hope you are starting to feel better and I wish you are pain free. Hope Pete looking after you ok.
    Janet, have a nice day travelling back home.
    oh Val, 42 is a bit too hot for me but my aching body would love it. Believe it, I'm sitting with my fleece on again today :-(
    Had a nice walk this morning, so many of the swans,coots and other birds were very busy with their young ones around the lake and the sun was shining. An hour later it was grey sky and a chilly wind. Our new carpet for the hall/stairs and landing was laid this morning, it looks so different after having a green coloured one for over 22 years and suddenly get a coral white one. Everything look so much lighter and bigger.
    Looking forward to Thursday, have checked the train times home so I want be stuck for the night Lol
    If anyone looking in here and are near Watford Thursday, don't be shy, come and say Hi. We would love to meet you.
    I hope you all have a good day, love and hugs Maria xxox

    1. Hi Maria,
      Yes I will be there, looking forward to seeing you again & meeting Karen. Your walk sounds lovely, it is good to see all the birds with their young.
      Love Margaret xxx

    2. Hi MARIA
      Thank you my friend yesterdays CTScan was ok & blood test was fine
      Mammogram well getting the Droopy bits clampet was bit of a Ouch moment hihi. I hope you all enjoy your meet up on Thursday.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Maria my lovely friend friend. I also am feeling the cold today. Pete can't understand why I'm freezing cold. Well, it does look like your all having a meet up later in the week. I'm crying already as I'll miss it.

  10. Oh Maria I feel so jealous of thoseof you meeting up on Thursday. I sure you will all have a great time. Don't forget the photos.
    Your walk around the lake sounds so lovely especially seeing so many birds and their young.
    I bet your coral white carpet looks beautiful. It certainly sounds a lovely shade.
    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  11. Hello Sandra and Friends, very very wet here today, good for the garden.

    Sandra your card is glorious, love the red glitter, the sketch looks good.

    Sue sorry to see you have another bad head, I used to suffer with migraines, but after I passed that terrible time, I very rarely get them now, you have my simpathy., and hugs to wish you well.

    Lynda hope you got on ok today, not sure of the time of your appointment.

    Maria your new carpet sounds lovely, so nice to have a new carpet, lovely and squidgy under foot.

    No cleaner today, she had a tummy bug , so didn't come I'm glad to say, so Have had to do my own this week, think Mr Dyson wondered what happened, I usually only use, my Bosch rechargeable.

    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Thank you yes all three appointment's all done now. Next one is blood test again in two weeks. Good to have a couple of days off from test
      Just have Diabetic appointment Thursday.
      Love Lynda xx

  12. Hello Sandra & friends
    Hope you enjoyed you visit with Paul's parents & you managed the stairs.
    Great Challenge card today. Your card is lovely I love the red glitter. I also love that die set. Well tests all out the way just got diabeties clinic on Thursday. So I have to just wait for results now.
    Had a visit from My Son Sam & HARRY yesterday after my scan so that was nice they stayed for dinner left at 9 30pm HARRY is speaking a lot now & i had cuddles & kisses I asked him if I could have one of his curls he said No they are Harry's curls.bless him.
    My poor little Bambi she is really missing Annie & Tickles she is just staying in her basket she looks so sad, we took her to my appointments today Terry stayed with her in the car. I just hope she picks up she dose't want to eat either
    Well must start dinner
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I'm glad your tests are out of the way now, well apart from the diabetes clinic on Thursday. I loved your expression about Jed Clampit re the mama gram. I did used to chuckle watching the Clamputs. I do hope Bambi perks up soon. Hugs to both you and Terry.

    2. Hi Pat
      Thanks Pat yes all done apart from Thursday's Dr appointment then free for two weeks then another blood test.
      Hope your feeling better hope your not as painful now Hope Pete is looking after you.
      Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra
    It looks like my comment attached itself under Karen's post. Not to sure why when I press publish for the second time sometimes it doesn't.

  14. Hiya, Pat- please don't cry :-) we are seeing eachother soon, not long to Ally Pally. Must re-write my shopping list but where to start.... sending you a bunch of cuddles in the mean time.
    Oh Lynda, I hope your droopy bits are not too bruised after the Jed Clampit hihi but not easy to reach the machine properly, had to stand on toe in one of the positions so she could take the pictures. It's not them you want is it Val ? hihi Little Bambi hopefully will be fine but can take a week or so. I asked my sister and the dog mummy is always a bit sad after her pups are sold but they get better after a little while. Lots of cuddles to her. Lilian, you are right , the new carpet feel quite squidgy under foot but what a lovely feeling tihi just realised do how tired looking all the other carpets are . That will be for another time in the future.
    Coffee and film time so I wish you all a good night and I see you tomorrow, xxxx

  15. Thanks MARIA enjoy your film & coffee. Good night my friend xx
