
Monday 15 August 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Sketch Card

The tag 

The Sketch
 Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I decided to go with a 'pocket/tag' card for this weeks Sketch challenge.
The usual rules apply, just make a card that fits the basic design idea of the sketch.  So all you have to do for this one is create a card that has a pocket.
It can be any size, the pocket can be placed anywhere on the card too!

It would be a fabulous way of giving Theatre Tickets, Gift cards, or even popping a couple of photos in as a memento of a special occasion.

It used the design to create a New Baby card for a friend of my daughters, the tag part of the card has all of the babies details on, making the card a lovely keepsake.  Another idea I had was for an Wedding/Anniversary card, you could have a photo of the couple on one tag and the wedding details on the other.

As always I can't wait to see what you all come up with, I am always blown away by your incredible design skills!

I hope you all have a lovely week,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & an interesting sketch. Not sure what I'm going to make for this one, think I need to check out Pinterest tonight!!

    I have a reasonably busy day ahead of me-I have someone's PDR to do at 9am, need to pop upto Theatre to check one drug cupboard first thing then I have a list of things to get through although my boss hates it when I'm not at her side to help her.

    We have sunshine predicted for the next few days which is good for all the exhibitors at the Flower Show, let's hope it's nice on Thursday. As its no fun walking round in the rain.


    1. Hope your day goes to plan Michelle and you are home in time to enjoy the good weather xo

    2. Hi Michele, Another busy day for you. Glad the weather is going to be good for the Flower Show. Hope it stays until your visit on Thursday.xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like another busy day for you. I hope your day goes as planned.

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    At last a beautiful sunny day for all of us!
    This is the grand children's last day of their holidays and Mandy is taking them all to the beach for the full day with a barbecue for lunch so a great way to finish!
    Tollie gets his injection at 1pm ( then I'll be able to take him out and about) so we will pop down to the beach in the afternoon, I've just made them a batch of gingernuts to take with them as that's their favourites.
    Pilates this morning , seems a shame to spend an hour inside, but I do enjoy the feeling afterwards ( and the coffee and shortbread lol! ) .
    This mornings card from Sandra is lovely and a great idea, so looking forward to joining in the cc this week.
    Hope you all enjoy a stunning day, with love and hugs xoxo

    1. Enjoy your Pilates and the shortbread roll ha ha Hope Tollie is ok getting his injection today. He'll be such a happy doggie being able to get out in the wide world. Hope the children have a wonderful time on the beach on their last day. Your house is going to be so quiet tomorrow. xx

    2. Hi Anne
      Hope the children enjoy their day on the beach. Tollie must be up and about now after her injections.

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a lovely start to the day here sunshine and no wind so fingers crossed for it to stay that way.

    SANDRA- love this week's Sketch and your card is just beautiful. What a good idea for a new arrival.

    MICHELE- have a good day and hope it doesn't get too busy.

    I had a good rummage in the Range yesterday and as usual goodies just seemed to drop into my basket. There were other people around me but their baskets were empty so I really don't know why my was picked on hehehe. Anyway I have a few items for this week's Shopping pics if I get them photographed in time.

    It's going to be a busy week for me. The washer is already churning away so that's the main task for today and then tomorrow it's K&N and then setting the house straight so I can leave everything where I want it to be next week.

    SANDRA- you should be well and truly settled in by now and so starting your three weeks of relaxation. Have a good time all of you and perhaps Lucy and Sophie can get you to go into the sea.

    CHERYL- have a good walk today. I'm looking forward to your report.

    The Café is Open for Business so come on in and sit a while. We do not bite and are very welcoming. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Looking forward to seeing what you bought at the Range. I know you're going to be busy organising everything before your hospital visit b ut try and enjoy some sunshine as well. xx

    2. Hi Janet
      Try to enjoy the sunshine while you can before you get called into hospital.

  4. Morning All
    Great sketch SANDRA and what a lovely idea for a mew baby/wedding etc I have dobe this with a gift tag before ie it the baby's details To do a tag card is even better My mind is whirring - still no laptop and no stamps do I will struggle
    Don't work too hard MICHELE I'm dreading going in after the few days off I just know there will be a mountain of emails to get through My mind's gone blank, so I'm just going to say have a good day x

  5. Hi everyone.
    Sandra, hope you've settled into your new three week home and had a good sleep and can start to have a great time. Bet poor Paul was shattered after all that driving . Love the card you've made to show off this weeks interesting CC Not done anything like this before so a real challenge.

    When I was out with Wendy yesterday we found a grat shop which sold everything from fridge magnets to fireplaces. We found some very large, I think A2 size, glitter card in the most beautiful colours. Brown, taupe as well as all the Christmas colours. However it wasn't rough glitter but completely flat and at 1€ a sheet a real bargain. We bought one of every colour. They also had the same size in mirror card for the same price so had to have some of those as well.

    Pretty tired yet again after watching a spectacular nights Olympics. So wonderful to get so many medals.

    It's a Red Dat over here today which is what we call a Bank Holiday. The fireworks and bangers started at 6am and will go on all day. My poor animals are freaking out already and all 3 cats are sitting wide eyed on the bed. They wont be venturing out far today. Gracie seems pretty laid back about it. She asleep on the settee after her morning walk. If there's a particularly loud bang her head and ears go up but she soon settles down again.

    Well must go and have a shower and start the ironing.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      That's what I'm after red glitter card. But as we no longer have any craft shops around us, I might have a job. I actually like to see the colours up close and personal so to speak. You can never tell from a photograph.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card & great idea for CC, my mind is buzzing, thank you for taking the time to sort out our Challenges before your holiday we do appreciate it. Hope the sun is shining you have all had a good sleep & now just relax &
    Look forward to seeing your goodies Janet, I popped in yesterday & bought a couple of things must take a photo, I was surprised they did not have any Christmas stuff out yet.
    Hope you all have a lovely day in the sunshine sending hugs to all who need them especially Lynda & Lorraine, good luck with blood test Lynda show them your toe while you are there!! Love

    1. Our branch of The Range were putting Christmas craft stock out last week. Resisted looking though!


    2. Hi Margaret
      Lucky you having the Range on your doorstep so to speak.

  7. What a beautiful card Sandra, think I can fit the pocket idea into a Christmas card which I am hoping to do on Thursday with my grandson.
    Could you let me know if you got my email please?
    What busy days you all have planned I hope they go well.
    I still feel rough so will have to take it easy yet again I have so much housework to catch up on and lots of crafting I want to do.
    I was very tempted by the lovely cardstock on Hochanda today as I am very much a magpie but holding off on the spending due to going to the show in Exeter next month. Will check it out on the CC website though :)
    Wishing you all good days xxx

    1. Hi Lorraine
      Don't worry to much about the housework if your still feeling unwell. It's to nice for housework.

    2. Hi Lorraine, what day are you going to West Point, I usually go to both of them , although I miss the early one this year as was not well, I go on my own, would be great to say hello.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Interesting challenge this week Sandra, LOVE your card it is really beautiful, what a brilliant idea for giving a voucher or any other appropriate gift. Thank you for inspiring me. Hope you have a nice position for your tent and everyone has settled into holiday mode. Also hope Paul has managed to have a good nights sleep after all that driving.

    Not a lot happening here today, have to take my sewing machine to be repaired, I think it's the timing. But will let the experts sort it out.

    Will pop in to see you all later, have a good day, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope they'll be able to fix your sewing machine.

    2. Hope it won't be too expensive to get your machine mended, usually do most things my self,but timing can be tricky.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Well I hope your all unpacked and lazing on the beach. Love this weeks challenge card, especially the one you made to show it off. Well went to the Drs today to have a check up. A chronic disease management check up no less. After I made the original appointment I arrived home to have a message asking me to ring the surgery. I rang to be told the hospital wanted my Sodium levels checked. No I couldn't have it done at the same time as my other appointment. So another one was made for me for Wed. I go down today to find I had no appointment today. It had been cancelled by the lady I spoke to as she'd made a double appointment for me on Wed. Nice to have been told. I hoping to find out what chronic disease I have.

    1. Oh my goodness Pat what awful organisation. I'm sure it could be called a less frightening name than Chronic Desease Management. Bet you can't wait until Wednesday to find out!!
      Take care Valxx

    2. Yes it was Val. I wonder if they've mixed me up with someone else, because apart from my Barrett's Osophagus and high blood pressure. My Barrett's is monitored every 2 years via a camera.

  10. That's very strange Pat, communication would have been good.
    I meant to say I use to visit a friend in Witney so do know it. I wonder if you know her.
    I am trying not to do housework but keep doing little bits and it hurts every time so really must stop.

  11. Hello All, bit late today as a visit to the dentist, to have my back tooth refilled, it's the one I broke before my hols, so the temporary filling had to come out plus the old filling, so that £190 , which is the most painful bit., also managed to scratch my lip with the drill !!!!

    Cheryl hope the tests went well, Pat sorry you had a wasted journey, and Lorraine hope you will soon be feeling

    Sandra great cc this week , your card is beautiful, we go away on Friday as its Amelia 3rd birthday, have managed to get her a Peppa Pig caravan, which is what she has been wishing for., so may not get one done this week.

    Sandra, hope you and the family are having a great time, and the weather is good.

    Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, hugs Lilian

    1. Crikey Lilian rather you then me then at the dentist. I had to put our checkups off as I'd just had my hip done.

  12. Hi Lorraine
    I probably don't know her but Pete might as he's lived in Witney all his life. He went to Hailey Rd school and Wood Green when it first opened.

  13. Hi Sandra and all.
    Hope you,Paul and the girls now are on place and can start your holiday properly.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and a great CC so hopefully will give it a start tomorrow.
    It has been a warm and sunny day so I hope you all had a nice day.
    Lilian- hope you are ok, ouch to both the drill and the bill. Sending you some gentle hugs.
    Pam- what are they doing to you. Be interesting to see what they find if anything.
    Has been not so good day but tomorrow is a new day and I believe it's going to be a nice and sunny one.
    Wish you all a good night. love and hugs Maria xxx

  14. That's very strange Pat, communication would have been good.
    I meant to say I use to visit a friend in Witney so do know it. I wonder if you know her.
    I am trying not to do housework but keep doing little bits and it hurts every time so really must stop.
